Hello Paul,
Thank you for your thorough and detailed commentary.
I looked completely your answer and did not find it the concepts of "structure", "form", "information", "state". Namely, these are the key concepts and provide an opportunity to answer the questions of the current contest FQXi:
«What IS information? What is its relation to "Reality"?
How does nature (the universe and the things therein) "store" and "process" information?
How does understanding information help us understand physics, and vice-versa?»
I set the task to find the answers to these questions and given his understanding of information, its nature and its "place" in the film world, has introduced new concepts, primarily the "Ontological memory."
Now for your questions.
1. Understand the nature of the information is possible only if we consider the world as a whole, ie see the task through the phenomena of nature and justify ontological structure of the world, ie construct a fundamental (essential) the structure of the Universe ("general framework structure"), and to understand why it works, where does the "force", "energy" generated by the new structure? The disintegration of the whole into parts ("objects") does not provide such an opportunity, and it showed the development of physics, which is forced to come to the inclusion of the concept of "information" as a key to the fundamental world view. Russian word "structure" (с-трое-ние) is semantically more specific and succinct. It essentially provides an answer to the fundamental structure of the world, "with-three." That is, based on the main principle of the world (Superprinсiple) - trinity absolute (unconditioned) forms of existence of matter. And I showed and proved in the previous essay FQXi 2012 http://www.fqxi.org/community/forum/topic/1362
The problem of understanding the nature of the information that the founding fathers threw absolute rest of matter as a fundamental mode of existence of matter from the picture of the world. Ontological Revolution Planck-Einstein remained unfinished.
2. "The universe is aware of itself" (Basil Nalimov) - a universe in which our consciousness with you is a necessary element and the purpose of its evolution.
3. Absolute (absolute) motion since the time of Aristotle - a circular motion. And we know for sure, of course.
4. Introducing the concept of "vector of consciousness" justified all historical development of philosophy. Intention (from Lat. Intentio), scholastic term philosophy, indicating the intention, purpose, direction of consciousness, thinking on the subject. Thomas Aquinas considered the intention of the concept, derived from the work of intelligence. According to Occam "intention" is universal as the result of an act of comprehension. The intention of the intellect is compared with the "intelligible form" (the idea), since it shows the mind to comprehend the object. I had no problem considering the concept of "consciousness" and "quantum mechanics". The concept of "vector consciousness" provides an opportunity to build graphically the fundamental structure of the world on the basis of Kant's ideas of concept- figure synthesis, whose origins in the "Platonic Solids".
5. The metaphor of "a dragon with three heads" I used to show that the phenomenon of time (including all three of his modus) has its roots in the category of "ontological memory" - a key category of the fundamental structure of the world ("reality") as a whole over the levels of its being. Modes of time display fundamental structure of the world - "vertical", that is, its hierarchy. The essence of modes time revealed good Augustine of Hippo, "Modes of time: past, present, future." http://www.chronos.msu.ru/quotations/systemquot5.html
Once again, thank you very much for your comment!
Best regards,