Dear Sir,
The purpose of this contest is to analyze reality with special focus on information. In our essay published on May, 31, we had just done that. We are not discussing relativity unless the context so demands. Generally, we do not use relativity, but point out the fallacies in others presentations with alternative explanations.
Singularity is a derivative of relativity (unless you are referring to Adwait, which is total unification, which again is different from absolute equality). Hence you are talking about relativity.
Atman refers to the "Attaa" - one who enjoys. Brahman refers to "Brimhan", which refers to that which expands and the greatest of all. Aanandam refers to "Swaatantrya" - absolute freedom. They are three distinct aspects not in equilibrium. They do not belong to the same class. Since you are referring to three distinct, but different aspects, you are not talking about Adwait either.
The Vedas also declare "Ko dadarsha prathamam jaayamaanam, asthanwantam yad anasthaa bibhartim" - which refers to the primordial transformation from "Anna-annaada" to "rayi-praana" to "sthitisiddha-bhaatisiddha" objects that constitute the present Universe. This aspect of the Vedas is necessary for this forum. Mixing up issues gives our ancient heritage a bad name. In case you want
to discuss philosophy, you are free to do so, but please do not call it physics. This is a forum for physics.