Resp Sridattadev,
Thank you for your post on my thread, I replied it there. For your information I am reproducing it here.....
Thank you very much for such fast reply. I hope I did not get you mad at me with my arguments. My ratings reduced suddenly! Here I am giving a reply point to point after your words quoted with - - - - -. I hope to have a live discussion with you.
- - - - - Information is also a form of energy. We as human sentient beings might be incapable of harnessing that energy and manifesting it into material reality at will, but that does not mean it cannot be done. - - - - -
Sorry I want to differ here. Information is not a form of energy. It was not yet proved, despite search done by many scientists for the last 40 years. Is that not waste of educated brain power?
- - - - - Nature does this seamlessly using the information coded in the DNA and converting energy from the sun in to matter through photosynthesis. - - - - -
You are exactly correct. But information is not converted into energy. The information coded is used for survival to convert radiation energy into matter or for changing water soluble chemicals into materials required for the plant. Again this is for its survival.
- - - - - That is why I put plants at a higher consciousness than the average human being, for being conscious of knowing how to convert energy (information) to matter. - - - - -
It is for its survival. Fittest will survive. Its conscious of knowing how to convert energy to matter for changing water soluble chemicals into materials required for the plant . . .
- - - - - GOD is Generator Organizer Destroyer of all that there is. - - - - -
GOD, is he / she different from Nature? What is consciousness? All these are different from each other? ?????????????
- - - - - Regarding the usage of the above is how the nature uses mathematics for its functioning. - - - - -
You are correct. Nature uses mathematics or some form of logic.
- - - - - I am attaching the iDNASeries.bmp that I have envisioned and how it shows the DNA structure in its sequence. - - - - -
Very nice! But the same logic is not applicable for the number of moons of planets in our solar system. There nature uses a different logic.
- - - - - Its also interesting to see the singularity is in the base seed of zero and how it is all pervasive all through out the DNA structure in the attached image. - - - - -
You have a nice mathematical structure there in the above bmp. Assuming it will explain the every aspect of DNA, and says some extra futures of DNA which are not found at all. Whom you will blame mathematics or DNA itself? You have to change mathematics to suite DNA is that not?
Here also singularity is mathematical problem. People searched for it for the last 80 years and still searching. Nothing found. Please don't get confused about using this term. . . .
- - - - - I have been telling that I is that nothing which dwells in everything and this DNA structure seems to prove that notion. - - - - -
Information is coded in DNA, it is like computer program runs in your computer. It is logic. When and what to do. It is for the survival of the plant or animal. Those species perished over centuries, which could not develop and transfer these survival techniques or this DNA / coding programs to next generations. Dinosaur is one example.
- - - - - Singularity is right with in the duality. Absolute is right with in the relativity. This proves that both of these states of singularity and duality are interconnected and are the source of life. - - - - -
This singularity ( or duality) is different from Relativistic singularity ( mathematical).
I am waiting for your reply.
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