Essay Abstract

The notion of "it from bit", as suggested by physicist John Archibald Wheeler, infers that information is fundamental to our physical universe. This effect trumps cause doctrine of different states giving rise to different effects is based on the paradigm of effectual causality, i.e., how observed or measured effects cause effects, not true cause and effect. We will explore how cause trumps effect by focusing on the mechanical functions of direct and indirect selection and then correlate their causal functions (bit) with their effectual states as states of spin (it). In so doing, we find that the two acts of selection have gravitational characteristics, as such, serve to unify the strong, weak, and electromagnetic forces as one super-deterministic force.

Author Bio

Manuel Morales' career as an artist led to conducting a 12 year selection-based experiment to validate or disprove the theory of destiny. The findings are now included in NASA Astrophysics Data System. This quest has led to reevaluating 'how' we know what we know and to the pre-physical study of nature.

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Mr. Morales,

I found your essay utterly engrossing. Your description of the coin in the cup determination analysis was very instructive. The graphics are truly spectacular, however, it is the clear explanation of the information contained in the graphics that really caught this reader's attention. As for the ending, the only word I can think of to describe its impact is the word lovely.

Thanks Joe for your review. I found it truly humbling.

I am glad that you found the graphics and content relevant. I began this paper two years ago around the time I did my APS presentation. I was not able to complete it until after I had created the graphics which then allowed me to put into words what I had come to understand.


This does seem to me to be a very interesting essay. While I do not have any math skills to speak of, my interest in physics is that I'm forced to encounter it on a moment by moment basis and the field seems to have little to say about what I experience. Your approach does seem to be fundamentally dynamic, where the convention is more of a static geometry. Which is all well and good, but only describes a limited fraction of reality. While my entry in this contest is a bit of a throwaway, it does give my view of the limits of information. A deeper factor in this would be the subject of my entry in the prior contest. That time is an effect of action which physics treats as parameter because we experience it as sequence, so it becomes a measure of duration, when the underlaying cause is change. To wit, it is not a fourth dimension from yesterday to tomorrow, but that tomorrow becomes

yesterday because the earth rotates. While I go into this in the essays, one correspondence with your approach is the inherent dynamism of cause/effect. To often it is assumed to be sequential, yet one event no more causes the next in the sequence than one rung in a ladder causes the next. Yesterday doesn't cause today. Cause and effect is, often non-linear, energy transfer. Light shining on a spinning planet causes the sequence called days.

I also think there is a basic explanation for gravity. We treat quanta of light as point particles, why why would they travel as such, having no internal structure? Wouldn't even quanta of light expand when released and contract when absorbed? Such that when light is released from mass, it expands. Think atomic explosion. So when absorbed into mass, it creates a vacuum. There is no observed dark matter, but there is lots of excess cosmic rays around galaxies and stars lack heavy metals on the perimeters of galaxies, but get progressively heavier as they form further in. So gravity is not so much a property of mass, as an effect of energy condensing into mass. The result is a cosmic convection cycle of collapsing mass and expanding radiation. With redshift being an effect of this intergalactic expansion of light being matched and balanced by the gravitational collapse of mass, so that the universe as a whole is not expanding.

This means space is both inert and infinite, since it has to properties to move, bend, bound, etc. This makes space both absolute and infinite. Mass is the attraction of the inert, while energy is the attraction of the infinite.

That non-linear transfer is better understood in thermodynamic terms, rather than temporal ones. Time is to temperature what frequency is to amplitude.

Could go on, but it's your thread. Good luck.

    John you are correct in that this super-deterministic thing we call energy "only describes a limited fraction of reality". The acts of selection are not about context. These fundamental events are about what gives rise to existence. The effects you speak of happens afterwords in what we perceive as reality.

    Thanks for your comments and the links to your essays. I look forward to reading them.


    I would describe it as the other way around, that information is only part of reality, much as mass is only part of what constitutes energy. To my view, mass is structured, as is information, but energy is the more objective aspect of reality. Consider taking a picture as analogy for the uncertainty principle. If we want clarity/position, we use a very fast shutter speed, but if we want action/momentum, we use a longer shutter speed, that catches more of the actual dynamic, yet creates a fuzzy image. Energy and information are like that. In order to record information, there has to be some connection between observer and observed. Now the Copenhagen interpretation is that only what is observed is real, yet presumably the observer is real, even if it doesn't observe anything, so why isn't what might otherwise be existent, but is not observed, be equally real? So if something is moving, it cannot be said to have exact spatial boundaries, as it wouldn't be in motion. Consider that if you were to completely freeze all action, reality as we know it, would disappear, as even the most elemental level of quantum action would have to freeze as well. So while we can have very real energy, we cannot know its exact parameters and that is not a problem with just quanta, but everything. You can no more separate a car from its action(and context) then you can with a quantum of light.

    All information is framing. There is no such thing as objective information, as it would quickly go to white noise and cancel out. Like with photography, there was to be focus, filtering, lens, shutter speed, aperture, etc. We can study detail, or we can generalize, but there is no middle perspective that can see both the top down big picture and all the constituent detail. It is a dichotomy. Both are ways of framing. There is no god's eye view. (A potential spiritual absolute would necessarily be the essence of being from which we rise, not an ideal from which we fell.)

    So what I see in your description is how we frame/filter/etc. the states/cups and how that creates the results. ?

    The fallacy of free will is that to decide is to determine(as you point out), so the very fact of expressing will is what it means to be deterministic. This doesn't mean fated, because the process is deterministic, but the cone of potential input is incomplete prior to the event. We set the cup, but the coin may not cooperate.

    I realize you seem to be saying things similar, but a few levels removed from this and so I'm just describing how I see the situation to see if it makes some sense to you.

    When you have information you have an effectual state. When you assume such states cause other effectual states you have effectual reality, i.e., effects causing effects. This can only give you a false/incomplete sense of reality for you did not come to terms with 'how' the information came to exist in the first place. In other words, effects cannot be the cause of themselves. I am afraid that you are putting the cart before the horse if you cannot answer 'how' such information you are basing your essay on is caused.

    The Final Selection Experiment I have presented in my essay puts this debate to rest unless of course you wish to argue with nature which would be ill advised. Nature does not care about opinions, yours or mine.

    Hi Manuel,

    Truly beautiful and well thought out. This forum should also be for criticism and comments, so here goes...

    RE: This asserts that existence is not caused but instead is a manifestation of various states of itself,

    COMMENT: Wouldn't you then say we can have a binary choice, e.g. 1 for existence and 0 for non-existence?, These being the most fundamental of choice. As Wheeler would say the two-bit answers that lie at the "very bottom", upon which other subsequent choices can be made, if the answer is 1.

    RE: John Archibald Wheeler, who coined the phrase 'it from bit', once asked, "How does something arise from nothing?"

    COMMENT: I agree, he also said, "what else is there out of which to build a particle except geometry itself?"

    RE: how those states of 'bit' came to exist in the first place. To avoid the paradox of effectual causality, only non-existence can give rise to existence for causality cannot exist as binary choice states prior to its own existence in order to be truly causal. This understanding frees us to explore the possibility of an 'immaterial source', as suggested by Wheeler, as a foundational explanation of our existence.

    COMMENT: By the time you read my essay, you will discover how truly beautiful and foundational your assertions here are.

    RE: Then your "coin-in-cup/coin-not-in-cup"

    COMMENT: If this is original to you, then a very worthy example of the dialectical way of arguing that established physics as a science before pure and abstract mathematics took over.

    RE: On the aspects involving the spin states of quantum theory and unification of forces.

    COMMENT: I reserve my comments here. These cannot be fully settled without deciding the nature of space (discrete or continuous and whichever, how?) and how motion and action-at-a-distance can be expressed in it.

    RE: Then your last paragraph...

    COMMENT: Again beautiful dialectic. But I will like to reword Final Selection Experiment to FIRST Selection Experiment. Before choosing to wake up or to sleep, before choosing to move or to stay still, before choosing to be alive or dead, you must first make a choice to exist (1) or not-to-exist(0)

    Expect a top rating from me based on the quality of facts and presentation.

    Best regards,


      I am please to announce that I have had the pleasure to personally congratulate Nobel Prize-winning physicist, Gerard 't Hooft, that his deterministic beliefs have been substantiated by my findings as presented here in my essay. See Link

      "Gerard you raised a very good point. In my casual analysis of selection events, gravity acts in place of the Higgs boson. This is why it is not necessary. The Higgs boson concept is based on effectual causality, not causality. A tiny flaw, yes, but fundamental nonetheless. For the most part the Standard Model stands up to the casual analysis presented in my findings based on absolute value functions. The findings also validates quantum mechanics as a deterministic system although a partial description of the complete function.

      As presented in my essay, I am pleased to confirm your belief that there should be a deterministic theory underlying quantum mechanics. Congratulations, you are correct!"

        Akinbo, thank you for your rating and well thought out response. It appears we are like minded in our understanding of what we call reality. I am very much looking forward to reading your essay. Thanks again.


        My argument is that information is only a description/framing of a physical state. Time, temperature, frequency, amplitude, integers, etc. are information. Obviously they are only descriptions of the underlaying energy.


        I am sorry to hear that you are not able to download my paper due to size issues. I do confess that it is somewhat larger than just a plan text document due to the four pages of graphics included in my essay.

        Perhaps if you allow for some additional download time you will be able to view it. This is only five pages of text plus references to translate. Meanwhile, I will take a look at your essay.


        "This asserts that existence is not caused but instead is a manifestation of various states of itself, therefore effect trumps cause. This paradigm gives us a paradoxical reality of effects causing effects which gives us a reality that is uncertain and subjective"

        By definition, being existent means it is "computable" (ie knowable), and existence results in the reception of information thereon, which enables that analysis. The issue is not the primacy of cause/effect, it is that QM asserts an idefiniteness in reality which does not occur. Indeed, you say this in your next sentence. QM is not asserting that effect does not follow cause, or is more 'important'. It is, in effect, asserting that existence, ie the effect, could occur in various states and that the process of sensing has a determinant role in the actual outcome. This is nonsense, because an effect occurs, it does not occur in a variety of states. And it occurs before it is sensed, so sensing/measurement can have no effect on the physical circumstance, which must have been definitive for it to have existed.

        However, in sequence what is an effect, from the perspective of the preceding cause (which was an effect) is a cause with respect to the succeeding effect. The tick being to differentiate the discrete states involved.


          Interesting twists to what I state as 'effects'. To put it clearly so that you may not confuse my meaning of the term, an 'effect' is something that exist. Your premise is based on something causing something, i.e., effectual causality. That to me is nonsense as you put it. Your logic would imply that you were never born. You never had parents for you were never caused (born). Sorry, but your logic fails me.


          Your interpretation of what I said fails me. An effect, ie something that exists, does not do so in 'splendid isolation'. It resulted from the preceding effect, ie in that sense that that effect was a cause. And the effect will be the cause of the succeeding effect. Otherwise, nothing will happen. There cannot be something which exists, and then something else, which presumably exists, which is, independently, causing existence.



          Please clarify you last sentence with an example. Also how do we obtain an initial causal event, that being an event that did not exist until it does?


          What caused any given event (ie reality-which is a specific physically existent state of whatever comprises it) must fulfil certain strict criteria, because physical influence cannot 'jump' physical circumstance. That is, in terms of order, any given existent state cannot be the cause of another unless it was the predecessor in the sequence. While in terms of spatial position, it could only have had physical influence if it was adjacent to the position now 'occupied' by the resulting effect, because alteration in spatial position is a difference (ie another reality). And as with any difference, this can only occur 'one degree' at a time. [What constitutes a 'degree' for any given physical attribute is irrelevant to this generic argument]. The point is that either something remains in one existent state, or there is a difference, and difference can only occur in discrete existent stages (a 'degree'). To put this simply, if the two spatial positions being considered are not adjacent to each other, then there were other spatial positions in between, and whatever physically existed must have been in each, sequentially, to be where it is now (the differentiation of spatial positions being a 'degree'). This simple principle applies to any physical attribute.

          Now, the other point revolves around what caused the alteration which results in one physically existent state being superseded by another (both of course do not co-exst). That cannot be something which is physically disconnected with what occurs. Neither can something have physical influence and not be physically existent. Indeed, it must be what occurs.

          In other words, the whole way in which we conceive reality is ontologically incorrect. There is a tendency to conceive in terms of objects, when in fact what physically exists at any time (the reality) is the physically existent state of whatever comprises it. And there is the concept of something else having an effect on the object, whereas this can only be whatever constitutes what is being wrongly being thought of as the object.

          That is, either there is ultimately an inert substance (which could occur in different types) which 'carries' the 'properties' which are the determinant of change, or the 'properties' are themselves the ultimate substance in our reality.

          The key to all this is the realisation that any given reality is the physically existent state of whatever comprises it. Then the rules as to how the sequence must occur, etc, are easy, in generic words! In practice, how this manifests is extremely complex and beyond our ability to differentiate in experimental mode. The degrees of alteration and duration are vanishingly small. Apart from anything else, in the context of sight for example, we are dependent upon the ability of light to comprehensively and accurately capture and transmit all that occurs, leaving aside our ability to decipher all that if it did so.

          On your question: "Also how do we obtain an initial causal event, that being an event that did not exist until it does?" There can be no answer to this, because it transcends our existence. We just have to accept that whatever is demonstrably the start point for existence as knowable to us, is the start point.


          Paul, I am in agreement with 'most' of what you said until you stated, "On your question: "Also how do we obtain an initial causal event, that being an event that did not exist until it does?" There can be no answer to this, because it transcends our existence. We just have to accept that whatever is demonstrably the start point for existence as knowable to us, is the start point."

          There is indeed an answer to ALL of this and yes it does transcend our existence. This 'knowledge' of existence is not the starting point. Existence is the 'end point' of ALL acts of selection which are extensions of these initial events. The evidence obtained from conducting the Tempt Destiny experiment is absolute and precise on this point. There is no ambiguity with the evidence that without a selection event occurring there can be no existence.

          When I stopped resisting what nature had been telling me all along, then and only then, was I able to stop arguing with nature and accept it on 'its' terms instead of how I wanted nature to be understood. This, in a nutshell, is what I have presented in my essay. The lesson of which I am sharing with everyone. As presented, it all comes down to the Final Selection Experiment. I would be extremely foolish to argue with nature for I do not want to willingly transcend my own existence. The evidence speaks for itself.


          I read your nicely illustrated essay with interest and in trying to understand what you are up to better, read links to some of your other papers and the Linkedin discussions. Very interesting. As Paul knows, I have just enough energy at my age to deal with my own research and some left to discuss only a few new issues cropping up in the many fqxi essays. I think I understand your reasoning and feel you have pinpointed an important flaw in thinking through experiments in QM: it is automatically assumed that everything is statistical, probabilistic (coin-at edge of cup concept). You say there is an additional alternative (coin in the cup). You then carry this scenario - to make conclusions about determinism and - on rather thin grounds I feel - the four forces.

          Using your thought-experiment I go further and say (contradicting in some ways my philosophical conclusions in my present fqxi essay!) that there is no inherent probability in nature - the coin is always in the cup. Probability arises from an exquisite order underlying the Universe. My ideas are described in Beautiful Universe Theory . I think it is important for a researcher with your original clear-headed thinking to understand Eric Reiter's discoveries about the photon . I had long suspected that the photon was not a point particle - an idea that gave rise to the probabilistic interpretation in QM. I was thrilled to find that Eric had proven that experimentally. I know that my comments leave much to be said, but for now allow me to leave it at this. I am no great sports fan, but as a fellow artist I enjoyed your dynamic football paintings in the billboards you created.

          With best wishes,


            Hello Manuel,

            Your quote: - "We find that we have the ability to choose because we do not have the ability to not choose in order to exist" - really jumped out at me. I think you've hit on something key here. Like Wheeler pointed out yes/no decisions always are made. Choice is merely an illusion.

            Nice work - please take a look at my essay if you get the time.

            Best wishes,
