Dear Carlo Rovelli,
Thanks for submitting a very interesting essay. As I understand it, you begin by depicting entropy as emergent, which is then followed by "entropy is information". You certainly managed to link the two, as did ET Jaynes in 1957 when he presented the first information theory treatment of statistical mechanics. Yet he makes clear (quoted in my technical endnotes) that information entropy and thermodynamic entropy are not identical. In this respect I find your treatment of information as implying physical constraints on two interacting systems to be quite insightful.
Your discussion of information and quantum theory is succinct, but I was particularly pleased with your formulation that: "it is always possible to acquire new information about a system", thereby making the previous quantum information irrelevant. Very interesting.
Your summary of the relevance of information to life (i.e., to anything other than a dead universe) is fascinating and yet, if I understand your essay, you do not posit It from Bit, which is the question the essays address.
As a key player in quantum loop gravity I do not expect you to agree with my essay, but I still think you might enjoy a fresh perspective, and would hope you will read it and comment on it.
Thanks again, and good luck in the contest.
Edwin Eugene Klingman