With the utmost respect Professor Shikano,
Please excuse me, I mean no disrespect, but I have tried my hardest to read your very well organized essay, and I am afraid I disagree with its whole premise.
Most of the earth and most of our bodies are made out of water. I am an old decrepit realist, and as I have explained in my essay BITTERS, each real snowflake is unique, once. This must mean that each real molecule of each real snowflake also has to be unique, once. This also means that each fabricated particle or energy wave must also be unique, once. It does not matter how molecules, or particles, or neurons seem to assemble, because each and every molecule, particle or neuron is unique, once. Their momentary assemblage can only be unique, once. The real Universe is unique, once.
The only question Wheeler ought to have asked was:
Is the real Universe simple? The only sensible answer is, Yes.
Is the abstract universe simple? No
Is unique, once simple? Yes.
Is quantum theory simple? No.
I do hope you did not think that I was being impertinent,