Jennifer - what a delightful essay. Despite my initial reaction to Gameboy, Pac-man and Pokemon analogies, I started to get interested when you brought in Penrose's Quanglement.
The tide turned when I read my favorite paragraph from your essay:
"Yet in a world where nonlocality is now considered the best explanation for entanglement, it is obvious on some level that the two objects entangled in acausal correlation are involved with one another more profoundly than the two objects exchanging causal info in time via a transactional game of information ping pong. Something important is being shared here, even if we can't directly exploit it."
Now I understand why you were encouraged by my essay and left a comment on my web page some time ago (which I will get to later today).
After that point, I recognized that "your connecting the dots" between Penrose, Vedral and the entangled (what I call "dark") Higgs Boson was pure genius:
"It is thus not only possible but absolutely necessary that classical information is intimately related to how processes evolve in time altogether."
Well done. Super high marks for a concise, interesting, well researched and inspiring essay.
Kind regards, Paul