Oh Jennifer, that's a beautiful concluding part from you, ever I've seen here. So many many thanks and obviously "laughs" for our living in "sun" and "sea".
However (now seriously), that "quanglement" issue may also be a localize issue in future, who knows, in an enough span of 'hundred years'!
I invite you in my essay (http://www.fqxi.org/community/forum/topic/1855)where I tried to draw a picture of reality, within the digital limit of our observations,(which includes all 'It', 'Bit", observers like us and of course information as an image of all those). We can imagine there a picture of any kind of particle systems (irrespective of all micro to macro levels) to possess simultaneously but inversely proportional quantize "Space" and "Anti-space", "time" and "anti-time" and so on.
Right now, I cannot give you proper math model, but there are enough logic behind to say that when two entangled particles are separated (or reduced) in their quantized "Space" there simultaneous inverse quantized "Anti-space" comes into inseparably closer (or say elongated). Particularly, when any one of "Bit"s changes, the other entangled (say as inverse) "Bit"s are also instantaneously become changed. So there will be no need to send any signals between the entangled pairs to exchange information in superluminal or luminal or sub-luminal in types.
You can find there some series of inverse relations as well for the purpose.
Now we are in the very end of this contest to exchange our comments.
This rating reality is basically restrict us to enjoy the good essays in windy time and space. However, I like to rate your essay and also expect rating from you if possible. Above all I am interested some comments from you on my essay.
With regards