Dear Chris,
Thank you very much for your interest in my essay and for your time spent on this essay. These are very good questions.
Please note that I will be putting - - - - - before your words. Next will be my answers.
- - - - -I'm not sure how you interpreted that from my essay. I make no comments or suggestions regarding if one can (or cannot) produce (as in physically manifest) matter from their thinking; I am not addressing such here at all- - - - -
- - - - -I am saying that all things which can be known comprise information, and that the presence of information confers that which can be known - an inherent duality which partly stems from the way we have defined both information and material objects, in conjunction with the study of physics being constrained to a study of information, at least within our perceptual reality.
If something does not comprise any information, it cannot be known within the context of physics and thus we cannot evaluate its physical existence, at least not within our perceptual reality. - - - - -
That is my direct question only. We discuss a lot about mental control of matter, which is the reason I posed that question.
In my opinion, we have physical 5 senses and a sixth sense called mind. We form pictures of all the real things around us in our mind from these senses. Mind interprets these real things around us for forming these pictures. All these information will be lost when we die.
We invented the communication to transfer these pictures to fellow humans.
This communication uses information which is nothing but description of our mental picture.
So information cannot become fundamental. It is only our mental picture of the matter around us..
- - - - -Now regarding experiments... Every time we take a measurement we are doing an experiment demonstrating that material objects and information exist in unison. If you think otherwise, you can attempt to falsify this by finding one contrary example - that is, find one physical object which does not comprise any information. You should recognize that such falsification within a physics context cannot be realized irrespective of all attempts to do so, since the detection or identification of such an object comprises information. - - - - -
That is what I am also saying, Experiments should be the basis of science.
- - - - -On the other point you made, I do tend to agree that much of cosmology is speculative; theories in the field are often based on 'authority' and dogma as opposed to experiments. - - - - -
Once upon a time religion supressed the voice of people, now Cosmology plays this role!
- - - - - And what's worse, is that excellent theories which may lend themselves to experiments are often simply ignored in deference to some consensus view. But science is not about consensus, it's about experiment. Authority, dogma, and consensus are meaningless in science. - - - - -
How can a poor person who is alone can do such expensive experiments consisting of satellite data collection . . . .?
- - - - -It doesn't matter what people 'feel' is is correct; it matters what the results are from the experiments. History is replete with examples of scientists who disagreed with consensus and were eventually proven correct. Unfortunately, today's dangerous default to authority combined with a media driven world makes challenging an incorrect consensus that much more difficult. And, challenging consensus in cosmology is again more difficult because of the highly speculative nature of the field. - - - - -
Feelings and dogmatism are ruling the present day Cosmology
- - - - -Unfortunately in today's world, the weight of an abstraction carried by a well-known researcher, even if they are completely wrong, is almost always valued more highly than that of an unknown researcher - even if the latter is fully correct. This is why we must guard science against the ongoing shift towards authoritarianism. Just consider the behavior of so many modern physics forums which 'ban' any comments or topics which 'may' be 'construed' to contradict some mainstream 'belief'. That's not science, and it's much more akin to a religion. - - - - -
It was as though again controlling science, you are correct