Michelson Morley experiment is proof that physicists can't tell the difference between a medium and a stationary medium. The physics community was fooled, beguiled! You won't admit it.
I know what spacetime is made of.
Michelson Morley experiment is proof that physicists can't tell the difference between a medium and a stationary medium. The physics community was fooled, beguiled! You won't admit it.
I know what spacetime is made of.
The attachment, "QUANTUM REALITY: REALLY INDETERMINATE", has two principal theses: 1) the quantum is our smallest observable, and not the smallest existing energy-packet; 2) physical reality is essentially determinate. But due to quantum measurement uncertainty, it appears to us to be indeterminate. The last is due to the basis of our perception, the neurone, being a binary on-off device. Essentially continuous reality is then perceived as discrete. The approach makes conceptual sense of the quantum "paradoxes".Attachment #1: quantum_reality.pdf
Contextual Physics
Center-Out Causation and Emerging Holographic Technology
Everything I needed to know about manifestation I learned in Kindergarten. Really?! Well, perhaps not quite. But as this borrowed phrase suggests, our cosmos and linked human endeavors, including emerging technologies such as direct manifestation and teleportation, may "run," to use a metaphor from computer programming, on far more intuitive platforms then physicists had previously imagined. We use the term "contextual physics" to describe a fledgling field of inquiry which sees causality as flowing from metaphysics and highly rarefied first principles downward and outward toward final manifestation as the material world.
From a center-out causative viewpoint, at any given point in time (read "Now-moment"), the Universe's charted unfolding is scripted much like the unfolding drama of a already printed book or narrative. Substantive changes in this charted unfolding radiate from the center of consciousness outward to effect change in the material world, and worlds more subtle. The center-out causation of contextual physics views the universe as a hologram governed by nested agreements, disagreements, splits of Mind, and breeches of contract made by (and with) Consciousness, itself. This provides a jumping off place for inquiry into whether certain of these agreements can be re-negotiated, with an eye toward enabling new "holographic" technologies, such as manifestation, teleportation, and the like.
And, while this paper doesn't aim to be the final word, we hope our line of inquiry may prove fruitful. Research into the phenomena of hypnosis, the Vedic sciences, the Mind-Only phenomenology of Zen, and study of the modern-day spiritual classic "A Course in Miracles," also called the Christian Vedanta, provide a basis for much of this paper. The bulk of this article will address direct manifestation, but as may prove evident, the same "game rules" apply to teleportation and other holographic technologies.
Nuts and Bolts of Direct Manifestation
In "A Course in Miracles," we read that what two minds share perfectly in willing becomes the Will of God. We do not expect the reader to accept this as an axiom on blind faith, but only to consider their relative success with enthusiastically shared undertakings compared with those propelled only by self-will. For the rest, we just ask that you journey on with us. Although we may like to think we can act totally self-motivated and alone, were we honest with ourselves, we might admit that even cleaning the house or making the bed is done partly for and with someone else, even if it only be the traces of our parents still present in our minds. Completely isolated self-will may be a chimera that has no motivational power to get anything done. The Buddhist concept of the no-self of the illusory ego seems to add weight to this notion. Shared will, on the other hand, may form the basis for all manifestation and action, both linear (Newtonian) and holographic, and perfectly (meaning unambivalently) shared will may be capable of miraculous effects.
With regards to "shared will," it appears we can delineate between two varieties: spontaneous shared will, wherein thought appears in two minds simultaneously, and negotiated shared will, which involves the externalization of thought (will) from subject A to a receptive audience: subject B. This transfer of will usually involves the spoken word, and in accomplishing it we have grapple and negotiate with conscious and unconscious resistances.
As may be evident, direct holographic manifestation typically involves the appearance of an object or pattern of energy from "out of the blue," as it were. We may think there are no examples of this type of manifestation occurring, but in actuality, there are. Hypnotic suggestion can be seen as a variety of direct manifestation, undertaken by the hypnotist-subject dyad, and limited only by the constraints of no violation of the hypnosis dyad's core beliefs: scarcity, particle impact physics, and Mind contained to brain.
Whether a hypnotic suggestion effects a sensation of hot or cold in the subject, or the hallucination of a lit candle where the candle is not actually burning, one thing seems clear: at bare minimum, neuronal firing patterns are changed as a result of the wording and acceptance of a hypnotic suggestion, and this qualifies as a legitimate direct physical manifestation under the heading of negotiated shared will. It matters not if the direct manifestation takes place exclusively in the brain, and is limited to changes in neurology by the belief system of the hypnosis dyad. The laws of the cosmos do not carve out a privileged place for "gray matter." What applies to neurology with regards to manifestation seems to also have to apply to the entire universe. The only difference is that a suggestion to effect a change in matter outside the subject's body currently arouses too much anxiety for the unity of the hypnotist-subject dyad, and linked trance state, to endure.
In the case of a hypnotic suggestion, it appears the desired effect is languaged by the hypnotist, then the Mind reverse-engineers the neurological firing patterns commensurate with the suggested sensation or hallucination, and directly manifests them. This reverse-engineering step is no small feat, in and of itself, and makes current modes of hypnotic suggestion and direct manifestation far more complicated than simple manifestation of the "thing in itself," a feat which has already been accomplished by Saints and Sages of India, according to the literature, and which will be discussed more a few paragraphs hence.
If we turn our attention to conventional Newtonian manifestation, as happens in the construction of a building, we see what may be viewed a series of instantaneous holographic manifestations spread out over time so as to appear to tell a story of manifestation that preserves the beliefs in Conservation of Energy and Matter, work being essential to overcoming Entropy, and no violations of billiard-ball physics. But if all this is is just a movie, there may be a possibility of going deeper to effect change from a level where these rules do not apply. We can view this "film" from the uncompromising position that all that is going on in building construction is structured communication in line with what some Biblical students understand (and misunderstand) as the "Power of the Word."
The advance of the construction's story-line is really powered by the vibrational requests, demands, commands, and negotiations undertaken by everything in the surrounding context, in accord with, if we may be so bold, the sometimes competing "desires" of each thing in the environment: from the soil, to the construction materials, to the equipment, to the weather, to the people. This requires seeing human thought and speech as a subset of a larger language which includes the thought and speech of nature as well, including what was formally considered to be inanimate matter. From the negotiations and efforts of the workers to the sounds of protest of the rocks under the growl of the bulldozer and its blade, it's all one language. This does not mean that we don't do well to have our filters up a fair portion of the time, but sometimes opening up can reveal solutions and buried problems that had been hidden.
As was mentioned earlier, Indian Saints have been reported to directly manifest objects when such has been requested by a faith filled supplicant. This may be viewed as a case similar to hypnosis where the belief in impossibility has all but totally been suspended. In the situation of the perfectly receptive and attuned dyad, the externalization of will by one and the perfect acceptance by the other of this will as also being "his" results in the direct manifestation (or instantaneous travel to a distant location, were this what was "wished" for.) We will now touch on viewing segments of will as "thought-forms," as the Vedic sciences often discuss them, and note that in any context they can be helpful or hindering, constructive or destructive.
We, as speakers of language, do not really understand our native tongues at a "machine-code" level, but that doesn't mean we don't know how to give voice to intent and get things done. All languages may derive from the Tower of Babel effect operating on our root language of Sanskrit, and symbols can lead, from a spiritual perspective, upward or downward, but in God, mystics report, they are transcended entirely. Best to go by the intuitive "feel" of language than any stodgy rules of proper usage, while always working to maintain an upward spiritual vector.
Direct manifestation, if it is even wise to undertake, would likely involve the non-entropic disappearance of an electromagnetic representation of a thought form from two different perspective points. The thought form itself is holographic, and its etheric substance lies between any two physical nodes in the manifest Cosmos. A disappearance from two perspective nodes must be necessary to substantively altering the time-space hologram, as only thus is fulfilled on micro-scale the dictum "what two minds share perfectly in willing becomes the Will of God." If the negation of a desired thought form were to disappear from the manifest Universe, either by 'falling' into the Void, or by some not so extreme form of contextual "grounding-out," then the surround must, of necessity, supply the affirmation that was put forth by the disappearance of its negation. The imploding power of the whole energy of the Universe moving to fill the Void left by the negated thought form's disappearance is available, somewhat akin to the power wielded by a gate valve controlling the flow backed up behind a huge reservoir. As a result, Conservation of Energy does not apply in the normal sense.
In standard human interaction, a compromise approach to this happens, and a healthier and perhaps less hubristic one at that, wherein the script of the Universe's charted unfolding is modified my attentive listening and re-contextualization of pathogenic speech and thought patterns, informed by mindfulness and emotional regulation skills. Developing and maintaining "centering-skills" benefits not only the conventionally boundaried person, but the larger context and community as well. It is only via these processes, both in the consulting room, but also involving "therapy writ large" as can occur in the larger community (or in the mind given to prayer and meditation) that substantive change and healing can take place. If things go awry, continue performing therapy with/on the Cosmos, and whatever comes your way in gratitude is yours to keep and share. We remember that therapy is different in different contexts, and often constitutes tasks like making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for a hungry child or feeding and watering the cat.
Holographic technologies are not in and of themselves a path to God, but they might boot-strap us out of the Spirit-denying materialism we currently find much of the intelligentsia and their followers entrenched.
David M Boie
Postscript: It is possible that such a "grounding-out" of thought-forms may be achieved by current technology, namely, the established phenomenon of non-radiating charge-current excitation based on deconstructive interference in toroids, and first proposed by Afanasiev and Stepanovsky. With a non-radiating interference pattern we may be able to effectively "ground-out" the radiated energy of an electromagnetic transform of a thought form using what the literature calls transparency. Using superconductive material may also enable elimination of the portion of the thought-form that would be preserved as thermal scattering, offering total deconstructive interference of an electromagnetic transform of a thought-form.
E=m(c^2+Xl^2) +Y , I have improved this general equation about the matter energy , the most important is to consider this cold Dark matter and this Dak energy, they must be unified if they exist at this cosmological scale and so at this quantum scale also, it seems logic.
E=m(c^2+Xl^2) +Y , 3 main finite series of 3D spheres, one space vacuum energetical for the main codes , the DE, and two fuels , photons and cold dark matter, and when they merge they create our reality, X is a paramater correlated with the cold, and l their linear velocity , Y is a parameter unknown correlated with the DE, this explains the anti matter, the Dark matter, the Dark energy, the quantum gravitation , the universe is simple and we must unify , not only the quantum mechanics and the General relativity. Eureka in all humility if it is correct even if we must maybe complete it and prove and check these energies and that this spherisation is a foundamrtal , the theory of Spherisation, with quantum and cosmological 3D spheres in an universal sphere or future sphere in optimisation evolution. The complexity returns to simplicity.
The fact that this matter non baryonic so not about the analysis of neutrons protons, quarks is very important to explain more our mass , have this bridge os matter farer than our nuclear forces , see that we have so a sphere around the galaxies and it balances the whole and the most important it explains the balance of pressures of photons at the creation of the universe , if this matter exists at this cosmological scale, so it is also encoded in nuclei in logic, we have an interesting analyse also considering the evolution and the fact that the gravitation is the main chief orchestra instead of this GR and photons.This matter seems essential to explain the super structures of our cosmology , this balance seems foundamental. See well the importance of this matter to create the galaxies and to explain the balance for the pressure of photons.The otrher relecvance is this anti gravitational Dark energy permitting the evolution of this universe and also permitting the main codes , the 3 systems seem important to balance the whole, the photons, the cold dark matter and the DE.Without these 3 main parameters we cannot have the stability , and the same for our quantum scale, the standard model seems encircled by this logic and the gravitation and anti gravitation dance together in an evolution point of vue.
Dear Zeeya:
The article by the same name I submitted on 9/28/2020 needed, in my estimation, substantial editing for clarity's sake. I would appreciate if you would accept this final draft, and perhaps delete the earlier post as you see fit. Thank you for providing this Forum.
Contextual Physics
Center-Out Causation and Emerging Holographic Technology
Everything I needed to know about manifestation I learned in Kindergarten. Really?! Well, perhaps not quite. But as this borrowed phrase suggests, our cosmos and linked human endeavors, including emerging technologies such as direct manifestation and teleportation, may "run," to use a metaphor from computer programming, on far more intuitive platforms then physicists had previously imagined. We use the term "contextual physics" to describe a fledgling field of inquiry which sees causality as flowing from metaphysics and highly rarefied first principles downward and outward toward final manifestation as the material world.
From a center-out causative viewpoint, at any given point in time (read "Now-moment"), the Universe's charted unfolding is scripted much like the unfolding drama of an already printed book or narrative. Substantive changes in this charted unfolding radiate, during moments of Mindfulness, outward from the Center of Consciousness to effect change in the material world, and worlds more subtle. Rather than adopting a top-down or bottom-up causative viewpoint, where causation and agency are seen as extremely remote from the life we share with society, this center-out locus of agency, with Life at the Center, views the Universe as a hologram governed by contextually nested agreements, disagreements, splits of Mind, and breeches of contract made by (and with) Consciousness, itself.
And while the holographic center-out approach doesn't deny that much of our Cosmos' unfolding is largely deterministic and holds more than a bit of inertia, it does provide a place for agency radiating out from the center which can effect huge change and healing over time (in fact, shortening "time".) This contextual and contractual approach provides a jumping off place for inquiry into whether certain of the agreements Consciousness has made with itself can be re-negotiated, with an eye toward enabling new "holographic" technologies, such as manifestation, teleportation, and the like.
While this paper doesn't aim to be the final word, we hope our line of inquiry may prove fruitful. Research into the phenomena of hypnosis, the Vedic sciences, the Mind-Only phenomenology of Zen, and study of the modern-day spiritual classic "A Course in Miracles," also called the Christian Vedanta, provide a basis for much of this paper. The bulk of this article will address direct manifestation, but as may prove evident, the same "game rules" apply to teleportation and other holographic technologies.
Nuts and Bolts of Direct Manifestation
In "A Course in Miracles," we read that what two minds share perfectly in willing becomes the Will of God. We do not expect the reader to accept this as an axiom on blind faith, but only to consider their relative success with enthusiastically shared undertakings compared with those propelled only by self-will. For the rest, we just ask that you journey on with us. Although we may like to think we can act totally self-motivated and alone, were we honest with ourselves, we might admit that even cleaning the house or making the bed is done partly for and with someone else, even if it only be the traces of our parents still present in our minds. Completely isolated self-will may be a chimera that has no motivational power to get anything done. The Buddhist concept of the no-self of the illusory ego seems to add weight to this notion. Shared will, on the other hand, may form the basis for all manifestation and action, both linear (Newtonian) and holographic, and perfectly (meaning unambivalently) shared will may be capable of miraculous effects.
With regards to "shared will," it appears we can delineate between two varieties: spontaneous shared will, wherein thought appears in two minds simultaneously, and negotiated shared will, which involves the externalization of thought (will) from subject A to a receptive audience: subject B. This transfer of will usually involves the spoken word, and in accomplishing it we have grapple and negotiate with conscious and unconscious resistances.
As may be evident, direct holographic manifestation typically involves the appearance of an object or pattern of energy from "out of the blue," as it were. We may think there are no examples of this type of manifestation occurring, but in actuality, there are. Hypnotic suggestion can be seen as a variety of direct manifestation, undertaken by the hypnotist-subject dyad, and limited only by the constraints of no violation of the hypnosis dyad's core beliefs: scarcity, particle impact physics, and Mind contained to brain.
Whether a hypnotic suggestion effects a sensation of hot or cold in the subject, or the hallucination of a lit candle where the candle is not actually burning, one thing seems clear: at bare minimum, neuronal firing patterns are changed as a result of the wording and acceptance of a hypnotic suggestion, and this qualifies as a legitimate direct physical manifestation under the heading of negotiated shared will.
It matters not if the direct manifestation takes place exclusively in the brain, and is limited to changes in neurology by the belief system of the hypnosis dyad. The laws of the cosmos do not carve out a privileged place for "gray matter." What applies to neurology with regards to manifestation seems to also have to apply to the entire universe. The only difference is that a suggestion to effect a change in matter outside the subject's body currently arouses too much anxiety for the unity of the hypnotist-subject dyad, and linked trance state, to endure.
In the case of a hypnotic suggestion, it appears the desired effect is languaged by the hypnotist, then the Mind reverse-engineers the neurological firing patterns commensurate with the suggested sensation or hallucination, and directly manifests them. This reverse-engineering step is no small feat, in and of itself, and makes current modes of hypnotic suggestion and direct manifestation far more complicated than simple manifestation of the "thing in itself," a feat which has already been accomplished by Saints and Sages of India, according to the literature, and which will be discussed more a few paragraphs hence.
If we turn our attention to conventional Newtonian manifestation, as happens in the construction of a building, we see what may be viewed a series of instantaneous holographic manifestations spread out over time so as to appear to tell a story of manifestation that preserves the beliefs in Conservation of Energy and Matter, work being essential to overcoming Entropy, and no violations of billiard-ball physics. But if all this is is just a movie, there may be a possibility of going deeper to effect change from a level where these rules do not apply. We can view this "film" from the uncompromising position that all that is going on in building construction is structured communication in line with what some Biblical students understand (and misunderstand) as the "Power of the Word."
The advance of the construction's story-line is really powered by the vibrational requests, demands, commands, and negotiations undertaken by everything in the surrounding context, in accord with, if we may be so bold, the sometimes competing "desires" of each thing in the environment: from the soil, to the construction materials, to the equipment, to the weather, to the people. This requires seeing human thought and speech as a subset of a larger language which includes the thought and speech of nature as well, including what was formally considered to be inanimate matter. From the negotiations and efforts of the workers to the sounds of protest of the rocks under the growl of the bulldozer and its blade, it's all one language. This does not mean that we don't do well to have our filters up a fair portion of the time, but sometimes opening up can reveal solutions and buried problems that had been hidden.
As was mentioned earlier, Indian Saints have been reported to directly manifest objects when such has been requested by a faith filled supplicant. This may be viewed as a case similar to hypnosis where the belief in impossibility has all but totally been suspended. In the situation of the perfectly receptive and attuned dyad, the externalization of will by one and the perfect acceptance by the other of this will as also being "his" results in the direct manifestation (or instantaneous travel to a distant location, were this what was "wished" for.) We will now touch on viewing segments of will as "thought-forms," as the Vedic sciences often discuss them, and note that in any context they can be helpful or hindering, constructive or destructive.
We, as speakers of language, do not really understand our native tongues at a "machine-code" level, but that doesn't mean we don't know how to give voice to intent and get things done. All languages may derive from the Tower of Babel effect operating on our root language of Sanskrit, and symbols can lead, from a spiritual perspective, upward or downward, but in God, mystics report, they are transcended entirely. Best to go by the intuitive "feel" of language than any stodgy rules of proper usage, while always working to maintain an upward spiritual vector.
Direct manifestation, if it is even wise to undertake, would likely involve the non-entropic disappearance of an electromagnetic representation of a thought form from two different perspective points. The thought form itself is holographic, and its etheric substance lies between any two physical nodes in the manifest Cosmos. A disappearance from two perspective nodes must be necessary to substantively altering the time-space hologram, as only thus is fulfilled on micro-scale the dictum "what two minds share perfectly in willing becomes the Will of God." If the negation of a desired thought form were to disappear from the manifest Universe, either by 'falling' into the Void, or by some not so extreme form of contextual "grounding-out," then the surround must, of necessity, supply the affirmation that was put forth by the disappearance of its negation. The imploding power of the whole energy of the Universe moving to fill the Void left by the negated thought form's disappearance is available, somewhat akin to the power wielded by a gate valve controlling the flow backed up behind a huge reservoir. As a result, Conservation of Energy does not apply in the normal sense.
In standard human interaction, a compromise approach to this happens, and a healthier and perhaps less hubristic one at that, wherein the script of the Universe's charted unfolding is modified my attentive listening and re-contextualization of pathogenic speech and thought patterns, informed by mindfulness and emotional regulation skills. Developing and maintaining "centering-skills" benefits not only the conventionally boundaried person, but the larger context and community as well. It is only via these processes, both in the consulting room, but also involving "therapy writ large" as can occur in the larger community (or in the mind given to prayer and meditation) that substantive change and healing can take place. If things go awry, continue performing therapy with/on the Cosmos, and whatever comes your way in gratitude is yours to keep and share. We remember that therapy is different in different contexts, and often constitutes tasks like making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for a hungry child or feeding and watering the cat.
Holographic technologies are not in and of themselves a path to God, but they might boot-strap us out of the Spirit-denying materialism we currently find much of the intelligentsia and their followers entrenched.
David M Boie
Postscript: It is possible that such a "grounding-out" of thought-forms may be achieved by current technology, namely, the established phenomenon of non-radiating charge-current excitation based on deconstructive interference in toroids, and first proposed by Afanasiev and Stepanovsky. With a non-radiating interference pattern we may be able to effectively "ground-out" the radiated energy of an electromagnetic transform of a thought form using what the literature calls transparency. Using superconductive material may also enable elimination of the portion of the thought-form that would be preserved as thermal scattering, offering total deconstructive interference of an electromagnetic transform of a thought-form.
Symplectomorphisms and 3D spheres , preserving the volumes. The aim is not to mix a little bit of all , but to invent new partitions or mathematical tools and duplij arrives to do this, the topologies, geometries come from what for you ? the fields like in the strings ? why do you see a conjecture there for the homomorphisms and isomorphisms of the Ktheory in the abelian category also? the commutativity and associativity are interesting but it is the non commutativity wich becomes a key lik the non associativity to reach unknowns , that implies a relevance for an universal property to reach the quantum gravitation with 3D spheres like main foundamental objects , and 3 main aethers, the lminiferous one, the cold dark matter one and the space vacuum DE for the main codes, the two others are just fuels. All this to tell that we must consider new partitions instead to mix and conjecture the known ones .....if not it is just a play of known things simply , spherically yours
We need to rank and consider categories , they are good tools for the ranking indeed and the morphisms, all this to tell that the partitions of geometrical algebras and the primes and padics analysis can be relevant with these 3D coded finite series of spheres if and only if we have the finite primoridal serie and its number more the specific fractal from the main central one, the biggest volume, all is there,
the aim is really to invent new partitions and not repeat or play with the known actual ones, regards
see now the relevance when the symplectomorphisms preserve the volumes and that the deformations of 3D spheres with an intrinsic ricci flow can permit to explain many things when these finite series of 3D spheres having the dirac large number are taken into account, the space for the main codes and the two fuels for the actions and fields, and even the hopf fibrations on surfaces to rank in categories the quasiparticles, I have reached the QG like this , I formalise all this.
see the phasis and the canonical tranformations and interactions also now when the 3 series of 3D spheres merge
the symplectomorphisms and these 3D volumic spheres are very relevant when we consider the space , so these vacuum main codes in my model can be interesting for the transformations of phases spaces with the two other series fo 3D spheres , the fuels, the photons and cold Dark matter. Like we know the symplectomorphisms are diffeomorphisms between two symplectic manifolds, that implies a new group, this method can be utilised for our actual standard model to rank our bosonic field, and we can consider this cold dark matter for this quantum gravitation , and also for the vaccuum main codes of this DE, in considering even the evolution with all the groups appearing, the relevance is to consider 3 main groups and so after the subgroups, we can utilise also these 3 E8 and these finite series having this drirac large number , that becomes interesting with the hamiltonian mechanics and all the rankings of properties of fields electromagnetic and gravitational more the main codes that we must find in their pure essence considering this coded energetical space.
the numbers for the geometrical algebras are important and the series in this reasoning are finite, indeed the primordial finite series of 3D spheres seem essential seen the cosmological serie and these 3 quantum finite series of volumic spheres 3D .The Betti numbers are relevant for this , the aim being to find the good partitions in these merging systems , the topological spaces also are taken into account. These lie groups , the E8 exceptional group mainly is the foundamental in this reasoning. The canonical transformations appear for the phases of space with 3 systems and not 2 for the groups and subgroups. See the relevance also of senses of rotations differenciating the two fuels and this ricci flow for the deformations and the pure thermodynamics for the stabilities of matters, gaz, solids, liquids. An other tool is the hopf fibrations on the surfaces to rank the quasiparticles. The flow comes from the main codes in the space , not in the two fuels permitting the motions and actions.
These methods are volume preserving but not the densities in logic due to interactions of exchanges and evolutive complementarity in the encodings of informations under the main codes of this energetical vacuum.
so let s try to see the general idea with these finite primordial series of 3D spheres having this Dirac large number and where the space disappears because the central sphere is the biggest volume and after we apply series where the volumes decrease, let s consider the primes for example in this finite series. And let s take 3 main series, the photons for our electromagnetism of our standard model , the cold dark matter for the gravitational quantum field and the anti particle and the balance and the main codes for the DE vaccuum space where they are probably withpout motions and oscillations and generally like an anti gravitational system permitting to balance the two others when they merge to create our reality and its topologies, geometries, matters and properties. See that we consider for this general system the symplectomorphisms and the E8 , the non commutativity more the non associativite become very important for the rankings. We consider so an intrinsic ricci flow to the deformations of 3D spheres. The poincare cponjecture is essential also and the symplectomorphism preserving the volumes , that becomes interesting when we see the properties of deformed spheres and the solids, liquids, gas permiting to create all shapes with stabilities if I can say. For the groups and rankings we have the p adics analysis wich becone relevant also and the numbers of course for the geometrical algebras. See that imply we can consider two main senses of rotations for the two fuels, and that permits also to differenciate the anti particles. We arrive at rankings of many groups, a fith force appears due to a serie farer than our nuclear forces, and that permiuts to explain this quantum gravitation , this weakest quantum force , the real interest is that the electromagnetism is just emergent , not the gravitation wich is the main chief orchestra. Groups, subgroups appear. The fact that the main codes are in this vacuum space DE anti gravitational seems very relevant. The real difficulty is to find the subgroups under the laws of groups, probably this space vacuum is the secret for the main codes , but we can rank. The universal aprtition of 3D spheres exist but is so complex.
dear zeeya merali and all,
i have clearly understood the nature of consciousness ,i have written article on three states of mind,their properties,their psychological and philosophical approach ,and their physical approach !i am uploading this file named"IN SEARCH OF REALITY"(ITS PSYCHOLOGICAL ,PHILOSOPHICAL AND PHYSICAL APPORACH)!it is open for discussion !please give me feedback about that!
thanking you,
prasad divateAttachment #1: in_search_of_reality.pdf
Hi Prasad, it is a philosophical approach interesting. Like I see you consider also an infinite eternal consciousness and I know that you search to reah it and explain it inside the physicality with the octonions, sedenions and the correlations with the 64 dimensions in the vedas. I respect your work and it is a beautiful philosophical work. I consider personally that this infinite eternal consciousness is beyond this physicality and is without dimension, time, space, matter, it is a pure energy , not a heat, but an infinite energy of consciousness that we cannot define, in my model I consider that this thing has created the first cosmological sphere, a kind of transformed energy in a syuper matter energy physical and after this central sphere has created finite series coded of 3D quantum spheres to create the topologies, geometries, matters, fields electromagntic and gravitational, that is why I consider 3 aethers, one for the space vacuum of this DE for the main codes and the two fuels, the photons and this cold dark matter and when they merge, they create our reality with different mathematical tools inside this main space. The lie derivatives, groups, algebras, an intrinsic ricci flow, the symplectoöorphisms preserving the volumes, 3 E8 superimposed in replacing these points or strings by the series finite of 3D spheres having the same number than our cosmological finite serie and having the dirac large number, I liked your approach , you try to explain this consciousness and you correlate with this infinite eternal consciousness, we seem to be indeed fractals evolving of this, thanks for sharing your ideas, friendly.
Does ultraviolet behavior of quantum Yang - Mills theory with no instability indicates single particle theory that connects gravity with QM ?
The ultraviolet behavior of quantum Yang - Mills theory possess no instability as the separation between physical gluons becomes exceedingly smaller & smaller with increase in energy. Ultimately, at quantum length, in the limit of approaching the origin of field space, the dynamical variables, becomes so infinitesimal in magnitude that they effectively represent a single physical gluon G . At Gribov horizon, application of Gauss Divergence theorem to this single physical gluon G leads to singularities of color-Coulomb potential spread all over a spherical surface β at quantum length of physical gluon.
After acquiring additional degree of freedom in the form of free color-Coulomb potential at Gribov horizon, the gluon 'G' has the aforesaid spherical system β firmly attached to it. At Gribov horizon, the uncertainty principle forbids this spherical system β, of constant radius (h'/8π), to undergo any Lorentz - Fitzgerald contraction in laboratory inertial frame and rather, demands the motion of gluon 'G' to instantaneously drop to zero speed in the laboratory inertial reference frame. This sudden deceleration in the speed of gluon 'G' at Gribov horizon assigns an inertial mass to gluon 'G' in accordance with General Relativity theory. This inertial mass of gluon 'G' produces gravitational effect in its surroundings because of equivalence between inertial mass & gravitational mass in General Relativity theory.
For further details, please click the following link
Treating the physical gluon as a point particle (of zero dimension) yields trivial UV fixed point for asymptotically free Quantum Yang Mills theory under flat space time assumption. However, the wave particle duality of any physical gluon entails to have non trivial UV fixed point at certain minimum Quantum length of the single physical gluon.
I would like to discuss here the h-space theory developed as a theory of everything. The whole content of the theory can be found on this website h-space theory and below you can see YouTube links to the four first videos describing the key points of the theory.
Summary of the article ''Vacuum Energy Levels''
The application of the fourth steps to verify a theory is necessary to get a consistent theory. Those steps are as the following:
1st step: the respect of the principle of least action: this principle is general and for every physical system its action should be minimum.
2nd step: the respect of the principle of locality: this principle signifies that a physical phenomenon which happen in a region of space & time affect directly only its nearest environment.
3rd step: the respect of the principle of relativity: the equation of motion should be invariant in inertial referential.
4th step: the respect of gauge invariance: when there is a symmetry, there is something which is conserved. A symmetry is a change in the system parameters which doesn't affect the equation of motion.
By applying those steps for a Newton more generalised equation of motion which is the second derivative by time of the product of the inertia and the position of a system, we had concluded that:
1-The field of gravitation and the electromagnetic field can be unified in one field and treated as it is in microscopic scale or great scale;
2-Vacuum had a density non equal to zero and a current equal to zero;
3-The notion of Dark energy & Dark matter are attributed to the action of vacuum in different scales;
4-It is very easy to get the second law of Newton (gravitation law) and the law of Coulomb for electrostatics.
5-There is an electric charge which is an universal constant;
6-The vacuum had a mechanical impedance which is an universal constant;
7-The second pair of Maxwell equations remains inhomogeneous and it call infinitely for new theories to determine new universal constants, to do new experiences & to rise new technologies. Science will never have an end.
The same conclusions can be obtained by doing meshing of space-time as combining the gravitational constant, the speed of light and the Planck constant to get an absolute system of unities called Planck system. Since we had doing this meshing, extension in space-time signify that there is energy: vacuum in its conventional definition doesn't exist. Vacuum becomes like a fluid with a density not equal to zero and a current of this fluid equal to zero. This fluid is like a ''foam'' of space-time which act on the motion of corpuscles and waves. For corpuscles the action of vacuum is in the first order a friction force due to the viscosity of the fluid and its action on waves is absorption so there is dispersion of waves. For the duality of wave-corpuscle correspond another duality of the space-time which viscosity-dispersion duality. Planck constant translate a third duality which is unity-multiplicity duality. Unity signify that a corpuscle is considered like one subject moving with a certain speed and at the same time this subject is a multitude of plane waves which are reinforced in a limit region of space-time and destruct each either away. The group speed of the packet of waves is equal to the speed of the corpuscle with some conditions of that the incertitude of the position of the corpuscle multiplied by the incertitude of its momentum is superior or equal to a certain constant not equal to zero, and the incertitude of the energy of the corpuscle multiplied by the incertitude of time to measure it, is superior or equal to the same constant not equal to zero: this is which we call the principle of incertitude.
Introducing the notion of universal friction, we can associate to a corpuscle an inertial time and an inertial length. Considering the Hamilton equations of motion, we deduce that a corpuscle is like that it is under a friction force along its time component and had a speed equal to light speed along the same time component. We consider that the corpuscle is moving in fourth dimensions which are the three dimensions of space and the dimension of time. Working in a fourth dimensions with a pseudo algebra of space-time which is Minkowski algebra we conclude that the motion of a massive corpuscle can't be in a straight line: the action of vacuum curve the motion of the corpuscle. Only light can move in a straight line. This result can be deduced also from the Restraint Relativity by applying the principle of least action: the minimum of the action is not in the motion in a straight line but in a curved line, we can't deny the action of vacuum.
By determining the motion of a charged corpuscle in an electromagnetic field we had do similitude with the motion of non-charged corpuscle by doing equivalence between the position of the corpuscle and the vector-potential of an electromagnetic field introducing conversions factors. The result is that we can apply the principle of least action on a non-charged corpuscle moving in a viscous medium: the action of the corpuscle is determined by going back with equations of the determining action of a charged corpuscle. The equation of motion of a non-charged corpuscle by using forces and accelerations is valid only locally. Many conclusions had been obtained from this equivalence between the position of corpuscle and the vector-potential:
1-We deduce the second law of gravitation of Newton;
2-We deduce the law of Coulomb for electrostatic interaction
3-We explain what does it mean Dark energy and Dark matter: it is only a problem of scale invariance gauge.
4-We define new system of unities which is the transition between microscopic scale and great scale: there is many unities defined as Maxwell-thing (Maxwell charge, Maxwell mass, Maxwell force...etc.).
5-We show that those considerations can be obtained by putting the Newton equation of motion in a more generalised form where the inertia of the corpuscle is a function of time: this equation is equal the twice derivative by time of the inertia multiplied by the position of the corpuscle.
6-The same conclusions can be obtained referring to quantum mechanics (Klein-Gordon equation or the harmonic oscillator)
After a certain mathematical definitions of algebra tensors, we had determined the transformations of the electromagnetic field between inertial referential and also the same thing for the vector-potentials.
Considering the invariants of the electromagnetic field we had determine the second pair of Maxwell equations with sources as a triumph of the mathematics.
With some considerations in thermodynamics and cosmology we had fix an interval for the mechanical impedance of vacuum. We had also show that vacuum can had an infinite levels of energy and also we can found negative masses in nature.
Note that also for Planck constant we can determine an interval for it before doing any experiment.
As the conversion coefficients between potentials and positions can be a product of two coefficients the second pair of Maxwell equations remains inhomogeneous and this call for new theories to determine new universals constants which appeal for new experiments to do and new technologies to rise: science will never have an end and the humanity will enter for the first time to the City of Science.
Of course which had been done can be generalised for a Riemann space-time and the reader is invited to do this labour.
Here is a summary of my theory of spherisation and these quantum and cosmological 3D spheres in an universal sphere or future sphere in evolution optimisation.
This general theory considers this evolution like an important point. All seems in evolution. The big question is how at these quantum and cosmological scales, what are really the informations permitting this ? I have considered the Dark energy and the dark matter like essential also , and they permit to predict approximatelly this evolution also considering their disponibilities at this cosmological scale, that is why I have this equation E=m(c^2+Xl^2)+Y with X a parameter correlated with the cold and l their velocitiesand Y is a parameter correlated witht he Dark energy, the DE can be seen like the space vacuum, the main codes and the two others , the photons and the cold dark matter can be seen like fuels and when they merge, they create our quantum mechanics , the topologies, the geometries, the fields. This Dark matter can explain this quantum gravitation that I have reached and the antiparticles, see that the helicity , the angular momentums with S and L , the orbital and spinal rotations can be correlated considering the 3 main finite primoridal series of 3D spheres, I consider that these series have the same finite number than our cosmological finite serie of 3D spheres, it is like a choice of this universe these series finite and the 3D. I have calculated approximatelly, it is the dirac large number.
I consider these tools in maths for the formalisation of all this, the spherical geometrical algebras,
3 main finite primordial quantum series , having the same number finite than our cosmological finite serie of 3D spheres, I have calculated, it is the dirac large number.
---> space vaccuum main codes of the DE
--->photons , fuel 1 , implying in merging with the space the electromagnetic forces of the standard model and the heat.
---> cold dark matter ,fuel 2, implying the antiparticles the balanced cold and the antiparticles
General vectorial analysis, associativity,non associativity ,commutativity, non commutativity, vectorial spaces, under vectorial spaces. Scalars , real numbers multiplication vectors , primes, p adics.
Utilisation and propertiesand 3D quantum spheres,
Tensors, matrix, torsors, vectors, complex numbers, spinors, quaternions , differential forms, volumes, densities, angles , sense of rotation, superimposinmgs, sortings, synchronisation....densities linked and life time and evolution. Rotations, phasis, imaginary numbers.Oscillations vibrations of 3D spheres, more the hopf fibrations on surfaces permitting to rank the quasiparticles. External and internal products ....rankings.
Symplectomorphisms preserving the volumes for the deformations of spherical volumes.
The number finite does not change ,
see that all these series are sent form the central cosmological sphere , a kind of super matter energy able to create all codes, informations distributing the energy and matters in function of codes of this space vaccuum of this DE.
We can maybe consider 3 E8 superimposed so in resume replacing the points or strings by these finite series of spheres. See that the origin of this universe is different than for the strings, the fields are emergent and not the main origin of our physicality.
ps It seems logic to consider this Dark matter and the antiparticles correlated, if this DM is a reality and is in the cold balancing the cosmological scale, so this matter non baryonic is encoded also in our nuclei and explain the balance with the cold of these antiparticles. The Dark energy is probably the spacevacuum, the main codes, this DM and DE explain also the evolution seeing the disponibilities of these parameters at this cosmological scale.
My intuitive equation considering the cold dark matter encoded in nuclei and the space vacuum of this DE for the main codes have the same kind of logic than for our photons encoded in our standard model giving the electromagnetic properties and the 3 forces known. E=m(c^2+Xl^2)+Y , so we have also frequences and waves different in a larger spectrum that actually we cannot analyse. The relevance is that this cold dark matter encoded permit to explain this quantum gravitation and also the anti particles. The dark energy for the main codes , the two other series of Spheres being like fuels permitting the forces and properties of matters like if these particles encoded permitted to activate this super matter energy of this space vacuum coded.
The other relevance is that these finite series have I have calculated the dirac large number and so when they fuse they keep this number and the relevance is that the codes permit the geometries, topologies, fields, waves. The frequences beyond our understanding of this DM and DE are intriguing considering the large spectrum. The superfluidity of these 3 ethers where all is in contact become very interesting to analyse deeper.
The superfluidity is due to fact that the central sphere of series is the biggest volume, and after we apply a serie around in decreasing the volumes. It is there that the real space disappears because the fact that these volumes decrease and that the number increases imply this superfluidity. So you can see easily that it is opposite like reasoning than the strings or geometrodynamics about the origin of geonetries, topologies, matters, fields, it is the particles the real primordial essence and also we have two other spacetimes superimposed instead of just this spacetime of the general relativity.
It is very important this general idea and I need help of mathematicians to formalise all this and also make experiments, we have not only these photons and this GR , it d be odd to think that we have just photons, and the strings are an assumption, so there is like a conjecture between these spheres and these strings in focusing on a pure 3D, the extradimensions are not necessary. That is why I have invented this tool in maths, the spherical geometrical topological algebras, We can superimpose the 3 ethers and find the way to explain our deepest unknowns.
Food for thoughts
we resume the standard model , we have this generality .
We have the fermions and the bosons of gauge.
The quarks are fermions , u c t , up, charm, top and d s b , down, strange , bottom. The bosons correlated are the gluons and the photons , and the higgs boson.
We have after the leptons, e μ τ, electron, muon, Tau and νe νμ ντ, the electronic neutrino, the muonic neutrino and the tauic neutrino, with the bosons correlated the boson Z0 and boson W+-.
The Kaon is a K meson and we have 4 kaons,
K+ wich is us , up and strange quarks , with K- the antiparticle
K0 wich is ds, down and strange quarks , with K_0 the antiparticle
K0s wich is ds-sd/Rac2 ,self antiparticle
K0l wich is ds+sd/Rac2, self antiparticle
We have the groups, U(1) X SU(2) X SU(3)
with U(1) the unitary lie group
SU(2) for the electroweak interactions , semisimple le group, universal covering for the homomorphisms of SO(3) and the rotations, wich is a non relativistic spin
SU(3) for the quantum chromodynamics.
Now we have rankings in function of particle, the mass, the statistics, the interactions, the spin, the parity, the charge, the lifetime.
But if my reasoning is correct about these 3D spheres , so we must add other parameters, the volumes, the number of 3D spheres, the densities , and probably the sense of rotations and angles when we go into the details.
An other point is these 3 main finite series merging where the space vacuum possesses the main codes and the two other series are fuels permitting the properties and fields. The photons and the cold dark matter, the antiparticles and gravitational fields are correlated with this cold dark matter. The main important point is that the number finite does not change ,when they merge, that is why the densities become a key about the couplings and encodings of informations. The volumes also don t change , that is why in the electromagnetism the symplectomorphisms become interesting for the geometries, topologies and deformations. That is why I have invented this mathematical tool, the spherical toopological geometrical algebras.
I forgot these pions ,
they are interesting also like the kaons
The Pion is a pi meson, a quark and an anti quark, we have 3 pions
π+ wich is ud
π0 wich is uu or dd
π- wich is du