As reported on another forum, this first part of February 2023 has served as a kind of "soft-opening" in which has been able to get some etheric feedback and iron out some kinks. We can only imagine the reader's frustration at our unwillingness to look directly into the mirror of our results and either confirm and report, or shut-up and continue refining our work in internet silence.
Again "necessary but not sufficient" checks of results have been used to refine our work to the utmost of tolerance for anxiety, but a final direct look into the narcissistic mirror of absolute failure or success seems unwise without a community to buffer the shock, either way. I hope a community of physicists like FQXI might be sensitive and receptive to both the inner-workings and potential contributions of a "gentleman amateur" who only has a B.S. in electrical engineering. And, boy, I certainly can "B.S.", can't I.
Cheers to you and your community.