Deserdi Chapas

  • Joined Sep 28, 2020
  • As reported on another forum, this first part of February 2023 has served as a kind of "soft-opening" in which deserdi.xyz has been able to get some etheric feedback and iron out some kinks. We can only imagine the reader's frustration at our unwillingness to look directly into the mirror of our results and either confirm and report, or shut-up and continue refining our work in internet silence.

    Again "necessary but not sufficient" checks of results have been used to refine our work to the utmost of tolerance for anxiety, but a final direct look into the narcissistic mirror of absolute failure or success seems unwise without a community to buffer the shock, either way. I hope a community of physicists like FQXI might be sensitive and receptive to both the inner-workings and potential contributions of a "gentleman amateur" who only has a B.S. in electrical engineering. And, boy, I certainly can "B.S.", can't I.

    Cheers to you and your community.

  • Again, yet another test was performed to reduce "form-level" uncertainty in our Holographic Physics results, and it proved positive. We believe that new discoveries can be somewhat fragile with regards humility, either too much or too little, and that too much certainty on the level of what Dr. David R. Hawkins calls "content" (or "form") can result in "contextual" communication failures, like internet mishaps, or simply a communal disgust and rejection of the cocksure manner in which the information has been presented. This content/context Uncertainty principle can be solidified by a widening shared agreement, but again the first steps can be tenuous.

    We believe that we had, in all likelihood, too much "content" insecurity, and the last check we made of our results was fairly robust. We now need shared agreement to make this discovery a provisional "reality," and invite you to be part of the community that accomplishes that.

    There is a further possibility that these ideas on Holographic Physics may be valid, but nonetheless premature, in the sense of being ideas whose time has not yet come. If the physics community "can't have" the implications of ideas such as these, as yet, at least we are logging them into the Unconscious for future processing.

    Cheers to you in your endeavors -

  • Hi FQXI Members:

    We found the courage to asymptotically take one step closer to confirming our results at www.deserdi.xyz - with some anxiety and recovery time required. This project seems to be like my 2001: A Space Odyssey "Baby," so to speak, and confirming the results without a community is like approaching the Monolith stationed on the Moon. That may be an overstatement of things, though. My anxiety may only result from a quirk in my psychology.

    That said, we invite the FQXI community to close the "feedback-loop," if guided, and if you like the results, but are uncertain if they were "faked" (which it would be really easy to do), we invite you further to confirm the MATLAB Fourier forecasting, restorative up-sampling, and noise reduction routines on your own data. This would require some time, but if you have the inclination, you're welcome. Here, again, is a link to the website:


  • I had used a constant that was incorrect, and it didn't amount to just a scaling of the outputs, but rather a total distortion of them. I have now updated the MATLAB code and sound file outputs as of this post - we shall see what the community thinks of the changes.

    -Thanks for your patience.

  • "A Course in Miracles" says that ideas are purified as they are shared, and that, in fact, their sharing is their purification. Working outside a team setting, I have had to share ideas, on this and other forums, that were in need of purification, though believing that they may have reached their final embodiment. I believe that your receiving them, with abundant patience, activated my mind toward a final "good enough" purification.

    My forecasting, restorative up-sampling, and noise reduction sound files have been presented on Soundcloud with some initial positive indications that the files are at least intelligible, although the reviewers were "random" listeners who were uninformed of the significance of what they were listening to and for.

    I had to change my entire tack on the Fourier Forecasting schema since my last post, but I have made efforts to better document what I have done, both in the now documented MATLAB Code, and the website discussion proper.

    Again, we are trying to use the holographic properties embedded in the Fourier transform to achieve prediction of macro- and microscopic phenomenon in a Holographic Cosmos. Restorative Up-sampling is an off-shoot from this that may suggest that the Second Law of Thermodynamics, at least as far as information goes, may be provisionally violable.

    Please use your kind "filters" to ignore the "crank" in my writings. Perhaps there are a few good ideas that may appear salvageable.


  • Report on ongoing Holographic Physics work at deserdi.xyz

    As humanity has travelled, both spiritually and intellectually, since the dawn of the Scientific Revolution, common ground has emerged between the spirit of our great religious teachings and science, which began, in part, as an attempt to describe and manage the Universe without any reference whatsoever to spirituality.

    Perhaps beginning with special and general relativity, and their impact on Cosmology (namely, the idea that time has a definite beginning), and continuing with the advent of quantum mechanics, where the observer effects, and is implicated by, the observed, trends toward a kind of pseudo-spirituality have been on the rise in science since the early twentieth century.

    But new developments can happen in the realm of spirituality, as well. The recent addition to the religious canon of the Christ-centered 'A Course in Miracles' (also called the Christian Vedanta by one of its 'scribes') has deepened our understandings of psychology, ontology, epistemology, eschatology, and the promise of universal redemption.

    While we can't discuss or even feign to understand all the implications of these new developments in science and spirituality, we will share aspects of a wholistic vision involving holographic physics, a vision which sprang from personal practice of the spiritual discipline of 'A Course in Miracles' over fifteen or so years. ACIM, as it is often called, is not the central focus of this website, although it is mentioned at points... the central theme is the holographic nature of our Cosmos. However, the practice of ACIM remains a constant ground tone which has supported our work.


    Deserdi.xyz exists to share, serve and help develop insight regarding an emerging sense of wholeness pervading the fields of physics and metaphysics, primarily revolving around the perception of our Universe as being holographic. Bohmian mechanics was the first quantum theory to speculate that the universe has 'holographic' properties, with string theory being the other main adherent to this idea.

    Whichever wins out as a final theory may use insights we have attempted to develop on this web page, specifically with regards to something called 'macrocosmic quantum entanglement.' This 'property' of the Cosmos is revealed and embodied by the bandlimited Fourier forecasting work done by us (and others, in differing forms) which imply that conventional quantum entanglement may also be observed at large scales. We 'wax' a bit spiritual at points on various pages of the site, but unapologetically so. And though our presentation may be a little clunky and disjointed at points, if you bare with us, you may come away with something worth having.

    We are by no means the first to venture in this territory, and if we have accomplished anything worthwhile, it is with gratitude and deep indebtedness, not only to the physicists and mystics who have come before, but to the people that, like me, labor without the egoic distinction of enhanced "specialness," although heroically nonetheless. As has been observed: the greatest accomplishment is to live an ordinary life in an extraordinarily forgiving manner.

    David Bohm, a central figure in our discussion, was the first physicist who both perceived the Universe as being holographic and also addressed the stand-alone importance of mysticism and a new kind of respectful dialogue between individuals as being essential to healing the Mind of which the Cosmos is but an aspect. Bohm's concept of the Universe being comprised of both implicate and explicit orders, connected by enfoldment, has proved groundbreaking, and implies such seemingly imponderable notions as a newly minted concept called: 'macrocosmic quantum entanglement,' the meaning and implications of which will be explained as we go along. As a property of our Holographic Universe, it is just one result of everything being enfolded, or entangled, in everything else.


    Standard quantum entanglement is a property of any two particles with the same genesis (or 'pseudo-genesis'), such that their quantum states can't be considered independently from one another. Measurable aspects of two entangled particles - such as 'spin' - find themselves correlated in such a fashion that a change in one particle results in an instantaneous change in the other particle, even if they have moved vast distances apart since their conjoined birth. This influence appears to imply faster than the speed of light information transfer, although there have been some problems with capitalizing on this property in fields related to communication.

    In addition to standard quantum entanglement, which can, theoretically, be 'engineered' at any point in time or space, 'macrocosmic quantum entanglement,' relates to phenomena which spring from the common birth of all matter and energy in the Big Bang, a profoundly 'entangling' event. Any later standard entanglement event has, as a backdrop, this macrocosmic entanglement which may draw other previously linked particles under the 'new' entanglement's sway. Thus, it may be helpful to remember that a standardly entangled set of particles is really "twice-entangled," as per the tongue-in-cheek title of this section of writing.

    Some speculate that perceptions of synchronicity, psychic-phenomena and the paranormal, and various both spiritual 'gifts' and impoverishing mental health problems may have common roots in entanglement. In the most general sense, we can at least say that Bohm's postulated holographic properties of the Cosmos likely spring from standard entanglement models applied to the grand scale for a Universe with a single common 'entangler' like the Big Bang.

    Bohm spoke of the Universe as being a "Holomovement," in which every part contains the whole. I first saw a hologram in my high-school physics class, and was fascinated. At deserdi.xyz, our work starts with the attempt to mathematically unlock the universal hologram, in a pragmatic way which satisfies the scientific prerequisite: namely the prediction of future events from past events. Our approach should apply to all measurables, whether they be microscopic entities or larger scale phenomena.


    On our website, we aim to strip scientific forecasting to its bare bones, capitalizing on the holographic properties embedded in Fourier analysis, to achieve one of the great aims of science, prediction, using very few standard physical models. All we really retain is the memory of measurements made in the past and the projection of those measurements forward in time with the help of the French mathematician Joseph Fourier's work.

    Paradoxically, we will later discuss whether 'prediction' is even worth undertaking... for various reasons: some pragmatic and some spiritual. However, that said, it does seem that, since we humans are addictively dependent on our predictive efforts, we may be bound to them, for now. Perhaps, though, we could gradually reign in our obsession with both past and future forecasting to shorter and shorter time frames - it remains for humanity to undertake dialogue as to whether we would be spiritually well-advised to ween ourselves from the near universal obsession with prediction and control.

    But first, in the interest of not 'skipping steps,' let's go on ahead down our little assigned rabbit-hole of prediction, and see what's there to see. In working to develop predictive functions which utilize the Discrete Fourier Transform, and apply to real number series, including those related to measured natural phenomena, we have labored to advance Bohm's vision and to demonstrate, holographically, that the part actually does contain the whole, with the past also containing the future, in a Universe where "everything is enfolded in everything else."

    Scientific prediction based on our work is discussed, with MATLAB code appearing on a separate page, on the page titled: 'Fourier Forecasting.' Provided that your results merit it, we leave the reader to reverse-engineer their understanding of the logic and rationale behind the processes from the, admittedly, sparcely documented MATLAB code.

    If viewed through the right lens, our research, combined with the work of many others, obliquely suggests that ancient ways of effecting real and substantive change and healing in the Unfolding of the Cosmos, including prayer and meditation, engaged listening, and Mindful dialogue, may be more primary then science, which often misassigns causality amidst a sea of merely correlative relations, will currently acknowledge.

    In addition to our forecasting work, we have developed, and dedicated a page to a Restorative Up-Sampling (RUP) algorithm. This up-sampling algorithm aims to be 'alchemical' in the sense that it may, if accurate, restore the 'gold' of high-frequency components lost due to under-sampling, while also undoing the 'dross' of aliasing errors introduced by this same under-sampling. It could be called 'alchemical,' also, in the sense that restorative up-sampling qualifies as one of the 'Holy Grails' of information processing: a feat which had been regarded by mainstream science as an impossibility. This algorithm is the natural outgrowth of Fourier Forecasting, so we thought we should include it here, so that others may follow the full thread of where we were led by this inquiry.

    As an important aside, I should mention that this work remains ongoing, if only in the sense that it is up to the reader to make the final assessment of the results, and report/share with the community. Even if my work is flawed, there may be a possiblity of others more skilled 'picking up the ball' where I have left off.

    • https://www.deserdi.xyz has been revised, edited and updated. If the snippet below catches your interest, we welcome you to visit the website...

      Standard quantum entanglement is a property of two particles with the same genesis. Measurable aspects of two entangled particles - such as 'spin' - find themselves correlated in such a fashion that a change in one particle results in an instantaneous change in the other particle, even if they have moved vast distances apart since their conjoined birth. This influence appears to imply faster than the speed of light information transfer, although there have been some problems with capitalizing on this property in fields related to communication.

      Macrocosmic quantum entanglement, to take the idea even further, relates to phenomena which spring from the common birth of all matter and energy in the Big Bang. Some speculate that perceptions of synchronicity, as well as Bohm's postulated holographic properties of the Cosmos, all spring from standard entanglement models applied to the grand scale of a Universe with a single common 'entangler' like the Big Bang.

      Bohm spoke of the Universe as being a "Holomovement," in which every part contains the whole. I first saw a hologram in my high-school physics class, and was fascinated. At deserdi.xyz, our work starts with the attempt to mathematically unlock the universal hologram, in a pragmatic way which satisfies the scientific prerequisite: namely the prediction of future events from past events. Our approach should apply to all measurables, whether they be microscopic entities or larger scale phenomena.

      On our website, we aim to strip scientific forecasting to its bare bones, capitalizing on the holographic properties embedded in Fourier analysis, to achieve one of the great aims of science, prediction, using very few standard physical models. All we really retain is the memory of measurements made in the past and the projection of those measurements forward in time with the help of the French mathematician Joseph Fourier's work.

      Paradoxically, we will later discuss whether 'prediction' is even worth undertaking... for various reasons: some pragmatic and some spiritual. However, that said, it does seem that, since we humans are addictively dependent on our predictive efforts, we may be bound to them, for now. Perhaps, though, we could gradually reign in our obsession with both past and future forecasting to shorter and shorter time frames - it remains for humanity to undertake dialogue as to whether we would be spiritually well-advised to ween ourselves from the near universal obsession with prediction and control.

    • Zeeya and FQXI Community:

      A long time in the works, with many false starts unfortunately reported as "complete," and still, perhaps, a work in progress, the following webpage highlights work done in service of a "new" vision of macroscopic quantum entanglement, while paying respects to David Bohm and his vision. The forecasting section, if it is viable, owes its inspiration to Michael Talbot's book, "The Holographic Universe." If the forecasting algorithm is not viable, we still feel we may be on to something, and request the help of those willing in the FQXI Community to flush out, accept as complete and viable, or vote "Quash," with grounds for their vote. The website contains numerous forays into other topics, and the reader is, obviously, are free to explore.

      Thank you.

      -Deserdi Chapas

      DESERDI.xyz Website

    • A new website, https://www.theimplicateorder.com discusses David Bohm's implicate and explicit orders from a prospective of macrocosmic quantum entanglement, and may show that everything is, indeed, enfolded in everything. Admittedly a bit rough around the edges, the website works to take Bohm's grand theories a bit further beyond the realm of speculation into pragmatic, predictive science. The Fourier transform based future forecasting routine seems the most solid part of the work, with the, as yet, most uncertain area of speculation being a pre-casting routine based on the reversibility of the implicate order. An off-shoot from this reversibility, and dependent on it, is a Bohmian up-sampling algorithm which aims to be high-frequency restorative and anti-aliasing: truly alchemical. Inspired in part by Michael Talbot's book, "The Holographic Universe," if any one of these features turns out to be solid, the work may have been worth the time.


    • Dear Zeeya:

      The article by the same name I submitted on 9/28/2020 needed, in my estimation, substantial editing for clarity's sake. I would appreciate if you would accept this final draft, and perhaps delete the earlier post as you see fit. Thank you for providing this Forum.


      Contextual Physics

      Center-Out Causation and Emerging Holographic Technology

      Everything I needed to know about manifestation I learned in Kindergarten. Really?! Well, perhaps not quite. But as this borrowed phrase suggests, our cosmos and linked human endeavors, including emerging technologies such as direct manifestation and teleportation, may "run," to use a metaphor from computer programming, on far more intuitive platforms then physicists had previously imagined. We use the term "contextual physics" to describe a fledgling field of inquiry which sees causality as flowing from metaphysics and highly rarefied first principles downward and outward toward final manifestation as the material world.

      From a center-out causative viewpoint, at any given point in time (read "Now-moment"), the Universe's charted unfolding is scripted much like the unfolding drama of an already printed book or narrative. Substantive changes in this charted unfolding radiate, during moments of Mindfulness, outward from the Center of Consciousness to effect change in the material world, and worlds more subtle. Rather than adopting a top-down or bottom-up causative viewpoint, where causation and agency are seen as extremely remote from the life we share with society, this center-out locus of agency, with Life at the Center, views the Universe as a hologram governed by contextually nested agreements, disagreements, splits of Mind, and breeches of contract made by (and with) Consciousness, itself.

      And while the holographic center-out approach doesn't deny that much of our Cosmos' unfolding is largely deterministic and holds more than a bit of inertia, it does provide a place for agency radiating out from the center which can effect huge change and healing over time (in fact, shortening "time".) This contextual and contractual approach provides a jumping off place for inquiry into whether certain of the agreements Consciousness has made with itself can be re-negotiated, with an eye toward enabling new "holographic" technologies, such as manifestation, teleportation, and the like.

      While this paper doesn't aim to be the final word, we hope our line of inquiry may prove fruitful. Research into the phenomena of hypnosis, the Vedic sciences, the Mind-Only phenomenology of Zen, and study of the modern-day spiritual classic "A Course in Miracles," also called the Christian Vedanta, provide a basis for much of this paper. The bulk of this article will address direct manifestation, but as may prove evident, the same "game rules" apply to teleportation and other holographic technologies.

      Nuts and Bolts of Direct Manifestation

      In "A Course in Miracles," we read that what two minds share perfectly in willing becomes the Will of God. We do not expect the reader to accept this as an axiom on blind faith, but only to consider their relative success with enthusiastically shared undertakings compared with those propelled only by self-will. For the rest, we just ask that you journey on with us. Although we may like to think we can act totally self-motivated and alone, were we honest with ourselves, we might admit that even cleaning the house or making the bed is done partly for and with someone else, even if it only be the traces of our parents still present in our minds. Completely isolated self-will may be a chimera that has no motivational power to get anything done. The Buddhist concept of the no-self of the illusory ego seems to add weight to this notion. Shared will, on the other hand, may form the basis for all manifestation and action, both linear (Newtonian) and holographic, and perfectly (meaning unambivalently) shared will may be capable of miraculous effects.

      With regards to "shared will," it appears we can delineate between two varieties: spontaneous shared will, wherein thought appears in two minds simultaneously, and negotiated shared will, which involves the externalization of thought (will) from subject A to a receptive audience: subject B. This transfer of will usually involves the spoken word, and in accomplishing it we have grapple and negotiate with conscious and unconscious resistances.

      As may be evident, direct holographic manifestation typically involves the appearance of an object or pattern of energy from "out of the blue," as it were. We may think there are no examples of this type of manifestation occurring, but in actuality, there are. Hypnotic suggestion can be seen as a variety of direct manifestation, undertaken by the hypnotist-subject dyad, and limited only by the constraints of no violation of the hypnosis dyad's core beliefs: scarcity, particle impact physics, and Mind contained to brain.

      Whether a hypnotic suggestion effects a sensation of hot or cold in the subject, or the hallucination of a lit candle where the candle is not actually burning, one thing seems clear: at bare minimum, neuronal firing patterns are changed as a result of the wording and acceptance of a hypnotic suggestion, and this qualifies as a legitimate direct physical manifestation under the heading of negotiated shared will.

      It matters not if the direct manifestation takes place exclusively in the brain, and is limited to changes in neurology by the belief system of the hypnosis dyad. The laws of the cosmos do not carve out a privileged place for "gray matter." What applies to neurology with regards to manifestation seems to also have to apply to the entire universe. The only difference is that a suggestion to effect a change in matter outside the subject's body currently arouses too much anxiety for the unity of the hypnotist-subject dyad, and linked trance state, to endure.

      In the case of a hypnotic suggestion, it appears the desired effect is languaged by the hypnotist, then the Mind reverse-engineers the neurological firing patterns commensurate with the suggested sensation or hallucination, and directly manifests them. This reverse-engineering step is no small feat, in and of itself, and makes current modes of hypnotic suggestion and direct manifestation far more complicated than simple manifestation of the "thing in itself," a feat which has already been accomplished by Saints and Sages of India, according to the literature, and which will be discussed more a few paragraphs hence.

      If we turn our attention to conventional Newtonian manifestation, as happens in the construction of a building, we see what may be viewed a series of instantaneous holographic manifestations spread out over time so as to appear to tell a story of manifestation that preserves the beliefs in Conservation of Energy and Matter, work being essential to overcoming Entropy, and no violations of billiard-ball physics. But if all this is is just a movie, there may be a possibility of going deeper to effect change from a level where these rules do not apply. We can view this "film" from the uncompromising position that all that is going on in building construction is structured communication in line with what some Biblical students understand (and misunderstand) as the "Power of the Word."

      The advance of the construction's story-line is really powered by the vibrational requests, demands, commands, and negotiations undertaken by everything in the surrounding context, in accord with, if we may be so bold, the sometimes competing "desires" of each thing in the environment: from the soil, to the construction materials, to the equipment, to the weather, to the people. This requires seeing human thought and speech as a subset of a larger language which includes the thought and speech of nature as well, including what was formally considered to be inanimate matter. From the negotiations and efforts of the workers to the sounds of protest of the rocks under the growl of the bulldozer and its blade, it's all one language. This does not mean that we don't do well to have our filters up a fair portion of the time, but sometimes opening up can reveal solutions and buried problems that had been hidden.

      As was mentioned earlier, Indian Saints have been reported to directly manifest objects when such has been requested by a faith filled supplicant. This may be viewed as a case similar to hypnosis where the belief in impossibility has all but totally been suspended. In the situation of the perfectly receptive and attuned dyad, the externalization of will by one and the perfect acceptance by the other of this will as also being "his" results in the direct manifestation (or instantaneous travel to a distant location, were this what was "wished" for.) We will now touch on viewing segments of will as "thought-forms," as the Vedic sciences often discuss them, and note that in any context they can be helpful or hindering, constructive or destructive.

      We, as speakers of language, do not really understand our native tongues at a "machine-code" level, but that doesn't mean we don't know how to give voice to intent and get things done. All languages may derive from the Tower of Babel effect operating on our root language of Sanskrit, and symbols can lead, from a spiritual perspective, upward or downward, but in God, mystics report, they are transcended entirely. Best to go by the intuitive "feel" of language than any stodgy rules of proper usage, while always working to maintain an upward spiritual vector.

      Direct manifestation, if it is even wise to undertake, would likely involve the non-entropic disappearance of an electromagnetic representation of a thought form from two different perspective points. The thought form itself is holographic, and its etheric substance lies between any two physical nodes in the manifest Cosmos. A disappearance from two perspective nodes must be necessary to substantively altering the time-space hologram, as only thus is fulfilled on micro-scale the dictum "what two minds share perfectly in willing becomes the Will of God." If the negation of a desired thought form were to disappear from the manifest Universe, either by 'falling' into the Void, or by some not so extreme form of contextual "grounding-out," then the surround must, of necessity, supply the affirmation that was put forth by the disappearance of its negation. The imploding power of the whole energy of the Universe moving to fill the Void left by the negated thought form's disappearance is available, somewhat akin to the power wielded by a gate valve controlling the flow backed up behind a huge reservoir. As a result, Conservation of Energy does not apply in the normal sense.

      In standard human interaction, a compromise approach to this happens, and a healthier and perhaps less hubristic one at that, wherein the script of the Universe's charted unfolding is modified my attentive listening and re-contextualization of pathogenic speech and thought patterns, informed by mindfulness and emotional regulation skills. Developing and maintaining "centering-skills" benefits not only the conventionally boundaried person, but the larger context and community as well. It is only via these processes, both in the consulting room, but also involving "therapy writ large" as can occur in the larger community (or in the mind given to prayer and meditation) that substantive change and healing can take place. If things go awry, continue performing therapy with/on the Cosmos, and whatever comes your way in gratitude is yours to keep and share. We remember that therapy is different in different contexts, and often constitutes tasks like making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for a hungry child or feeding and watering the cat.

      Holographic technologies are not in and of themselves a path to God, but they might boot-strap us out of the Spirit-denying materialism we currently find much of the intelligentsia and their followers entrenched.

      David M Boie

      Postscript: It is possible that such a "grounding-out" of thought-forms may be achieved by current technology, namely, the established phenomenon of non-radiating charge-current excitation based on deconstructive interference in toroids, and first proposed by Afanasiev and Stepanovsky. With a non-radiating interference pattern we may be able to effectively "ground-out" the radiated energy of an electromagnetic transform of a thought form using what the literature calls transparency. Using superconductive material may also enable elimination of the portion of the thought-form that would be preserved as thermal scattering, offering total deconstructive interference of an electromagnetic transform of a thought-form.

    • Contextual Physics

      Center-Out Causation and Emerging Holographic Technology

      Everything I needed to know about manifestation I learned in Kindergarten. Really?! Well, perhaps not quite. But as this borrowed phrase suggests, our cosmos and linked human endeavors, including emerging technologies such as direct manifestation and teleportation, may "run," to use a metaphor from computer programming, on far more intuitive platforms then physicists had previously imagined. We use the term "contextual physics" to describe a fledgling field of inquiry which sees causality as flowing from metaphysics and highly rarefied first principles downward and outward toward final manifestation as the material world.

      From a center-out causative viewpoint, at any given point in time (read "Now-moment"), the Universe's charted unfolding is scripted much like the unfolding drama of a already printed book or narrative. Substantive changes in this charted unfolding radiate from the center of consciousness outward to effect change in the material world, and worlds more subtle. The center-out causation of contextual physics views the universe as a hologram governed by nested agreements, disagreements, splits of Mind, and breeches of contract made by (and with) Consciousness, itself. This provides a jumping off place for inquiry into whether certain of these agreements can be re-negotiated, with an eye toward enabling new "holographic" technologies, such as manifestation, teleportation, and the like.

      And, while this paper doesn't aim to be the final word, we hope our line of inquiry may prove fruitful. Research into the phenomena of hypnosis, the Vedic sciences, the Mind-Only phenomenology of Zen, and study of the modern-day spiritual classic "A Course in Miracles," also called the Christian Vedanta, provide a basis for much of this paper. The bulk of this article will address direct manifestation, but as may prove evident, the same "game rules" apply to teleportation and other holographic technologies.

      Nuts and Bolts of Direct Manifestation

      In "A Course in Miracles," we read that what two minds share perfectly in willing becomes the Will of God. We do not expect the reader to accept this as an axiom on blind faith, but only to consider their relative success with enthusiastically shared undertakings compared with those propelled only by self-will. For the rest, we just ask that you journey on with us. Although we may like to think we can act totally self-motivated and alone, were we honest with ourselves, we might admit that even cleaning the house or making the bed is done partly for and with someone else, even if it only be the traces of our parents still present in our minds. Completely isolated self-will may be a chimera that has no motivational power to get anything done. The Buddhist concept of the no-self of the illusory ego seems to add weight to this notion. Shared will, on the other hand, may form the basis for all manifestation and action, both linear (Newtonian) and holographic, and perfectly (meaning unambivalently) shared will may be capable of miraculous effects.

      With regards to "shared will," it appears we can delineate between two varieties: spontaneous shared will, wherein thought appears in two minds simultaneously, and negotiated shared will, which involves the externalization of thought (will) from subject A to a receptive audience: subject B. This transfer of will usually involves the spoken word, and in accomplishing it we have grapple and negotiate with conscious and unconscious resistances.

      As may be evident, direct holographic manifestation typically involves the appearance of an object or pattern of energy from "out of the blue," as it were. We may think there are no examples of this type of manifestation occurring, but in actuality, there are. Hypnotic suggestion can be seen as a variety of direct manifestation, undertaken by the hypnotist-subject dyad, and limited only by the constraints of no violation of the hypnosis dyad's core beliefs: scarcity, particle impact physics, and Mind contained to brain.

      Whether a hypnotic suggestion effects a sensation of hot or cold in the subject, or the hallucination of a lit candle where the candle is not actually burning, one thing seems clear: at bare minimum, neuronal firing patterns are changed as a result of the wording and acceptance of a hypnotic suggestion, and this qualifies as a legitimate direct physical manifestation under the heading of negotiated shared will. It matters not if the direct manifestation takes place exclusively in the brain, and is limited to changes in neurology by the belief system of the hypnosis dyad. The laws of the cosmos do not carve out a privileged place for "gray matter." What applies to neurology with regards to manifestation seems to also have to apply to the entire universe. The only difference is that a suggestion to effect a change in matter outside the subject's body currently arouses too much anxiety for the unity of the hypnotist-subject dyad, and linked trance state, to endure.

      In the case of a hypnotic suggestion, it appears the desired effect is languaged by the hypnotist, then the Mind reverse-engineers the neurological firing patterns commensurate with the suggested sensation or hallucination, and directly manifests them. This reverse-engineering step is no small feat, in and of itself, and makes current modes of hypnotic suggestion and direct manifestation far more complicated than simple manifestation of the "thing in itself," a feat which has already been accomplished by Saints and Sages of India, according to the literature, and which will be discussed more a few paragraphs hence.

      If we turn our attention to conventional Newtonian manifestation, as happens in the construction of a building, we see what may be viewed a series of instantaneous holographic manifestations spread out over time so as to appear to tell a story of manifestation that preserves the beliefs in Conservation of Energy and Matter, work being essential to overcoming Entropy, and no violations of billiard-ball physics. But if all this is is just a movie, there may be a possibility of going deeper to effect change from a level where these rules do not apply. We can view this "film" from the uncompromising position that all that is going on in building construction is structured communication in line with what some Biblical students understand (and misunderstand) as the "Power of the Word."

      The advance of the construction's story-line is really powered by the vibrational requests, demands, commands, and negotiations undertaken by everything in the surrounding context, in accord with, if we may be so bold, the sometimes competing "desires" of each thing in the environment: from the soil, to the construction materials, to the equipment, to the weather, to the people. This requires seeing human thought and speech as a subset of a larger language which includes the thought and speech of nature as well, including what was formally considered to be inanimate matter. From the negotiations and efforts of the workers to the sounds of protest of the rocks under the growl of the bulldozer and its blade, it's all one language. This does not mean that we don't do well to have our filters up a fair portion of the time, but sometimes opening up can reveal solutions and buried problems that had been hidden.

      As was mentioned earlier, Indian Saints have been reported to directly manifest objects when such has been requested by a faith filled supplicant. This may be viewed as a case similar to hypnosis where the belief in impossibility has all but totally been suspended. In the situation of the perfectly receptive and attuned dyad, the externalization of will by one and the perfect acceptance by the other of this will as also being "his" results in the direct manifestation (or instantaneous travel to a distant location, were this what was "wished" for.) We will now touch on viewing segments of will as "thought-forms," as the Vedic sciences often discuss them, and note that in any context they can be helpful or hindering, constructive or destructive.

      We, as speakers of language, do not really understand our native tongues at a "machine-code" level, but that doesn't mean we don't know how to give voice to intent and get things done. All languages may derive from the Tower of Babel effect operating on our root language of Sanskrit, and symbols can lead, from a spiritual perspective, upward or downward, but in God, mystics report, they are transcended entirely. Best to go by the intuitive "feel" of language than any stodgy rules of proper usage, while always working to maintain an upward spiritual vector.

      Direct manifestation, if it is even wise to undertake, would likely involve the non-entropic disappearance of an electromagnetic representation of a thought form from two different perspective points. The thought form itself is holographic, and its etheric substance lies between any two physical nodes in the manifest Cosmos. A disappearance from two perspective nodes must be necessary to substantively altering the time-space hologram, as only thus is fulfilled on micro-scale the dictum "what two minds share perfectly in willing becomes the Will of God." If the negation of a desired thought form were to disappear from the manifest Universe, either by 'falling' into the Void, or by some not so extreme form of contextual "grounding-out," then the surround must, of necessity, supply the affirmation that was put forth by the disappearance of its negation. The imploding power of the whole energy of the Universe moving to fill the Void left by the negated thought form's disappearance is available, somewhat akin to the power wielded by a gate valve controlling the flow backed up behind a huge reservoir. As a result, Conservation of Energy does not apply in the normal sense.

      In standard human interaction, a compromise approach to this happens, and a healthier and perhaps less hubristic one at that, wherein the script of the Universe's charted unfolding is modified my attentive listening and re-contextualization of pathogenic speech and thought patterns, informed by mindfulness and emotional regulation skills. Developing and maintaining "centering-skills" benefits not only the conventionally boundaried person, but the larger context and community as well. It is only via these processes, both in the consulting room, but also involving "therapy writ large" as can occur in the larger community (or in the mind given to prayer and meditation) that substantive change and healing can take place. If things go awry, continue performing therapy with/on the Cosmos, and whatever comes your way in gratitude is yours to keep and share. We remember that therapy is different in different contexts, and often constitutes tasks like making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for a hungry child or feeding and watering the cat.

      Holographic technologies are not in and of themselves a path to God, but they might boot-strap us out of the Spirit-denying materialism we currently find much of the intelligentsia and their followers entrenched.

      David M Boie

      Postscript: It is possible that such a "grounding-out" of thought-forms may be achieved by current technology, namely, the established phenomenon of non-radiating charge-current excitation based on deconstructive interference in toroids, and first proposed by Afanasiev and Stepanovsky. With a non-radiating interference pattern we may be able to effectively "ground-out" the radiated energy of an electromagnetic transform of a thought form using what the literature calls transparency. Using superconductive material may also enable elimination of the portion of the thought-form that would be preserved as thermal scattering, offering total deconstructive interference of an electromagnetic transform of a thought-form.