So you want something from nothing. A value where there was none.

I think there needs to be at least existence with the potential to become everything'

Universe soup -FQXi competition entry, introduction:

Something rather than nothing, existence rather than void is a foundational necessity. To be a universe that has physics, chemistry and biology happening, the existent something must have the quality of being able to have different distributions. More here, less there, so that from unknown (as it shares no information about itself), base existence, other kinds of existence can be happening and identified. Then there can be quantities and categories and geometry and mathematics is more interesting.

I think something from nothing is a necessity for having a truly emergent description of the universe. And that the rest of the universe follows from that by adding relations, causality and the possibility of change. But this will mean that f.ex the concept of conservation of information also is emergent, as well as time and all the laws of nature.

It is amazing what one can achieve if one tries an infinitely number of times.

Something emergent has new function without any new ingredient. Like enzyme function is emergent from the sequencing of the atoms which can then bind into a specific shape with functional characteristics. The same atoms randomly arranged lack the enzyme function.

A base medium can by its distribution be formed into all of the elementary particles. They are emergent in that way. With nothing, adding no new ingredient, just rearranging-(though you have nothing to re arrange) gets nothing new.

Yes, I agree that the choice of wording could be better. The simplest set of initial conditions would f.ex be more precise.

5 days later

Hello to you ,....

i have made some interesting progress in the continuity of those peer-reviewed works,...

it is all about entangled quantum information....and... quantum gravity

this definition of information is used :

information it is a quantum state change due to the modification of one degree of freedom of the considered quantum system

moreover, the black holes entropic information formula permits to express the black hole entropy down to the quantum level independently of the area horizon's law that permits to calculate the Von Neumann entropy, the gravitational fine-grained entropy of the black hole independently of the area of the horizon law.

The black holes entropic Information formula can calculate the entangled Hawking radiation down to the quantum system, describing black hole independently of the area law of the entropy of Bekenstein-Hawking. The black holes entropic information formula is equal to the universal bound originally found by Jacob Bekenstein. Which is equal by Casini's work to the difference between the expectation value of the modular Hamiltonian in the excited state and the vacuum state, itself equal to the Von Neumann entropy. The ultraviolet divergences can be avoided by taking differences between quantities computed in an excited state and the same quantities computed in the vacuum state; this must be put in relation to Ryu and Takayanagi conjecture, a general formula for the fine-grained entropy of quantum systems coupled to gravityВ 

We start from the hidden thermodynamic of Louis De Broglie, where we replace the mass by the mass of bit of information.

After we used this mass of bit of information at the Hawking temperature in the framework of the black hole thermodynamics and in the perspective of the Hawking radiation, the process of evaporation of the black hole, we will compare some black hole data from all over the black holes scale to confirm that the black holes entropic information formula equal to the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy, but, also equal to the Bekenstein bound . Results are put in relation to the work of Casini from 2008 about Bekenstein and Von Neumann entropy, about the fine-grained entropy and the coarse grained entropy. After this we will put in relation the black holes entropic information to the Ryu-Takayanagi formula which is a general formula for the fine-grained entropy of gravity-coupled quantum systems.

The black hole entropy horizon law which turns out to be a special case of the Ryu-Takayanagi conjecture.

The black-hole entropy area relationship was generalized to arbitrary regions via the Ryu-Takayanagi formula, which relates the entanglement entropy of a boundary conformal field theory to a specific surface in its dual gravitational theory but the current understanding of the formula is much more general. As being a general formula for the fine-grained entropy of quantum systems coupled to gravity.

[math]$$K_V=tr (K ПЃ_V) в€' tr (K ПЃ_V^0)=$$ \((kc^3ln(2)t_{evap}) \over 16ПЂ^2GM\)=$$S_v=S (ПЃ_Vв"‚ПЃ_V^0 )= S(ПЃ_V )- S(ПЃ_V^0 )=$$ $$Tr (ПЃ_VВ  (log (ПЃ_V)В  - log (ПЃ_V^0)))=$$ $$2ПЂkRE \over в„Џc$$[/math]

Moreover we ca say that :

the information increase drives :

--the 2nd law of thermodynamics

--the emergence of the classical world from the quantum.

--the arrow of time

which itself points in the direction of increasing information/entropy and multiplying entanglement viewed as correlation of information.


All mathematical description and further development can be found at

with :

Quantum Gravity mathematical description


Abstract and explicative Video


Publication Peer-reviewed

hello @Steve Dufourny

""The scalar massless fields of this DE antigravitation possess the main informations and encode these photons and this CDM to create the diversity of matters and their properties.""

so for you,

information is masssless..?

perso i considers information as physical, and im not the only one

pls take a look into :

Landauer's principle formulated in 1961 states that logical irreversibility implies physical irreversibility and demonstrated that information is physical.

A 2019 paper from Melvin M. Vopson establishes some theory for a mass-energy-information equivalence principle and proposes an experiment to test it, a experimental protocol for testing the mass-energy-information equivalence principle

as photon..

According to electromagnetic theory, the rest mass of photon in free space is zero and also photon has non-zero rest mass, as well as wavelength-dependent. The very recent experiment revealed its non-zero value as 10 - 54 kg ( 5.610 テ-- 10 - 25 MeV c - 2 )

But what is your definition of information .?

the one i used is this one :

"information it is a quantum state change due to the modification of one degree of freedom of the considered quantum system"

perso my work about The Entangled Informational Universe are based on physical information and on black hole thermodynamics.

Have you some mathematics development..?? always better with....

Hi Olivier, yes I consider the main informations in this space vacuum of this dynamical energetical fluid of the dark energy antigravitationa, of negative pressure and like a fifth force. I have 140 pages for the publications and this moment and yes the maths are developped with the spherical geometrical topological algebra the tools that I have invented. Many things are considered, the QFT, Yang mills , the GR, the philosophy of my theory .......these informations are simply correlated with the series of 3D spheres of this DE and they have motions, rotations, oscillations and it is this the codes and informations , the cause of these informations are dynamical and physical. The codes are topological, geometrical and about the properties of fields when this DE encoded the photons and the cold dark matter to create the ordinary matter and its fields. The deformations of spherical volumes are made with the symplectomorphisms preserving these volumes also. The informations must have a cause philosophical and must have a dynamics, if you don t define what is an information, so there is a problem. Like you see the universe is mainly made of particles in this fluidity , if the spheres are the answer and are not emergent but the choice of the universe, , so it seems logic about their motions , rotations, oscillations , so in resume an information for me is not binary codes inside the photons from this GR and fields , but are from this DE and its motions and oscillations. The maths of all this puzzle are complex seen the number of spheres for the primary series.

hey @steve,....

""Hi Olivier, yes I consider the main informations in this space vacuum of this dynamical energetical fluid of the dark energy antigravitationa, of negative pressure and like a fifth force. ""

hmm take a look into :

The mass-energy-information equivalence principle which combines several theories to offer an alternative to dark matter. There is no dark matter. Instead, information has mass, Melvin Vopson says. we can read in some articles,.....""Newly Proposed Experiment Could Confirm that Information is Fifth State of Matter""

"" if you don t define what is an information, so there is a problem""

have you read my post .? you don't have seen the definition of information.?

"information it is a quantum state change due to the modification of one degree of freedom of the considered quantum system"

All your model : "theory of spherisation" is based on sphere..

But Spheres are structures and structures are information!!

The structures like you said are the for me the primary essence of the universe and are these spheres and the informations can be these 3D spheres of the DE in the fluidity, we need causes for our informations, you don t define the cause nor in philosophy , nor in reality. If you told me , steve I consider that a kind of god codes the spacetime and photons at this planck scale with binary codes and fields and with photons and dark photons for the turn off and turn on and after that you link with the mass energy equivalence of einstein and after that you correlate witt he geometrical algebras and dimensions and in explaining the 3D emergent reality, it could be interesting, but you have no philosophy, no cause really


""The structures like you said are the for me the primary essence of the universe and are these spheres and the informations can be these 3D spheres of the DE in the fluidity,""

but with massless information ....!!!

""you don t define the cause nor in philosophy , nor in reality.""

The new Entropic Information approach

For that approach, we'll take the "it from bit" perspective route.

"it from bit" perspective symbolizes the idea that every item of the physical world has at bottom -- at a very deep bottom, in most instances -- an immaterial source and explanation; that what we call reality arises in the last analysis from the posing of yes-no questions and the registering of equipment-evoked responses; in short, that all things physical are information-theoretic in origin and this is a participatory universe". Wheeler


"It's one thing to say that measurement requires information. It's another thing to say that the thing being measured is created by the observer doing the measuring".Dembski

The new Entropic Information approach is in line with a semiclassical approach where the space is described by general relativity theory and the matter is described by quantum field.

This can be realize by Quantum field theory in curved spacetime (QFTCS) being an extension of quantum field theory from Minkowski spacetime to a general curved spacetime.

Where, the spacetime is treated by this theory as a fixed, classical background, while for the matter and energy propagating through that spacetime are explained by adescription provided by quantum-mechanics.

Quantum field theory in curved spacetime (QFTCS) is a viable approximation of the theory of quantum gravity when spacetime curvature is not significant on the Planck scale.

The spacetime in which the fields propagate is classical but dynamical. The curvature of the spacetime is given by the semiclassical Einstein equations.

After this short presentation about the general framework used in entropic information theory, let us now focus on what is, following the Entropic Information Theory, the fundamental building block of our universe: the entangled quantum information.

Indeed, we can say that the new Entropic Information approach is founded on the bit of information such as the number of bits of the system is the number of bits necessary to specify the actual microscopic configuration among the total number of microstates allowed and thus characterize the macroscopic states of the system under consideration.

Where, following the Entropic Information Theory, the entropy of a thermodynamic system in equilibrium measure of the uncertainty as to which all its internal configurations compatible with its macroscopic thermodynamic parameters (temperature, pressure, etc.) are actually realized

3 months later

Report on ongoing Holographic Physics work at

As humanity has travelled, both spiritually and intellectually, since the dawn of the Scientific Revolution, common ground has emerged between the spirit of our great religious teachings and science, which began, in part, as an attempt to describe and manage the Universe without any reference whatsoever to spirituality.

Perhaps beginning with special and general relativity, and their impact on Cosmology (namely, the idea that time has a definite beginning), and continuing with the advent of quantum mechanics, where the observer effects, and is implicated by, the observed, trends toward a kind of pseudo-spirituality have been on the rise in science since the early twentieth century.

But new developments can happen in the realm of spirituality, as well. The recent addition to the religious canon of the Christ-centered 'A Course in Miracles' (also called the Christian Vedanta by one of its 'scribes') has deepened our understandings of psychology, ontology, epistemology, eschatology, and the promise of universal redemption.

While we can't discuss or even feign to understand all the implications of these new developments in science and spirituality, we will share aspects of a wholistic vision involving holographic physics, a vision which sprang from personal practice of the spiritual discipline of 'A Course in Miracles' over fifteen or so years. ACIM, as it is often called, is not the central focus of this website, although it is mentioned at points... the central theme is the holographic nature of our Cosmos. However, the practice of ACIM remains a constant ground tone which has supported our work.

INTRODUCTION exists to share, serve and help develop insight regarding an emerging sense of wholeness pervading the fields of physics and metaphysics, primarily revolving around the perception of our Universe as being holographic. Bohmian mechanics was the first quantum theory to speculate that the universe has 'holographic' properties, with string theory being the other main adherent to this idea.

Whichever wins out as a final theory may use insights we have attempted to develop on this web page, specifically with regards to something called 'macrocosmic quantum entanglement.' This 'property' of the Cosmos is revealed and embodied by the bandlimited Fourier forecasting work done by us (and others, in differing forms) which imply that conventional quantum entanglement may also be observed at large scales. We 'wax' a bit spiritual at points on various pages of the site, but unapologetically so. And though our presentation may be a little clunky and disjointed at points, if you bare with us, you may come away with something worth having.

We are by no means the first to venture in this territory, and if we have accomplished anything worthwhile, it is with gratitude and deep indebtedness, not only to the physicists and mystics who have come before, but to the people that, like me, labor without the egoic distinction of enhanced "specialness," although heroically nonetheless. As has been observed: the greatest accomplishment is to live an ordinary life in an extraordinarily forgiving manner.

David Bohm, a central figure in our discussion, was the first physicist who both perceived the Universe as being holographic and also addressed the stand-alone importance of mysticism and a new kind of respectful dialogue between individuals as being essential to healing the Mind of which the Cosmos is but an aspect. Bohm's concept of the Universe being comprised of both implicate and explicit orders, connected by enfoldment, has proved groundbreaking, and implies such seemingly imponderable notions as a newly minted concept called: 'macrocosmic quantum entanglement,' the meaning and implications of which will be explained as we go along. As a property of our Holographic Universe, it is just one result of everything being enfolded, or entangled, in everything else.


Standard quantum entanglement is a property of any two particles with the same genesis (or 'pseudo-genesis'), such that their quantum states can't be considered independently from one another. Measurable aspects of two entangled particles - such as 'spin' - find themselves correlated in such a fashion that a change in one particle results in an instantaneous change in the other particle, even if they have moved vast distances apart since their conjoined birth. This influence appears to imply faster than the speed of light information transfer, although there have been some problems with capitalizing on this property in fields related to communication.

In addition to standard quantum entanglement, which can, theoretically, be 'engineered' at any point in time or space, 'macrocosmic quantum entanglement,' relates to phenomena which spring from the common birth of all matter and energy in the Big Bang, a profoundly 'entangling' event. Any later standard entanglement event has, as a backdrop, this macrocosmic entanglement which may draw other previously linked particles under the 'new' entanglement's sway. Thus, it may be helpful to remember that a standardly entangled set of particles is really "twice-entangled," as per the tongue-in-cheek title of this section of writing.

Some speculate that perceptions of synchronicity, psychic-phenomena and the paranormal, and various both spiritual 'gifts' and impoverishing mental health problems may have common roots in entanglement. In the most general sense, we can at least say that Bohm's postulated holographic properties of the Cosmos likely spring from standard entanglement models applied to the grand scale for a Universe with a single common 'entangler' like the Big Bang.

Bohm spoke of the Universe as being a "Holomovement," in which every part contains the whole. I first saw a hologram in my high-school physics class, and was fascinated. At, our work starts with the attempt to mathematically unlock the universal hologram, in a pragmatic way which satisfies the scientific prerequisite: namely the prediction of future events from past events. Our approach should apply to all measurables, whether they be microscopic entities or larger scale phenomena.


On our website, we aim to strip scientific forecasting to its bare bones, capitalizing on the holographic properties embedded in Fourier analysis, to achieve one of the great aims of science, prediction, using very few standard physical models. All we really retain is the memory of measurements made in the past and the projection of those measurements forward in time with the help of the French mathematician Joseph Fourier's work.

Paradoxically, we will later discuss whether 'prediction' is even worth undertaking... for various reasons: some pragmatic and some spiritual. However, that said, it does seem that, since we humans are addictively dependent on our predictive efforts, we may be bound to them, for now. Perhaps, though, we could gradually reign in our obsession with both past and future forecasting to shorter and shorter time frames - it remains for humanity to undertake dialogue as to whether we would be spiritually well-advised to ween ourselves from the near universal obsession with prediction and control.

But first, in the interest of not 'skipping steps,' let's go on ahead down our little assigned rabbit-hole of prediction, and see what's there to see. In working to develop predictive functions which utilize the Discrete Fourier Transform, and apply to real number series, including those related to measured natural phenomena, we have labored to advance Bohm's vision and to demonstrate, holographically, that the part actually does contain the whole, with the past also containing the future, in a Universe where "everything is enfolded in everything else."

Scientific prediction based on our work is discussed, with MATLAB code appearing on a separate page, on the page titled: 'Fourier Forecasting.' Provided that your results merit it, we leave the reader to reverse-engineer their understanding of the logic and rationale behind the processes from the, admittedly, sparcely documented MATLAB code.

If viewed through the right lens, our research, combined with the work of many others, obliquely suggests that ancient ways of effecting real and substantive change and healing in the Unfolding of the Cosmos, including prayer and meditation, engaged listening, and Mindful dialogue, may be more primary then science, which often misassigns causality amidst a sea of merely correlative relations, will currently acknowledge.

In addition to our forecasting work, we have developed, and dedicated a page to a Restorative Up-Sampling (RUP) algorithm. This up-sampling algorithm aims to be 'alchemical' in the sense that it may, if accurate, restore the 'gold' of high-frequency components lost due to under-sampling, while also undoing the 'dross' of aliasing errors introduced by this same under-sampling. It could be called 'alchemical,' also, in the sense that restorative up-sampling qualifies as one of the 'Holy Grails' of information processing: a feat which had been regarded by mainstream science as an impossibility. This algorithm is the natural outgrowth of Fourier Forecasting, so we thought we should include it here, so that others may follow the full thread of where we were led by this inquiry.

As an important aside, I should mention that this work remains ongoing, if only in the sense that it is up to the reader to make the final assessment of the results, and report/share with the community. Even if my work is flawed, there may be a possiblity of others more skilled 'picking up the ball' where I have left off.

    a month later

    "A Course in Miracles" says that ideas are purified as they are shared, and that, in fact, their sharing is their purification. Working outside a team setting, I have had to share ideas, on this and other forums, that were in need of purification, though believing that they may have reached their final embodiment. I believe that your receiving them, with abundant patience, activated my mind toward a final "good enough" purification.

    My forecasting, restorative up-sampling, and noise reduction sound files have been presented on Soundcloud with some initial positive indications that the files are at least intelligible, although the reviewers were "random" listeners who were uninformed of the significance of what they were listening to and for.

    I had to change my entire tack on the Fourier Forecasting schema since my last post, but I have made efforts to better document what I have done, both in the now documented MATLAB Code, and the website discussion proper.

    Again, we are trying to use the holographic properties embedded in the Fourier transform to achieve prediction of macro- and microscopic phenomenon in a Holographic Cosmos. Restorative Up-sampling is an off-shoot from this that may suggest that the Second Law of Thermodynamics, at least as far as information goes, may be provisionally violable.

    Please use your kind "filters" to ignore the "crank" in my writings. Perhaps there are a few good ideas that may appear salvageable.


    13 days later

    I had used a constant that was incorrect, and it didn't amount to just a scaling of the outputs, but rather a total distortion of them. I have now updated the MATLAB code and sound file outputs as of this post - we shall see what the community thinks of the changes.

    -Thanks for your patience.

    I have improved a lot this theory of spherisation withe quantum and cosmological 3d spheres ,If my humble reasoning is correct, I don t affirm but see well the massive and massless scalar fields in the equation Xl and Y of the DE and DM, E=m(c²+Xl²)+Y=2 mc² the gravitation originates from the energies antigravitational of the vaccuum of the DE encoding the cold dark matter creating mass and the photons creating the electromagnetic fields and so the gravitation under the antigravitation like chief orchestra possessing the main informations,The renormalisation of the quantum gravitation is a very difficult problem, it is mainly also philosophical about the primary essence of the universe. These gravitons are considered by the majority like the quantas of gravitational waves, and after they consider strings or points in 1D and 2 E8 for example and they try different partitions with the geometrical algebras, the vectors, tensors, scalars and in inserting the non commutativity , but that does not renormalise and quantise this QG because the gravitons interact with themselves infinitelly. The problem for me is to consider only the GR like primary essence and like the cause of this standard model with the fields like main essence. That comes from the fact that they consider strings or points in 1D and after a 1D cosmic field connected of this GR and so after they create extradimensions with the strings, branes, Mtheory but if the solution must consider a pure 3d and 3d spheres in a fluidity like in my model, so we have deeper scalar massive and massless fields of this dark matter and dark energy, we can so consider a pure newtonian quantum gravitation hidden behind the 3 other forces known, that implies also a fith force due to the main infor mations in this vacuum of this DE encoding the photons and the CDM to create the ordinary matter. I believe that the works of einstein have created a philosophical prison and that now the thinkers have difficulties to think beyond the box and are persuaded that the SR and GR are the primary essence and that this mass energy equivalence of einstein is correct but for me it is not complete and implies confusions .

    Hi FQXI Members:

    We found the courage to asymptotically take one step closer to confirming our results at - with some anxiety and recovery time required. This project seems to be like my 2001: A Space Odyssey "Baby," so to speak, and confirming the results without a community is like approaching the Monolith stationed on the Moon. That may be an overstatement of things, though. My anxiety may only result from a quirk in my psychology.

    That said, we invite the FQXI community to close the "feedback-loop," if guided, and if you like the results, but are uncertain if they were "faked" (which it would be really easy to do), we invite you further to confirm the MATLAB Fourier forecasting, restorative up-sampling, and noise reduction routines on your own data. This would require some time, but if you have the inclination, you're welcome. Here, again, is a link to the website:

    Again, yet another test was performed to reduce "form-level" uncertainty in our Holographic Physics results, and it proved positive. We believe that new discoveries can be somewhat fragile with regards humility, either too much or too little, and that too much certainty on the level of what Dr. David R. Hawkins calls "content" (or "form") can result in "contextual" communication failures, like internet mishaps, or simply a communal disgust and rejection of the cocksure manner in which the information has been presented. This content/context Uncertainty principle can be solidified by a widening shared agreement, but again the first steps can be tenuous.

    We believe that we had, in all likelihood, too much "content" insecurity, and the last check we made of our results was fairly robust. We now need shared agreement to make this discovery a provisional "reality," and invite you to be part of the community that accomplishes that.

    There is a further possibility that these ideas on Holographic Physics may be valid, but nonetheless premature, in the sense of being ideas whose time has not yet come. If the physics community "can't have" the implications of ideas such as these, as yet, at least we are logging them into the Unconscious for future processing.

    Cheers to you in your endeavors -

    As reported on another forum, this first part of February 2023 has served as a kind of "soft-opening" in which has been able to get some etheric feedback and iron out some kinks. We can only imagine the reader's frustration at our unwillingness to look directly into the mirror of our results and either confirm and report, or shut-up and continue refining our work in internet silence.

    Again "necessary but not sufficient" checks of results have been used to refine our work to the utmost of tolerance for anxiety, but a final direct look into the narcissistic mirror of absolute failure or success seems unwise without a community to buffer the shock, either way. I hope a community of physicists like FQXI might be sensitive and receptive to both the inner-workings and potential contributions of a "gentleman amateur" who only has a B.S. in electrical engineering. And, boy, I certainly can "B.S.", can't I.

    Cheers to you and your community.

    2 months later

    Somehow, I lost access to my old account, it says "invalid password" - so had to open a new account. I have a feeling that this Alternative Models page is just a back-water where "cranks" and "crank-theories" are sent to play, perhaps, visited once in a while for a chuckle. So be it. On the off chance that someone even reads this, they are welcome to check out continuing work on Holographic Physics, including pages on non-bandlimited Fourier forecasting, restorative up-sampling, and noise reduction. We present a novel approach to some "Fundamental Questions," though every institution will betray its stated fundamental purpose in the interest of preserving its power structure. Not to say that boundaries aren't important. We couldn't live without them. We'll see what shakes out...


    Deserdi Chapas I can understand your attempt to link the religions, physics, philosophy,.....but we don t know really the origin philosophical of this universe, the same for the foundamental objects . We are all free to think like we want, but we cannot affrim, the holographic principle has several relevances and the maths of strings also but it is just a general assumption, we cannot affrim that these strings and the holographic principle are the truth. Spiritually speaking it is the same, we don t know if we have a god and how this god if it exists transforms the energy . Wwe have this GR and the works of einstein like if the photons were the only one truth but it is an assumption also , we could have these deeper scalar fields of this DE and DM and a deeper philosophy about the matter energy equivalence. We must recognise that we have limitations in philosophy, maths, physics and that our knowledges on earth are very limited still. Regards

    We have abandoned our noise reduction efforts, as they did not seem viable, and the accompanying page has been deleted from The rest of the website remains intact and available.
