Georgina Woodward
Unlike your model of how reality works, containing bizarre special terms that you have invented, the vision of living organisms is nothing like a camera or a photo. A camera does not identify objects, but the essential aspect of the vision/ consciousness of living organisms is that it is made up of categories and objects.
For their own survival, living organisms need to identify special objects in their current, moving, surrounding environment, so that the organism can take any appropriate action in response to this information.
E.g. a food item, or a predator, or a safe hiding place, needs to be identified against a background of other things. This requires that the incoming low-level information, coming from interactions involving photons in the eyes, as well as interactions in the other senses, must be analysed and organised by the organism.
Even very low-level organisms couldn’t survive if they were not able to, in their own small way, analyse and organise and identify the low-level information continually arriving from the surrounding environment. This analysis, organisation and identification requires the use of logic.
Vast quantities of unanalysed, unorganised, unidentified, low-level information coming from interactions with the current surrounding environment, is no use to organisms.
This necessary analysis, organisation and identification of objects can’t be represented by the equations that physicists use to represent laws of nature. The necessary analysis, organisation and identification of objects can only be represented via the use of logical connective symbols.