A Theory of Spherisation - a new way philosophical and physical.
General relativity (GR) and quantum field theory (QFT) are not complete, and our knowledge about the standard model (SM) is mainly considered only to string theory in spacetime and at the Planck scale. But if spheres are the key, all changes.
Are spheres the fundamental characters in the universe? The holographic structures with surface codes and their properties of motions and oscillations can converge with several other models. Primitives as 3D spheres in a fluidity for the particles of photons, dark matter (DM), and dark energy (DE) merging to create the ordinary matter; they can be dense-packed and obey groups, clusters.
They actually carry all we need to know and give new solutions to many problems like:
the gap mass problem, the quantum gravity problem, the optimization problem, the hierarchy problem, the cosmological constant and Lambda problem, the DM problem, the DE problem, the hard problem of consciousness.
The missing mass completes the Higgs mechanism with this different philosophy of origin where 3 systems merge to create reality.
How do we approach the origin of reality, if we don’t consider the GR and photons like primary essence, nor the strings or points in 1D at the Planck scale connected with a 1D cosmic field. If my reasoning is correct we must superimpose DE and DM on this. Einstein used symmetrical spheres (in FRW, Schwartschild, teleparallel gravity) [1], abandoned due to string theory and KK-theory. Today we are on our way to abandon string theory, and we search for solutions ‘beyond Einstein’ often using loops. We need to include the quantum aspects like the dark ones and consciousness into gravitational theory.
If we can add or remove distortions that correspond to GR, then the basic structure is Newtonian after all and GR is only an observational tool, only different from SR. We can so far measure through light, the electromagnetic spectrum, but there must be more out there, like the gravitational waves and the neutrinos as some ‘new observational windows’; DM can be an amazing new window? We can understand it as non-baryonic, but how the heck does a non-baryonic matter look like? ‘Missing mass’ looks like antimatter or ‘islands’ of matter we still have not found, maybe supersymmetric even? If we look out through space it disappears observationally, but maybe not ‘in reality’ and locally? Velocity changes like an acceleration distort it only, until it is flat (the circle is max. but this is not the original unity). Symmetrical spheres in quantum is a way to link different fields and groups. Waves make circuits, rings, spheres, and connect to other structures that can be deformed spheres as we can see them using Liouville theorem. Those spheres can look very deformed. Volume is coded on the surface as a vector, as a growing or shrinking of the sphere. The volume is a subjective space of course, the inner part of the sphere rules the computations like a zitterbewegung? Weight is then an additional tension from ‘embedded space’, this is why it is compressed as gravity? This can be linked to fermions as basically massless structures. Massivation is added from the embeddings? Kinetic, potential energy and Klein-Gordon and Poisson eq [2]
Our physical laws and observables as particles are mostly symmetric (optimized), like we also see the SM-model as symmetric (renormalized). Then we have to exclude effects of time, energy and gravity; we say these distort our model. But it can de facto be our emergent, secondary symmetry that makes us confused, and gravity/antigravity can be the only truly symmetrical case. In any case symmetry leads forward, converges, and asymmetry breaks the systems, diverges, and gives the topology. Without this mechanism we would also have no symmetry nor invariance in the universe? GR still holds mainly for symmetrical cases (exact solutions). When we start to twist and bend spheres we get problems. Many say this is an energy problem giving non-linearity, but maybe we also have theoretical problems here?
Outside the box of the general and special relativity; interacting forces.
Regarding the equivalence in Special Relativity we need to incorporate the dark aspects of the universe if we want to relate it to gravitation. The DM and DE are also probably a reality in our QM and SM, implying deeper fields and particles that we have difficulties to measure and observe; from DE appears a possible antigravitational and informational fifth force. Here is my intuitive equation E=m(c²+Xl²)+Y=2 mc², X is a parameter correlated with the cold of the DM and l the velocity, Y is a parameter correlated with DE.
In geometrized units, G +Λg = 8πT. G is the Einstein curvature tensor, a (0, 2)-tensor defined in terms of the metric tensor g, the Ricci curvature tensor Ric, and the scalar curvature R as G = Ric - 1 /2 Rg. Λ is the cosmological constant, whose effect on the evolution of the universe is only seen at very large scales of distance and time (maybe corresponding to an homology in G?). Both G and T are symmetric tensors. We modify this simple equation, inserting DM, DE and informational codes.
Einstein was good, but he had his limits due to facts not then known. He tried to unify all these fields, using a G that was departed from ‘reality’ (homolog), even if it explicitly is defined using ‘reality’. G is strongly attached to matter, maybe even to quarks, like a strong force? There are numerous tests of G, but all end up in some variations, and so far we cannot deduce it. Its most strong link is to iron, the endpoint of the weak force as radioactive daughters. So maybe gravity is a weak force; then it should be possible to find its bosonic counterpart? There are also thoughts about gravity as a weak force, or linked to the weak forces, like a ‘Higgs field’, so the hypothetical graviton should be a weak boson, but massless? For instance Wilzcek has written about this [3] and he also linked in some chirality (as self-interactions?). If we follow this reasoning only spheres can have this; chirality is mostly an inside symmetry story. If we adapt it to gravity and the g-matrix we must find chirality in the covariant or contravariant fields as a curvature, but the diagonal is straight. This is maybe one of his errors, because this already describes a quantum system with virtual fields, so gravity would be ‘already quantum’. The gravity also vanishes in the diagonal so it is a null-field (the equivalence). Einstein solved this by taking only one side, the covariance, into consideration. So of course he got chirality. This is also the reason we cannot renormalize it? The only way would go up into a supersymmetry then.
These forces compete with each other, and keep up the tensions like a balancing act. An expanding universe keeps up the gravitational curvature (as conservation of baryons?) and makes it possible to ‘collect’ all other information from inside.
We assume that DE is the cosmological constant from an energetic vacuum that couples with gravitation. DE balances the Newtonian and GR (becomes ‘ether-like between opposite curvatures?) and probably also encodes them. Because the spheres are informational (carry different kinds of quanta), the photons and the CDM create the ordinary baryonic matter. The bosonic fields in our baryonic matter are due to these encoded photons and the Higgs mechanism [4] also comes from photons and CDM encoded. The mass does not in logic come from the mass energy equivalence of Einstein, but from DM.
We have hence 3 main systems interacting:
- the photons is quantas of heat, thermodynamics and electromagnetism and bosonic fields
- the DM is quantas of mass and
- the DE is quantas of information and antigravitation, a fifth force appears so and is the main antigravitational information chief orchestra…
The scalar, tensors and vector fields can be ranked with the spherical volumes and their motions and oscillations because they preserve the series and the volumes when they merge. Tensors of deformation come from the symplectomorphisms under the information of DE. The distribution of properties comes with the partitions in function of what we analyze, observe and measure.
Deeper scalar, vector and tensor fields.
The symmetries give the scalar fields, in space, time, and matter. These fields we say we have ‘quantized and normalized’ (an error?). This means we have parallelized them, so we ignore the transverse fields. Entanglement, both in quantum and classicality, begins to talk. This again means the orthogonality gets into some problems we have to solve. Most of what we know in physics is in the transverse fields, longitudinal scalar fields are difficult.
How can we reach and measure these deeper fields and particles, what experiments or models can we create? If we take seriously the key insight of GR that gravity is geometry, then perhaps we should turn to geometry for inspiration.
The complementarity instead of the competitivity.
Most applications in physics are based on the either or situation, a binary, digital system based on the game of life. Most signals are digital. We can modulate the signal, kind of phase shift it, add some small correction to it etc. but if we touch the signal itself it is gone. The competition is only in complexity? Orthogonality means we have a choice (a diffeomorphism), but only in the product states, not in the symmetrical ones that should stay invariant (an isomorphism). This gives a dynamicity.
The optimization problem [5] is related to the approximate choice as a ‘best solution’. It can be as a dense-packing of spheres, different other density problems, to find a ‘lowest point’, some least action principle etc. This is used in computer science as a ‘pure’ solution. It is where the spheres do ‘tangles’ to each other. Also the fundamental constants and couplings are on the optimizational tip as ‘interactions’.
This is a problem in so many areas. Dirac uses integrals, quantum physics uses discrete equations, we see it in the Kochen-Specker theorem etc. Shall we use sums or differential equations? How treat 2D and 3D situations when they are found in the same equation? Actually 2D is imaginary, it ‘does not exist’ here, or we can say it is ‘subjective’? Sums are using only unity? So we lose a lot in quantum.
Antigravity. A positive curvature?
The problem of ‘antigravity’ is a fight between forces of different mirror-symmetrical curvatures? Every force has its own curvature, and gravity has the most long range and smallest angle. Gravity also grows in strength with distance accordingly, like gluons, or the Hubble constant [6]. Many look to gluons, the biggest angle, to explain gravity; they are similar, even if gluons are constrained to a subjective space inside a particle. Can there be an explanation in quantum gravity? For instance the Casimir force can be seen as something between two curvatures. AdS/CFT is often used in this way.
Most agree that antigravity is related to cosmological constant, but is a positive curvature, and this curvature must be dynamic, hence we get problems with energy conservation in GR; it only holds for the quantum. DE makes a fifth force [7]? This curvature can be linked to information and consciousness, as a transfer, maybe even as a teleportation of information? This would also make it into a kind of zero-dimension of entanglement, hence a ‘protected’ state. So when we measure curvature, we are actually seeing the effects of the fourth dimension inside our usual complete 3-geometry [8]. This tells that gravity is a virtual force? We can sense it ONLY outside the diagonal, and there it describes a relativity.
DE is probably not invariant. It is like Dirac said, a ‘Sea, made of large numbers’ like some ‘infinity’. Only where the antigravity and gravity interact as curvatures can we have the invariance, and so this has to be where the information travels. Einstein was right, he only missed the fact it is a quantum state? If the whole universe is a quantum state we maybe can look at it as a superfluid also? See the wave equation of the universe, also seen as time.
It is possible to modify the EFE to include scalar fields that represent dark matter (DM) and dark energy (DE). One approach is to introduce an additional scalar field, called a quintessence field, to describe the behavior of DE - can be a ‘higher dimensional’ approach?
Liouville’s theorem [9] shows that there are far fewer conformal maps in higher dimensions than in 2D. Any conformal map from an open subset of Euclidean space into the same Euclidean space of 3D or higher can be composed from three types of transformations: a homothety, an isometry, and a special conformal transformation. In GR, conformal maps are the simplest and thus most common type of causal transformations. Physically, these describe different universes where all the same events and interactions are still (causally) possible, but a new additional force is necessary to effect this.
DM as large scale unexplained curvature?
Many have tried to ‘explain away’ DM, using MOND [10] (a modified Newton, a modified GR, or variable speed of light, a variable G or even a variable fine structure constant or Planck's constant (angular momentum ‘particle’ so). DM can be a long range wave or axion? DM is proved [11, 12]?
If we could allow a small mass to photons and to Plancks constant this could be at least a part of the DM as one ‘hidden parameter’, also wavefunction effects not counted for (infinitesmal corrections?) Antimatter too [13]?
The Standard Model corrections.
These equations describe probabilities of particle interactions and forces in SM.
The electromagnetic force is described by Quantum electrodynamics (QED), which involves the exchange of photons between charged particles as a self-interaction.
Fμν = ∂μAν − ∂νAμ This equation relates the electromagnetic field to the electromagnetic potential, where Fμν is the electromagnetic field tensor, Aμ is the electromagnetic potential, and μ and ν are indices that run from 0 to 3.
The probability amplitude for a charged particle to emit or absorb a photon is given by:
Mfi = −ieψ2¯γμψ1 * (-gμν/q2)ieqν
where Mfi is the probability amplitude for the process, ψ1 and ψ2 are the wavefunctions of the initial and final states of the particles, q is the four-momentum transfer, and γμ is a matrix that describes the spin of the particle.
The weak force involves the exchange of W and Z bosons between particles in QFT. The key equations are: Mfi = −gW2/8mW2Jμ+J−μ Mfi = −gW2/8mW2Jμ3J−μ3
where Mfi is the probability amplitude for the exchange of a W or Z boson between two particles, gW is the weak coupling constant, mW is the mass of the W boson, Jμ and Jμ3 are the currents associated with the particles, and the superscript ± and 3 denote the isospin of the particles.
The strong force is described by the equations of quantum chromodynamics (QCD), which involve the exchange of gluons between quarks. The key equation is:
LQCD = −1/4FμνaFνμa + ψ¯(iγμDμ − m)ψ where LQCD is the Lagrangian density for QCD, Fμνa is the field strength tensor for gluons, ψ is the quark field, m is the mass of the quark, and Dμ is the covariant derivative.
The Higgs field is responsible for giving mass to bosonic particles. The key equation is:
LHiggs = (Dμφ)†(Dμφ) − V(φ) where LHiggs is the Lagrangian density for the Higgs field, Dμ is the covariant derivative, φ is the Higgs field, and V(φ) is the Higgs potential.
Corrections to GR.
The modified Lagrangian density (see below) can be used to derive the modified Einstein field equations with both a quintessence field and a scalar field for DM.
The modified Einstein Field Equations: Gμν = 8πTμν/c4 describes the interaction of matter and energy with spacetime, where Gμν is the Einstein tensor that describes the curvature of spacetime, Tμν is the stress-energy tensor that describes the distribution of matter and energy in spacetime, and c is the speed of light.
So how to unify all this in considering deeper scalar vectors tensors fields of the DE and DM, so we could complete the EFE and GR?
The modified Einstein field equations with a quintessence field can be written as:
Gμν = 8πG(Tμν + TQμν)
where Gμν is the Einstein tensor, G is the gravitational constant, Tμν is the stress-energy tensor of matter and radiation, and TQμν is the stress-energy tensor of the quintessence field.
The stress-energy tensor of the quintessence field can be written as:
TQμν = (ϕ,μϕ,ν - 1/2 gμνϕ,αϕ,α - V(ϕ))gμν
where ϕ is the quintessence field, V(ϕ) is its potential energy, and gμν is the metric tensor.
In addition to the quintessence field, scalar fields can be used to describe the behavior of DM. Ex. the scalar field of dark matter (SFDM) model, where DM is described by scalar particles as Bose-Einstein condensate; the scalar field obeys the Klein-Gordon equation and its stress-energy tensor can be added to the right-hand side of the Einstein field equations.
The modified Einstein field equations with both a quintessence field and a scalar field for DM can be written as: Gμν = 8πG(Tμν + TQμν + Tχμν)
where Tχμν is the stress-energy tensor of the scalar field for DM.The stress-energy tensor of the scalar field for DM Tχμν = (ħ2/m2)(χ,μχ,ν - 1/2 gμνχ,αχ,α)gμν
where χ is the scalar field for DM, m is the mass of the scalar particles, and ħ is the reduced Planck constant.
The Lagrangian density for the modified Einstein field equations with a quintessence field and a scalar field for DM can be written as:
L = (1/16πG)(R - 2Λ + 2gμνϕ,μϕ,ν - gμνV(ϕ) - 2gμνχ,μχ,ν) where R is the Ricci scalar, Λ is the cosmological constant, and the last term represents the scalar field for DM.
A possible approach to unifying the equations could involve modifying the Einstein field equations to include a scalar field that represents DE and a tensor field that represents DM. This modified equation could also include a fifth force that is responsible for antigravity.
The modified Einstein field equation could look like:
Gμν = (8πG/c4)Tμν + Λgμν + Φμν + Ψμν + ΦSμν
where Gμν is the Einstein tensor, Tμν is the stress-energy tensor for matter and radiation in the universe, Λ is the cosmological constant that represents DE, Φμν is the tensor field that represents DM, Ψμν is the tensor field that represents the fifth force, and ΦSμν is the scalar field that represents the interactions of DE.
Spherical Geometrical Topological Algebras.
If we use spheres as a fundamental explanation we must have a geometry also, some kind of structure. If we deform those spheres we would get topology. A sphere is always embedded. Generally we talk about Hilbert space here, but this is not a ‘must’. We can also use pointers with no background. This has a conformal structure, so a geometry.
We create a tool about the spherical geometrical topological algebras. The aim is not to give an unique equation because the parameters possible are numerous and the equations applied are adapted in function of choices. Not static, but dynamic. Here are some ideas.
We suppose a serie of spheres in motion in a space with a position x_i, y_i, z_i, a velocity v_i, an acceleration a_i, an oscillation of frequency f_i and an amplitude A_i. We can consider also a specific topology determined with equations of distance and curvature, so we can describe the motion of each sphere like a differential equation:
m_i * d²x_i/dt² = F_i(x_i, v_i, t)
where m_i is the mass of the sphere, F_i the force applied in the sphere. These forces can be electric, gravitational, pressure as thermodynamic, or others...
We can now describe the oscillations of each sphere like differential equations:
d²x_i/dt² + (ωi)2 * x_i = 0 where où ωi = 2πf_i is the angular frequency of this oscillation
Now let's consider the topology with the distances and curvature, so with differential and algebraic equations where d_ij = sqrt((x_j - x_i)2 + (y_j - y_i)2 + (z_j - z_i)2) and this for the curvature κ = (dφ/ds)/(ds/dt) where φis the angle s the arc, and time t.
We can now try a recursive equation for the serie primary of spheres V_n = V_0 / (2n+1)3
where V_n is the volume of the nth sphere in the series, V_0 is the volume of the central sphere, and n is the index of the sphere in the series.
Now let's resume and try to converge for the standard model and with the DE and DM like scalar fields considered and let’s consider that the DE encodes the DM and photons to create the ordinary baryonic matter.
Here's a possible general formalism for the ideas we've discussed:
Series of Spheres: We consider a series of spheres in motion in a space, with a position vector r_i, a velocity vector v_i, an acceleration vector a_i, an oscillation frequency f_i, and an oscillation amplitude A_i. We can describe the motion of each sphere by the following differential equation: m_i d2 r_i / dt2 = F i(r_i, v_i, t) where m_i is the mass of the sphere, F_i is the force applied to the sphere, and t is time.
Topology: We consider a specific topology determined by equations of distance and curvature. The distance between two spheres i and j is given by: d_ij = sqrt((r_j - r_i)2)
The curvature of the space is given by the following differential equation: κ = (d2 φ / ds2) / (ds / dt)2 where φ is the angle, s is the arc length, and t is time.
Dark Energy: We can describe the motion of the DE using the following Lagrangian:
L_DE = 1/2 (dϕ/dt)2 - V(ϕ) where ϕ is the DE field, and V(ϕ) is the DE potential. The potential V(ϕ) is determined by the equation of state of the DE.
Dark Matter: We consider the CDM as a particle with mass m_DM that interacts gravitationally with the spheres and the DE. We can describe the motion of the DM using the following Lagrangian: L_DM = 1/2 m_DM (d2 x_DM / dt2)2 - U(x_DM, r_i, ϕ)
where x_DM is the position vector of the dark matter particle, U(x_DM, r_i, ϕ) is the DM potential that depends on the positions of the spheres and the DE field, and t is time.
Standard Model: We can connect the series of spheres, the DE, and the DM to the SM using a relativistic bridge. The bridge is described by the following Lagrangian:
L_SM = L_EM + L_W + L_Z + L_H + L_F where L_EM is the Lagrangian for electromagnetism, L_W and L_Z are the Lagrangians for the weak force, L_H is the Lagrangian for the Higgs boson, and L_F is the Lagrangian for the fermions. The Lagrangians depend on the gauge fields and the particle fields of the SM.
By combining these equations, we can create a general formalism that describes the motion of the series of spheres, the DE, the DM, and their interactions with the SM. But we need to consider the Lagrangians of the DE and DM, For DE: Equation of state, parameter w, energy density ρDE, Pressure p_DE, Scale factor a,
One possible Lagrangian for DE is: L_DE = -ρDE a3 (1 + w)
For DM: Density ρDM, Velocity v_DM, Mass m_DM, Scale factor a
One possible Lagrangian for DM is: L_DM = 1/2 m_DM (a v_DM)2 - ρDM a3
Now we can superimpose the Lagrangians of this DE and DM to the others and play with the properties of the series. We consider the series of spheres as 4 E8. The E8 group is a Lie group with 248 dimensions and is one of the largest exceptional simple groups. First, we can represent each particle as a sphere or a serie of spheres in a 4D space. The position of the center of each sphere would correspond to the particle's position in 3D space, and the size of the spheres would be proportional to specific properties chosen topologically. In this way, we can represent both massive particles and massless particles like photons.
Next, we can use the E8 symmetry to describe the interactions between these particles. It contains the symmetries of the SM, as well as gravity but we consider also the fifth force antigravitational due to scalar massless fields for the DE. To describe the interactions, it becomes complex in function of series and volumes and that implies categories, groups and subgroups, so 4 E8 for photons, CDM, DE, and ordinary matter, one E8 for each. The interactions between particles would then be described by the group structure of these E8 groups. For example, the photons could be represented by a subset of the E8 group that describes electromagnetic interactions, while the CDM could be represented by a subset that describes the massive particles with the Higgs superimposed. To describe the formation of ordinary matter from DE and CDM we would need to introduce a mechanism that allows for the transformation of particles between different E8 groups. This could be accomplished by introducing a scalar field that couples to the E8 groups and drives the transformation.
Finally, we can use the equations of motion for the E8 groups to describe the behavior of the particles and their interactions. These equations would be highly complex and difficult to solve analytically, so numerical simulations and approximations would likely be required.
Now let's consider my intuitive equation E=m(c²+Xl²)+Y=2 mc² where X is a parameter correlated with the cold and heat for the DM, l is their linear velocity, and Y is a parameter correlated with this DE. The aim now is to try to correlate all this reasoning with the Higgs mechanism in completing it with these massive and massless scalar fields of the DM and DE, that could explain some deep unknowns like the missing mass and mainly also the generation of this mass. For quantum gravitation, it can be utilized in trying to think outside the box in considering a different logic than gravitons as the quantas of gravitational waves in GR.
Symplectomorphisms [14] represents a transformation of phase space that is volume- preserving and preserves the symplectic structure of phase space, a canonical transformation (form invariance through a change of Hamiltonians). where f* is the pullback of w. This gives a recurrence or self-interaction, adjoint function, like a functor? Any smooth function on a symplectic manifold gives rise to a Hamiltonian vector field and the set of all such vector fields form a subalgebra of the Lie algebra of symplectic vector fields. Liouville equation is valid for both equilibrium and nonequilibrium systems. It is integral to the proof of the fluctuation theorem from which the second law of thermodynamics can be derived and tightly linked to Hamiltonian flow. The symplectomorphisms from a manifold back onto itself form an infinite-dimensional pseudogroup. The corresponding Lie algebra consists of symplectic vector fields, that is isomorphic to the Lie algebra of smooth functions on the manifold with respect to the Poisson bracket, modulo the constants.
If the Bayesian probabilities are taken like expectations and if we consider the informations and quantifications, it can be relevant to test the hypothesis in considering the categories and to sort the realism, the observations, the measurements, the subjectivities, etc. The probabilities can also imply philosophical confusions, so in a sense the secret is the ranking of the hidden variables with deeper scalar, vectorial and tensorial fields, but how rank well?
Poincare conjecture concerns spaces that locally look like ordinary 3D space but which are finite in extent, and if such a space has the additional property that each loop in the space can be continuously tightened to a point (dimensional compactification), then it is necessarily a 3D sphere. Perelman's proof in 2002 and 2003 [15,16] of the Poincaré conjecture and the more powerful geometrization conjecture of Thurston [17], (widely recognized as a milestone of mathematical research), use a modified version of a Ricci flow program developed by Hamilton. A stronger assumption is necessary in 4D and higher; there are simply-connected, closed manifolds which are not homotopy equivalent to an n-sphere. The Poincaré conjecture was essentially true in both 4D and all higher dimensions but in 3D the conjecture had an uncertain reputation until the geometrization conjecture put it into a framework of all 3-manifolds. Hamilton's program for proving the Poincaré conjecture involves first putting a Riemannian metric on the unknown simply connected closed 3-manifold. The basic idea is to try to "improve" (correct) this metric; for example (to make a topology or a relativity), if the metric can be improved enough so that it has constant positive curvature, then according to classical results in Riemannian geometry, it must be the 3-sphere, the metrics are amplified.
We can maybe compare to the ‘tracing out’ (to remove the topology or relativity) of possibilities to come to a line-element, null-geodesic as linear eq. in quantum (isomorphy)? That is made by ‘correcting away’ the metrics or distortion; the states are complementary.
About philosophy and consciousness.
The problem is our philosophical, mathematical and physical limitations. When I say that the problem is also philosophical it is the same for our deep unknowns like quantum gravitation and others. We always return to these limitations, that is why the philosophical origin of this universe becomes the key, if we consider only GR as the cause of our QM. We must admit that it is an assumption, we have the QM and the GR and we measure and observe the observables and these two theories work well in our referentials of observations. But the QM could still emerge from deeper causes and informations.
There are interesting correlations with the works of Penrose and Hameroff [18]. The fact that consciousness originates from the quantum level of the neurons and the microtubules is a relevant road, but maybe not the only possible road. Penrose and Hameroff give us ways to better understand free will also. If quantum processing is a key for consciousness and information theory we must consider deeper informations and parameters, then the computable quantum process seems not computable at this moment due to hidden parameters or incompleteness. The collapses of the waves function like in Penrose and Hameroff permits these non computable algorithms. It is mainly about the non randomness? The microtubules and a kind of computation of the mechanisms are limited due to the fact that we observe the surface of causes but not the main causes and their complexity at the quantum level. This is why the philosophy of origin of the universe is important to know and these deeper scalar fields. Science could be different if we apply simply the complementarity instead of the competition and isolation of thinkers and also in thinking outside the box of GR and SR. It is mainly how we approach the unknowns and how we apply these sciences to our environment and global system. The AI arriving can permit to reach relevant results in the extrapolations.