Steve Dufourny I complete my intuitive reasoning about the dark energy and dark matter in inserting these deeper parameters to our actual equations, E2 = (mc2)2 + (pc)2 + (m_DM c2)2 + (F_5 r)2
In this equation:
E represents the total energy of the particle.
m is the mass of the particle, including contributions from the Higgs mechanism and dark matter.
c is the speed of light.
p is the momentum of the particle.
m_DM is the mass associated with dark matter.
F_5 represents the strength of the fifth force.
r is the distance between interacting particles.
The first three terms are the same as before:
(mc2)2 represents the rest mass energy contributed by the Higgs mechanism.
(pc)2 represents the kinetic energy of the particle.
(m_DM c2)2 represents the contribution of dark matter to the total mass energy.
The fourth term, (F_5 r)2, represents the additional energy associated with the interaction between particles due to the fifth force. Here, F_5 represents the strength of the fifth force, and r represents the distance between interacting particles.
If we apply the modified equation to all known particles, including fermions and bosons, we can extend it to cover the various particle types. Here's a generalized form of the equation that incorporates the fifth force for both fermions and bosons:
For fermions:
E_fermion2 = (mc2)2 + (pc)2 + (m_DM c2)2 + (F_5fermion r)2
For bosons:
E_boson2 = (mc2)2 + (pc)2 + (m_DM c2)2 + (F_5boson r)2
In these equations:
E_fermion and E_boson represent the total energy of the fermion and boson, respectively.
m is the mass of the particle, including contributions from the Higgs mechanism and dark matter.
c is the speed of light.
p is the momentum of the particle.
m_DM is the mass associated with dark matter.
F_5fermion and F_5boson represent the strengths of the fifth force for fermions and bosons, respectively.
r is the distance between interacting particles.
These equations account for the rest mass energy (contributed by the Higgs mechanism), the kinetic energy, the contribution of dark matter to the total mass energy, and the additional energy associated with the interaction due to the fifth force.
To bridge the gap between special relativity and general relativity with the equations incorporating the fifth force, we can introduce a term that accounts for the effects of gravity in the context of general relativity. This term would provide a connection between the equations and the observational predictions of general relativity.
Let's modify the equations for fermions and bosons to include this gravitational term:
For fermions:
E_fermion2 = (mc2)2 + (pc)2 + (m_DM c2)2 + (F_5fermion r)2 + (m_gravity c2)2
For bosons:
E_boson2 = (mc2)2 + (pc)2 + (m_DM c2)2 + (F_5boson r)2 + (m_gravity c2)2
In these equations:
E_fermion and E_boson represent the total energy of the fermion and boson, respectively.
m is the mass of the particle, including contributions from the Higgs mechanism and dark matter.
c is the speed of light.
p is the momentum of the particle.
m_DM is the mass associated with dark matter.
F_5fermion and F_5boson represent the strengths of the fifth force for fermions and bosons, respectively.
r is the distance between interacting particles.
(m_gravity c2)2 represents the gravitational contribution to the total mass energy, incorporating the effects of general relativity.
By including the (m_gravity c2)2 term, we introduce the influence of gravity on the particles, allowing for a connection between the equations and the predictions of general relativity. This term incorporates the gravitational mass-energy equivalence, where the mass contributes to the curvature of spacetime.
We have now this higgs potential V(φ) = μ2 |φ|2 + λ |φ|4V(φ) wl, which is a function of the Higgs field φ.
μ2 is the Higgs mass parameter, which determines the mass of the Higgs boson.
|φ|2 is the magnitude squared of the Higgs field, φ.
λ is the self-interaction coupling constant, which governs the strength of the interaction between Higgs bosons.
The Higgs potential equation describes the behavior of the Higgs field and determines its vacuum expectation value, which gives rise to the masses of elementary particles through their interactions with the Higgs field.
o incorporate the Higgs potential equation, the equations involving the fifth force, dark matter, and dark energy can be modified as follows:
For fermions:
E_fermion2 = (mc2)2 + (pc)2 + (m_DM c2)2 + (F_5fermion r)2 + (m_gravity c2)2 + (m_DE c2)2 + V(φ)
For bosons:
E_boson2 = (mc2)2 + (pc)2 + (m_DM c2)2 + (F_5boson r)2 + (m_gravity c2)2 + (m_DE c2)2 + V(φ

    an invitation to higher Arity science

    i haven't tried to be active here ,2416 posts is something to read for an other time
    still the mentioned article has the word gravity in the reference list

    why not six seven eight nine (shadow) extra forces with small little, negligible effect

    to study how the equations look like
    and for example it could be a good practice to add like the xkcd comics said decorating term just to keep in mind the cloud of posibilities plus zero plus zero minus zero plus zero don't particularly change the result
    it is more space and time consuming although ....

    Image reality is subjective pertaining to individual observer function (organism or device) and relative viewpoint due to location or it is a composite image generated from more than one individual viewpoint or an agreed approximation of each individually perceived Image reality. Perception can be affected by; function of the nervous system , such as having adequate energy supply; due to sufficient vitamin b1 or whether or not there is extra energy demand due to ill health such as an infection, state of arousal which may be related attention. Priming/suggestion also effect attention. Alzheimer’s dementia is associated with low acetylcholine .“Acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter secreted by cholinergic neurons, is involved in signal transduction related to memory and learning ability.” Reference: Role of Cholinergic Signaling in Alzheimer’s Disease
    Jia-Bao Huang, Shu-Long Yang and Fen-Fang Hong Molecules. 2022 Mar; 27(6): 1816.
    “Low levels of dietary choline may potentially lead to acetylcholine insufficiency. Resulting in malfunction of the brain functions generating perception and memory formation and recall in otherwise healthy individuals.
    Image reality may be used to produce records containing facts about it but also possibly errors, of omission or inclusion or substitution of factually incorrect information, or biological memory which may have errors of omission or inclusion or substitution of factually incorrect information. It can be compressed into a gist and expanded to fill in detail though not necessarily accurate. Hallucination may be perceptual error caused by brain malfunction due to head injury, drug or alcohol misuse, foetal alcohol syndrome, degenerative dementia, psychiatric illness, lack of micro-nutrients or vitamins or chronic fatigue, sleep deprivation. Happening as the input is processed into experience, which may or may not be recognized as hallucination.
    Imagination, endogenously generated fictitious events, may be treated as and recognized as memory when stored and retrieved. True and false memory is malleable and it would be helpful to recognize recall as an imperfect re-fabrication of an imperfect previously observer generated impression. Repeated recall can corrupt the memory making it more likely to contain or be the product of imagination. |It is possible that non factual information used to fill out the compressed memory when retrieved may be incorporated into the new storage.
    Reference: How reliable is your memory? | Elizabeth Loftus TED TALK
    [The work of Elizabeth Loftus,] “helped usher in a paradigm shift, rendering obsolete the archival model of memory—the idea, dominant for much of the twentieth century, that our memories exist in some sort of mental library, as literal representations of past events. “She demonstrates that “Our representation of the past takes on a living, shifting reality,” she has written. “It is not fixed and immutable, not a place way back there that is preserved in stone, but a living thing that changes shape, expands, shrinks, and expands again, an amoeba-like creature.” and “ Loftus, …. seizing any opportunity to elaborate on what she calls the “flimsy curtain that separates our imagination and our memory.”( Aviv R. Mar. 2021, The New Yorker.)
    I remember sitting on the sofa with my then husband and seeing the door handle to the sun room lift up by itself as if opening. “Did you see that” I asked. “Yes” he replied.
    Later on I said to him “Remember when…..” However he denied that the event had happened at, all, to my puzzlement. It is more likely to be a false memory rather than a shared experience of something strange and memorable, forgotten by one party. Qualitatively it is experienced as the same as other memories that do correspond to factual events.
    The way in which false memory is formed can account for not necessarily all but many paranormal events, ghosts, abductions by ETs, miracles, a religious figure and demonic encounters and memories of abuse, which may be experienced vividly as recall but it is recall of distorted factual impressions or purely imagining. Sleep paralysis accounts for another subset of paranormal experience, often associated with a feeling of malevolent presence or visual experience of unwelcome paranormal visitation. This is a partial sleep state.
    Alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, excessive non fortified carbohydrate consumption, such as confectionery, psychiatric medications all use up vitamin b1 leading to the potential for deficiency and lack of energy for optimal brain functioning. Head injury, foetal alcohol syndrome, degenerative dementia, chronic fatigue, sleep deprivation, drug abuse and encephalopathy due to excessive alcohol consumption, all make malfunction of memory formation more likely. Priming or suggestion stemming from cultural and familial influences can not be discounted.
    To indicate that an event may have happened in object reality, that is occurred in material reality, requires material evidence that is inconsistent with a hallucination, false memory or partial sleep state explanation. Examples may be; ‘foreign’ DNA, ‘foreign’ body tissues, scars or injuries or other material evidence consistent with the recall, exotic ET materials, alien artifacts, recordings or device measurements.

    Steve Dufourny for the fluidity of the spacetimes made of photons, DE and DM, and that these 3 main systems are made of series of spheres and if we apply a specific number for these series and the odd primes and the dirac large number oddly approaching the number of cosmological spheres, V_n = r * V{n-1}
    This equation represents a general hierarchical arrangement of spheres, where the volume of each sphere (V_n) is a fixed scaling factor (r) times the volume of the previous sphere (V
    {n-1}). It does not incorporate any specific conditions related to prime numbers or the Dirac large number.
    V_n = (r1/p) * V{n-1}, if n is an odd prime number less than or equal to N
    This equation introduces additional conditions based on odd prime numbers and the Dirac large number. It states that when n is an odd prime number less than or equal to the Dirac large number N, the volume of the nth sphere (V_n) is calculated using the scaling factor (r) raised to the power of 1 divided by the prime number (p) associated with that position in the sequence.
    The main difference is that equation 2 incorporates conditions based on odd prime numbers and the Dirac large number, whereas equation 1 is a more general equation without these additional conditions. in the equation V_n = (r1/p) * V
    {n-1}, the volumes decrease as the index n increases.that implies this fluidity

      7 days later

      Steve Dufourny now let s try with all this to correlate with G and the QG, If we take the constant G 6,674 30(15) × 10−11 m3 kg−1 s−2, we know that this constant is from the newtonian mechanic and the (15) is the standard uncertainty . Now if we consider the works of einstein we have for this gravitational a curvature of the space time and not a force, we have these equations , for the einstein Tensor Gμν=Rμν−1/2Rgμν after we have the gravitational constant of einstein K=8πG/c4 and the EFE Rμν−1/2Rguv+ Λgμν=KTμν,
      So we see where the constant G is taken differently for the 2 main interpretations of the gravitation and where G is taken differently, now there is this time dilation in the equations of einstein also , if we link G c and h and the phases of this curvature of the spacetime for the quantum mechanic, so we renormalise the quantum gravitation in considering these gravitational waves and in correcting G universally in harmonising both the newtonian mechanic and the GR with the interferometry , it is mainly about quantum waves and for these quantum gravitational waves , in fact in improving G and its uncertainty , we reach this QG but there are not gravitons , but photons oscillating differently in the electromagnetic spectrums.......It is there that the geometrical algebras and lie groups converging with the spherical topological geometrical algebras that I have invented permit with the non commutativity to renormalise and quantize this quantum gravitation with specific fields and oscillations of these photons , G c and h so can be unified and the GR and QM,and a fifth force also appears with this DE and DM in our QM superimposed and the higgs mechanism is better understood with this DM encoded in the main antigravitational informational DE like main chief orchestra encoding both photons and DM to create the standard model,

        Steve Dufourny the same kind of reasoning with the spherical topological geometrical algebras can be applied for the gluons problem , the yang mills problem in fact. If we want to solve the yang mills problem for the non abelian gauge theory , so we must consider the quantum fied theory of course with the differential geometry but that has not been still be unified this yang mills theory and the QFT and this gap mass problem of gluons also has not been solved, the glueballs problem in fact due to fact that they have not been observed, the problem is correlated with the problem of colors of 0 charge. The problem is that it is non linear mainly . If we consider the poincare conjecture proved by Perelman and the riemann hypothesis not still proved and if my reasoning is correct with these 3d spheres like foundamental objects and that these primes for these primaryseries of 3d spheres are correct with this dirac large number for each serie of photons, cold dark matter and dark energy and if the dark energy is antigravitational and informational and encodes the photons and the cold dark mater to create the QFT and SM and QM, so if the number does not change for these series when the spherical volumes merge, so their oscillations , rotations , vibrations become the key with the diffrential geometries of 3d spheres and these padics analysis and primes .The Yang mills problem and the riemann hypothesis more the Poincare conjecture solved added to these spherical topological geometrical algebras so give the road for the non linearite of systems non observable. For the primes and padics analysis, the riemann hypothesis is considered but the series primary of these 3D spheres for the photons , CDM, and DE are finite series where the dirac large number is considered because this number approachs oddly the number of cosmological spheres , so there is a logic with a specific universal serie of Spheres, the difference is that the series for the quantum spheres are ordered in primes

        I believed I was signed in. With the FQXi commenting system, I've experienced that issue previously. In any case, my email address appears on the PDF, yet FQXi is posting this remark and informing me:

        13 days later

        The neurological system's ability to operate, proper vitamin B1 intake, the amount of additional energy required by illnesses like infections, and arousal levels that may be connected to attention can all have an impact on perception. Priming and suggestion have an impact on attention.

        a month later

        I believe I found a relevant mathematical road with the non commutativity of Connes and these spheres and the symplectomorphisms , I try to make correctly the partitions with the spherical topological geometrical algebras that I have invented and the tensors, vectors, scalars and padics analysis, it is not easy but I evolve, I have an interesting result in all humility for the quantum gravitation in trying to converge wih G c and h more deeper parameters and in harmoinising the problems of gravitational waves if we consider the particles mediating the QG and gravitational waves and this GR and newtonian mechanic,

        the particles so bosonic mediating the quantum gravitation can eliminae the infinite quantities and solve the non renormalizability of gravity , in fact these infinities are removed in the calculations because I have considered higher orders of corrections where the divergences are solved in my reasoning, that gives finite results in fact , it is because I have considered a superimposed deeper philosophy also than just this GR and that the fields and particles have deeper origins and that seems to be ok

        in fact t is the divergences of UV that I have considered and so the fluctuations and interactions of these bosons mediating the QG are solved with these deeper orders and parameters from the vacuum considered differently than a vacuum of the GR and so the virtual particles for the pairs particles antiparticles are different and the uncertainty principle is considered of course, that implies these corrections at these higher orders in the UV divergences. It is linked with he mathematical singularities also. For the uncertainty principle and the distances , soi the quantum fluctuations are harmonised if I can say with the positions and momentum and so imply these corrections in the divergences of UV due to these higher orders of virtual particles , it is like if I said that hese divergences are absorbed in adjusting the parameters with the observations, it is mainly about how we consider the limits of scales for the momentum and energy due to these deeper parameters of this vacuum, I have also a fifth force appearing ,

        In this contextabout connecting dark energy, vacuum fluctuations, and addressing ultraviolet (UV) divergences, non-commutative geometry , it is there that I modify the behaviousr of quantum fields and their interactions with this DE , the real vacuum and so that solve these divergences and UV problem and infinite quantities, that permits to co,mplete the spacetime in fact

          Steve Dufourny imagine trying to explain all of this in phone conversations , there is a special intergalactic retro-radio-laser-quantum-telephone with an intelligent life-form that lives in a solar system where laserslightsrocks occurs naturally .and everything it mustbe explained , it is such a marvelous conversation, there is no beginning nor an end all subjects are treated equally, first time probably in the history of the local universe between conscious species , like attending an algebra seminar course never seeing such novel patterns and symbols just by (hearing)seeing randomly those patterns new interesting conclusion can be drawn. many listen to your conversation and push forward with ideas of what should the next thing be done. everybody is excited to learn , everything run smoothly like on a preestablished schedule for a couple of days. aaand suddenly something unexpected happen ,
          the alien phone background has a sudden unexpected sound and he explain to you that , there is a problem with the communication.
          considering an astronomical object overlap that move between telecommunications transmission . the conversation must come up to an irremediable decisive end, within a couple of hours. there is no communication any more.

          what would be then indicated ,to be the subject of communication?

            cristi marcovici Hi, I believe of course that we are not alone inside this universe and its billions of galaxies, there are probably many planets where the life has emerged with different combinations. We know on earth that the primordial soap made of HCNO , mainly H2O CH4,HCN,H2C2,NH3...has created amimo acids and after unicells and after the pluricells and after we know the diversity on this earth and this evolution, Oparine has even mimated this primordial soap and has created amino acids in adding energy, I believe it was arginin if my memory is correct. Inside this universe we have so the probabilities and there are probably many planets with the lifes with maybe different combinations also. The intelligence so being an emergent also property of this evolution, so there are at my opinion species more evolved than us and other less evolved, now the technologies are not easy and us we are under this special relativity and we cannot communicate with our actual waves in the present , even in our galaxy the milky way we are at 27000 light years from the central supermassive BH and the galaxy makes about 100000 light years of large, so imagine if we want to communicate it needs millions years to reach a point of communication, so these kinds of phone like you tell needs a totally different techmology btreaking even this special relativity and so if an advanced alien species sent messages faster than the light speed, we are not able to receive them, the same for the messages we send , we can only send messages under this special relativity and light speed. But of course the universe is fascinating and we have many things to discover, we are still us the humans a specie very young considering the intelligence and technologies, even if we think that we are evoilved, we are not really very evolved, we have still many limitations , we know so few, regards

            forgot to mention,the species has an incredible sounding voice, almost like music,

            even in our galaxy the milky way we are at 27000 light years from the central supermassive BH and the galaxy makes about 100000 light years of large

            same happens with our galaxy in the alien perspective, so i'ts not light that is being used only an calculated image where it would that be , such that it matches the present moment ,
            and the communication uses only words, no images, and the species proved that is a genuine extraterrestrial by a quantum mechanical proof that is local independent

            over short distances movement might be teleportation
            the sound that the ear receives tells something about the geometry of the air molecules
            on the other side of the hearing sensory organ, the sounds( music) that the brain likes tells something
            about the brain chemistry, that is a Q M physical phenomena, so an alien with better voice/hearing might have batter intuitions of the quantum realms, (i haven't researched the topic, maybe there are already sci-fis written🙂))))doubt, because the sound of the voice is a blind spot for the writers)
            tell me what music you like so i can understand how your brainworks

            makes about 100000 light years of large, so imagine if we want to communicate it needs millions years to reach a point of communication,

            wishful thoughts , because of that , it would be nice just to sneak in see of certain aspects of the overall entfernt [de], remote[en] presents could look like,

            lets say there is a connection, there is something that a person or many can do to see /observe /interact remotely ,
            like in an Olympic celebration fest with lots of people or just a person sitting at a desk,
            there are not that many ways to do that , nor the place at the distance

            maybe they are so remote such that we don't try to reach those places
            what else can i say the scale seems roughly similar number of neurons/ number of stars
            maybe A<B<C<D<E<F<G<H<I<J<K<L<M<N<O<P<Q<R<S<T<U<V<W<X<Y<Z
            A= the very small, Z= the very large
            an other intriguing essay has proposed a trick to tackle all those tremendously terrible scales simultaneously
            < is just an appearance, maybe there are other connections , like a jump from U to F ,

            why it would matter if a cat move a thing (a paper on a desk ) two millimeter to the right or someone press a keystroke two millimeter downwards that launch a photo editing program. both actions seems to have very very different consequences maybe they are in a way the same,not that different, in terms of effects on large distances

            two followed up versions
            a) maybe if the cat move the paper five millimeters instead of two, there is an effect on a remote galaxy
            b) the ideas that conscious entities (the cat or the person) can come up and move things change something are fairly limited and they are special in their uniqueness, from the gianormeus/gzillion space of choices the cat moved the paper two millimeter and not otherwise and that should be appreciated and respected (maybe in an experimental mode)

            (computer) science is about reducing cases ,unclutter the mess, shortcuts, fast,
            there is an experiment with a droplet of bitum that last about a hundred of years to test its viscosity
            how to chose long term experiments worth doing, are there other options beside randomly and intuitively , or what is your rationality mind model. the mind look like a slow computation , are there other such slow interesting things

            how) are those slow processes like the decomposition of a rock /erosion ,or cell division relatable with remote large things like a galaxy formation or the the same things on a different remoted rocky round body that gravitate around a star on a galaxy at the edge of observable universe?

              cristi marcovici it is this special relativity wich implies that we cannot communicate in a kind of present, even in communicating at c it needs in our galaxy thousands of years and millions between galaxies like I told. It is really a problem of technologies,. For the consciousness we have not still really understood also why we are conscious, there several approachs like the model of Penrose and Hameroff and the collapses of waves fiunction, the objective orchestrated reduction, the microtubules and correlated radiations but we have no proof about the origin of consciousness, I have a model but we cannot affrim . There are probably deeper fields, particles , parameters to consider but we have not still found them, there are a lot of deep unknowns that we have not explained like this hard problem of consciousness, the quantum gravitation, the gap mass problem, the dark energy, the dark matter,the gluons problem......the LHC and the scientists try to find explainations and proofs but not easy.

                is this special relativity wich implies that we cannot communicate in a kind of present, even in communicating at c it needs in our galaxy thousands of years and millions between galaxies like I told.

                i have not mentioned that there is something that make the entire road at a certain speed, i was more into something in a way connecting, that happens at the same time in multiple places .
                like a bowling device that place all the pins at the same time,
                or the four wheels of a car that keep the entire car on the road
                or Splatter Painting a la Jackson Pollock ,or perfume droplets on a surface
                or the cables that keep a bridge from not falling or
                (with this examples you may argue that there is adiference in order of actions a timing order,i look for cases/examples that happens at the same time, no matter how far)

                particle /events /whatever to have common sources /correlation /at large very large extremely large distances

                i mean if a telescope does observations it is seeing stars galaxies quasars, not (random characters)
                ldifhqlwe or jhdsfbkasjdfglisor kfjkjfggergeqoqueo9qb composed with hdfliwhfqw and interacting via fsadifguhwiu having the shape of dfkgskjfhw.

                so there is a starting correlation just by having roughly the same things
                maybe there are other thigs"entaglend",that can help develop some sort of pseudo comunication,

                lets say i live in a multiple rooms apartment and roommates and there is only one fridge , food deposit chamber with a common kitchen/ each has access however, there is no communication between the individuals,(maybe even they even don't know that the other individuals exists) if each individual in parallel goes shopping take in to account what is already there , in the deposit in this case is simple to establish a communication via the products available in the kitchen and the new ones added,

                back to particles comparison/ the individuals are the particles , what would be a common conceptual kitchen ? how to find it?, if something happens in a conglomerate of star system in rotating spiral A maybe something else not that different/complementary must happens in the conglomerate star system rotating spiral B and C

                the original question was more in line with how a dialogue with an alien could happens,mostly in terms of brain and language ,not in to physics of general relativity or other things related for witch i have no clue. sure, im' interested to know more but also i aim for a certain learning interaction , namely:

                conversations with images drawings or other intermediated by other mediums anything beside letters and sound association of concepts, a things that particularly,unfortunately does not happen in schools / universities. (at least while i was a student/ undergraduate)
                visual science dialogue
                visual science interaction

                even in my above example with the nice voice sounding extraterrestrial phone conversation , the hearing of sound and spoken sound is still in a way the incipient start of an image/ picture graph, animation. imagine an enviroment where echolocation happens differently , or the the out of earth being, has a voice coming from interesting biology , that help to have good intuitions of the physics of sound in spaces.

                all of this can be rephrased / resumed in the question how one can communicate a map using voice words , or with a song

                Steve Dufourny what i have the impression from your answers is that you claim if earth is far to observe remote universe in its present,then the galaxies, stars, dust,whatever, quasars , do not exist in the earth present moment.

                  She lays out several of the current approaches to tackling space-time, some of which I take to make the distinction between space-time and matter relatively minimal. I find the devil in such things is in the construction of both tractable and beautiful mathematics and in proving or calculating enough that other people can see that there is some hope of it being useful.

                  cristi marcovici we must relativate our observations and this time in a sense relativistically speaking but the universe is what it is with its conmsological spheres and objects, regards

                  yes, to remain on the same topic.
                  important to mention, while writing the above post i have used search engine /wiki to look how a word is written

                  so now i write the phrase :

                  maybe the universe is filled with separate countries of "entanglement" that are there since of its start, and those are situated over other (separate) landscapes like the gravitational interactions

                  so i can write the word entanglement even if i haven't been to a school where this word is explained to me nor being formerly verified if i can understand it in an adequate setting.

                  maybe there could be an attention like - hey do not use this word here with some warning effects, or in an extreme to not be able to write it at all.

                  maybe what i meant is something else like some new form of physical connection phenomena, instead of that word the way is used by established physicists.

                  if the typing on a computer may allow such verifications, by contrast in real life a person can say any words he want

                  the inventions of written tests , where teacher can make comments over what the student has written - is a major step towards thoughtful communication . what does this mean? , are there alternatives ?

                  the real life conversations have emotional baggage inflections , that are easy to slip over .

                  to an extreme imagine an different society where voice is used only for emotional communication maybe songs only .

                  4 months later

                  A little about generated quasi reality.
                  Space-time is the ‘space’ generated by the observer, device or organism from processing of received sensory inputs, coming from the existing external environment. Allowing awareness of limited, relative semblances of existing things and happenings as phenomena.(Made using the photons emitted by the object and, it is proposed, transmitted as pre-light between source and observer []) I.e where observation products are displayed. This includes the products of vision, photographs, and 3D space-time graphical representations of received data.
                  Limited: eg. made from the incomplete spectrum of photons emitted by the object and transmitted as pre-light, and relative🙁a sub set, pertaining to a particular viewpoint)
                  The gravitational field and electric and magnetic fields have been traditionally presumed to be in space-time, it having been taken to be the external environment.

                  If space-time is taken as ‘ground floor reality, observer independent reality is the foundational basement level, from which experienced phenomena are emergent.

                  Observer independent reality, the foundational basement level, is location of base substance, it’s altered distribution due to matter affecting pre’light’ paths, and charged particles and their movement, creating forces that can be depicted as flux in space-time.
                  Interestingly this means that space-time really has no base substance because it alone provides no sensory input by which it can be detected, only the results of its interaction with matter or particles. It accounts for both fields of macroscopic and astronomical physics and quantum behaviour, namely evidence of wave interference after double slits or beam splitters, when paths are reunited.

                  Foundational passage of time is due to the changing configuration of all existing. It is uni-temporal, i.e. unitary, observation independent and hence the same everywhere in the external environment.\ observer independent object reality, transmission , from beginning to end , of unseen pre-light, takes longer in proximity to mass but speed of transmission happening is not diminished. This makes separation between emission and receipt longer. Traversing the separation takes longer than if the distorting mass was smaller. The bigger the mass the more effect. Curvature of light path in space-time, due to curvature of space-time, is an illustration of the effect of this delay on the observed phenomenon. Emergent time being produced from signal receipt. But the illustrated phenomenon is not causal; Space-time not being the existing material external environment.