Georgina Woodward
I might add that, you probably have never received much criticism of your model of reality because people have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Also, most people have no particular interest in models of reality.

i said something about equivalence when it comes to mass which needs further thought, if number of fermions alone regardless of arragfement is all that is involved an ice sculpture and puddle are equivalent. However how the object interacts with the envirinment can vary because of thrier distribution. Centre of gravitational mass depends on arrangenent and distribution. Aerodtnamic quality is similarly effected, Perhapsi.m muddling too many ideas together but perhaps we need caution when using equivalence, This is a bit like the difference in metabolic use and effect of differntly structured fuuds ,having the sane calorific value

    Georgina Woodward
    How do we come to consepualize 'what is reality.?' Personal experience through sensory experience is one way we approach the question.. Thogh we must acnowlege that the senses themselves and limiatations due to only being able to be in one place at a time, make experience subjective and relative. Then there is what is learned or obtained withoutt direct personal experience, but assumwed to be true .An example takenas true is the periodic table of the elements ,together with the concept og atomic structure and the idea of atomic mass. That that arrangement can be made because of differences in the arrangement of exisring matter is observation independent reality . it isn't true because i have experienced it . it is to do withexistence itself that does not need to be seen to be as it is. We may accept as true things that arent,' that we have not experienced, or are mistaken about. The dimensions of existence and the space-time continuum are one such instance. The Present expwerienced by our senses does not show exactly what is existing externally-it can't. The space-time continuum is not material events in space bot distributedphoton, potential sensory data .

    1.indicate the faults of (someone or something) in a disapproving way.

    1. Form and express a judgement of (a literary or artistc work)."
      Oxford languages
      The two meanings are different and ap[propriate use of them depends on context

    Camouflage, mimicry and tactical deception are three key types of animal deception, with blurred boundaries between categories, as the cuttlefish examples illustrate. When attempts to mislead are carried out intentionally, whether through camouflage, mimicry or some other behavior, that is tactical deception.1 Sept 2019 " Scientific American

    1. Various organismsz use these stategies, for increaseed chance of survival, by decieving possible predators.
    2. Certain orchids exploiting bee perception to obtain the polination reward increasing own fitness by not giving away energy rich nectar to the pollinator
      Examples showing sensory perception is imperrfect.

    Is the Moon there when nobody is looking ?
    Material,existing, observation independent moon ....................yes
    Observation product, image of moon, (OR AWARENWESS OF A MEASUREMENT OF THE MOON) generated by a sensory system of an organism or
    I can verify the materiaL and chemical characteristics of the readily available elements mtyselt but i do not need to have sensory generated experience of each one to believe that there are such thing and they can be represented and put into order on the basis of their characteristics, which are independent of my observation.
    A quantum state is not observation independent. The state i find depends on how and when i look. A pair of particles are created as material objects that are correlated.. Correlated states for same orientation (OR OPPOSITE) is realates to this. No need to propose entanglement which assumes the state is usually random upon looking, unrelated toan independent material reality and how the obsevation is relative to that.A quatum state is not an qbject having independent existence . The term quantum "object" is misleading.

    5 days later

    Hypothesis of cause , interaction and overcoming the effect of gravity

    Motion with gravity
    Normally gravity acts on matter. Matter is attracted to other matter so that matter builds up into larger accumulations. So is the base substance is attracted to matter forming a coating , a ‘gravitational clot’, That clot’s interaction with the environmental content impedes the object from easily changing its motion or stationary state. In order to change its motion or stationary state sufficient force must be applied, requiring energy input in order to move the clot and object within bound to , that is in contact with the base content of the external environment.

    Other ways, of overcoming gravity

    1. Affecting the local environment. Sub-atomic particles can be affected by the external vibration of the base content of the environment because they are small enough to be able to be moved by the vibrations and have require bigger vibration of comparable size to their own to fit between the peaks and troughs of the wave form and be moved by it. Ordinary sound, Base, infra sound and radio waves of appropriate frequency and amplitude can provide the vibration needed.

    2. Insulating the matter from build up of base content of the external environment that would normally be attracted to it, forming a gravitational clot, impeding motion. Two parts to this remedy. Eirstly circular motion of the object to break contact with the environment. Secondly use a lower than usual content layer between the object and normal exterior environment. Such as a plasma acting like an enclosing bubble. In this way there is no immediate contact of the object’s matter with the external environment. The combination of circular motion and the plasma's low density will prevent adherence of the external environment’s base content to the object i.e, the effect of gravity.

    Special Relativity, slowing of clocks
    The mass being forced to move through the environment including base substance could account for time dilation theory of Special Relativity, The particle or object being affected by the very small wave properties of the environment or a gravitational interaction is a q uestuon of mass of the movable thing. Too much mass deforms and overwhelms the wave effect. As there is a range of behviour correlated with an existing mass interactiog with the observation independent, existing environment.

    Existence is non observation dependent, therefore it is non relative, one might say Absolute.

    The observed results of circular motion, Acceleration if of an existing object in an existing environment , exhibiting characteristic behaviour whereby circular notion can be noticed. Such as raising of arms or liquid held inside a bucket as it is raised so as horizontal to the ground, centripetal force, pinning a person to a rotated wall, or a conker following the perimeter of a rotated string, that is attached to it, for example.

    Absolute circular acceleration
    Where the sensory data emitted from existing Object or objects is affected by the absolute circular motion of those source Object or objects. Effecting the appearance of the visual image generated by the distribution of sensory data received by the observer. If the source is not rotating or not at appreciable speed , rotation of the observer will affect which potential sensory data is received when. Affecting the Image generation. So the source appears to be rotating to the observer s, who might themselves be stationary relative to a rotating platform. On which they are standing.

    Non observation dependent reality, includes the existing material structure but not necessarily the organization of the material. A cuttle fish, for example, may become aware that it is being observed. In response it might change its body form to resemble a coral. Increasing its survival chance by mimicry and possibly camouflage amongst other corals. It’s chemical structure and material is not changed, so it is materially the same organism but a different form, that is shape of it.

    Object permanence is learned in infancy, usually by nine months, from experience of the world. Existing material things do not cease to exist when hidden front sight , that can be relocated. Nor does the turning off of an illuminating light mean the object formerly illuminated has ceased to exist. A firefly, for example, will extinguish it’s light if disturbed avoiding easy detection by a possible predator. Increasing survival chance. Movement of the seen light is not necessarily indicative of movement of the supposed source. If the source of illumination is not the object illuminated but separate , the light seen will be movable independent of the supposed source object. This may cause a distraction. An observer may confuse movement of the seen light with movement of the supposed source, unaware of the actual source, which is perhaps remotely operated drone or a satellite in some cases.
    Examples from nature: Types of brittle star can detach a bio-luminescent leg to distract predators. Some lizard species can detach the tail similarly distracting attention.
    Flak can confuse interpreters of radar signals , by providing multiple reflective surfaces that radar signals can possibly encounter rather than the aircraft wishing to conceal its location.

    By an extension of the fact that things unseen may still exist, existence of things unseen , that is for which there is no corresponding observation product, relative semblance. Concealment can be removed e.g. a cephalopod chromophore filled with coloued content , changing pigmentation, making perhaps a camouflaged animal visible ,when it no longer requires concealment. Lack of awareness can be up-dated to awareness. For another example, they can be illumined when not previously, Material objects, materials do not appear randomly from nowhere.

    Ordinary audible- sound, Base, infra sound and electromagnetic radio waves of appropriate frequency and amplitude can probably provide the vibration needed. Sound waves are suggested as they are safer than same size electromagnetic waves. It is easier to protect the body from sound of low frequency than radar or microwaves . That doesn't mean at high amplitude they are known to be safe Ior the body during long exposure. Ultrasound can damage body tissue, so I assume so can other frequencies. Infrasound may be felt in the body more than heard by the ears. It makes some people feel uncomfortablew ,unweasy and can cause nausea.
    It will probably require finding the resonant frequency of he Object , the frequency it responds to best. It could be a harmonic that is most useful in a particular circumstance. Object and environmental wave must work together to maximize useful movement, not work against each other , wasting energy.

      Georgina Woodward
      Results of observation hint at existential waves in a substance or at a smothering accumulation of it, resisting motion, called gravity., affecting absolute material bodies in absolute filled space, external to observer environment. The distribution of the base substance falling away as distance from the mass increases, in keeping with the inverse square law, accounting for the ‘object’s gravity. Agreeing with Sir Issac Newton’s understanding of gravity as it applies to observation independent, material, Object reality. This is not identicall to the seen phenomnon affected by relativity.

        Georgina Woodward

        What is a harmonic?
        A harmonic is a wave or signal whose frequency is an integral (whole number) multiple of the frequency of the same reference signal or wave. As part of the harmonic series, the term can also refer to the ratio of the frequency of such a signal or wave to the frequency of the reference signal or wave. Andrew Zola, updated Nov 2021

        Relativity theory incompleteness
        The theory is concerned only by what we can theoretically be informed of by the senses, not what exists unobserved or measured. This means there is no accounting for Absolute Object reality, which provides the ‘master template’ for relative observations and measurements. There is lack of clear causation, in SR, only considering the relative outcomes and confusing effects for cause in GR. This does not mean that every fanciful idea imagined must be treated as if real, because it not certainly known via our senses. We have to accept that our senses are not omniscient. There exist things that can not be known by use of the senses alone.

        A pure chemical element has non observation dependent characteristics, likely to be the consequence of its existing chemical structure. That is, the model taken to be true Subatomic particle arrangement provides a rational and consistent working explanation for the qualities of samples of pure elements and the differences between them.
        The persistence of the element's characteristic qualities is noticeable in the consistency of observed results and measurements. Unless undergoing another process other than existing in a pure state, pattern of atomic structure, there is no non simultaneity of observations of different observers at different positions and times. The qualities of a chemical element are the same regardless of the day of the week, observed near or from far away, observed from different angles . Appearance such as shape or hue may vary but whether solid liquid or gas when the outside room is at room temperature, whether hard or soft, reactive or nonreactive or moderately so, metallic or non metallic, and so on, do not change. If they change, the pure element is no longer the same pure element . A different material exists, an impure element , as a mixture, maybe an alloy or joined chemically to something else, as a compound
        Non observation dependent reality, includes the existing material structure but not necessarily the organisation of the material.

        Dimensions pertaining to Object, material reality?;

        Orientation of the dimensions of space is not Absolute. How many dimensions does space, the , external to the observer, environment have?Observation independent existence does not have dimensions applied , the dimensions are part of the representation of relative semblamces. Absolute material existence within the environment external to the observer could be regarded as all orientations of the orthogonal dimensions at any one time or none. The representations in theoretical superposition as all are themselves correct, though matter itself can not be in superposition according to the Pauli exclusion principle for fermion particles

        Rather than being directly on top of one another the relative, usually surface semblances, need to be correctly arrayed with the viewpoint of each ‘in mind’.Thinking of the elephant material object felt by 6 blind men. The representation of the elephant drawn for each blind person’s testimony placed on top of each other does not produce a picture representation of an elephant. But correctly arrayed in relation to how the men were positioned, a partially correctly organised collection of images can be produced representing the animal . Partial because of missing information. There are only enough men to produce one ear and one leg of the representation.

        For very large distances or time intervals between potential sensory data emission and receipt another imagined dimension can be used in mapping. This is the time dimension, also known as the 4th dimension. Items mapped here are representation of observation products. They are not material objects.
        Passage of time is the change in whole material configuration of the uni temporal existing universe. Each different configuration can be considered a different time, The change is sequential, the time interval chosen may be a regular interval of choice as appropriate e.g. years, days or milliseconds or like ice ages the division of of intervals refer to the material change itself but not necessarily equal intervals of time. This can be represented by a time line or lines, showing different scales or other divisions. which are not actually material reality or a geometric dimension.

        Because the material universe is Uni-temporal, just one time throughout, existing material objects are not spread over time, not even potential sensory data in the form of wave-carried existing particles. The mapping of the representation of semblances of objects formed using data emitted by different material universal configurations, that is passage of time has happened. Not all data received together, or in close proximity was emitted by material in the same configuration of the material universe. The observation product semblances of the emitting source or sources consequently show a temporal spread that the material sources don’t necessarily have. There is no need to assume they have. Occam's razor would say it is preferable to assume they don’t have temporal spread.

        Space-time, also called the space time continuum, is a theoretical construct where events are located. Unlike the data pool subset of Object reality, which is where potential sensory data is distributed. Although the individual energy of photos and group intensity relates to their release from the source object at an earlier time, they only exist currently, not spread over time.

        The gravitational field and electric and magnetic fields have been traditionally presumed to be in space-time, not merely represented as being there, that having been taken to be the external environment.
        The proposition that Space-time is needed to account for variability of temporal experience, or differences in time keeping is incorrect., A (sample) slice of space (not space-time) would contain photons emitted at different times, not of uni-temporal origin.
        A slice of marble cake shows patterns related to the condition of the mix during production, it’s history, though the material slice of cake exists wholly in the current and only materially existing Now.

        Representation of observationdependent, generated 'reality'.

        A map of observation products generated can be shown placed , using 3 (imagined) spatial dimensions. Imagined because these are not the actual space in which the source objects are located I.e., occupied by the Absolute material objects but representation of the semblances produced using sensory information receipt. The orientation of the 3 dimensions in fixed relationship to each other is not objective but decided by the observer. Using the basis of their own orientation if not standing upright or the direction of gravity’s effect (To select what is going to show up and down.) In the absence of gravity, i e it can’t be used for that purpose, another seen reference point or direction that can be relied on staying constant can be used to always orient the dimensions in fixed relation (Orthoganol) to each other, in the same way, for easy comparison. Different observers may orient their dimensional representation of what is seen , with fixed orthogonal relationship between dimensions, differently but the representation is still valid for the particular observer perspective or viewpoint.
        Add to thisa time line of history Not a geometric dimension, ,of a Unitemoral existing oBJECTreality

        Special Relativity, slowing of clocks

        The mass being forced to move through the environment including base substance could account for time dilation theory of Special Relativity, The particle or object being affected by the very small wave properties of the environment or a gravitational interaction is a question of mass of the movable thing. Too much mass deforms and overwhelms the wave effect.
        There is a range of behviour correlated with an existing mass interacting with the observation independent, existing environment particle pairs when state outcomes of each individual particle ought to somehow be randomly arising.
        This is only a problem because the underlying Object reality is not considered. The pair is behaving as a pair, showing expected correlations for a pair

        Created as a pair , having correlated attributes, They are existing things as is the generating apparatus , room, technician. As can reasonably be expected for existing things ,they have object parmenance. They still exist when not observed and their condition is the same unless disturbed by some other existig thing. Therefore itcan act as templarte for the observation or mesurement sollving the measurement problem. It doesn't randomly choose a state when observed /measured. Therefore no need to propose entanglement as the template in observation independent reality determines outcome states found.

        Un-temporal I e. Just one time , foundational time for observation independent reality as also called Object reality, but also emergent observer generated time, meaning experience of non simultaneity is possible, does not permit closed time like curves for material existing objects. This means the grandfather type paradox does not apply. Faster than light couldn't cause a closed timelike loop by hypothetical backwards time travel seen by an outside observer with such a theoretical viewpoint.