Georgina Woodward
A superposition is neither the observation independent absolute reality, nor the sensory data released into the environment or an observer generated partial semblance from a particular view point or chosen and applied orientation of apparatus. it is instead a collection of probabilities obtained from previous trials. Numbers are asigned ,it is an abstract entity in Hilbert space. We do not live in Hilbert space. It has no material reality or sense given partial semblance

    Georgina Woodward

    It has been assumed that particles are in superpostion of both particle and wave of no singular location, prior to selecting apparatus orientation or viewpoint to apply, a particle pair must also have no intrinsic properties
    or location. Rather than the partner particles being, albeit tiny, absolute, whole particles that exist though they don’t need observation to exist.
    As real whole particles, they cause vibration of the environment that surrounds them and are acted upon by the wave interference caused by division and recombination of environmental waves. they are created as a pair behaving as opposites and conserving angular momentum. They just behave in a way that is fitting what they are, the first measured pqaeticle does not need to communicate with the other so it knows what behaviour is required. It just does what it must because of what it is.

      Georgina Woodward
      Conventional QM is a non local theory. the first particle to be measured can communicate over a very large distance, with the other. There is talk of superluminal speed that allows this to happen. non locality is not found elsewhere in nature.
      The alternative is a local theory. Self similarity is found throughout nature, where similar processes occur at different scales leading to fractal patterns. Waves are known to happen at many scales. It would be strange and unlikely if the smallest scale was completely different from the rest of nature. In this theory there is no supperposition, no non local behaviour, no entanglement, no proposal of faster than light communication.

      5 days later

      My alternative model of reality has been to constantly find new places to open my perspective and allow myself to accept that there are many things that we will never find out the truth to, all I can do is learn what the possibilities may be and rough in %'s of potentiality.

      • The sun does not rise in the morning, we turn to face it.
      • Blackholes are Dark Dense Spheres
        10 days later

        I have misplaced my recent writing. After an unproductive search i've decicded i'll start again.
        Image reality also called more recently observation product, a product of observation; not necessarily perception which has additional assoaciations ,memory and learning and is interpreted. That is given a subjective meaning by the individual observer.

          Georgina Woodward
          It is necessary that the obsever is able to recieve and process the potential sensory data available in the environment in order to generate an Image reality from it.
          ultra violet
          Bees and butterflies have photoreceptors that can convert some wavevlengths reflected light ino utra violet patterns. These patterns on petals of some flowers are nectar guides, which incxrease the chances of pollination, and so sucessful reproduction of the plant, and as aside benefit tell the insect about the presence of nectar that the insect collects as a food source. The ultra violet patterns are visible to observers able to process ultra violet light.

            Georgina Woodward
            Echolocation, sonar
            Echolocation is famously used by bats for navigation and catching prey
            Sonar is used by dolphins and whales. Both techniques rely on recieving reflection of sound waves from material objects.The animals produce a sound (may be inaudibble to humans) which is trasmitted and reflected by objects. by recieving andprocessing the reflected sound waves the animal can generate a semblance of the external environment detected by their senses.
            It is still relative, partial and subjective product that is generated.
            Radar and lidar technologies
            Like echolocation these rely on reflection by material objects but using radio waves and pulsed laser light to be what is reflected and detected. By processing of the returned signals received by a sensor, a ‘surface picture semblance' of the matter present in the location tested can be obtained Often built up from multiple scans.

            6 days later

            “In Ancient Greek philosophy “ether" or “aether” was considered a fifth element that naturally moved in perfect circles, [ being fine refined and pure.] explaining seemingly circular motion of celestial bodies like stars and planets, as the Greeks believed the heavens moved with perfect, continuous circular motion; this concept is closely associated with Aristotle's cosmology”. Wikipedia “Aether naturally moved in circles, and had no contrary, or unnatural force explaining motion. Aristotle also stated that celestial spheres made of aether held the stars and planets”. Quote from Wikipedia We no longer believe in Aristotle’s crystal spheres but the idea of an ether is still useful. Mfchelson and Morley tried to show an ether wind due to the Earth moving through the ether. The ether was at that time thought to be a static , un-moving background and possibly could be used as an absolute reference frame. Newton’s absolute space was similarly thought of as an absolute background reference frame for comparison. They did not find any evidence of an ether wind .The Earth, atmosphere, matter on Earth’s surface and in the atmosphere, ether and it’s content such as waves all move as one. under such circumstances it is not surprising that no ether wind was detected. The ether (Base substance ) is imperceptible and so one part is completely like another, as far as we are concerned but it hosts fields, electric and magnetic due to moving charges, and electrostatic forces, due to ‘so called “static charges” despite the movement of the Earth. As well as having differences in concentration due to he existence of matter within it and needing to avoid it as the base substance , although it is semi permeable to matter , it acts as a fermion particle, in not being able to occupy the same space already occupied by a fermion particle unless it can be made to move out of the way.

            Frank DiMeglio
            Frank there is no fourth dimension in reality . It is a mistake ,where the history of the material universe is preserved and carried by photons allowing us to percive things that no longer exist.
            The history of the material universe can be depicted along an imaginary time line. It Is not part of the geometry of the material universe that exists (Always) now. The differences in time seen by different observers is due to differences in arrival time of sensory data ,from which each observer generates their own reality.

            I meant to say something about astronomy in this contrext. Rarely, by looking at the images of galaxies, is the source of gravity found separated from its effects in the images. It can occur following a violent collisiom or explosion.....The most massive part is at (ends up at) a distance from other matter , that formerly was attracted to it. I will look for an example to link.

              Georgina Woodward
              A different idea about red - shift
              All of the galaxies except the nearest, the local group, appear red-shifted. Conventionally explained as due to movement away from the observer, Doppler-like, implying the expansion of the seen universe , in all directions since its formation.
              The environment of space has, until recently been thought to be a vacuum, accounting for the longevity of photons in space.
              What if instead between source and observer is dust?
              An object will absorb photons but dust might absorb some photons and allow other’s through It’s heating may lead to the emission of new red wavelengths.

              from AI overview by google search
              ''Particles absorb photons by capturing their energy when the light wave interacts with the particle, essentially "soaking up" the photon's energy, which is then converted into heat and can sometimes cause structural changes within the dust grain itself; this process is particularly prominent with shorter wavelengths of light, like ultraviolet, causing dust clouds to appear dark against a starry background while re-emitting the absorbed energy at longer infrared wavelengths.
              Key points about dust particle photon absorption in space:
              • Wavelength dependence:
              Smaller dust particles tend to absorb more light at shorter wavelengths (like ultraviolet) while larger particles can absorb across a broader spectrum. 
              • Re-emission:
              When dust particles absorb photons, they re-emit the energy as infrared radiation, making dusty regions appear bright in infrared images. 
              • Impact on observation:
              Dust absorption significantly affects our view of distant stars and galaxies, obscuring details in certain wavelengths, especially in regions with dense dust clouds.
              How it works:
              • Interaction with the dust grain:
              When a photon strikes a dust particle, it can be absorbed if its wavelength matches the resonant frequency of the particle's material. Energy transfer:
              The absorbed energy is then transferred to the dust particle, exciting its atoms or molecules, causing them to vibrate and heat up.
              • Emission of infrared radiation:
              The heated dust particle then re-radiates the absorbed energy as infrared radiation, which has a longer wavelength than the original photon.
              dust in space:
              • Interstellar dust:
              Dust particles present between stars within a galaxy, composed of elements like carbon, silicon, and oxygen.
              • Circumstellar dust:
              Dust particles surrounding a star, often created by stellar winds or planetary nebulae.
              • Interplanetary dust:
              Dust particles within our solar system, contributing to the zodiacal light.

              The energy of the photon is converted into another form of energy, and is lost to us: the photon is absorbed. Again, the effect of absorption is to decrease the amount of light we detect from the star. Very often, the dust grain will emit other photons, but at much longer wavelengths, typically in the IR.''
              'Institute of computational cosmology'
              This seems to show that for galaxies further away than the local group, for whom ‘light’ has had to travel further to reach us have been red-shifted
              because of the effect of dust. How much will depend on the type, amount and interference caused by it.
              Local group galaxies can be blue- shifted .Thought to indicate movement towards the observer. The light has less far to travel through space to reach an observer. Therefore it is likely that the interaction with dust will be less and not enough to counteract the effect causing blue-shift

              Your thoughts about red shift anticipated.

              Georgina Woodward
              The environmental base subtance could be hosting light (Photon particles carried by imo.), waves and interference patterns generated overtime and persisting. This gives many views of the object source which may be no longer present, or not in the same form as the material source of light reflections. .THAT MEASNS 3+1 SPACE TIME, the seen universe, is due to hologram like images generated by various observers, organic and devices. It is not the existing material universe of objects, materials, matter, molecules and atoms and ions.

              Georgina Woodward
              We do not directly access wave or interference patterns in the environment. Hollograma are made with lasers. Diffuse 'light' or sunlight is not coherent enough and will give a blurred image. ### naturally illumination will not be contolled ,and there may be multiple sources of illumination. Indisciminate ineterfence of reflected 'light',many superimposed potential imagesis also likely to give blurring , rather than a clear singular image

              Why a space filling susstance is needed; to provide transmission of forces and particles who's transmission/communication isn't provided via other media.