Georgina Woodward
A different idea about red - shift
All of the galaxies except the nearest, the local group, appear red-shifted. Conventionally explained as due to movement away from the observer, Doppler-like, implying the expansion of the seen universe , in all directions since its formation.
The environment of space has, until recently been thought to be a vacuum, accounting for the longevity of photons in space.
What if instead between source and observer is dust?
An object will absorb photons but dust might absorb some photons and allow other’s through It’s heating may lead to the emission of new red wavelengths.

from AI overview by google search
''Particles absorb photons by capturing their energy when the light wave interacts with the particle, essentially "soaking up" the photon's energy, which is then converted into heat and can sometimes cause structural changes within the dust grain itself; this process is particularly prominent with shorter wavelengths of light, like ultraviolet, causing dust clouds to appear dark against a starry background while re-emitting the absorbed energy at longer infrared wavelengths.
Key points about dust particle photon absorption in space:
• Wavelength dependence:
Smaller dust particles tend to absorb more light at shorter wavelengths (like ultraviolet) while larger particles can absorb across a broader spectrum. 
• Re-emission:
When dust particles absorb photons, they re-emit the energy as infrared radiation, making dusty regions appear bright in infrared images. 
• Impact on observation:
Dust absorption significantly affects our view of distant stars and galaxies, obscuring details in certain wavelengths, especially in regions with dense dust clouds.
How it works:
• Interaction with the dust grain:
When a photon strikes a dust particle, it can be absorbed if its wavelength matches the resonant frequency of the particle's material. Energy transfer:
The absorbed energy is then transferred to the dust particle, exciting its atoms or molecules, causing them to vibrate and heat up.
• Emission of infrared radiation:
The heated dust particle then re-radiates the absorbed energy as infrared radiation, which has a longer wavelength than the original photon.
dust in space:
• Interstellar dust:
Dust particles present between stars within a galaxy, composed of elements like carbon, silicon, and oxygen.
• Circumstellar dust:
Dust particles surrounding a star, often created by stellar winds or planetary nebulae.
• Interplanetary dust:
Dust particles within our solar system, contributing to the zodiacal light.

The energy of the photon is converted into another form of energy, and is lost to us: the photon is absorbed. Again, the effect of absorption is to decrease the amount of light we detect from the star. Very often, the dust grain will emit other photons, but at much longer wavelengths, typically in the IR.''
'Institute of computational cosmology'
This seems to show that for galaxies further away than the local group, for whom ‘light’ has had to travel further to reach us have been red-shifted
because of the effect of dust. How much will depend on the type, amount and interference caused by it.
Local group galaxies can be blue- shifted .Thought to indicate movement towards the observer. The light has less far to travel through space to reach an observer. Therefore it is likely that the interaction with dust will be less and not enough to counteract the effect causing blue-shift

Your thoughts about red shift anticipated.

Georgina Woodward
The environmental base subtance could be hosting light (Photon particles carried by imo.), waves and interference patterns generated overtime and persisting. This gives many views of the object source which may be no longer present, or not in the same form as the material source of light reflections. .THAT MEASNS 3+1 SPACE TIME, the seen universe, is due to hologram like images generated by various observers, organic and devices. It is not the existing material universe of objects, materials, matter, molecules and atoms and ions.

Georgina Woodward
We do not directly access wave or interference patterns in the environment. Hollograma are made with lasers. Diffuse 'light' or sunlight is not coherent enough and will give a blurred image. ### naturally illumination will not be contolled ,and there may be multiple sources of illumination. Indisciminate ineterfence of reflected 'light',many superimposed potential imagesis also likely to give blurring , rather than a clear singular image

Why a space filling susstance is needed; to provide transmission of forces and particles who's transmission/communication isn't provided via other media.

    Georgina Woodward spelling correction
    Why a space filling substance is needed; to provide transmission of forces and particles who's transmission/communication isn't provided via other media.

    Georgina Woodward spelling corrections, mainly
    We do not directly access wave or interference patterns in the environment. Holograms are made with lasers. Diffuse 'light' or sunlight is not coherent enough and will give a blurred image. naturally illumination will not be controlled, and there may be multiple sources of illumination. Indiscriminate interference of reflected 'light',many superimposed potential images is also likely to give blurring , rather than a clear singular image. coherent enough and will give a blurred image. naturally illumination will not be contolled ,and there may be multiple sources of illumination.

      Georgina Woodward
      Just a wave spread out in space; a partial wavefront is not concentated enough at the receptor site for the energy 'kick' that's needed at receptor site to cause a response.
      A carried particle, however, can provide the energy together in one place. Each spreadout quantum wave amount will deliver one quantum particle of same frequency. At a place influenced by the environment, such as the presence of interference causing there to be anunseen interference pattern in the base substance. Particle and wave have the same frequency as the wave vibrates sympatheticallty with the particle's vibration at emission.

        Georgina Woodward
        These are actual physical waves, the same kind, same wave proprties as waves of other scales. following natures inclination to self similarity across scales. Not abstract mathematical probability waves, like de Broglie imagined.

        This needs correcting or clarifying..the universe that is seen is many products from which we presume there is a whole 3+1 universe ,although it can't be seen in its entitrety due to viewpoint of the observer being bound to our solar system .The James Webb telescope gives clarity of image but they are space time images from 'light' as it was emitted but in space only now (at no other time). It too, as an observer, only has its own view point due where it is in the solar system, The content of space between the matter/stuff is what the seen universe is made from. We can't just see holograms due to waves and wave interference. We need the particle part of light transmission to provide the photocells with concentrated energy, not spead out over space..The waves and interference and not yet received particles are there as the data pool now. This is another aspect .Not the mater, material existing things. Not the seen productof intercepting and processing light. Part of the Object ,that is, the universe.

        I don't think holograms would usually be produced because of blurring of many different potential images superimposed and lack of coherence of light sources. I wonder though, if under exeptional circumstances, when conditions are just right something like a natural hologram could be generated, that leads to certain happenings being seen, that are assumed paranormal.

        “Newton's First Law of Motion, also known as the Law of Inertia, states that an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. “via google seach and Khan acadeny
        Why and does gravity have a role?
        When it is in a frame of reference deemed to be non moving, that is not accelerating, remaining with same velocity as the observer; the background too is considered as having the same state of apparently stationary motion as the observed object.
        When the object is seen to be moving relative to the background. some of the background moves with the object and some not. Take planet Earth , loose things collected on the surface, things in the air like planes and birds, the atmosphere, sound waves in the air, the base medium and waves within it, allowing there to be forces and transmission of electromagnetism such as visible ‘light’ and radio on Earth, which is no different because of it. Everywhere under the influence of gravity moves with the Earth as it moves. The same will apply to smaller gravitational masses, such as a ball.
        Starting or stopping motion, is because of this effect of gravity, not just reliant on the force necessary to move, or stop from moving, the object mass itself, but the object mass and everything influenced by it. GETTING AN OBJECT MOVING OR STOPPING IT MOVING IS MORE DIFFICULT THAN IT IS THOUGHT IT OUGHT TO BE.

        The Earth is a bit of a strange example, you might think, because it doesn't travel in a straight line, the reason being because gravity acts on the SUN- EARTH Together as a system, also influenced by other planets nearby. On the Earth's own gravity acts most where the mass is concentrated which is the core of the planet and centre of mass. This gives an attraction inwards. Felt all over the planet from the layers of the atmoshpere, where 'outer space' gives way to the region of influence of gravity,due to the EARTH'A MASSto the centre of Mass. Experienced as holding us close to Earth's surface and a tendency of objects to fall down to the Earth surface, if the surface is hard or into the Earth if thr surface is soft or hollow.
        AI OVERVIEW FROM GOOGLE via google searchn;
        Earth's orbit is not circular, but rather elliptical. However, it's close enough to being circular that it's sometimes considered nearly circular.
        Earth's orbit is elliptical due to the gravitational pull of Jupiter and Saturn.
        The Earth's orbit is stable and has the same amount of energy as a circular orbit.
        Earth's orbit is faster when it's closer to the sun, and slower when it's further away.
        The point closest to the sun is called the perihelion, and the point farthest away is called the aphelion.
        Earth's orbit takes 365.256 days to complete, which is one sidereal year.

          21 days later

          Georgina Woodward
          Sorry it has been a while. there are replies i'd have liked to have made but couldn't at the time. I've been stuck in hospital.
          "14 days ago
          ''Physicist Brian Greene is now saying that, logically, primitive particles must have a degree of consciousness. Particles supposedly have feelings: people tend to think that consciousness is all about the feelings. But thoughts and feelings and emotions are merely the superficial signs of consciousness, and they say nothing about what type of thing that consciousness actually is.''Lorainne Ford
          i think we need to separate the responsiveness of matter to forces,either by contact by matter or unknown space filling substance and consciosness which is more than mere response and is the feelings and sensations of being a being, not just a thing.