Hi Eckard,
in reply to
Maybe, I didn't understand what "very significant error" you are referring to. I maintain that SR denies an ubiquitous objective now.
The post attached below, that I made on the "what is space-time" video, may explain what i mean.
(I realllly cant type it all out again in a different format :)
Essentially I am suggesting there may be some serious, false assumptions right at the start of SR, which change it's entire meaning.
critically, if the paper does not in fact prove the existence of "time", but just calls motion time, and moves on, then all talk of (ubiquitous) simultaneity , or non- simultaneity is moot.
we can line up the rotating pointers on numbered dials, as much as we want and move them around as much as we want, and observe that some may move slower than others in transit ( dilate) - but...
in my opinion...unless you, or others can point to an actual proof that there is a thing called "time" that is indicated by a rotating hand, then Relativities assumptions about such machines called "clocks",(or more sophisticated version of them) , do not imo, show
-that there are "different nows", or
-"anything but now", or
-"that a thing called time exists and can be dilated"...
auth "A Brief History of Timelessness" > http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00I09XHMQ
-----------the "what is space time?" post ----
Dear Mr Durand,
Thank you very much for your very well presented video "what is space-time?"
I wish you luck in the contest, but rather excitingly, our entries are in direct conflict, (which at least makes for interesting science).
Concerning this, I would like to take this opportunity to ask you a question, which I believe, if you can't resolve, may show that your presentation may not be about a genuine phenomena at all. i.e. with respect how it may be wrong.
Specifically, re your video "What is Space-Time?" you say at the start...
"One of the fundamental discoveries of Relativity is that contrary to what our senses tell us we do not live in a 3 dimensional space but a space-time that has four dimensions".
The validity or not, of the concept of space-time has massive consequences, and many, many scientists accept it, so I'm sure as a physicist it's important to you to be certain via your own analysis, that its foundations are actually solid.
So, to check our most basic assumptions as to what "Special Relativity" reasonably proves (and does not prove), concerning "Time", we check Einstein's seminal paper on Special Relativity, "Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Körper".
In English. "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies" (http://goo.gl/FzwvmB),where,
section 1 "The Definition of Simultaneity" clearly says...
If we wish to describe the motion of a material point, we give the values of its co-ordinates as functions of the time... [so we must be]... quite clear as to what we understand by "time."
...If, for instance, I say, "That train arrives here at 7 o'clock," I mean something like this: "The pointing of the small hand of my watch to 7 and the arrival of the train are simultaneous events."
And here, either I have missed something, or there is a potentially massive, unverified, yet critical assumption at the heart of SR, which (imo) changes the essential meaning of the paper very significantly.
Specifically, the paper says... "if we wish to describe the motion of a material point, we give the values of its co-ordinates as functions of the time"
... but the paper in fact, clearly only describes comparing the values of the [spatial] coordinates of one material object ( a train), to the values of the spatial coordinates of another material object - i.e. "the tip of a motorised hand rotating on a dial"
- so, in fact, effectively electrodynamics, just refers to one example of motion, "motion", and another example of motion "time".
-------------------------- Questionable assumptions
In other words, at this precise point, in an extremely important paper, leading to the conclusion of "space-time", that your own, and countless other talks, refer to at the start:
- "The existence of a thing called Time, is in no way explained, but just, and only assumed".
As far as I can tell, all that could be said to actually be observed in the "train" scenario is that...
-One material object/point e.g. "a train", exists, and can be moving or stationary...
-Another material object/point, "the rotating hand", exists, and can be moving or stationary.
-And, the location and/or velocity of two objects can be being compared, if one so chooses.
What does not seem to be observed, but seems only to be (unscientifically) just assumed is...
-It is assumed, but not shown that as an object exists and/or moves, a thing called "time" exists and passes.
-it is assumed but not shown, that a rotating hand on a numbered dial, marks the existence and "passing" of this time thing.
-It is assumed The concept of "time", and, apparently "different times" (i.e. non- synchronous events) is legitimate.
Critically, concerning the motorised hand, the paper calls it a "watch hand", and if we take "dimension" to be "A measurable extent of a particular kind" (OED), then (imo) Relativity seems to just take the "dimension" of pure and simple motion in a physical direction... and just consistently refer to is as a "dimension called time"
- i.e. correct me if I'm wrong but the paper seems to just "call" motion, time.
For well understood reasons Special Relativity shows us that the components of any moving oscillator will have further to travel, and thus interact in a dilated fashion ( e.g. photons between opposing mirrors).
But (imo) it is not shown in the paper how the proof that moving things, are changing more slowly, confirms the (blind) assumption, that "a rotating hand" marks the passage of an invisible intangible thing called "time", through an invisible, intangible 4th "temporal/spatial" "dimension".
Likewise it is not shown in Relativity how a rotating hand, or the (agreed) fact moving objects are changing more slowly, proves that there is "time", and that the concept of "different times" is valid.
------------------------- Critical conclusions
As you yourself note at the start of our video, 'our senses tell us we live in 3 dimensional space', to which I would add, "in which matter/energy seems to exist, move and interact in any physical direction".
So, given what our senses tell us, and your belief that the concept of "an extra dimension of time" is valid, and the fact Einstein's "Electrodynamics" paper itself only "assumes", but does not "confirm" the existence of a thing called "time", my question to you is...
Q- Professor Durand, with respect, can you in fact justify your statement that,
"One of the fundamental discoveries of Relativity is that ... space-time that has four dimensions".
do you have a specific reasonable proof, as per the scientific method, that, extra to just matter, space, and motion, an extra "thing", or "dimension", called "time" also exists?...
Is your reason for assuming this "extra dimension" exists, based on the assumption that, by referring to motion as "time", and, by showing how moving things are changing more slowly than expected, - Relativity itself proves there is a "temporal past", and/or "future", and thus time, and four dimensional "space-time"?
(in other words, can you yourself cite a reasonable proof (e.g. actual experiment), that matter is not "just" existing and interacting, as actually, and only observed, but, that Relativity is right to just assume the existence of a thing called "time"? And thus, that matter is in fact, not just existing, moving and changing, but "evolving through a [4d] space time"? )
And as I say, with respect, I think if you don't actually show workings to address the critical issues these questions (imo) expose, it may appear that the conclusions, your video indicates you accept, may not actually be in accordance with the scientific method.
(And (imo) with a claim that an extra "dimension" called "Time" genuinely exists, showing actual logical reasoning, as opposed to just accepting foundations that others seemed to have "just assumed", and accepting conclusions based on those assumptions, is, in meaningful science, critically important).
Yours very sincerely,
Matthew Marsden.
Auth: A Brief History of Timelessness
(My entries to the competition)
Time Travel,Timeless Answers to Prof Brian Cox's Science of Dr WHO
Answers to Prof Brian Cox's Science of Dr WHO
Does Time exist? How 'Time travel Paradoxes' can't happen without "the past".
'Time travel Paradoxes' can't happen without "the past".
Time travel, Worm hole, billiard ball' paradox, Timelessly. (re Paul Davies- New scientist article)
billiard ball' paradox, Timelessly
"A Brief History of Timelessness" > http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00I09XHMQ
M.Marsden. www.timelessness.co.uk