Time for sure is not 4th dimension of space. SR can be described in a 3D Euclidean space.Attachment #1: About_a_new_suggested_interpretation_of_special_theory_of.pdf
Time for sure is not 4th dimension of space. SR can be described in a 3D Euclidean space.Attachment #1: About_a_new_suggested_interpretation_of_special_theory_of.pdf
We cannot both physically describe and logically understand the same subject matter at the same time. They are two different and mutually exclusive approaches. How something appears and is conceived by us is way different from what things need to exist and operate logically and spontaneously as a universe.
Each time science has asked "why" the procedure has returned a "how". It is an asymptotic curve reaching for something outside its grasp. The conceptual, understanding and metaphysical lies beyond that line.
The question remains. What do YOU want?
Do you want to know the universe enough to be able to DO something with it?
(science, engineering, physics...)
Or, do you want to know what the universe is made of and understand logically why it DOES what it does?
(logic, material methaphysics,...)
An answer is always determined by the question. The proof must be tested within the system and domain holding both the question and the answer.
What will really boil the physics community's noodle is that the laws of general relativity, the physics constants G, h and c appear to have been imprinted upon something that closely resembles "spirit". Energy is stored in a tiny rolled up space-time; but when the laws of general relativity are created, they can only begin from nothingness: which is what happened with the big bang. I would say that the odds of a Creator are very good.
The universe may have started from nothingness. Of course, there cannot be nothingness and something at the same time. This would violate the non contradiction rule. There cannot be something and nothing at the same time. "Same Time" are the keywords here. The only thing that can exist without being at the same as nothingness is .... time itself. A universe abiding by the rule of non-contradiction and born from nothingness can only contain fleeting time and its variations. Early moments packed as much as possible into time variations leading to the highest orders of time curl. Then these variations replaced fleeting time itself that resumed expansion unrolling our space-time.
Time is continually created and does not follow conservation laws. On the other hand, the original time variations created in the first moments as particles and waves have been conserved. That's how I see it.
This logic gives no answer as to what/who caused the first spark of time....
Your call..
Hi Marcel,
In order to explain things like the origin of the big bang, how the physics constants are sustained, and why the standard model is it's present configuration, I decided to borrow from the paranormal. There are countless reports of activity of ghosts, spirits, grey aliens, psychic phenomena, remote viewing, astral projection, near death experiences, angels, demons and the list goes on. All of these things, including God, require the existence of an invisible substance called "spirit". Wave-functions, quantum fields and Higgs fields are all as ghostly as the ghosts that haunt their victims. Since Michelson-Morley can be discredited by realizing that they were looking for a particulate medium, not a quantum field medium, then really physics can quite easily steal "spirit" from the spiritualists and call it an n-dimensional field of unlimited n. Lots of strange and eerie things can happen in invisible n-dimensional fields, including the creation of the laws of physics and physics constants. By some strange mechanisms, the physics constants, Maxwell's equations, Einstein Equations and other necessary physics laws are imprinted upon spirit. Whether as a planned event by a Creator or just the laws of the universe in action, a clump of spirit became so imprinted by the natural laws of nature that it exploded and and gave birth to our universe.
The multiverse that gave birth to our reality can be as mysterious and inexplicable as it wishes.
Jason Wolfe
If you think that an underlying spirit or aether is unfathomable, then take a look at the wave-function solution to the hydrogen atom.
Truthfully, doesn't it look fuzzy, aetheric? Now imagine that the quantum vacuum also look the same way.
When ghosts are proven to exist, the intellectual madness of the scientific community will be revealed. How can you all fail to see that the building blocks of reality are particles and fields. If lifeforms can be made of particles, then why can't they be made of quantum fields. Quantum field theory suggests that lifeforms made of quantum fields should exist.
Referencing Quantum Entangled Singularities
Time is the numbers of evolving quantum causality step events relative to Space as systems of non-evolving systems of quantum causality step events; all moderated by a space/time singularity. As a crude model, similar to a crystal growing in a causal media where impurities moderate crystal growth.
Non-evolving steps of quantum causality moderated by a causally connected relativistic singularity in relation to non-evolving steps of quantum causality forming Space/Time relationships used throughout most expressions of energy, power, force, momentum ... physics.
The problem with using the relative perspective (observable physics) is that one cannot see the underlying non-relativistic foundations. Locking perspective in observable physics hides the foundation of causal relationships.
The Big Bang is proposed to represent a cycling through a shift in alternate dimensional states; the shifting of physics constants (relativistic singularities) as quantum causality systems of conjoined non-evolving connected systems evolve toward the next system of relativistic physics constant shifts.
In a causal system Entropy is an indicator of changing from one system toward another system. From the creation of the "properties of causality" of our physics constants toward a shift in the "properties of causality" of those same physics constants. This includes one or more physics constants that may not be dominant in our systems of relativity (everything observable).
So relativity as systems of relative causality evolve with reference to non-evolving connected systems toward another Big Bang.
Big Bangs are just "Relativistic" (observable) perspectives within smooth and continuous systems of non-relativistic quantum causality as Relativistic perspectives (observable physics) cycles from one alternate dimensional space to the next.
Foundation of mathematics related to relativistic physics:
Axiom of Choice extended to include Relativity
Fatalism and Non-Deterministic Cosmology Concurrently Existing
Proposal for creating the economic systems to build the tools for manipulating space/time
Based on the ability to create tools to manipulate space/time relationships (warping space, singularity power production, remote manipulation, teleportation, weapons to kill anyone anywhere in the universe, weapons to annihilate civilizations ...), who is going to control who has access to these tools?
Top/Down method to eliminate all corruption and self-destructive tendencies before tools to manipulate space/time are produced:
Elected doctors of science and philosophy developing & managing equilateral ethical use of NSA collected data
Bottom/Up method to eliminate all corruption and self-destructive tendencies before tools to manipulate space/time are produced:
Teaching Common Sense
Common Sense = Self-Esteem (social group skills) Logic Predicting Consequences
We have motion in our timeless Universe.
Nobel Laureate David Gross in an interview "What is in the space-time" talking about the need to build "general framework structure". In my essay "The Absolute Generating Structure" I gave an extended version of the ontological conception "general framework structure", substantiation of structure and the nature of space. In my essay «Return of Logos: Ontological Memory-Information-Time» I defined the nature of "informtion" and "time" as a multivalent phenomena of the Ontological (structural, cosmic) memory substantiating the essential unity of the world on the "horizontal" and "vertical". To "grasp" the nature of time is necessary to return to dialectics and ontology "coincidence of opposites" -the absolute (unconditioned) states of matter and the generation of new structures.
For English speakers, the David Gross interview is also here
Hello Akinbo! Thanks for the link! Conceptual crisis, understanding crisis is available. Deepening in the ontologic beginnings of the Universum is necessary. Key concept in both interviews - "structure". It is necessary on the basis of a method of ontologic construction to "grab" primordial structure of the Universum. Here it is necessary to go on the way of ontologic unification of a matter on all levels of the Universum as whole. It is necessary to "grab" the nature of all forces of the Universum, the nature of fundamental physical constants. Therefore it is necessary to "dig" more deeply in philosophical ontology, in dialectics of Nature. Today actual as never before becomes the philosophic legacy of A. Einstein: "At the present time, physicist has to deal with philosophic problems to a much greater extent than physicists of the previous generations" and the philosophic legacy of J. Wheeler "Philosophy is too important to be left to the philosophers".
Philosophical ontologic revolution in the physics base is necessary. When physicists will construct "the general framework structure" Universum, then the nature of time, forces, fundamental constants, information will be clear. Here the first assistant - "language of geometrical representations", instead of formulas.
Can you tell me why DB Larson's Reciprocal Sytem theory of time (having 3 dimensions) is wrong?
DB Larson's Reciprocal System theory - phenomenological theory. It does not have deep ontology and dialectic "coincidence of opposites" - absolute rest and absolute motion of matter. In order to "grab" (understand) the nature and essence of time must first be "grab" the structure of space. "Understanding - grasping structure" (( G.Gutner Ontology mathematical discourse). Ontological basic structure of the Universum - it is the triunity of absolute states of matter: absolute rest (linear state) + absolute motion (vortex state) + absolute becoming (wave state). Each absolute state of matter has its way ("vector" absolute state). Basic structure («general framework structure» or Absolute generating structure) substantiates the triune (absolute) structure of space and time ("arrow of time" - "vertical" of the Universum, its hierarchy) three linear measurements + three vortex measurements + three wave measurements + three time measurement. Triune structure of the Universum has its ontological (structural, cosmic) memory-measure being the Universe as a whole, "quality quantity " absolute forms of existence of matter (absolute state). "Information" and "time" are multivalent phenomena of the Ontological (structural, cosmic) memory substantiating the essential unity of the Universum on the "horizontal" and "vertical". Idea of generating structures - central. It is based on the idea of N.Bourbaki about the maternal structures.(N.Bourbaki "Architecture of Mathematics")
Time is what Kant called the act of spontaneity which generates the representation 'I think'. This act performs synthesis. I.e. time is mind processing information. Space is the medium where information is processed.
Kant's ideas require deeper ontologization otherwise immediately possible to "fall" in psychologism. Justification of knowledge requires extreme transcendence limit unification of matter on all floors being to "grab" the primordial structure of the universe, the nature and essence of time. It works well Kant's idea of conceptual and figure synthesis. Overcoming the "crisis of understanding" in Fundamental Science, «the crisis of interpretations and representations»"- this is a deep, limit conceptual - figurative synthesis.
Thank you very much! Very interesting research. But I got a slightly different way to arrive at a "general framework structure" (Absolute generating structure, the parent company General Structure mother) and understanding of "time" as a multivalent phenomenon of the Ontological (structural, aerospace) memory: Heraclitus (dialectic, the doctrine of the Logos) - Parmenides (identity of being and thinking) - Plato (idea and matter, "Platonic Solids") - Aristotle (the study of form, mind-prime mover) - Plotinus (dialectics three main ontological substance - One, mind and soul, an emanation) - Cusa (dialectical "coincidence of opposites) - Descartes («vortices»,«cogito ergo sum», geometrization) - Spinoza («more geometrico»)- Kant (Apriorism, conceptual - figurative synthesis) - Fichte (dialectical process of deconstructing and his "taking off" followed by a spirit of the act, the ideality of space and time) - Hegel (the dialectic of absolute ideas, triad, updated the concept of "measure" as a quality quantity) - Husserl (intentionality of consciousness, «LebensWelt», the original meaning of geometry, "origin of geometry", "philosophy as rigorous science")") - Bergson (matter and memory) - Heidegger (fundamental ontology, the doctrine of sense,"language-house being», "topology of being») - Losev (dialectics of «eidos» and «logos») - Bourbaki ("mother structure", generating structures of mathematics). I believe that the "Monad" Leibniz does not help "draw" and justify the primordial structure of the Universum, to construct a "general framework structure" of Universum - framework, carcass and base of knowledge.
I agree with Alexander Zenkin: «The truth should be drawn and should be presented to "an unlimited circle"of spectators.»( Scientific Counter-Revolution in Mathematics.
I have a short Amazon book "The Mental Creation of Time." It's a physics-based development of Leibniz's relationist concept that all physical activity is more fundamental than time. I argue that moments are the observer's mental unification of events (infinitesimal motion elements). In the end I argue that time is an emergent dimension of mind. The summary is free for you to read.
Hi Jerrold,
Read the summary and congratulations on your book. The idea that "Thus all events (infinitesimal motion elements) are regarded as not being in time but instead as a basis for our sense of time" sits well with me.
But note that observation itself is an event and therefore must comprise of 'motion elements', how does this fit with you?
'Motion elements' meaning what? Motion from where to where?
'infinitesimal', is there ultimately a smallest possible size?
And by the way, what is the procedure to get published by Amazon books?
Thanks and regards,
Akinbo: Observation is a complex physical and mental process rather than a simple event (as I define the latter in "The Mental Creation of Time").
Until the very speculative idea that space is quantized is confirmed, I will stick with the reasonable view that it is a continuum.
With "infinitesimal motion elements" I am referring to all things in relative motion.
Re publishing on Amazon, go to their kindle publishing site.
3.1. Time
A definition:
The time is initial and primordial. In generates all and can be looked upon as the mother of all that is to come. Everything has its own time. Time is a perceptible quantity and has a circular configuration with two separate, developing halves. The first half we see as real time and not only do we come from it but we also are a part of it. The other half is most recently considered by scientists as imaginary time even thought it is no more real than the real time. The two parts of time (real and imaginary) are different in their nature from the primordial time. The primordial time generates eight other times as each is a product of the previous. The time from which we spawn is of the sixth level of the All-harmony.
Hristov P., FATE OF THE WORLD 21.12.2012 the ancient knowledge of the cycles of time, 24, 29-31, Five Plus, 2012.