Hi John, Georgina, et al
(this page may help with what I am trying to suggest here https://sites.google.com/site/abriefhistoryoftimelessness/the-arrow-of-time/star-light-and-raindrops )
Dear John, RE> your post .... what is commonly referred to as "blocktime," that there physically exists this dimension of all events and that through discovering the right mathematical formula, we could time travel through 'wormholes' to other times.
Obviously in the view you, I and Matt are considering, this would be impossible, because those past events have necessarily physically dispersed and we are seeing the evidence, not only of their existence, but their dissolution, since this residue is now in our present reality.
(My view is slightly, but significantly different to how you suggest, e.g.) Where ever I give talks on the possibility of timelessness, ( the latest just completed at the Edinburgh festival , http://youtu.be/RIPLcEIQZ68 ) I consistently try to get people to
1 - be wary of certain mental traps, and
2 - try to get them to really consider a very precise, particular possibility,
because in this way I think ALL problems relating to the idea of a thing called time can be seen to be invalid.
Specifically, (re traps) I'm suggesting we avoid (unscientifically) including any terms in a conversation that we have not scientifically proven to be valid, and we don't expect unvalidated terms to need to be explained or incorporated into our description of the world. (e.g. terms like "past" or "future")
And, re the possibility, I'm suggesting we consider...
"what if the universe is just filled with matter existing and interacting... would this be enough to mislead us into thinking terms and ideas like 'the past' and 'the future', and thus 'time', are valid?"
So, where you say...
Obviously in the view you, I and Matt are considering, this would be impossible, because those past events have necessarily physically dispersed and we are seeing the evidence, not only of their existence, but their dissolution, since this residue is now in our present reality.
To be very clear, while we are all suggesting similar things, my details differ importantly here, specifically...
I am suggesting there are no "past events" - instead the universe is (may be, imo), JUST filled with a load of matter moving and interacting - misleading us into thinking the term 'past' is valid and needs to be incorporated or explained.
so Re "those past events have necessarily physically dispersed and we are seeing the evidence, not only of their existence, but their dissolution, since this residue is now in our present reality."
That's almost exactly what I'm suggesting, but we can still simplify it further, say we are looking at the fragments of a shattered vase.
In this case it seems very sensible to say "[the vase] has necessarily physically dispersed and we are seeing the evidence, not only of their existence, but their dissolution, since this residue is now in our present reality"
But consider further, we are just seeing what we are seeing, we certainly have the idea that "the fragments were different in the past" - and I fully understand that , and the sense it makes - but here I am suggesting we really, really, really, consider the following question very carefully indeed...
"is there a past, or is there NOT a past?"
And (imo) one has to be very clear on the answer - while most people are happy to ignore the question or leave it vague (i.e. well there kind of has to be a past).
(its important to consider, logically, and scientifically, that even the IDEA "there may, or must be a past", is something that exists here, and only proves matter exists here, and can be in a formation, in a persons mind),
Re the vase it can help to consider that no part of the collection of atoms that make up "the vase" ever does not exist, or is not somewhere, or is not doing something... whether there are fused into a shape a person likes or not , or scattered in the winds , and we should also be aware that our thoughts "that the vase 'was' whole" are in fact also here 'now', and prove only that matter can exist and interact.
So, to be very precise, "this residue" , (e.g. shards of china) , "IS" the thing we are talking about.. it is not evidence that something else existed in a thing or place called "the past", it is evidence that matter exists and can be integrated or disintegrated, or be being integrated, or be being disintegrated. period
Similarly Georgina, where you suggest...
"when participating in astronomy we must be dealing with the second kind the output of data processing. What is present to the observer are images of things and events that have already passed."
I suggest a different, more rigorous analysis. e.g. if we are looking through a telescope at Jupiter's moon io, we might "say" we are seeing it as it "was" in "the past" some 40 minutes ago.
But logically that is not true... what we are seeing is, what we are seeing... i.e. the light that is physically here, coming out of the telescope and hitting our own retinas, here on earth.
And, imo, we should be very careful not to confuse the image we are seeing, i.e. the light from an object, with the object.
In other words, IO is doing what ever it is doing, and the light in transit from IO to earth is doing whatever it is doing, and the light we "are" seeing is in whatever formation it is in - but (imo) nowhere is there a "past".
So, i suggest, we are not seeing IO "as it 'was', in 'the past' ", we are seeing a bunch of photons as they are. And nothing disperses into a thing or a place called "the past". E.g. burn a cigarette, just because it is breaking up into little pieces that disperse and cannot be seen, this doesn't prove "it" is now "in the past", or that there is "a past", etc.
Similarly, we might say we are seeing a star that "no longer exists", but in fact we are sampling a couple of 5mm circles of a massive expanding shell of light - and refocusing them to form the "image" of a star... seeing the light as it is, and - very far from the star not existing - science tells us the precise opposite, i.e. that all of the matter and energy that makes up "the star" all, always exists, and is all somewhere, doing something... and none of it is "in" a place or thing called "the past".
As I say this link may be of interest...
And to summarise, what I am suggesting is that we may live in a sea of matter moving and changing such that we mistakenly thing the terms "past" and "future" and "time" may be valid", but it may all just literally be here "now" changing timelessly...
- Not eternally, as in endless "time"
- Not an infinite "block" of "space-time"
- Not "Presentist" ( with a "past" that has "gone", or a "future" that has not "yet" arrived)
- Not an infinitely thin slice of a thing called time... but...
Just everything, all here now, exactly as directly and only observed, matter existing moving changing and interacting, misleading us into thinking (much like the unseen emperors new robe), there is an invisible thing called time "passing".