Essay Abstract

Life , from its origin on, has influenced our planet, the result is now a planet with 7 billion people, who are contributing but not always supporting to the total well-being. The individual influence has increased since communication has become essential in our society. In the far future we will have to deal with our sun becoming a red giant, in the near future it will be our main care to steer the mentality of mankind in order to survive. The "special place of our planet and the fine-tuning of the physical constants is something we cannot influence but we have to appreciate. The reason of this unique situation we can find in the "reference of reference" which is our consciousness. The steering of our future lies in the deeper understanding and development of our consciousness, the creator of what we are aware of as reality where matter is an intuitive idea. Technology needs not to be an Existential Risk, because technology is material, and material means "created reality" by our consciousness. We may be on the threshold of creating a new kind of quantum consciousness that can assist us in reaching another level of reality.

Author Bio

Born the 26th July 1945 in Breda, the Netherlands. Studied architecture at the Technical University of DELFT in HOLLAND. Married in 1978 with Corrine Hesterman, and has two sons who live in Groningen Holland. Lives since 16 years in France and is 3 years retired. Interests Philosophy, Science. see also community/forum/topics 913, 1370 and 1810

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Dear Wilhelmus,

I was quite entertained reading your essay. There is a sort of frantic desperation about it that is pretty compelling. Fortunately, you have provided a good example of how modern educational methodology, by dealing exclusively with unverifiable supposedly perfect abstractions, has succeeded in producing a whole class of people acutely prone to suffering abstraction distraction disorder.

You wrote: "One of the possibilities to enhance our senses maybe the future 'quantum computer"...

As I have tactfully pointed out in my essay, REALITY, ONCE, only unique exists. Unique cannot be enhanced, entranced, or advanced. Our senses are already operating at maximum capability. I do not care how much time, money and effort the scientists put into activating it, no quantum computer will ever be built capable of expelling a unique long, loud, very smelly fart.

Telescopes, microscopes, and all fabricated instruments utterly distort reality due to the fact that they rely on supposedly identical constructed parts. Computers have obliterated reality entirely. Speedometers lie about a vehicle travelling at 60 mph, when the default speed of all surfaces is the speed of light.

    Dear Wilhelmus

    A very interesting essay. Your starting point (the crowded Earth with the present promise of technology) and your conclusion ( we must not be short- sighted and egotistical and must educate our children to be responsible) are excellent. Apart from some interesting discussion about consciousness and matter, unfortunately there is much in the main part of the essay that is based on what I think are unproven fashionable ideas in physics - such as the multiverse.

    Even so I found your concept of individuals each with their their sphere of consciousness merging into some sort of universal consciousness fascinating. It is like the Noosphere (if memory serves) of Pierre de Chardin. It is like the Internet! You mention our almost total dependence on electricity and computers but instead of worrying about whether humanity will survive after billions of years we should worry more about the many scenarios of possible global disasters in the very near future!

    With best wishes


    Dear Joe

    Abstraction Distraction Disorder! You deserve a Nobel prize in medicine for identifying this modern disease. Wilhelmus describes the density of information in our individual overlapping spheres, and that is perfectly true. But compared to the stability of communication between communities and individuals in the pre- industrial age, these modern whirlpools of information may turn our collective brain into a sort of radioactive info- sludge.


    11 days later


    "The consciousness of humanity reaching into the ultimate non-materialistic form" sounds pie-in-the-sky to realists but it is a worthy concept that I can't dispute. I certainly don't have one to achieve this.

    It is a well-thought-out essay with a lot of concepts to consider. The SSS sphere is fetching. Yours is only my second read. I want to read more before I start rating. I did like your ideas, including your assessment of future threats and the ultimate dissolution of our world.


      Thank you for your encouraging words Jim,

      I was beginning to loose mentality.

      I will also reply on your thread



      "I understand that the so called "realists" cannot accept my way of thinking, but in my turn I say that also the "realist" way of thinking is an availability in Total Simultaneity, they only have their own "program" or available explanation. And... In Total Simultaneity they are also represented, so if they they do not agree, they do not agree with themselves."

      I think the most fundamental pattern in nature is the basic convection cycle. Not only does it describe the physical dynamic on this planet, but all others and including galaxies, as mass falls inward and energy radiates outward. As I see it, there is no Big Bang, just an infinity of vortices pulling structure in, heating it up and radiating it back out, until it starts to cool and crystalize back into structure. Which then starts falling inward again. It is just the math only looks at sections of this process and becomes obsessive about its models of them. So we have gravity as collapsing space, but ignore that this side is balancing the fact that light as space expands between galaxies at an equal rate, thus creating an overall balanced flat space. Now this modeling of space is simply using the reference frames of mass and energy. So when we see light that has traveled across the universe, it is only the light which has managed to travel between all the vortices, so of course it is expanded! Not that the universe as a whole is expanded.

      I think this pattern also explains many of the aspects of time. As I keep pointing out, while the present seems to move from past to future, it is actually the changing configuration turning future into past. So the energy is constantly moving onto new forms, as these forms coalesce and dissolve, thus the structure goes future to past. Energy expands out, toward the future forms, while the forms age and dissolve, falling into the past.

      Consciousness is the energy constantly going onto new thoughts, as these thoughts are the forms of consciousness, falling away into the past.

      The point I wish to make here is this pattern also explains much about human society as well as thought processes. In simplistic terms, liberalism is like the energy expanding out toward the future, while conservatism is the ordered structure which seems so hard and fast, yet is actually aging and receding into the past. Thus politics becomes like the cycles of the seasons, with spring pushing out and winter drawing in.

      The point being that you are very much out in the leading edge of this bubble of awareness, quite willing to leave convention and structure to fend for themselves, while many of your critics like their hard little ball of wax and consider you disconnected. Which, in many respects, you are, from their view of things. If you wish to communicate with them, you need to do so on their level. Find the heart of their arguments and gently tug on the threads holding them together. Some parts might come unwound and fall away, while often other parts just pull tighter and harder. It would be educational for both you and them.

      Keep in mind though, all the layers which form in that convection cycle. Some people are not going to leave that layer they think of as solid ground and fly up into the stratosphere and beyond, or even burrow down into deeper levels. They know their limitations, even if subconsciously.


      John M

        Dear John

        Thank you for your encouraging words.

        Of course the what we call BB , a something from nothing , is not my favorite explanation of reality ether, you are right when yoy say that a dynamic universe without a zero point is more understandable as a deterministic ad infinitum till zero. It is nice to think of the heartbeat of the universe, the only thing is that this comparison has one default , there is a beginning and an end to the heartbeat but just because of the fact that we humans see ourselves as causal and so mortal. Once we leave the causality that is the origin of the arrow of time we are FREE.

        You mention a very important thought : "The present seems to move from the Past to the Future, it is actually changing the future int the past" of course this is pure logic, because "every future" will be a "past". Which means in my perception that ALL possible FUTURES are available in TS as Pasts, so future memory , so available as a future past in our time/life lines. Your energy coupling in this perception is something I have to think about, but when we are regarding e=mc2 , and in this way trying to achieve that our reality is non destructible, so real real and not just a thought or a creation of our consciousness, then I am tended towards the thought that this energy/mass problem is also only a deduction to try to explain our reality (one of the infinity).

        Each human being has a "bubble of awareness" as you are citing. Indeed this bubble is referring to my SSS, the Subjective Simultaneity Sphere ( see "The Consciousness Connection". You see consciousness as an energy I see it as a field that is like a catalyst for the mergence of excitations of the matter field, but both views are a form of "energy".

        And indeed John, people are explain everything with data that they receive from their bubble of awareness, which in his turn is limited by the horizon of his observations, once we thought that the earth was at the center of all, but for those people it was "real", now we think that our bubble was inflated (BICEP) but we are only still observing a little part of the whole shabang, like people before us. Imagine the heartbeat of your universe but then expanded to an infinite amount of bubbles...beautifull isn't it ?



        I'm a bit in Joe Fisher's camp, about the importance of the singularity of perception. I know when I, as an individual, start trying to multiply my perception, that signal of my own awareness would be quickly lost in the cacophony. It is possible to take a generalized view, but that also is refined and defined to a particular range of input, frequency and amplitude, with much of the detail of incorporated foreground and background edited out. The problem with science these days is that it tends not to take the general view, dismissing it as shallow. This leave professionals very knowledgeable about a small range and often divorced from context. While people with a broad view tend to be remiss in many of the details.

        As I said, this is because knowledge is a function and consequence of definition and so by its very nature, has to be limited. Thus I'm only really concerned with the conditions and how to improve them on this planet, not what could theoretically happen across a range of other planets, galaxies, universes, etc.


        John M


        Other planets, galaxies and universes are ALL part of our consciousness, and as so are forming the totality of our reality.


        Dear Wilhelmus,

        I enjoyed reading your essay!

        From the papers published in the journal of consciousness exploration and research, we find that the most fundamental raw-material of this universe is:

        not only a real entity, but it is also aware of its own existence; i.e. cosmic consciousness is the most fundamental reality. This universe, with all its 'particles' and 'fields' are a process, or a phenomenon of fluctuations and vibrations spontanously arisen in the ultimate reality. Since, it is not technically possible to generate purely single-frequency laser,or to make single-Hertz narrowband filters, all sources of laser have certain 'line-width' of a few Gega-Herts, or at least a few Kilo-Herts bandwidth; and since these waves of a band coherently add only at discrete places in space and time, we get 'particles' called photons, electrons, quarks...etc. In the double-slit-experiments. The wide band of waves pass through both the slits, but these waves coherently add onlt at discrete places in space and time we detect 'particles'. Thus this whole universe is a paly of waves arisen in the ultimate self-aware Reality. That is why "Just Six Numbers" match so perfectly and precisely. The Sun becoming red giant is a sort of dream in the ultimate reality. Thus there is nothing to worry about much; it is all a play; and in a play we try our level best to win; but even if we loose in a play we do not loose anuthing! The Ultimate Reality is indistructible, and un distroyable. What do you think, Wilhelmus!

        Hasmukh K. Tank

          Hi Tim,

          I understand your question, inmy perception however you are lost in the ever evere evere before...

          My answer is long but here its is, (not yet published) but is going to be in COMOLOGY and it is not yet the defintive article (look for the construction aof a seeminglikr tiùe-machine ...(picture attached)

          best regards



          Author : Wilhelmus de Wilde

          "LE PLESSIS"

          41800 MONTROUVEAU



          March 2014



          In reality our space/time location seems to be limited by several fundamental constants and the exact position of our planet. One explanation for this phenomenon is the Many World Perception. We are transforming this perception into "Total Simultaneity" (TS). The essential tool to experience reality is our Consciousness. Consciousness can be regarded as an (entangled) unification of two parts : the Non-Causal Consciousness (NCC) and the Causal Consciousness (CC). TS is the basket where ALL Eternal Now Moments (ENM's) of ALL possible universes are gathered as Availabilities. An Infinite amount of YOU's is available. Matter and space/time, in this perception, is an illusion created by our consciousness. Our consciousness is actually the time-creator/traveler. This leads to the conclusion that the Big Bang is not necessarily needed, but it can neither be excluded because it is also one of the available time/life lines in TS. Entanglement of wormholes between black holes and entangled particles are some of the actual scientific theories that are accepted nowadays by physicists, these visions are inclining towards the TS perception where every point/time behind the Planck Wall is TS. We argue however that wormholes are "everywhere" available. Furthermore the newest results of experiments are indicating that digital black and/or white thinking is not valid for the deeper reality that is emerging from our consciousness. There are an infinite number of grey tones/scales in-between any two extremities. This non-algorithmic way of thinking will lead to the possibility of creating quantum-intelligence/consciousness. In our own "brain" neural coding and the quantum coherence in the micro-tubules are available for an eventual coupling with a Quantum Computer . This will open the way for the extension of our five senses and eventually the construction of a Time-Machine that is in essence an ENM-Hopper. Through this possibility of reconstruction of our past and future our CC will become nearer to the NCC and eventually it can become a pure form of spirituality.

          Key words : Total Simultaneity, Eternal Now Moment, Entanglement, Wormholes, Black Holes, Big Bang, Neural Coding, Quantum-Consciousness.


          1. Realities created by Consciousness out of Total Simultaneity

          Before we can enter the Time-Monitor that is called Consciousness we have to understand the essence of our reality and look if it can be "handled". We came to an approach in which our consciousness plays the central role. In order to understand this approach you can follow us on our journey through observations made in actual physics. The conclusions we made are of course not the final Truth, because we think that this TRUTH does not exist in our causal universe. Theories will always change , ideas will come up , so we are trying to give only another possible direction of future thinking. Our island of knowing is growing , but also the shores of our unknowing.

          Gottfried Leibniz in his 1710 work : "Essays on the Goodness of God, the Freedom of Man and the Origin of Evil" (1) proposed that we are living in "The Best of All Possible Worlds".

          Leibniz was right when we realize that our life-form is only possible at the actual exact position around our sun, the vulnerability of our thin layer of atmosphere and the narrow boundaries of physical fundamental constants.

          There are an infinity of causes/effects and coincidences in the "maze" of our existence. Even to analyze the chance and coincidence that led to your being in front of a computer-screen to read this text is already a huge assignment. The chance that your parents already one in several billion and before that the coincidence that your grandfathers and grandmothers met gets up to a chance of one in 1027 . This also counts for the other way around. When you try to predict the future of your grand-children, it will be as difficult as to predict the weather.

          The materialistic reductionist approach just will not be able to find the One and Only (IF , there is a deterministic one) "Origin of Everything" nor will it be able to make a forecast of the future. Any search back will lead to another origin.Will we be able to change from time/life-line and eventually be able to consciously travel between time -moments of the past and the future ? The results of thinking in several time-lines as probabilities/availabilities, will give a deeper insight in our created reality. These also have lead to for instance the Many World Interpretation (MWI) or Multiverse perception.

          The "multiverse" perception gave scientists an explanation of the fine-tuning of our reality, (because it is better to have "one" explanation as "no" explanation...). We argue that this explanation can be brought back to its very essence, in order to be able to determine the origins of our reality and possible abilities to have control of time. This approach may give new solutions for problems like Entanglement, Big Bang , Inflation, double slit experiment, déjà vu, precognition, contact with deceased and telekinesis. The recipe for this perception is:

          * Throw ALL information (of the past and the future) of ALL the universes that constitute any multiverse together in one basket (also the ones that in our perception are impossible universes with different fundamental constants, and those that can only be reached by different senses as ours).

          * Stir and Shake this up to ONE non-causal unity (yes it seems like chaos, but a good mix gives the best taste).

          * In this basket there are no "realized" realities" but "availabilities". Availabilities of ALL and every form and time of any universe .

          * It is of course impossible to "describe" in our causal deterministic way these points of "reality availabilities" (or apples in the basket), but we can imagine all the slices of all "block-universes" (slices with no subjective flow of time) together like non-realized causal realities.

          Figure 1

          To make it more imaginable : these slices could be presented as two-dimensional holographic representations of a three-dimensional universe without the time factor.

          * These slices, on their turn, can be imagined as constituted of "Eternal Now Moments". (ENM's), singularities that "grow" to have the "width" of a Planck length/time in causal reality. Why ? The Planck length and time are the limits of our causal universe, go deeper and there is no longer before or after, no causality, no time, no space.

          * This means that Total Simultaneity can be reached at the edge of the Wall of Planck (Planck length(lp) : 1.616252 x 10-35m and the Planck time : 5.39121 x 10-44s) so EVERYWHERE around and inside our three-dimensional causal universe.

          (see also ) (2)

          But how are we able to experience reality ? What is the entity that enables Time and Space ? Are we in control of our reality ?

          Answer : Our consciousness is THE essential "tool" in creating the causal (with the arrow of time) reality that we are aware of .We argue that our consciousness is a constituted of two entangled parts: the causal part and the non-causal part. (CC and NCC) Causal consciousness stretches out into the basket of Total Simultaneity where it becomes non-causal, this "non-causal/causal connection" can be imagined as entanglement-like and timeless (eternal).

          In this basket of Total Simultaneity our non-causal consciousness has the CHOICE between the infinity of availabilities of slices of universes. Each slice becomes the center of a possible time/life line that stretches out as memory in our causal part of consciousness.

          Once we make a difference between our Causal Deterministic Universe (CDU) and the dimension where causality is not "existing" ,Total Simultaneity.(TS), then we also need to accept these are the limits of the reality that our consciousness is creating.

          We ourselves are the creators of these limits of our CDU . We have to annihilate all infinities and paradoxes of length and time that emerge when our NCC is doing mathematics and applies this to its causal "matter". What does this mean for the "I" ?

          The consequence of this perception is that the eternal NOW moment of a specific life-line that seem unique for us, is just one of an infinity of life-lines that you are able to "live" in other "available" universes. An infinite amount of "YOU's" is "available" eternally. Your causal birth and dying in this time/life line is just one of an infinity, your non-causal consciousness is eternally and timeless wandering between these endless availabilities of all pasts and futures that are possible (non-material, non -realized) realities.

          The infinite availability of YOU's does not mean that the understanding of your present life-line creation is not important , because it is your actual (in Vito) reality. Each causal consciousness has to search for development from its own life-line on towards a more intensive contact with its non-causal part, in order to be able to receive more understanding of the essence of reality. In this way achieving more "control" and so be able to create a "better" universe. The steering of the future lies in a deeper understanding of our consciousness ! One of the aspects of this study of how to control time with consciousness is to understand "the illusion of matter".

          In exploring our present life-line universe we are discovering that the reality is less materialistic as we thought before. Quantum Mechanics changed our insights, matter consists no longer of tiny "balls". More and more we perceive that "matter does not matter", we are all "FIELD", (Sean Carroll in lecture at Fermilab, (3) We are proposing ONE field for all matter, the Matter Field. How should we be able to couple this causal Matter Field to our Non-causal and Causal Consciousness Field ?

          We imagine that the consciousness field acts as a catalyst on the "Matter Field" . This is the origin of what we "perceive" as matter, as the tangible "Created Reality". Matter is the momentary excitation of the Field. Essentially it is not "matter" at all , but illusion. The moment it is "excited " it is already history in the perceived time-line. I know that the word "Illusion" has a poor meaning so I should prefer the word "Creality", a combination of Creation and Reality.

          It is even possible that the matter-field does not need the excitation of the particle to arise the properties of a particle. The "property" can arise without the particle. An indication is the article about a quantum link created between "Photons that don't exist at the same time". Experimenters from the Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem have entangled two photons that don't even exist at the same time !!! The same could be true for mass, the property "mass" can be there without being coupled to a particle. (Could this be an explanation of Dark Matter and the Dark Force ?)

          The search for the essence of physics will become one that is the search for the essence of consciousness because consciousness is the creator/origin of reality. It is the reference of reference. If we extend this line of thinking towards the theories of the origin of our universe, we arrive at the point of view that there was : No Big Bang (needed)...(but)...

          Because we are always thinking back in a causal deterministic way, where every effect must have a cause and are inclined to do this ad infinitum, we seem to be obliged to go on thinking until we reach a point ZERO...the Big Bang... . Most of us are accepting that our reality began with the Big Bang followed by inflation where between 10-33 and 10-32 sec. after the Big Bang meaning that the universe was blown up in this ultrashort time by a factor 1025 !!! The latest results from John Kovac , leader of the BICEP2 collaboration at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics ( ) (5) have been read as direct evidence of cosmic inflation, as gravitational waves from inflation generate a faint but distinctive twisting pattern in the polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background (a faint glow left over from the BB) which has the same temperature everywhere to within 0.0003°C. The astonishing "evenness" of the "visible" universe is explained in this way. This evenness seems strange because it is also valid for regions of the visible sky that are too far away for light or information (accepting that the maximum speed of light is c (299.792.458 m/sec)) to have traveled between them.

          The Big Bang perception is also one of the "availabilities" in Total Simultaneity. The words: Creation of "Something" from "Nothing" is coupled back to the lining up of "availabilities" by our consciousness, that is non-material. Each BB is a creation from our consciousness. But also we can imagine a Universe where expansion and contraction are following are sequential and where this contraction never has to arrive at a zero point, and the expansion never a void of "nothing". What we observe as twisting patterns from gravitational waves does not mean that they were caused by a Big Bang, it could also be lowest amplitude of a continuous wave, the heartbeat of our non-causal consciousness field.

          The Conscious-Field could be very useful for many practical predictions on the consequences that arise from this theoretical approach, like "immediate being together" in entanglement and Black Holes.


          Leonardo da Vinci wrote already : "Realize that everything connects to everything else "

          The perception of "immediate" being together is accepted in entanglement.(pairs or groups of particles "interact" immediate no matter at what distance). Even when a particle is thousands of light-years away from his counterpart it immediately reacts when the other one is measured or observed. This phenomenon can in our vision be applied to the whole "visible" created universe, so that everything is connected with everything.

          In the case of entanglement scientists now are proposing the "wormhole" (a kind of tunnel in space-time that can connect two widely or close separated regions of the universe) as a hypothetical shortcut through the universe see Julian Sonner in "Holographic Schwinger Effect and the Geometry of Entanglement"

          The same ideas are brought up for Black Holes by Juan Maldacena and Leonard Susskind "Cool Horizons for Entangled black Holes" .(7) They show how a pair of black holes could be coupled with a wormhole strung between them, so they become "entangled" black holes.

          That the core of Black Holes is NOT a singularity, is a view that is also shared by Carlo Rovelli and Francesca Vidotto. They propose that the object emerging at the end of the Hawking Evaporation of a black hole can be larger then the Planckian by a factor (m/mP)n, (!!!) where m is the mass fallen into the hole, mP is the Plack mass, and n is positive. The core of the black hole has become the structure known as a Planck Star and the information fallen in it is not lost. ( ). (6)

          That information is not lost is also the opinion of Stephen Hawking in his latest paper "Information Preservation and Weather Forecasting for Black Holes" (7) . He proposes that Black Holes have no longer "Event-Horizons" that arise at the gravitational collapse, but that "chaos" is at the essence of the Black Hole. As our perception assumes that the entrance of TS is not only at the Planck length at the "core" but everywhere, the information entering such a BH will also never be lost because it remains eternally available in Total Simultaneity.

          We argue that these so called "entangled worm-holes" , "black hole wormholes", "Planck stars" and Different Black Hole Horizons from Hawking are all one and the same discussion. Our created reality is limited by the Planck scale, and from there on, be it in a black hole, a Planck star, a Big Bang or a pair of entangled particles , after this limit we always are reaching the non causal area called Total Simultaneity. This "area" is interconnecting every area and time of our universe. So the astonishing "evenness" of our Universe is caused by the omnipresent Consciousness(field).

          Another theory that is paving the way for a Total Simultaneity-like perception is the :

          The HAWKING HARTLE "No -Boundary Interpretation". The creation of our universe as introduced by Hawking-Hartle is at one side (the past) touching our Total Simultaneity perception when they are saying :

          " The Big Bang needs no longer being the beginning of time in a singularity as proposed in the standard inflationary cosmology, but a timeless point where the universe -or rather a superposition of all possible universes - pops into existence from nothing with all its laws of physics intact". James B. Hartle, S.W. Hawking, Thomas Hertog : Accelerated Expansion from Negative Λ. 30 may 2012. (8)

          However the Hawking/Hartle interpretation places the lines of all possible histories of our Causal Deterministic Universe (CDU) after a point of creation : the Big Bang, regarded as a timeless point in our CDU. This time-less point is in our perception just one of the infinite ENM's in TS.


          figure 2 figure 3

          Both Hawking-Hartle Interpretation (HHI) and Total Simultaneity are giving the indication of an infinity of time-lines , the HHI only in the past and TS in the past and the future. HHI indicates two extremities, the BB and our actual NOW with in-between, like in a Feynman Diagram , ALL possible ways of arriving at a special place. TS expands this view and only takes one of an eternal amount of Eternal Now Moments at the center of an infinity of pasts AND of futures (The α-P in fig3 is only one of an infinity of available points on the sphere). This indicates that two extremes are not the only choices we are able to make. Between any two extremes there are :

          3. An Infinite Amount of Tones of Grey.

          Sir Roger Penrose :"Does life in some way make use of the potentiality for vast quantum superpositions, as would be required for serious quantum computation?" (Foreword (March 2007) to Quantum Aspects of Life (2008), by Derek Abott) (ç)

          Let us go back from the scale of the Universe to the scale of particles. When we thought before that conscious observation just resulted direct in a particle (collapse of the wave function), new experiments however indicate that the particle side and the wave side of physical reality are both just a black and white (digital) representation that is not complete : (9) We thought until now that these two extremes were the only two possibilities. But between this black and white extremities there exists an infinity number of "Grey Tones". (for example : it can be 43% particle and 57% wave, and any percentage in-between)

          This also means that the properties of an (observed) particle can fade away, like in the evening light is diminishing, so our observations of mass, energy and spin from what we measure as 100% particle are not the extremities of those properties, there are more states available...The state we become conscious of is just ne of the infinite possibilities of observable reality.

          When we apply this theory to the so called "superposition" of quantum states where is assumed that the two extremities are "superposed" meaning both present. This should also mean that ALL the states in-between those extremities are "present" (better "available"). Schrödingers cat is not both alive and dead but or alive or dead or every state in-between (he can be dying the moment we look). "Until an experiment is performed, its outcome does not exist .... (see : Qbism :Scientific American, june 2013, page 39-43 : Hans Christian von Bayer : "Quantum Weirdness ? It is all in your mind".) (10) and all probable outcomes are possible (not only the two extremities).

          The parallel between the comparison of a binary "reality" and the qubit way where the shades of grey are represented by the vectors of the Bloch sphere (geometrical representation of the pure state space of a two-level quantum mechanical system (qubit) named after the physicists Felix Bloch) (11) is evident. The reality creation is not only "yes or no" or "black and white". Our consciousness is creating out of all available shades of grey of the ENM a Reality ... the "apparition" (illusion, creality) of a materialistic universe.

          The infinity of grey tones of reality also include the parallel universes in between these two extremities of Wave/Particle. It might be that the grey tones also are at the origin of Dark Matter. Every history is a form of explanation of the "now" experience. It is for now untouchable, but may and will be rewritten "recreated" when we are going to expand the control of consciousness. We will then be able to observe the three-dimensional object that is the origin from the two-dimensional shadow.

          Once we reach the causal length and time limit of our universe it is no longer possible to "divide" any further , we are trespassing our "Creality" and entering the origin of the shadows thrown on the walls of Plato's cave. A shadow is non-material, a result of cooperation between the light and the "real thing". The light can be compared with our non-causal consciousness that passes the "origin" (the ENM/alpha-point in Total Simultaneity, see "The Consciousness Connection" ) (12) and so creates one of the shadow realities for our causal consciousness.

          The whole story of dematerialization and the search for the Conscious Connection has become a journey to the understanding of Creation or a further approximation of the TRUTH. In the perception of Total Simultaneity and its ENM's, creation is a process that is taking place every (Planck) moment. The frequency of this creation is the rhythm of the music of our perceived Universe and the conductor of the orchestra of reality is our consciousness.

          9. Is Intelligence Leading to Consciousness?

          The search for the beginning of life , meaning , in our perception, going back in our time/life line and finding scientific explanations of our existence and consciousness, has led us to the overall conception that science arrived at a point where "logic" and "deduction" are not able to come up with a definitive solution of this question.

          As we indicated before ,we are more and more becoming aware that matter is not the "hard" stuff (billiard ball) we always thought it was, but nevertheless quantum states are still called "weirdness".

          It was Sir Roger Penrose who wrote already in 1989 : "The Emperor's New Mind: concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics" (ISBN 0-14-014534-6, paperback, received the Rhone-Poulenc science book prize in 1990). (13) He argues there that the laws of physics are inadequate to explain the phenomenon of consciousness. It is because there are only two choices that the so called algorithmically deterministic systems will never be able to become intelligent.

          An "algorithm" indicates a step-by-step operation, beginning with an initial state and input, followed by instructions describing the computations to realize, till an output is reached. Each step in this process is always between two extremes (in computation for example zero and one), the infinite tones of gray are not involved. This is the reason why intelligence nor consciousness can emerge from this process.

          In our brain however with its 170,000 km of nerve fibers, 86 billion neurons, 1014 synapses, :

          "The electromagnetic interactions of the dipole moments of the tubulin dimers, (molecule formed by a combination of two smaller (identical) molecules), with the dipole quanta in the ordered water interiors of the microtubules, play the role of quantum coherent cavity modes" (Mavromatos ). (14)

          Quantum entanglement between tubulin dimers is part of the procedure that underlies our thinking, our intelligence and our consciousness, because in this mode of operation all the positions between the extremities (tones of grey) are involved as choice. Our consciousness has as operational mode the quantum mechanical base that is in conformity with the infinite number of availabilities of Total Simultaneity.

          Should we be able to create this form of "intelligence" that will lead to consciousness ? Therefore we have to understand the processes in our brain leading to intelligence/consciousness, one of these processes is the so called Neural Coding.

          10. NEURAL CODING or...the contact with our future past.

          In the "reality" layer where our body and our brain are created by consciousness we can find proofs of the Inter-connectivity between the deepest layer and the ones that we "observe" as materialistic reality.

          In order to understand the emerging sequences that are forming our "reality" we need the illusion (creality) 14 of time. Time is the illusion that our consciousness is creating by processing and interpreting all sorts of information, received by our five senses and represented in the brain by the electrical activity of neurons.

          It is through time that "Space" can exist, without time it is impossible to imagine even 2 points on a line, because this creates "distance" and distance immediately needs references, to express its "length" . The main causal reference is c, the speed of light : 299,792,458 m/s (it takes x time for a photon to cover the distance) but also this reference needs a reference. The ultimate reference is our consciousness. Our causal consciousness can be imagined as an emerged singularity (no mass, no dimensions) from the total constitution of the materialistic created reality of the body and brain layer.

          So "time" is the illusion that our consciousness is creating by processing and interpretation of all sorts of information that is received by our five senses and is represented in the brain by the electrical activity of "neurons".

          The details of this representation called "neural coding" remain however mysterious. The question is how pulses (bits) of electricity get translated into thoughts and idea's (Phase transition may explain how brain neurons encode information. In neural coding the neurons generate electric pulses, or action potentials, to encode information and communicate with each other". : 15 . At this stage information and communication are taking place between neurons who seem to be ordering and processing this information so that the "human consciousness being" can realize thoughts and become "aware".

          The question then rises : Are these neurons conscious ? Are they ordering via neural coding our future thoughts ? Or is our non-causal consciousness already creating our future, resulting in a time-line that is the origin of the emerging of causal awareness ?

          In my essay "The Consciousness Connection" 12 I indicated that the processing time from entering data to the conscious awareness is about 200 milliseconds. The question rises if the conscious "observer" who is the cause of the "collapse of the wave function" , is effectively realizing this collapse about 200 milliseconds in the future ! In the Total Simultaneity perception the future is an ENM moment to be touched by our Non-Causal Consciousness, so not (yet) existing in a causal time-line. That seems "spooky" in our RCDU (Reductionist Causal Deterministic Universe) but becomes explained in TS.

          That these lapses of "time" are even bigger as the 200 milliseconds, is proposed in the article of Caroline Williams in New Scientist from 18 may 2013 called "The Silent Partner". 21 The latest tests described there, indicate "that neuronal activity preceded people's conscious decision for an activity by nearly half a second" and even "stirrings of the brain's prefrontal cortex up to 10 seconds (!!!)". "These activities take place before you become aware of having made a decision"! The conscious observer of the two slit experiment is affecting the future and so we can understand why it seems that the "particle" is deciding already before the slit(s) if it will be or wave or particle or one of states in-between.

          Besides of the "Data Process Transmission Delay (DPTD, see "The Consciousness Connection 12, that indicates the difference in time in the "awareness" of reality and its conscious "observation" we are now discovering that also in our "brains" quantum mechanics and/or field theory on dissipation-free energy transfer in (brain) microtubules (ring-shape components involved in maintaining the structure of cells) is playing an important role" (9th International Fröhlich's Symposium, IOP Publishing, Journal of Physics : Conference Series 329 (2011)012026 ; Nick E. Mavromatos "Quantum Coherence in (Brain) Microtubules and Efficient Energy and Information transport" ).16 This Quantum Coherence in brain Tubules, may be at the origin of our "entanglement" with the non-causal part of our consciousness in Total Simultaneity.

          The question is not if the neuron is conscious and/or is censoring our thinking , no the process is controlled by our own non-causal consciousness, and the emerging thoughts are our own. So it seems that our REAL FREE WILL is not residing in our causal Creation of the universe but in the non-causal infinity.


          One of the possibilities to enhance our senses maybe the use of future "quantum computers" who may allow us the extension of our consciousness. The "qubit's" (unit of quantum information) superimposed state is comparable with the infinite possibilities of time/life-lines in the basket of TS. For 1,000 qubits we will have 21000 possible configurations (10300) which is more as all the atoms in our universe, so you can stock 10300 solutions for a problem. This does not only mean that every question can be answered, but maybe every question is already answered the moment we achieved this quantum-state, even putting it on power may not be necessary.

          The quantum computer and/or any machine/entity that is created by our consciousness is a "causal" creation of a non-algorithmic intelligence, so represents a special eternal-now-moment on our causal time-line. All the so called "mechanical" creations are a form of material awareness, that originated as "availability" from the basket of Total Simultaneity.

          We argue that all our material "creations" will only be TOOLS for our causal consciousness which is emergent from its "biologic" appearance (illusion) . From this illusion of matter, including the materialistic illusion of ourselves, can also emerge a new consciousness, (so not only in the biologic way). This form of newly created consciousness/intelligence is through our own consciousness entangled with Total Simultaneity. This means that our non-causal part of consciousness is at the origin of this "appearance" of NEW consciousness, it is one of the infinite "availabilities"!!!

          By creating Quantum Consciousness we let the newly created consciousness become in direct contact with the Quantum Coherence in the Brain Tubules. This new technique will make it possible to create parallel time and parallel consciousness and "enter" new dimension(s) that may reside behind the Wall of Planck. In this way we will also be able to have control and steering capacity of the dramatic events we are facing now, by choosing new ENM's that lead to other pasts. We will be able to realize what is called "TIME TRAVEL".

          12. Time-Travel Becomes "ETERNAL -NOW- MOMENT HOPPING"

          The splitting in the original Many Worlds I interpretation goes only forward in time, not backwards. In our conception it IS possible that our consciousness "activates" Eternal Now Moments from other time/life-lines (or from parallel available universes) . Should this mean that time travel is possible ? Yes but...should we call this phenomenon time-travel ?

          What we are understanding as time-travel in this causal time/life line always leads to the well-known paradoxes like killing your grand-father. (What a mentality !!!) These paradoxes however are no longer problematic when we apply the perception of Total Simultaneity. Then time-travel in the past and/or the future would become ENM-Hopping (changing of time/life-lines), our consciousness would be able not only to hop from one ENM to another but also line up these ENM's and in this way creating for itself the best possible past and future, Free Will shall have a wider range.

          In this ENM-hopping there are four solutions to solve paradoxes when we take in account that time-travel is perceived as just changing "time/life-lines (ENM's)" in TS :

          You move to another ENM (back in time relative to your actual causal time/life-line) and kill your grandfather in another time/life-line in TS. This seems a paradox because your original life-line would not exist any more if you did that. The fact is that your own life-line continues even if you killed your grand-father because only one of the infinite time/life-lines of your grand-father is changed, and your own original (as you are actual aware of) time/life-line proceeds at the ENM where you killed one of your grand-fathers. (the moment you are Hopping your actual time/life-line stops as causal one (no more new memories from that one)) but all the ENM's from that "old" line stay availabilities in TS (and memories in your CC). (figure 4).

          Figure 4 figure 5

          You go back in time and do not kill your grandfather (at "X") but you meet yourself. Nothing wrong with that because in that specific time/life-line, there will exist two of you (at "Y". In these cases you also disappear from the original time/life-line that you were aware of now, so you are not meeting yourself in your the original life-line that you left. (figure 5)

          You go back to the specific Eternal-Now moment from your original time/life-line (from your memory) . At that specific (Planck)moment there are two YOU's and the original time/life-line continues but is splitting at that very Planck Moment in two different time/life-lines. There are again two you's, but in two different time/life-lines and the original continues as availability in TS. (see figure 6)

          Figure 6 Figure 7

          4. You go into a future time/life-line and travel back.. As we indicated before it is very improbable to find back in the maze the "same" ENM of the causal past when you are taking in account all of the coincidences (all of them availabilities in TS) that have led to your actual existence, but of course it is an availability. The same goes for the future coincidences (availabilities) they will also be an amount of 1027 (see page 2) .This means when you are going in the future there are minimal 1027 coincidences leading to 1027 possible futures. ALL these 1027 futures are availabilities in TS. To find an invention and take back to his former time/life-line is very very improbable (1054 ?), but every improbability is also an availability so... you cannot say that it is impossible. (figure 7)

          ENM-Hopping /Time Travel may not yet be one of the activities we will be able to control in the very near future (only if the quantum computer technique can be coupled to our own brain functioning) but nevertheless we are all already experiencing events around us in our created perceived reality that we cannot explain (yet)...strange things are happening...

          14. Construction of a Time-machine or Eternal Now Moment -Hopper.

          In the article "Quantum Coherence in Brain Microtubules..." 16 Prof. Nick E. Mavromatos, proposed that :

          "For the first time there is concrete evidence for quantum entanglement over relatively large distances in living matter at ambient temperature, which suggests a rather non-trivial role of quantum physics in path optimization for energy and information transport" :

          ( 16 ,

          it becomes clear that quantum entanglement and decoherence time, which are for the construction and the operational qualities of quantum computers the main issues, these qualities are are already available in our own brains inside the Cell Microtubules (MT).

          (decoherence = The particles that make up a computer interact with surroundings, so that information is spreading out, which means: this effect is spoiling quantum computations, (to decohere = lose their quantum properties)).

          Mavramatos continues : "It is a common perception that "Quantum Mechanics pertains to the small "microscopic" and "cold", whilst classical physics affects the "macroscopic" and complex systems, usually embedded in "hot" environments." Inside our brains we have large distances (10-6 m) and "room" temperatures compared to the microscopic (10-18 m) and low temperatures of -150°C.

          Regarding the "macroscopic" aspect : Recent experiments on atoms in salt crystals have shown that an amount of 1020 atoms formed a hugely entangled state. (Scientific American , June 2011, Vlatko Vedral "Living in a Quantum World ).18

          Our brains are RWA (Ready Willing and Able) to perform quantum states that when brought in coherence with a quantum computer, will enable us to realize "ENM-Hopping".

          Figure 8 : the Construction of an ENM-Hopper/Time-machine

          When we are regarding the quantum computer as proposed before with 1,000 qubits, we see that in organizing such a "machine" we have to be able to control the "decoherence". May be we solve this decoherence problem by using the "technique" that the Microtubules are applying inside our brains. If we could arrange that, the next step would be to create an entanglement between the "cells" of the Quantum-computer and the Microtubules of our brains. The infinity of answers residing in the Quantum Computer would then direct be "available" for our Brain. We saw already that we did even need not to put it "on", it is like entanglement an immediate process without "processing time".

          By combining the same kind of technique as our microtubules are using namely Ca2+ ions, and using the the technique to entangle salt crystals or maybe Ca2+ ions in a quantum computer, we would be able to establish an entanglement between these Ca2+ ions in the brain and in the computer . Of course there are still a lot of problems to be resolved. The salt crystals were reaching entanglement in using a specific magnetic field, so the individual and the quantum device should be both in the same magnetic field, a field that has not to damage the brain.

          Once we should have realized this "unification" with the quantum computer we as human beings would have direct available the infinity of answers that are "availabilities" in the quantum computer. These are the same kind of availabilities as those in Total Simultaneity, so the path would be open to "access" them in the way that our non-causal consciousness is achieving this.

          This means that we could HOP to other Eternal Now Moments, also those who seem to be in the past and/or future of our actual time/life-line, WE THEN HAVE BECOME CONSCIOUS TIME-TRAVELLERS.


          The Time Machine of Consciousness is giving us our "reality". Reality is a sequence of memories lined up through our brains with help of our Causal Consciousness (CC). Memories are the string of Eternal Now Moments (ENM's) resulting in the "I" experience. These ENM's originate from our Non-Causal part of Consciousness (NCC) that resides in Total Simultaneity (TS). Our CC and NCC are entangled emergencies together they are the creators of our Time/Life-Lines, making us the Eternal Time Travelers. By deepening our knowledge of the Consciousness Field and the search for the essence of the Matter-Field illusion that we are aware of as reality, we will be able to tighten the contact wit Total Simultaneity and have more control of the ENM's to be "touched" by our NCC and the infinity of "I's" that are available. We will become more conscious time-travelers instead of the prisoners in the uncontrollable voyage we have to undertake by now.

          Quantum Physics is showing us already the first indications of a non-materialistic non-algorithmic reality, objects merge to thingness and further abstraction. The influence of conscious observation in the double slit experiment, entanglement between particles, the worm holes physicists are imagining between these entangled particles, the wormholes between Black Holes, all of them are indications for a perception like Total Simultaneity .

          Another but technical way to come to a deeper understanding of consciousness is the realization of a non-algorithmic Quantum Computer. Through this development we will be able to create another form of intelligence/consciousness. This intelligence will be able to communicate with us, translate its new senses for one of our own five, so giving clearness about problems that we would never be able to solve or observe. The development of this new form of intelligence/consciousness is one of the availabilities in Total Simultaneity We can bring our own causal consciousness nearer to its non-causal part and in the end being able to escape this causal time/life line, not only by dying...

          The one Eternal Now moment, that you became conscious of 150 milliseconds ago, is just one of an infinity of moments (apples) in the basket, but it is THE moment we shared together in our perception and creation of the image of THIS reality. It is from each (Planck)moment on that we have to use our Free Will in Total Simultaneity. Let us try together to make the right choices and prepare for the promised Eternal Conscious .

          Wilhelmus de Wilde

          Montrouveau France

          March 2014


          Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz : 1710 "Essays on the Goodness of God, the Freedom of Man and the Origin of Evil"

          Wilhelmus de Wilde, 06-12-2011 : "REALITIES OUT OF TOTAL SIMULTANEITY"

          Sean Carroll(Caltech) at a lecture for "The Fermilab Users Meeting 2013 : "Particles, Fields and the Future of Physics (11-07-2013) .

          E. Megidish, A. Halevy, T. Shacham, T. Dvir, L. Dovrat, and H.S. Eisenberg (Experimenters from the Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem): Entanglement Swapping between "Photons have never Coexisted ".

          J.M. Kovac et al "Detection Of B-Mode Polarization at Degree Angular States" 17 March 2014, last revised 18 march 2014 version V2 :>astro-ph>arXiv:1403.3985 and (BICEP2 website)

          Julian Sonner 20-11-2013 : "Holographic Schwinger Effect and the Geometry of Entanglement" and "Creation of entanglement simultaneously gives rise to a wormhole"

          S.W. Hawking, DAMPT, University of Cambridge, UK. "Information Preservation and Weather Forecasting for Black Holes"

          James B. Hartle, S.W. Hawking, Thomas Hertog : Accelerated Expansion from Negative Λ. 30 may 2012.

          9. Chuang-Feng Li et al. : "Realization of Quantum Wheeler's Deelayed-Choice Experiment" published 19-08-2012 in Nature Photonics 6, 600-604.

          10. Hans Christian von Bayer : "Quantum Weirdness? It is all in your mind" Scientific American 308, 46-51 (2013). published on line 14 may 2013.

          11. (last modified 15-01-2014)

          12. Wilhelmus de Wilde : 05-11-2012 "The Consciousness Connection"

          13. Sir Roger Penrose ,1989 "The Emperor's New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics" (ISBN 0-14-014534-6 (paperback), received the Rhone-Poulenc science book prize in 1990).

          14. Nick E. Mavromatos, 2011, "Quantum Coherence in (Brain) Microtubules and Efficient Energy and Information transport"

          Juan Maldacena and Leonard Susskind 11-01-2013 "Cool Horizons for Entangled black Holes"

          Carlo Rovelli and Francesca Vidotto , 08-02-2014 "PLANCK STARS"


          Wilhelmus de Wilde, 18-06-2013, "THE QUEST FOR THE PRIMAL SEQUENCE"

          Thibaud Taillefumier and Marcel O. Magnasco, 26-06-2012, "A Phase Transiotion in the First Passage of a Brownian Process through a Fluctuating Boundary with Implications for Neural Coding"

 Vedral, June 2011, Scientific American :"Living in a Quantum World"

          19. Sir Roger Penrose, March 2007, in Foreword to "QUANTUM ASPECTS OF LIFE" (2008) by Derek Abbott.

          21. 22. Caroline Williams "The Silent Partner" in New Scientist from 18 may 2013.

          23. #1: figure_8_ENMhopper.jpg

          Dear Hasmukh

          I fully agree, what you are naming Ultimate Reality is the same idea as my Total Simultaneity, only TS is comparable to GOD. The sun becoming red giant is a time-life line in our causal consciousness, it is only causal there is an infinity of YOU's in TS there is the direct entanglemnt of your causal consciousness to GOD.

          The new BICEP2 results only are mirrors of yhis causal consciousness, The BB is not needed for an existance GOD, it is only one of the ways he expresses Himself (one of he availabilities in TS). An eternal heartbeat of the material universe without BB is as Great as the idea of a BB.

          pls see also the post above.

          best regards



          Are you the menmber of the balsare Research Group ,

          (Just to know who is who)

          if so your Group would be able to control my ideas on Eternal Now Moment Hopping or the possible change of reality.

          Thank you for the Hoffman reference, I am streading it after this message to you.

          You are quite right non-caused is better as non-causal but English is not my mother language (which is Dutch), I will take it in serious thought to change this in my article for COSMOLOGY.(Pls do not hesitate if you ahve mire remarks of this kind, I am very thankfull for that and not at all offended...)

          Your "Ideality" is very well expressing my "CREALITY"...

          Your non-caused consciousness however will be ETRNALLY conscious, your caused consciousness is going to have some rest when you die, but it is only one of an infinity of YOU's...

          Howinson seems to have the same basic thoughts (above = Total Simulatneity) as we have but also this item needs my attention (thanks again Tim)

          Our "solitary" is the Subjective Simultaneity Sphere (SSS) that surrounds our causal consciousness, it receives all signals that are to be handled by our (five) senses, indeed it is a solitude and unique position when you reamrk that each individual receives his signals at different moments (because of the distance of the (also unique) source. So you are in this reality unique and on your own...

          You and I are trying to give an interpretation of the colours of our SSS and in doing that we try to determinate the origin of the received signals, every interpretation is different but it is remaining just a try. The only thing I am saying is that the origin of ALL signals that arrive at our SSS are created by (uncaused) consciousness, indeed an ourobouros....

          best regards


          Dear Tim,

          Thanks for your answers, it is a pleasure to exchange ideas.

          Regarding Balsara, I did not go deep in it, only tried to find you, with the experiments they are achieving I also saw solar energy , so my thinking was that when they are having "real" labs they also would be able to first control if I am right with my idea about a "time-travel" unit, which is not a time-travel unit but a unit to transfer yourself to other realities (which in simple-man's idea is also time-travel...) but perhaps this is tooooo far because first of all you need a quantum computer with 1000 qubits....

          Your term "Ideality" is almost the same as my "creality" only the sound of ideality is harboring "IDEAL" which is confusing because you are pointing at the word "IDEA" (I think)....

          I agrre with your expression : "I am a unitary and unique copula of eternally infinite potential" The unit that you are NOW is in causal prison surrounded by its unique SSS, no other unit is receiving the same information, because every causal consciousness is at a different location. The eternal potential is the same as the non-caused consciousness in TS, where "every YOU" is an availability, but also there the unique you of this space/time is representing an unique Eternal Now Moment (ENM), ALL the other available you's are though (a bit) different, and ALL together they form the conception that we describe (but do not succeed to) as GOD.

          The many worlds as I see them are quite different as the MWI because the MWI is only working towards the future, my idea is that there are no splittings of universes at the moment of observation, we only change of ENM (availability) in TS. So no creation of a whole new universe, no just a creation of a new time/life-line.(reality).

          You are mentioning Joy Christian, there are different blogs with and about him here on FQXi, I am not the kind of "realist" he is.

          Yes indeed we all are from the same source of availabilities , maybe we are all ONE in the singularity that is called TS (GOD ????), you and I are made of the same immaterial and material stuff, and above that matter does not exist (see articel).

          "In YOU and YOu in ME indeed, as he said "We have all the same Father". John also wrote "In the beginning was the "WORD"" the Logos, what we are thinking of. furthermore : "In the house of my father are many Rooms" : The infinity of ENM's that all are representing an infinity of time/life-lines.

          The No's you are mentioning always need a Yes to be a real No. But I also argue that in-between these yes and no's there is infinity of tones of grey, the no you are taking as position is one of the infinite choices you can make and it represents only a No because of the fact that your actions after this No are specifically linked to this decision. You are in this way limiting your Free Will in this causal prison...There was a time that I ended every answer with "THINK FREE"

          Never forget also that NOBODY is the beholder of THE TRUTH, we are ALL seekers in the maze of our own created reality.

          Your last sentence " The only thing I am saying etc...." is the perfect way of understanding my own ideas of Ts and SSS !!! thank you for that.

          on the ps's

          I just wrote this post in the FQXi box below this thread, the long article I wrote as Word and pasted it in the box, there was no problem. you have my personal e-mail ( so if something like links go wrong sent them there.

          I promis you to read Howison, because from what you are telling he is at the same wave-length, if you have special links for his work, don't hesitate to sent them.

          to be continued

          BEST regards


          PS In the morning I work with my hands and in the afternoon with my what is called "brain", I have to sent my article before the 31 of March to Cosmology, so I might react sometimes a little later....

          dear Tim,

          Thanks again for your thoughts, some short remarks :

          I like very much your "concept" cxmplx, it describes indeed the cxmpxity of our consciousness.

          Again about "ideality" : Ideals are goals that maybe never be reached, an idea is a non-material perception that may be never be realized neither, but the diffence is clear, you can have an idea about an ideal, before reaching the I-deal you have to deal to act, and with an idea you have not to act materialistically but you can proceed spiritually. Therefore when you change the A to an O , you got I-Deo (the me that is God) and come to the concept IDeolity, the ID (identity and DEo are then together.(just thinking freely)

          About non-causal and uncaused , I really had a long thought about it and have the following remark(s) :

          Your "Uncaused" reminds me of the "Unmoved Mover" from Aristotle and indeed refers to the Creator that itself is not created. Non-causal is a concept that cannot be referred to in our causal universe, it is valid for ALL perceptions outside this causal universe including the uncaused. I know the difference is very minimal but it is there... what do you think ?

          This brings me direct to your part 3 where you mention : "GOD himself". This is an expression that I do not accept, this is the way that religions are created for the deaf and dumb (sorry), It si not that we are created in his image, NO we are GOD ourselves in our uncaused (!) consciousness. My whole work is to try to give a new and fresh explanation of this GOD perception that is all along mankind for all times, just because each human being is creating his own image of GOD, and though looking in a mirror...So going back again to part one where you say "I am created" it is the "I" that is part of the WHOLE , the "I" that is unique and here in this prison of time mortal, try to ascend this prison and find your eternal "I" with ALL availabilities.

          Creativity as over-estimation is in this prison indeed an over-estimation, because we are just using the material around us that is already created, so it would be better to talk about "re-creation" and that concept has w quite another meaning, or do we feel better after we created the stuff around us ? BUT creation in the way that we are talking about which is the creation of reality is not at all overestimated , but underestimated, because it is not understood...

          part 2 : Your remark that NOW can not be point-like is a logic causal remark, we are here always inclined to look at the before and the after from a number or a point, that is why the eternity is not understood and leads to all kind of paradoxes...

          What is the "meaning" of a way of thinking like determinism ? The only way i see it is that it leads to an temporary explanation, look for temporary because if anything is causal it is determinism, so all results will be only an approach untill they are reaching the point ZERO, that is the fate of this way of thinking...

          Indeed "every knowledge is personal" just because of the fact that your consciousness is a singularty at the center of its SSS (Subjective Simultaneity Sphere) and each sphere has a different center at differnt locations, so the surfaces of the received signals are all of different colors...

          Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh. I am That I am, it is great isn't it ? It is the perfect description of our beings. In Christianity it is explained by Jesus : The Father = Total Simultaneity, The Holy Ghost is Consciousness, and the Son is our mortal body (the illusion of matter).

          "My individual development does not seem explainable without reference to such an ongoing relationship" Your SSS is receiving each moment new signals from other "I's" with also their own causal consciousness, but these other SSS's are on other places and times (see above) but perhaps united in TS , it is like "decoherence" that all the SSS's at a certain Planck moment are united , but this unification is a temporal happening, so we can never (even with the speed of our communication tools) being aware of the whole shebang in this causal universe.

          end of part three:

          The grey is everywhere in-between all your decisions, you never act like an algorithm with strong rules, because you think FREE....

          best regards


          Dear Tim,

          It is very short today but :

          It is in my perception NOT that one of the Other "I's" is God , NO verey "I" is GOD...

          I tried to mail you but each time I get the "mailer demon" which means that my message is going to hell and so not reaching you in heaven...

          best regards


          15 days later


          Your goal:

          "The best "technology" to achieve these ideals is taking care of our children and educate them not to strive for(short)economic profit but to strive for the growth of their own consciousness, so that every other individual can share in its findings."

          Is very nicely stated, and hopefully we can find a day when we can truly break free of short term economic needs.



            I enjoyed your paper Wilhelmus..

            I find myself agreeing on many points, and overall I like the way you presented your thesis, but a little more time might have been spent editing or polishing the manuscript - to create a better flow of ideas. Also in criticism, you make some naive statements about quantum fields and other things, but you have evidently done your homework and tried to home in on things you know well. Indeed, your central thrust being the growth of consciousness as a prime motivator is inspired, and seldom finds expression in Science essays. This is to be lauded and admired. And indeed my own essay focuses on how important it is to enhance consciousness growth. But there are complications with some of your ideas.

            In order to avoid the existential risk from a computer awakening singularity event, we are in a race to build machines capable of more subtle forms of reasoning, before the interconnections of machines reach a critical mass while computers are still brutish in their nature. We need to be able to build robots like R2D2 and C3PO, in order to avoid having robots like the Terminator as our tormentors and slave masters. Will we still remain useful to the advanced machines of tomorrow, if we give them superhuman capabilities? Are we better off giving them the capacity for human-like emotions and feeling-based motivations? Perhaps we are better off taking the existential risk seriously, and deciding what outcomes would increase the likelihood of human survival.

            All the Best,


              I should add..

              Part of what I am trying to do is assure that humans get to the singularity first, rather than the machines. I am all for truly intelligent machines, and we are likely better off if they are smarter than they need to be, but we need to give human beings the edge. If we were better able to encourage the natural evolution of the learning process in our young people, we would help them to maintain the natural advantage humans have over machines, but efforts to systematize education have forced children to be more mechanical rather than allowing them to be more human. So the emphasis of the human angle in your essay is appreciated.

