Hi Cristinel,
Very nice essay. I wish I had taken note of it earlier given how relevant it is to the themes of my own.
I would ,however,take issue with two of your statements:
"Often, ideologies trying to build an utopian world for mankind, failed really badly. When people didn't care about the ideals promoted by an ideology, they were considered enemies of the good intentions of that ideology, and were repressed. Ideologies fail because are based on idealization of man, a simplified model that is supposed to work, like a bed of Procrustes."
"The origin of any ideology that pursues an utopian dream relies on some assumptions about what people need most. Since people are different, they may feel that they need different things. Ideologists of various utopias often see those not sharing their dreams as being evil.They are afraid that opposition and criticism are obstacles in their way to Utopia. This fear makes them try to be more and more in control, at any costs, so they end up building a
dystopian, repressive world."
In my own essay I try to break what I believe to be this artificial connection between ideology and Utopia. As just one example, I wouldn't accuse Nazism of an "idealization" of mankind, or rather, it wasn't the exhalation of mankind that was Nazisms' problem but that it demonized and treated like animals the bulk of humanity.
Utopia is different than ideology in that it is often just an attempt to realize human ideals such as peace, equality or justice. Robert Owen was trying to reform the world not to reduce everyone to a cog in an ideological narrative of the end of history. A Utopian group like the Shakers were some of the world's first and most vocal abolitionists. Same goes on the issue of gender equality.
Plato's much aligned Republic was actually a great improvement morally speaking on the violent world of the Greek polis.
Utopia is just about ideals shared among human beings which is not a threat to diversity. We all want peace, justice, equality. If they can be accused of over-determining human social roles this is in part a consequence of designing society from scratch.
In other words, we need to stop associating the desire for an ideal society with violence and dystopia otherwise we will have no star to guide and pull us as we lurch towards justice.
Best of luck,
Rick Searle