I've saved your essay as I knew it'd influence my final moderation. I wasn't disappointed as again it was wide ranging and original with some interesting views. I did need that odd pinch of salt but as a debater you did a good job of covering the ground and raising the issues. We both tend to challenge conventional views with sound propositions, but in different ways.
Here the fundamental challenge seemed to be to the topic's assumption that 'steering' is a good thing, or even possible, suggesting individual freedoms are more important. They can be mutually exclusive as you suggest but Is there not a limit? May it not be as dangerous to let everybody wander aimlessly in different directions when we may need to work together to advance understanding. I'm thinking of the planets ecology, where lack of understanding of nature and the common will to make the necessary sacrifices may consign us to extinction?
I agree that a utopia or "The idea that humanity should drive its way toward a perfect society" can be dangerous, but suggest that's not the only 'aim setting' there is. What I'm 100% behind is Buckminster Fuller's thesis that we should learn better how to think critically and spend more time doing so. But there must be an aim for the better thinking, and what better aims are long term survival and improvement?
You rightly identify; "by education I don't mean manipulation" which I agree is important. Almost all education is manipulation in terms of indoctrination. In fact it seems there are no facts beyond the less than '1,000th of 1%' (AE) we understand, so we should be teaching how to better use our brains to test and challenge, and to find more coherent answers to complex puzzles. I subtly weave in challenges to conventional Earth bound thinking to my own essay. I liked your trip away from Earth and indeed I take Bob even further from his loved one and test entanglement in multiple ways.
Very well done for a well written and argued essay. I confess my own inclination is to find ways ahead to advantage mankind without the sacrifices, to improve our understanding of the I, but that's not to distract from the quality of your entry. We seem again perhaps destined to finish closely. I have a firm policy of commenting before marking and not 'marking down' close neighbours (few essays are nonsense!) and I wonder if you agree?
I suggest my own essay is unique and ground breaking in self evidently deriving the predictions of QM classically with a mechanism which also allows SR to be interpreted in a compatible manner, unifying physics with vast implications. Perhaps the 1,000th of 1% may even be doubled! Science seems a little short of the right kind of thinking to allow the paradigm challenges needed so perhaps we should implement your proposals first to allow the greater vision required. I greatly look forward to and value your comments and opinion.
Very best wishes and best of luck over the coming bumpy week.