Dear Cristi,
Thanks for submitting your thoughtful and wide-ranging essay.
There seems to be a strong consensus in many essays that advanced computer systems will have a major impact. Having been involved with software all my life (including AI), I agree, though the claims in my essay for what they can do were a bit more muted ( Three Crucial Technologies - your critical comments and score are welcome!).
Your axiom, "The most important things in life are life, consciousness, and happiness" is a great first step, especially when you later added our fundamental need of freedom.
But isn't it more important to love and be loved? After all, it is the source of true joy (as opposed to the fleeting emotion of happiness). Also, Viktor Frankl showed that having a meaningful life is more important to survival than mere happiness.
You wrote that the definition of humanity doesn't matter, as long as we always let humans be what they want. But what if some people want to be intolerant, ignorant, and domineering? What if they, like Ghengis Khan, think that it is good to drive your enemies before your, crush them into the dust, and hear the wailing of their women and children? Bad definitions of humanity and bad definitions of freedom will result--and has resulted--in the death of millions of innocent people.
You seemed to define freedom as "anything people want to do." Do we have the freedom to sell ourselves into slavery, become addicted to drugs, porn, gambling, or greed? Physically, I suppose it's possible to do those things (we do them every day), but those things certainly do not make us free.
You idea of writing a detailed description of God as a specification for a AI program was unique. If God was really God, could we really understand Him well enough to specify him? At any rate, it would be rather difficult to implement omnipotence, omniscience, and omnibenevolence even if we really knew what they were. AI is not magic.
Have you seen the Arnold movie "The Sixth Day", about cloning and copying memories. There is a great scene in it that exposes the weakness of your claim that "observable difference" is all that matters. It would certainly matter to the person being copied or uploaded.
You kept saying that God punishes those who do not worship Him. It doesn't work that way. If God really is God, and He really created us because he loves us, then doesn't it make sense that any adequate anthropology will conclude that worshiping our loving creator is natural and good for us? In this light, not worshiping God is like playing in traffic. There are always bad consequences for self-destructive behavior.
Finally, if God really is God, then would He not also be Truth? It would be necessary for Him to be Truth in order to create such a fine-tuned universe. And wouldn't He also be Love? Otherwise why would He bother creating the universe in the first place? Now that would be God worth worshiping. And it would require us to amend your axiom to the four most important things to be Existence, Truth, and Love (and consciousnesses, because Love and awareness of Truth are impossible without it)?