I have a much simpler way of preserving knowledge in the event of a global collapse or dark age. It is to place it on more permanent media. Probably the most durable media for preserving knowledge is the clay tablet. Archeologists manage to find these from thousands of years back. The Egyptians made steles going back to 3000BC with stone, and these are readable. Of course we don't want to go back to that sort of thing, but paper printing is probably fairly good. The more modern the form of storage media it seems the less permanent it is.
The digital age is largely producing information that is not terribly valuable. The internet is filled with videos of cats and dogs, bloopers, pornography, social media pages, advertisements and so forth that are not really of any great intellectual depth. If people want to write accounts of what people were thinking and doing for posterity based on these data that could be done now. The percentage of information content that has any depth to it is a diminishing percentage of internet content.
To preserve humanity's basic knowledge content it might just be a matter of maintaining books in print, and of maintaining the technology required to print books. The older the technology it could well be that would serve our purposes for maintaining a durable knowledge base. This should also be duplicated in many places around the world. It is my suspicion that a new form of totalitarianism is beginning to take shape, particularly in the United States, and it would be best to have multiple repositories around the world with the ability to reproduce books. In that way fundamental knowledge is less likely to be lost in "book burnings."
For the long term, I deeply suspect that what we call civilization is really a rather transient period between two stone ages. Our species has been here for 150,000 years and only the last 10,000 in what is called civilization. Even if we manage to maintain civilization a few more centuries that is a blip of time. The duration of our species long into the future could be in the second stone age where it is impossible to build any civilization on a used up world. It make this point in my paper, which discusses the long term prospect for humanity and any intelligent life in the universe. The previous stone age is where the Earth was rich in biodiversity and life. The coming stone age is one where the planet will be depleted, polluted and in a post mass extinction period. Our species is likely engineering the next great mass extinction.