Dear Jens!
I keep, your crucial proposal written in your essay to think over seriously! Your essay well thought out, so it deserves high score truly.
However, as my essay points out to that - there may be already simulations in running which are not based on technologies we are trying to reconstruct and probably overcome by our contemporary computer technologies.
Those links which I will provide you for your further open minded consideration are not in the circles of mainstream science and knowledge, but I think them important to know you in regard of written in your essay's introduction, and some warning written in my essay concerning "...unless precautions against this digital amnesia are taken".
Wavegenetic (push the home button to completely download the page)
I should like also to draw to your kind attention: Truly "...The human brain is the (my addition: only) most powerful known realization of a flexible (my addition: short time) storage and retrieval mechanism for multi-dimensional and multi-resolution facts and correlations. Creating and updating maps from a continuous data (my addition: held in structured lights bodies which are factually wave-fields.. and of those translation) is similar to committing memories to long-term memory (my addition: being coded into the bodily genetic from short time memory )in the human brain..." (my addition: And, its recalling and back translating requires a proper full bodily genetic arrangement )
We are presently just in a 'bootstrap mode' nearly from zero to call back our lost knowledge about our natural origin. And I hope truly, there is big need for specially dedicated research initiatives and promoters (having proper genetics in their body and mind-set) who can keep it independent from corporate and political and supremacy purposes and only act for the interest of the humanity survival at first step.
Keep in touch Jens if you feel so, my email given in my essay.