Savory Institute

Quote:"The Savory Institute has compiled and curated a portfolio of peer reviewed papers, articles, white papers and case study that represents the scientific and ground-truthed evidence basis of our work.We work in collaboration with organizations, scientists, and academic institutions to collect and conduct research that will increase our understanding of how properly managed livestock in the grasslands of the world contribute to removing carbon from the atmosphere and addressing problems such as drought, poverty, hunger and social violence."

" It is actually the way humans manage livestock that is the culprit. This fundamental shift in thinking must happen to drive needed policy and market shifts."

Talking Points Regarding Savory

"1. Statements that Savory's work isn't supported in the academic peer-reviewed literature, or that it has been discredited in the academic literature are categorically wrong.

2. There is abundant empirical evidence of its efficacy

3. The climate crisis is much worse than is commonly realized and efforts of atmospheric carbon capture must become a worldwide priority."

Thanks for clarifying, Georgina.

I hope you will have a change to rate my Essay too.



Hi Don,

thank you so much for reading my essay and for your kind comments.As instructed, I tried to make it an optimistic tale, of how large numbers of humans can survive with quality of life and purpose. As you have realised it is set in a background of widespread climate devastation, which may be inevitable.

Foundation trilogy mini series I don't know if this is good or bad news.

Best wishes, Georgina


Time grows short, so it's time for revisiting and rating.


Hi Gbenga,

thank you very much for reading my essay and for your kind comments.

I will read your essay.

Thanks for the frank explanation, Georgina. And thanks again for reviewing my own essay. I'll be rating yours (along with the others on my review list) some time between now and May 30. All the best, and bye for now, - Mike

Evolution is a process of adaptation and given enough time and raw materials will eventually produce a fully evolved, perfectly adapted life form, which particular fully evolved, perfectly adopted life form will be evidenced by the facts that it will be able to live - indeed thrive - anywhere, anytime, under any circumstances - or relocate or terra form to suit, doing so, moreover, WITHOUT CAUSING ANY WASTE, LOSS OR DAMAGE TO EITHER ITSELF OR IT SURROUNDS, ANIMATE & INANIMATE ALIKE.

Until the rise of patriarchy we were well on our way to this most exalted of existential planes.

All we have to do to get back on that path is dismantle patriarchy.

We don't have to re-invent high-tech gizmos to help us become healthy, happy human beings.

If we don't dismantle patriarchy & re-centralise women, we'll most assuredly & very shortly, plunge into the abyss of omnicidal oblivion, & nature will just keep on adapting away until another fully evolved, perfectly adapted life form emerges once again.

Dear Georgina,

Interesting essay as your yearly postings. and your comments seen each thread are really the second abstract ;) I do believe you always uplift this community with your emotion and talent.

Wish you good luck,


    Dear Georgina,

    Charming essay, very good literary style, bright and important ideas, met-biology

    at its peak. I understand it as Symbiosis is the magic spell

    Grateful for the opportunity to read such a fine writing.Making a bit of 'mea culpa' for my dry pragmatism.


    Hi Ryogi,

    Thank you very much for your kind comments. I really should have done a better job with my abstract. It is fortunate that we have the opportunity to explain what we have written and why in these comment pages. I don't think I have read your essay yet, I will take a look, Georgina

    Hi Peter,

    thank you so much for reading my essay and leaving such nice comments.It's uplifting getting such positive feedback. I am glad you liked it.

    Regards Georgina

    PS. Dry pragmatism or not I will have to take a look now : )

    Dear Georgina,

    What I can state with certaint, your essay has the brightest title, is at peak level IQ. Grace is a wonderful idea and person, in part your alter-ego, in part humanity. As I told, this contest is about finding smart solution for an essentially insoluble problem; this situation generates kind of convergence and

    Physics (the majority here), Biology (your opus as example) Psychology (many agin)

    and Technology (my essay for example) will lead to a target, not totally understood using methods worked out only in part.

    Re my essay if you will have the patience to read it: my ideas are far from being popular; thinking via the negative (but NOT negative thinking!) looks like an Achlles' Heel) However it is NOT- have you read Oliver Burkeman's book about Happiness? I am referring in my essay to a greater collective well being.

    Warmest greetings- I wish my granddaughters should be like you!


    Excellent Georgina!

    I love the way you told the story from the viewpoint of the people living in the transformed future. Of course; that future is written in our present day choices, and our resolve or lack thereof, but set out your way it makes for a more interesting tale. High marks from me, and respect for your literary style.

    All the Best,


    Hi Jonathan,

    thank you for reading my essay and leaving such a nice comment. I love that you loved the story telling. I tried doing something very different this year and the positive feedback from those that liked it has been really encouraging.

    All the best to you as well, Georgina

    Thank you once again Peter. I'm glad you like the title. I was hoping it would be eye catching.

    Re. your essay, popularity is not necessarily a measure of worth.

    I haven't read Oliver Burkeman's book about happiness but have now looked at some reviews, it sounds interesting.

    You are too kind, I wish you and your granddaughters well,


    Georgina ~ How totally rude & stupid of me !!!! It was entirely outside the spirit of contest. Deepest apologies to you Georgina . Thank you for pointing it out, Margriet.

    Hi Margriet,

    apology accepted, no worries. I just want to keep my page on topic. If you get the chance to read my essay I would love to hear your thoughts on it or the ideas contained. Kind regards, Georgina

    Dear Georgina,

    Very deeply original essay in the spirit of Cartesian doubt. You put a very deep philosophical questions. Yes, indeed, very important issue that sets high goals for Humanity:"And if a blade of grass is priceless, what is the value of a human being?"

    You have a good essay title: "Smooth seas do not make good sailors". It makes deep thinking about choosing a reliable course:

    "It is by a mathematical point only that we are wise,

    as the sailor or the fugitive slave keeps the polestar in his eye;

    but that is sufficient guidance for all our life.

    We may not arrive at our port within a calculable period,

    but we would preserve the true course." (Henry David Thoreau)

    We must all work together to find "Pole Star" and "Point of support". We need a new "Great Common Cause" to save Peace, Nature and Humanity. Great Dream always go alond with Freedom without fear, Hope, Love. Justice.

    It's time. We start the path. The New Era and a New Generation demanded action.

    Thank FQXi that brings together people for "brainstorming" on very important topics of modern humanity!

    I wish you good luck!

    All the Best,
