Dear Georgina,

What I can state with certaint, your essay has the brightest title, is at peak level IQ. Grace is a wonderful idea and person, in part your alter-ego, in part humanity. As I told, this contest is about finding smart solution for an essentially insoluble problem; this situation generates kind of convergence and

Physics (the majority here), Biology (your opus as example) Psychology (many agin)

and Technology (my essay for example) will lead to a target, not totally understood using methods worked out only in part.

Re my essay if you will have the patience to read it: my ideas are far from being popular; thinking via the negative (but NOT negative thinking!) looks like an Achlles' Heel) However it is NOT- have you read Oliver Burkeman's book about Happiness? I am referring in my essay to a greater collective well being.

Warmest greetings- I wish my granddaughters should be like you!


Excellent Georgina!

I love the way you told the story from the viewpoint of the people living in the transformed future. Of course; that future is written in our present day choices, and our resolve or lack thereof, but set out your way it makes for a more interesting tale. High marks from me, and respect for your literary style.

All the Best,


Hi Jonathan,

thank you for reading my essay and leaving such a nice comment. I love that you loved the story telling. I tried doing something very different this year and the positive feedback from those that liked it has been really encouraging.

All the best to you as well, Georgina

Thank you once again Peter. I'm glad you like the title. I was hoping it would be eye catching.

Re. your essay, popularity is not necessarily a measure of worth.

I haven't read Oliver Burkeman's book about happiness but have now looked at some reviews, it sounds interesting.

You are too kind, I wish you and your granddaughters well,


Georgina ~ How totally rude & stupid of me !!!! It was entirely outside the spirit of contest. Deepest apologies to you Georgina . Thank you for pointing it out, Margriet.

Hi Margriet,

apology accepted, no worries. I just want to keep my page on topic. If you get the chance to read my essay I would love to hear your thoughts on it or the ideas contained. Kind regards, Georgina

Dear Georgina,

Very deeply original essay in the spirit of Cartesian doubt. You put a very deep philosophical questions. Yes, indeed, very important issue that sets high goals for Humanity:"And if a blade of grass is priceless, what is the value of a human being?"

You have a good essay title: "Smooth seas do not make good sailors". It makes deep thinking about choosing a reliable course:

"It is by a mathematical point only that we are wise,

as the sailor or the fugitive slave keeps the polestar in his eye;

but that is sufficient guidance for all our life.

We may not arrive at our port within a calculable period,

but we would preserve the true course." (Henry David Thoreau)

We must all work together to find "Pole Star" and "Point of support". We need a new "Great Common Cause" to save Peace, Nature and Humanity. Great Dream always go alond with Freedom without fear, Hope, Love. Justice.

It's time. We start the path. The New Era and a New Generation demanded action.

Thank FQXi that brings together people for "brainstorming" on very important topics of modern humanity!

I wish you good luck!

All the Best,


Hi Georgina,

I enjoyed your essay - it was interesting, easy to read and well written.

I think the increasing ineffectiveness of antibiotics, and the recent medical research findings relating to beneficial microbes, vitamin D, sleep and light are very relevant to the health aspects of our possible future. Also, agriculture is an important issue, though there has been dispute about the effectiveness of Allan Savory's methods in certain environments. You rightly emphasize respect for life, not just human life.

My one quibble would be that although your story says "it was decided that geo-engineering projects were too dangerous because of the unknown, undesirable consequences that might occur", I would say that genetic/bioengineering is even more so "too dangerous because of the unknown, undesirable consequences that might occur".

I liked the way you brought the latest research results into the story. I also liked "Once upon a time it was thought that all life was within a space-time continuum, where...everything that would happen was already written into its fabric...The clever men would show the mathematics and win the argument. Then it was found that it was a trick of the light".

As you say "Now it is the mission of... the human species, to build a future. Success will be measured by the contentment, health, altruism, high culture, and creativity of its people".



Thank you Lorraine,

if you look back in the discussion thread I have some links to the Savory institute, and Planet tech associates "Talking points about Savory" where the controversy is addressed.

I agree with you about the problems of genetic engineering.I could list many troubling issues that have already come to light but you are probably already aware of them. In the essay I didn't specifically mention genetic engineering and was not proposing it as a technology still in use, certainly not the current blunt tool approach. This tale is set in the future and though not mentioned perhaps by then genetic modification is conducted via DNA writing. The use of virus vectors that 'randomly' insert code having been superseded by precise, engineer controlled coding. That will instead give the precise products required and with greater stability of the code so gene transfer to other species is less of a concern.

I was actually thinking of engineering in a much broader context. I think I should have said bio and biological engineering as well as bio-mimicry, to be clear.

Quote from MIT," The Department of Biological Engineering was founded in 1998 as a new MIT academic unit, with the mission of defining and establishing a new discipline fusing molecular life sciences with engineering. The goal of this biological engineering discipline is to advance fundamental understanding of how biological systems operate and to develop effective biology-based technologies for applications across a wide spectrum of societal needs including breakthroughs in diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease, in design of novel materials, devices, and processes, and in enhancing environmental health. Our departmental epigram is 'Creating Biological Technologies, from Discovery to Design', designating our intertwined emphases on advances in basic bioscience and in applied biotechnology. The innovative educational programs created by BE reflect this emphasis on integrating molecular and cellular biosciences with a quantitative, systems-oriented engineering analysis and synthesis approach."

The Once upon a time referring to my explanatory framework for physics, I will attach one of the explanatory diagrams, just in case you are interested to see it.

I really appreciate the feedback you have given me. Thank you, GeorginaAttachment #1: 2_RICP3D_high_def_essay_version..pdf


You list a lot of problems in the operation of society and address how they can be tackled. That is a major issue. However, there is one major issue that you do not address. Technological systems have irreversibly used up limited natural materials resources to temporarily provide society with goods, services and infrastructure. These systems have produced irrevocable wastes, including those that have caused climate change and ocean acidification. The unsustainable processes have also devastated the environment. One of the objectives of ELAM would be to address the challenge of society coping with the inevitable powering down as the infrastructure disintegrates.



Thank you Denis for reading and commenting on my essay.

I haven't directly addressed the issue of pollution but I have hinted that society run differently can be less wasteful and aim for, if not achieve, complete sustainability.Remember the affirmation "There is no wealth but life." "He who buys what he does not need steals from himself". Also there is the change in the way success is measured: by "contentment, health, altruism, creativity and high culture" I.e, not by increase in productivity of consumer goods and increasing consumption.

The restriction of living underground or under the sea will exert influence upon the way people express their individuality and success.I imagine that might be through cultivating and nurturing themselves, others and the environment rather than amassing many possessions or imposing status symbols and expecting admiration for having had the ability to do that.

Perhaps like Grace they will assemble digital collections for personal pleasure, which may be their own or others artworks, or anything that is a personal interest or they may 3D print small objects of desire, their own or other's creations, which can be recycled when no longer desired just retained as a file that can be reprinted by anyone at any time.

Dear Georgina Parry

Humanity need to go to the universe, because space on earth will not be enough for all. But, in intermediate period we need to develop sanctuaries on earth on deserts, underwater in Antarctic and so on. It is more rapid process toward universe than immediately go to the Mars or toward the Moon. I think that your advice should be developed to the perfection and then we should to go in the universe.

You gave good advice about sleep and secretion of melatonin. Do you practise this?

My essay

Best regards

Janko Kokosar

    Hi Georgina,

    I found your essay an enjoyable and interesting read. It's fun to imagine what the future might be like. Especially how humanity might live if we pass this stage of adolescence. Science or speculative fiction can also be a good way of presenting ideas to a wider audience.

    I guess a question everyone should consider when thinking of their idea of utopia is "How do we get there?" Do you see a path that humanity should take to get to the destination you present?

    I'm happy to discuss or provide feedback on anything else you would like.



      Hi Toby,

      this is not really my Utopia but a scenario that might come about as a consequence of our actions, severe climate instability or extreme change, devastation of the environment and agricultural production making life above ground highly problematic. Its not that I want to go there but if we had to then we could make the best of it by learning all we can about how to survive come what may. Which also prepares us for other hostile environments on other Worlds.

      The first sanctuaries are built to mitigate mass migrations, resulting from climate devastation, to prevent the destruction of the civilizations that lie in their path. It obviously is a monumental task that requires public support at a time when there may also be other environmental disasters, hardships, food and energy shortages or supply disruption. So there would have to be public information programmes to explain the necessity and gain support for them.

      Following the success of the first sanctuaries more are built as a response to worsening climate conditions and the people adapt to the new ways of life. Populations have to be limited to the numbers that can be supported and social cohesion is important because the sanctuaries can not work as life support infrastructure and biosphere without the dedications of all of the people who make it all work. So there is also social engineering to ensure that there is a shared purpose, history, education and values and new measures of success.

      The story is a vehicle for introducing a number of real problems and giving solutions. Somewhere in this discussion page there is a list of 14 problems that the essay addresses. I don't know if it is a complete list but those are what came to mind...population, child abuse/neglect, resource depletion, cancer, antibiotic resistance, climate change......

      You wrote "Do you see a path that humanity should take to get to the destination you present?" Its a path we should not take but may be taking. Flavio Mercati has written "U-turn or U-die". I have offered an alternative to U-die,in the face of the unknown learn to survive in every way possible and survive. (Become good sailors.)

      Thanks for reading the essay and for your comments and questions,


      Dear Janko thank you. Yes I think thorough preparation prior to space colonization would be important.

      I do feel a lot healthier when I have slept well, and especially if I go to bed early and wake naturally. I often turn out lights gradually as the evening progresses and have my bedroom completely dark with no electronic distractions. I would love lights that dim themselves and change wavelength and come back on in the morning rather than an alarm, so that's what I imagined in the story.


      Fabulous, humanistic and clever key stones to create a basis for evolution. Delightful in its construction, prepossessing to follow the structured ideas that lead the attention toward the higher levels of human kind: dignity. Your work gives a deep value to science because is directed to create intelligent and innovative designs of blueprints to empower human race as a a group of systems leading cybernetics of cosmos in a rational and humanistic way.

      It was deep to realize that you also consider children like a sanctuary, this is the vision from my family all the time. Where I defer with you is that "social affirmation" is not a belief system shared in "all families", there is people blessed to have a strongly beautiful, deep, cultural, humanistic and kind basis to interact in the sanctuary and out of it.

      "Adapt to survive" something that Darwin pointed as the nature of effective survival also leaded in me a deep disappointment. Fortunately your extended vision of intelligent interaction in different fields of human life (that affects all the other forms of life) ignites a sparkle of a new path: intelligent design based in respect of the dignity of all living forms. Your vision of micro-solution-intelligent design to be incorporated in complexity-survival-systems is an insightful deep grounded solution to keep the cycles of life as continuous flows of energy.

      Fascinating you also perceive the silent flow of organization and life in chaos: non linear system. About your phrase: "Once upon a time it was thought that all llife was within a space-time continuum, where past and future were the same and everything that would happen was already written into its fabric." I share with you Remedios Varo paint called: "Space and time Weaving," I am sure will be of your like:

      Wish you good luck for your great essay based in the dignity of living forms, respecting and understanding natural systems for life and the culture of respect.



        Hi Orenda,

        thank you very much for reading my essay and for your very kind, positive feedback. I am glad that you enjoyed the message and not just the story.

        a month later

        Hello Georgina,

        I posted an article giving some publicity to your piece:

        All the best!

        Rick Searle