Hi Israel,
thank you for reading my essay. Re solutions I will list them because there are lots.
1.Population- halting growth is more important than any absolute number that can hypothetically be supported. A. Bartlett's talk explains why.To overcome this problem there has been social engineering to alter attitudes to procreation and child rearing. Those choosing to dedicate themselves to that role undergo holistic suitability testing and training. The majority of the population are sterilized either temporarily or permanently.
2.Child abuse and neglect- All children are wanted and nurtured by dedicated parents and mentors. All parents are given training in child rearing.
3.Resource depletion- Public education on the need for sustainability. Change in attitudes to consumption (The only wealth is life).Change in measures of success from growth in production and consumption to contentment, altruism (and associated low crime),creativity, high culture and sustainability.
4.Cancer- optimizing vitamin D levels (We have pandemic vitamin D deficiency), Healthy diet,compulsory sleep time. Dimming and then turning off of blue wavelength emitting lights in the evening. Fever therapy (factual) aestivation therapy (hypothetical)
5.Antibiotic resistance- Use of symbiotic bacteria to compete with pathogens. Fever therapy to fight infections
6.Climate change and desertification- Allan Savory's method. reintroducing roving herds, trampling and trapping carbon in the ground which if done on large enough scale could ameliorate CO2 rise. Roots stabilizing ground and trampled vegetation giving shelter for fresh germination.
7.Climate change- wild weather, temperate and sea level rise. Subterranean and sub-aquatic sanctuaries. Temperature is far more stable underground, can avoid storms and still occupy areas that would otherwise be uninhabitable, avoiding mass migration and associated problems.
8.Prevention of mass migrations-Build sanctuaries for the helpless hoards.
9.How to prepare for the unknown- find as many solutions as possible already evolved by nature.
10.How to live happily underground- Appropriate lighting including solar tubes, natural green spaces,nature inspired designs for beauty and interest, fresh air ventilation system.
11.Meaning of life- People have dedications that they choose not jobs.The whole civilization has purpose hacking the solutions of life and ultimately propagating the tree of life to other worlds.
12.Personal freedom and quality of life- People can leave if they choose . People choose their dedication and can change it later on if they really want. As creativity and high culture are measures of success, there is plenty of opportunity to fulfill creative urges, starting at a very young age with creative IT, and appreciation of the various arts, as well as science, engineering and IT. Stress relief is valued, forms of meditation, creative expression, time with nature and or with companion animals.
13. Terrorism and incurable criminality- Exile and protection of the sanctuary by dedicated security forces.
14. Education- Virtual classrooms but free play times together are scheduled. A lot of free time given for personal study of topics that are interesting to that individual and on creative projects.
Ongoing public education- Every member of the society is taught the principles on which the society is built, lessons of the past and about the future problem solvers. This is to promote social cohesion through shared values and knowledge. I have replied to someone else that perhaps the populous can decide which affirmation will be broadcast each quarter, so they feel they have some input.
Re, Changing the environment I cautioned against large geo-engineering projects because there is the potential to cause more harm than intended. The many problems of hydroelectric dams are illustrative. Damage to fisheries and farms by preventing nutrient rich silts to get down stream, silting up of the dam, problems over water supply down stream. Allan Savoy's solution though is to return eroded areas of land back to a state that existed previously, and is entirely natural. I think we have to work with nature and not battle against it with our technology.
Thanks again, Israel. (I will take a look at your reply on your page), Georgina