Neither you Stefan Weckmann nor you John Merryman did tell me something new. When I discussed with Edwin Klingman who measures energy in Dollars, I didn't try to mediate but to look for some truly basic questions behind your concerns.
To Edwin and many others, Alfred Nobel was in the first place a wealthy man, someone who felt great by installing some sort of competition. Read what I wrote in discussions in particular to my own essay as to see that my experience caused me to devote to the question of responsibility for be or not to be.
I consider Armin Shirazi horribly wrong when he ascribes any evil to political ponerology. I even don't fully agree with those like e.g. Jonathan Dickau and Teyinder Singh who hope for solving the basic problems just by means of appropriate education and tolerant belief.
When I was allowed to teach I was forced for decades to also deal with Marxist dogmas. I could not defend my dissertation with "summa cum laude" because I used an expression of the class-enemy: Bruttosozialproduct instead of national income. I asked: How can money create new money? If you are interested, I will tell you my result and how it relates to the essence of my essay.