John Adams letter toThomas Jefferson : "All the perplexities, confusion and distresses in America arise not from defects in the constitution or confederation, nor from want of honour or virtue, as much from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit and circulation."
The Federal Reserve Bank is privately owned.
It first creates fiat money out of nothing and then loans it to governments and multinational corporations etc ~ mostly to finance wars which have been and continue to be, entered into without the consent of the governed ~ and then the Reserve requires repayment WITH INTEREST in the real blood, sweat and tears of the populace via taxation.
There was no income tax before about 1920.
If that wasn't bad enough the US hasn't been operating under its real constitution since 1871~ when with the Act of 1871 some European bankers set up the District of Columbia as a corporation in order to "manage" their new debt relationship with the newly incorporated UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
The real constitution made provision for Congress to issue currency. JFK was assassinated because he was about to bypass the Federal Reserve Bank and issue some truly legal tender. These "JFK" notes are already printed, still exist, stored and merely have to be cut and issued !!!!!!!!!
This double barrelled "corporate//private banking" strangle hold on the US has gone viral right across the entire planet.
I for one am EXTREMELY GLAD Stefan has opened this ghastly, ghastly ghastly can of monsters.
Humanity will not make any progress until we rid ourselves of "corporations" and the big private banks who now control the world's wealth and via taxation have turned humanity into debt slaves ~ even our unborn children.
If you didn't already know, corporations are by their very constitution EVIL due to the fact that they cannot be sued for failure to perform as stipulated.
Although I am Australian I have been following humanities gradual awakening to this most heinous of evils ~ the global bankers ~ as it unfolds across the planet.
Thank you again Stefan for broaching this subject.