If the Black Hole Candidates (BHCs) Are Not True BHs, What Could They Be:
Well friends, Earth moves around the Sun: To understand this fact we need not fall back on any (i) Quantum Mechanics, (ii) Quantum Field Theory, (iii) String Theory or say (iv) Loop Quantum Gravity. On the other hand, we can understand why Earth obeys Kepler's laws by using plain Newtonian gravity. In fact, for test particle, General Relativity (GR) too yields the same Kepler's law even though at microscopic level QM is operative. The minor precession of the orbit too can be explained by GR alone. The orbit might be decaying at a negligible rate, a phenomenon for which we need not invoke any mysterious ``Quantum Back Reaction'', but by invoking gravitational waves alone. But when it comes to gravitational collapse of clouds which are far enormous and massive, it is fashionable for particle physicists, quantum gravity researchers and sometimes even GR mathematicians to invoke unproven quantum field emissions , ``Hawking Radiation'', `Quantum Back Reactions'' etc etc. Probably they do so because they may not be aware that even by Newtonian Gravitation, a contracting self-gravitating object must emit radiation and simultaneously get hotter because of negative specific heat associated with attractive self-gravity. This fact is known for almost 170 years and this explains how ultra-cold supermassive interstellar gas clouds contract over millions of years to give birth to radiating hot stars.
Note such an emission of radiation is not due to any mysterious unknown quantum field effects or Hawking Radiation or strings or loops. It is not even due to any nuclear fuel burning within the clouds either. On the other hand mundane radiative processes like Bremsstrahlung, Compton effect, Synchrotron process are responsible for such classical effects. GR collapse too must be accompanied by such a natural classical emission :
Ref. 1. "Why gravitational contraction must be accompanied by emission of radiation in both Newtonian and Einstein gravity''
A. Mitra, Physical Review D, Vol. 74, id. 024010 (2006); (arXiv:gr-qc/0605066)
Now note that the ``Compactness'' of a compact star may be represented by the gravitational red-shift (z) of spectral lines emitted by it . For a typical Neutron Star, z~0.15 while for a Black Hole, z=Infinity. So in order to become a BH, the collapsing object must have z>>1. It was found that, as the object would become more and more compact, it would become so hot that its
Radiation Energy Density/Baryonic Energy Density ~ z
Ref. 2. ``A generic relation between baryonic and radiative energy densities of stars''
A. Mitra, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 367, L66-L68 (2006); arXiv:gr-qc/0601025
Also, if the body would contract beneath its ``Photon Sphere'' defined by z= sqrt{3} -1 ~ 0.77,
Then photons and neutrinos emanating from the interior would start getting trapped by self-gravity. And further, as, z>>1, sooner or later, the Luminosity of the trapped radiation would attain its Eddington value for which
Inward Pull of Gravity = Outward Push of Radiation
At this stage the rapid collapse gets halted and the contracting objects becomes a Quasistatic Ultracompact Ultrahot Ball of plasma. But since the body is always hot and radiating, it is always contracting even though the rate could be infinitesimally small. It is found that the time scale of contraction яГа Infinity as zяГа Infinity.
So before the body would become a BH with z=Infinity, it would radiate away entire mass energy (not baryons & electrons) to attain the ideal M=0 BH state suggested by
A. Mitra, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 50, 042502 (2009);(arXiv:0904.4754)
Thus an massive object undergoing continued gravitational collapse is likely to become an Eternally Collapsing Object'' rather than a BH or a ``Naked Singularity'':
Ref. 2. ``Radiation pressure supported stars in Einstein gravity: eternally collapsing objects''
A. Mitra, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 369, 492 (2006); (arXiv:gr-qc/0603055)
Ref. 3. ``Sources of stellar energy, Einstein Eddington timescale of gravitational contraction and eternally collapsing objects''
A. Mitra, New Astronomy, 12, 146-160 (2006); (arXiv:astro-ph/0608178)
Ref. 3.`` Likely formation of general relativistic radiation pressure supported stars or `eternally collapsing objects''
A. Mitra, ``Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 404, L50-L54 (2010); (arXiv:1003.3518)
This conclusion is corroborated by the proof that GR actually does not allow formation of ``trapped surfaces'', event horizons or ``Apparent Horizons'' : 2M/R < =1
Contrary to the ASSUMPTIONS of ``Singularity Theorems'' of Hawking & Penrose:
"Quantum Information Paradox: Real or Fictitious?"
A. Mitra, Pramana, Vol. 73, pp. 615 (2009); eprint arXiv:0911.3518