Steve, thanks for taking time to reply. However, if I may speak for them, some of the assertions will make Galileo and Newton say ...LOL (which I have been educated means laughing-out-loud). I will pick on some of them and comment.
In fact, sound is a compression and extension wave of particles of matter and very intense sound, i.e. shock waves, do in fact seem to bind to each other.
Sound and light are disturbances, they are not particles. A disturbance travels from source to receptor , which may be very distant apart but as we were taught no particle actually moves from the source to the receptor. Thanks for letting me read up on shock waves. I will read more on that because I see its relevance to bow shock, etc.
Sound energy, just like all energy, has an equivalent mass... Sound is the motion of particles and that energy has an equivalent mass. So, sound does indeed have mass.
I don't agree but will let it pass. The way things are going water waves will soon be proposed as having mass independent of the water medium itself.
Why is this surprising? This is just standard physics...
It is not standard physics to attribute the property of mass to a disturbance. is better to think of light as a gaechron/antigaechron pair bound by a photon.
So in turn the photon binding the gaechron/antigaechron pair, is in turn made of a gaechron/antigaechron pair, which is in turn bound by a photon made of gaechron/antigaechron pair ad infintum or where does this end?
A hydrogen atom forms by emission of a Rydberg photon of light and a Rydberg photon exchanges between the electron and proton as the bond.
How on earth can the same photon mediate attraction between the electron and proton and repulsion between the electron/electron and proton/proton? If you put an opaque barrier between magnets are you not aware that attraction/repulsion still takes place or does Rydberg photon of light have a unique ability to pass through opaque barriers also?