John C,
A lot of explicit physics and implicit politics in that post. What if you were to graph out the dynamics of both and overlay them? Say as the conservative tendency to gravitate inward and the liberal tendency to radiate outward?
I originally came to physics discussions out of the insight that social dynamics have a veneer of idealism over inherently physical processes. Then I get into physics and find the physical processes idealized as well, such as gravity being projected from a singularity to infinity, rather than as one side of a larger cycle.
So now to use Tom as an object lesson, he would seem to be a very gravitationally dense individual, with minimal gaseous atmosphere and energy being radiated out in very set patterns. Meanwhile you and I are probably more toward the other side of the spectrum, in some respects, though with fairly solid cores, given our interest in this topic.
Now project this on a galactic scale, in which Tom is quite evidently somewhere down near Sagittarius A, while you and I are out in various solar systems. Mine probably fairly close in, but with me as a small object on its perimeter.
My larger interest here is that eventually humanity will get over its current top down myopia, from monotheism as spiritual idealization rather than conscious essence, to secularism as social and professional atomization, in order to being able to look outside our own individual bubbles of awareness and see that larger cyclical dynamic at work. Then maybe we will become more one with our reality.
Sorry if this seems atopical and I realize society has a long way to go before being able to contextualize itself objectively, but I push in that direction whenever possible.
John M