Your effort on strengthening the foundations of physical reality is a very good approach.
Best of luck!
Miss. Sujatha Jagannathan
Your effort on strengthening the foundations of physical reality is a very good approach.
Best of luck!
Miss. Sujatha Jagannathan
Dear Miss. Sujatha Jagannathan,
Thank you for your kind comments. Please give my essay a rating. Thanks.
Ken Seto
Dear Ken Seto,
Congrats on your essay. There are nuggets of truth in your Model Mechanics. I will discuss more later. For now, consider that it is your CRE force that is keeping the Moon and Earth from crashing into each other under gravitational attraction. Same with Earth and Sun, and Electron and the Atomic nucleus.
More later.
Dear Akinbo Ojo,
Thanks you for your kind comments.
Indeed the repulsive effect of the CRE force explains why gravity is so weak compared to the other forces. In addition the CRE force in combination with the electromagnetic force generate all the processes of life. A paper on such is available in the following link:
I would appreciate if you will give my essay a rating. Thank you.
Ken Seto
Dear Ken Hon Seto,
I Just finished my essay and have just begun to read the other essays. It is very refreshing to see models to think about. Especially thought provoking is your model of both the strong and weak force. The illustrations of "The stacked-interactions and the electromagnetic interactions in a proton and a neutron." the talk of decay as "de-coupling of the stacked-interactions"
Found this part of your essay very good. Hope you have a chance to comment on the stacked quarks bonded with gluons making up the mesons and baryons in my essay.
Many regards and keep up the good work.
Dear Ken Hon Seto,
I wish you success in the Contest and in the promotion of your ideas!
I invite you to read and evaluate my essay .
Kind regards,
Dear Ed,
Thank you for your comments.
I read your essay briefly. The graphic is outstanding. However it will take a more careful reading to understand your model.
In my model the stacked interactions of the up-quarks eliminate the need for gluons. Perhaps the processes of stacked interactions are the gluons in your model. In that case we have different interpretations for the same processes and that's to be expected.
Ken Seto
Hi All,
I am disappointed that someone gave me a rating of ONE. I think that that's not a fair rating of my essay.
Ken Seto
Dear Mr. Seto,
I thought that your engrossing essay was exceptionally well written and I do hope that it fares well in the competition.
I think Newton was wrong about abstract gravity; Einstein was wrong about abstract space/time, and Hawking was wrong about the explosive capability of NOTHING.
All I ask is that you give my essay WHY THE REAL UNIVERSE IS NOT MATHEMATICAL a fair reading and that you allow me to answer any objections you may leave in my comment box about it.
Joe Fisher
Dear Ken,
I think your excellent essay is grossly undervalued. Even for me who understands and agrees with the principles of your model mechanics it was enlightening and well written. It was also right on topic as it's improved or alternative formalisms that I think we should be discussing. From your and my view it looks like the physics community is groping in the dark playing blind mans buff! Perhaps only a really good presentation can show the light. Yours is improving nicely. Full marks.
I think again you'll also like my own essay, which identifies the shortcomings of the mathematical approach, and hope you have a chance to read and score it. Indeed the 'hierarchical 'rules of brackets' formalism I describe has very close connections with your pyramid technique.
I'm pretty sure you'll also like my short video taking physical dynamic modelling to it's natural extreme, and showing the power of the hierarchical model we've both been discussing for some time.
I hope your score keeps rising in the short time left.
Dear Peter,
Thank you for your comments.
Most of the comments on my essay are positive. But some did not give me a evaluation.
I am in the process of writing another book on my theory. Would you like to see it when it is finished?
I will read your essay.
Dear Marco,
I have finished my book. It is now available for viewing for free in the following link:
Ken Seto