Dear Michel,
Of course I am aware of orbifolds with respect to superstring theory. The vertex operator algebra with partition function p(q) =tr q^N = Π_{N}1/(1 - q^n) is related to the Dedekind eta function. The trace results in the power [p(q)]^{24} In this there is a module or subalgebra of SL(2,Z), eg S(Z) ⊂SL(2,C), that forms a set of operators S(z)∂_z. This module or subgroup is then over certain primes, such as either Heegner primes or maybe primes in the sequence for the monster group. This is of course related to the Kleinian groups and the compactification of the AdS_5.
The AdS_5 compactification issue is something I started to return to. I gave up on this after the FQXi contest over this because it did not seem to gather much traction. The AdS_5 = SO(4,2)/SO(4,1) is a moduli space. The Euclidean form of this S^5 =~ SO(6)/SO(5) is the moduli space for the complex SU(2) or quaterion valued bundle in four dimensions. The AdS_5 is then a moduli space, and the conformal completion of this spacetime is dual to the structure of conformal fields on the boundary Einstein spacetime. This moduli is an orbit space, and this is the geometry of quantum entanglements.
If this is the case then it seems we should be able to work out the geometry of 3 and 4 qubits according to cobordism or Morse theory. My idea is that the Kostant-Sekiguchi theorem has a Morse index interpretation. The nilpotent orbits N on an algebra g = h + k, according to Cartan's decomposition with [h,h] вЉ‚ h, [h,k] вЉ‚ k, [k,k] вЉ‚ h
N∩G/g = N∩K/k.
For map Ој:P(H) --- > k on P(H) the projective Hilbert space. The differential dОј = = П‰(V, V') is a symplectic form. The variation of ||Ој||^2 is given by a Hessian that is topologically a Morse index. The maximal entanglement corresponds to the ind(Ој).
In general orbit spaces are group or algebraic quotients. Given C = G valued connections and A = automorphism of G the moduli or orbit space is B = C/A. The moduli space is the collection of self or anti-self dual orbits M = {∇ \in B: self (anti-self) dual}. The moduli space for gauge theory or a quaternion bundle in 4-dimensions is SO(5)/SO(4), or for the hyperbolic case SO(4,2)/SO(4,1) = AdS_5. The Uhlenbeck-Donaldson result for the hyperbolic case is essentially a form of the Maldacena duality between gravity and gauge field.
With your presentation of the П€-problem and the connection between the Bell theorem and Grothendieck's construction, you push this into moonshine group О"^+_0(2). This leads to the conclusion or conjecture, I am not entirely clear which, that the moonshine for the baby monster group is coincident with the the Bell theorem. The connection to the modular discriminant is interesting. This then gets extended to О"^+_0(5). Your statement on page 7 that g(q) = П†(q)^24 is much the same with what I wrote above. There is a bit here that I do not entirely follow, but the ideas are intriguing. I would be interested in knowing if the hyperbolic tilings of О"^+_0(5) have a bearing on the discrete group structure of AdS_5.
You may be familiar with Arkani-Hamed and Trka's amplitudhedron. The permutations arguments that you make give me some suspicion that this is related to that subject as well. This would be particularly the case is the О"^+_0(5) is related to the tiling and permutation of links on AdS_5 given that the isometry group of AdS_5 is SO(4,2) ~ SU(2,2) which can be called the twistor group. This is connected with Witten's so called "Twistor-string revolution."
Thanks for the paper reference. That looks pretty challenging to read. I am not quite at the level of a serious mathematician, though I am fairly good at math and well versed in a number of areas.
Cheers LC