Your essay might be described as MUH nothing else, but with your clear way of expressing these ideas you take it a lot further.
My own ideas about the MUH which I called the Theory of Theories was developed independently at the saem time as Tegmark. The unique ingredient in my version which goes further is the answer to the question "Why is our world so lawful and simple" The answer has to be that in the complex system of all mathematically logical possibilities there is a principle of universality that determines the underlying meta-laws of the universe. It is an emergent principle of self-organisation that is as important to the nature of mathematics as it is to the nature of physics. Anthropic principles only come into play when looking at the possible solutions to those meta-laws.
The latter parts of your essay follow thoughts that I have been through many times myself which lead towards ideas about conciousness. I hope a future FQXi contest will be brave enough to ask us about conciouness and free will so that I can write my own ideas about what we should learn from "F-clones" It was not something I had space for this time.
When I see how clearly you express the philosophical ideas that I agree with, I find myself surprised that there are so few of us who see it that way. I hope your exposition will generate a few more converts.