What if there are two arrows of time? We go from past events to future ones, as these events come into being and dissolve, thus going future to past. The arrow being described here is the one for structure, as it coalesces out of initial energy and forms ever more complex structure. Coming into being, but eventually to be destroyed by the final stage of this process.
Witness how galaxies function, as generations of energetic processes, stars etc, get progressively more complex, until the degree of intensity and heat overwhelms them and the final resulting energy is shot out the poles. Meanwhile this process is constantly radiating out energy as waste, in the process of forming this structure and mass. This energy is otherwise observed as radiation and light emitted from the galaxy. So the radiation is the expanding arrow of time from past to future form, while the form is the contracting arrow of time of this form coming into being and dissolving, i.e., going future to past. The past being ordered and thus spatially confined structure, while the future is energy expanding out unmeasured events.
The result being a cosmic convection cycle and explaining why the overall space appears flat, as these two directions are two sides of the same process. The intergalactic space expands, as it is measured as radiation, while the inner galactic space contracts, as it is measured as mass points.
To note, we treat light as a point particle and thus assume only recession can make it redshift, but that is because to detect it, it has to be absorbed by the mass of our detection devices and thus contracts to a point. When on the other hand, by radiating away from a source, it expands out in wave fashion and for our detecters to absorb the necessary quanta, it is shifted down the spectrum.
Which would explain why we appear at the center of this expansion.