what a world John.There are several foundamental probelms Inside the sciences community.Let me enumarate them.
1 like you said, some illuminated confounding spirituality and deterministic sciences.
2 of course the vanity, and you know what I say.hmmm :)
3 the fact to be obliged to ponder innovant pappers for tecompetiion....Result:pression and bad pappers
4 the enterprise and the jobs, even if it is false sometimes, friends support a false work ??? Serious problem there John.
5 The bad comportments and jealousy.This exists also John,bad persons very vanitious and frustrated
6 corruption also is a problem,logic sciences is the most interesting business.
7 The desire to be recognised and so the publications are a play where themajority ofthe world does not understandthe generality of sciences.
8 the psychology also is a main parameter.
9 The team and the false politeness ???A real circus John, sciences are deterministic and universal.The rest is vain.
10 vanity of vanities John, all is vanity.But when it becomes hate ,it is sad, and this hatebecomes startegy ,it is still more sad.
11 The lack of knowledge of what is really the generality for a majority.Even the relativity and the entropy principle they don't understand, so how can be their works?It is bizare in fact.For the vanity, the monney, thepower or the false politeness or the recognizing,a real circus because a real searcher, a real general thinker searches simply.
12 The responsabilities and obligations and pressions.
I can continue but it is sufficient it seems to me.Take it easy for yourself John .
I have seen professors of universities saying that we can travelin time ??? or that the BH have whormholes and this and that ??? A real circus.I have had a scientific general secondary school and I have continued in several Superior schools and universities.And always when I was in geology for example(you know the piroxens, the amphibols,the silicats,....I Have classed also the mineral.)always in my schools I have had deterministic sciences where quantizations and properties are always rational.When I was at labs at University in medecine and after geology,I have always respected a pure methodology for the experiments,if not it is the chaos.It is thesame for the system of thoughts John.A deterministic methodology must be always a reality.Sciences are exact.Not theoretical physics which is atopic of extra^polations and generality.Not all unfortunally can utilise this generality.That is why we return about this said vanity.You know John ,let's take Newton and Hook,Newton is always in our book.Hookwillbe always a poor business man simply,frustrated , full of hate and with an enormous vanity.Perhapsthat our global problems are just due to these human comportments.This worldis ironical and sad in the same time but we evolve.Sciences are there to help and to improve.We search the foundamental laws of our universe.The known universe and the unknown universe, we are sofar of our quantum and cosmol singularities.But we approach with dterminism if andonly if we utilise the good mathematicalmethod for correct dterministic extrapolations.Let's take the geometrical algebras(Clifford,Hopf,Lie....)or others math Tools.How can we inetrpret the physics when we check the parameters.Associativity, infinity, commutativity, dérivations, intégrations,las, domains,.......are paramters.Physics it is exact and precise.
Manyworlds, alcubiere,travel in time,extradimensions, .....all these things are just mathematical plays.