Is Bell's theorem true? Joseph Polchinski wrote, "The second superstring revolution began in 1995. Over a period four years, we discovered dualities of quantum field theories, dualities of string theories, duality between quantum field theories and string theories (that is, AdS/CFT), D-branes, Matrix theory, and quantitative understanding of black hole entropy." "Why trust a theory? Some further remarks (part 1)" by J. Polchinski
Consider 4 hypotheses. Hypothesis 1. By using clever D-brane adjustments, string theorists can provide mathematical models of any plausible or implausible physics -- even including miracles and cartoon physics. Hypothesis 2. The Copenhagen Interpretation is philosophically wrong but empirically irrefutable because it does not rule out the string landscape. 3. Bell's theorem is philosophically wrong but empirically irrefutable because it does not rule out the string landscape. 4. String theory with the infinite nature hypothesis can explain Milgrom's MOND but in a mathematically awkward way, such as by MOND-chameleon particles or something else. Is Milgrom the Kepler of contemporary cosmology? The empirical successes of MOND imply that at least 1 of Newton's 3 laws of motion is wrong. Consider (± 1st law, ± 2nd law, ± 3 law), where + means true and - means false. My guess is that the 4 most plausible possibilities are: (1) a Verlinde-type in which gravity is emergent and all of the 3 laws fail at the origin of the emergence; (2) a Bekenstein-type theory in which the 2d law fails but the 3rd law is true; (3) a string landscape theory in which all of the 3 laws are true but MOND-compatible, dark matter particles exist; (4) dark-matter-compensation-constant modification of Einstein's field equations. Am I correct on Milgrom's MOND, the Koide formula, and Lestone's theory of virtual cross sections?
Is there some way that Lestone's theory of virtual cross sections might be justified in terms of the string landscape? In the string landscape, let us assume that there is a 10-dimensional ultra-hot interstitium among alternate universes and that, within the string landscape, alternate universes exchange virtual energy if and only if they have "almost exactly" the same virtual vacua. Furthermore let us assume that our own universe is very close to the multiverse average in terms of its free parameters in the Standard Model. Then it might be possible to hide Lestone's imaginary particles with virtual cross sections in the multiverse interstitium of the string landscape. The ultra-hot interstitium might consist entirely of virtual energy in which there are "bubbles" consisting of 2-spheres with 3 vibrating strings confined to the surface of each 2-sphere. The alternate universes might have "point-paricle" leptons that exchange virtual photons with nearby "bubbles" in the interstitium. Approximate curling up of 9 spatial dimensions might allow Lestone's speculative intuitions to have an approximate model in 4-dimensional spacetime. Could the preceding scenario work?
Lestone has introduced a highly speculative approach to estimating the fine structure constant in terms of theory. Lestone wrote,
"Introduction to my idea
Before Hawking's work (and others) black-holes were believed to be point objects with only mass, spin, and charge. This is why Einstein (1930s) and others have previously considered the possibility that fundamental particles (like leptons) are quantum micro black holes. Black holes are now believed to have a temperature, entropy, and thus many internal degrees of freedom. Individual black holes are objects amenable to statistical mechanics.
My heretical statement
If black holes (once thought to be point objects) are amenable to statistical mechanics, then why not fundamental particles like leptons? (1988)
Introduction to my idea continued
I consider the possibility of a very strange "unknown" imaginary class of particles, with several unique (bizarre) properties including
(1) My particles have a very high temperature(s).
(2) Despite having a very high temperature, my imaginary particles can not change their rest mass upon the emission of electromagnetic energy. Using known physics my imaginary particles (if isolated) can not emit any "real" photons".
(3) However, I consider the possibility that my imaginary particles can emit and absorb unphysical L=0 "virtual" photons via the time-energy uncertainty principle.
(4) The emission and absorption is controlled by statistical arguments involving their classical temperature and possibly other effective temperatures.
..." J. P. Lestone, "Possible path for the calculation of the fine structure constant", Los Alamos Report LA-UR-16-22121, April 2016, Los Alamos National Laboratory
MY GUESS is that there might be a plausible way of justifying (1)-(4) in terms of string theory with the string landscape. Assume a string landscape in which all the alternate universes have Standard Model free parameters that are very close to each other. If there is (in the string landscape) an extremely hot interstitium which is 10-dimensional and super-hot with respect to all the cooler alternate universes, and ALSO most of the virtual energy close to each alternate universe is slightly super-hot but cool enough that it is ALMOST conventional in terms of 4-dimensional spacetime, then it seems to me that (1)-(4) might be justifiable. "String Theory" by David Tong, 2012 "The Birth of String Theory" by P. di Vecchia, Lect. Notes Phys., 737, 59-118 (2008)
"... a proper theoretical framework for the extra term in the uncertainty relation has not yet emerged ..." p. 29 in reference to equation (9) of "Reflections on the Fate of Spacetime" by Edward Witten "Can the Laws of Physics be Unified?"
In string theory with the infinite nature hypothesis, the idea is to say that the equivalence principle is 100% true but the Heisenberg uncertainty principle needs to be modified to include both hbar and alpha-prime. In string theory with the finite nature hypothesis, the idea is to say that the Heisenberg uncertainty principle is 100% true but the equivalence principle is completely false for both dark energy and dark matter, i.e., dark energy has negative gravitational mass-energy and zero inertial mass-energy, while dark matter has positive gravitational mass-energy and zero inertial mass-energy. According to Fredkin, nature contains neither infinities nor infinitesimals. If t is the time parameter and Fredkin is correct, then our universe does not expand forever because t cannot be arbitrarily large -- thus a Koide-type modification to Einstein's field equations is needed. If Fredkin is correct then energy-density cannot be arbitrarily large and there needs to be a corresponding modification to Einstein's field equations in order to limit the energy-density.