"The development of science, from ancient times to the present, has been a series of nearly unbroken steps where one concept after another has moved out of the shadows of doubt and uncertainty and into the light of accepted scientific fact. The atomic hypothesis, whether matter is made up of atoms, is only one of many atomic hypotheses. So far every such question, discrete versus continuous, about a property of our world either remains undecided or it has been decided as discrete (atoms, electricity, light, angular momentum, etc.). It is hard to imagine the proof that some property will never admit to a finite description, no matter how fine grained. On the other hand, what is interesting is that so many concepts once thought of as continuous are now accepted as discrete. Finite Nature assumes that that historical process will continue to a logical conclusion where, at the bottom, everything will turn out to be atomic or discrete, including space and time." -- Edward Fredkin
Stephen Wolfram conjectured that there exists 4 or 5 simple rules that yield empirically valid approximations to quantum field theory and general relativity theory.
Now (19th of February) I would like to elaborate on my conjectures on how the monster group and the 6 pariah groups might enable the empirical confirmation of Wolfram's conjecture.
What is a register in a digital computer?
According to Wikipedia, "In computer architecture, a processor register is a quickly accessible location available to a computer's central processing unit (CPU). Registers usually consist of a small amount of fast storage, although some registers have specific hardware functions, and may be read-only or write-only. Registers are typically addressed by mechanisms other than main memory, but may in some cases be memory mapped."
For Wolfram's automaton, imagine a geometric-register in which a huge, but finite, number of points might somehow approximate a higher-dimensional geometric structure. For each prime number p that divides the order of the monster group or one of the orders of the 6 pariah groups, there might exist a p-Sylow subgroup geometric-register that contains a higher-dimensional geometric structure that has Euclidean dimension equal to the order of that particular p-Sylow subgroup. There might be a network of Fredkin-Wolfram information in which Fredkin-time, Fredkin-distance, and Fredkin-digit-transition are precursors of time, distance, and energy in quantum field theory and in general relativity theory.
A huge number of updates by Wolfram's updating parameter might create one Planck time interval with an approximate array of quantum information in a huge, but finite number, of alternate universes. All of the alternate universes would occur on the boundary of the multiverse. Directly measured particles would occur in a particular alternate universe. Indirectly measured particles would be virtual particles that occur in the interior of the multiverse. During one Planck time interval, Wolfram's automaton might read the Fredkin-Wolfram information on the boundary of the multiverse, store information in the Fredkin-Wolfram net and in the geometric-registers associated with the monster group and the 6 pariah groups, and, after a huge number of stages of computing and storing, then output the approximations of quantum information to all of the alternate universes. Thus, Wolfram's automaton would read, store, compute, update, and output in an endless cycle of computing below the Planck scale. Why should anyone believe such a scenario?
http://vixra.org/abs/1407.0088 "MOND and the Photon Underproduction Crisis"
http://vixra.org/abs/1407.0113 "Lambda-VDM Model: a Testable Modification of Lambda-CDM"