Thank you for your interest in my ideas. Your remark "... Those MOND-chameleon particles sound fun and I hope you are correct about them ..." from the thread on your essay is not really a good hope from my viewpoint. My basic theory is an interpretation of string theory with the finite nature hypothesis. I say that the 3 main predictions of my theory are: the Fernández-Rañada-Milgrom effect, the Space Roar Profile Prediction and the "64 Particles Hypothesis". There are various threats to the empirical validity of my basic theory -- among these threats are physical evidence for supersymmetry, the existence of magnetic monopoles (in free space), and/or the existence of MOND-chameleon particles. The MOND-chameleon particles would indicate that Milgrom's MOND is an APPARENT phenomenon (somewhat like Coriolis forces or other inertial forces) -- in other words, Milgrom's acceleration law might be a result of ignoring the existence of MOND-chameleon particles. My basic theory implies that MOND is a REAL phenomenon (which occurs as one of the consequences of some gravitons escaping from the boundary of the multiverse into the interior of the multiverse). However, my basic theory is somewhat philosophically distasteful to me (because the theory implies that it is impossible to change the future). Consider 3 questions: Is there a maximum wavelength in the physical universe? Can energy, spacetime, and quantum information be explained in terms of Fredkin-Wolfram underlying the Planck scale? Who is the world's greatest living theoretical physicist?
Is Ed Witten really the world's greatest living theoretical physicist? --
I think that the world's greatest living theoretical physicist might be Witten or Weinberg -- it's difficult to say. My guess is that Witten's 11-dimensional model is essential for formulating Wolfram's automaton and establishing the empirical validity of string theory with the finite nature hypothesis. I have conjectured the Milgrom Denial Hypothesis: The main problem with string theory is that string theorists fail to realize that Milgrom is the Kepler of contemporary cosmology.