Satyavarapu Naga Parameswara Guptaji

I appreciate your knowledge of cosmology.

I agree, "The Universe also must have life or some form of intelligence of its own."

From genetic science to Periodic Table of elements all certify that,


Living or non living is just a matter of DESIGN of structure.

    Dear Shaikh Raisuddin sab,

    Thank you for kind appreciation. You are exactly correct about DESIGN of structure!

    Definitely correct sir, "The Universe also must have life or some form of intelligence of its own."

    I will give an example....

    You take the attraction between a boy and girl in their youth in human society. They love each other, marry and give birth to children. The couple work for children, their upkeep, education and their health etc. Everybody does this. Enjoy the old age and go away, it is natural.......

    But if anyone (male or female) sits peacefully & silently and think a little, one understand that this whole thing is "MAYA" as said in Hindu philosophy. It is all nothing but some kind of magic that forces one to this work (MAYA). All these are ties and handcuffs making one as prisoner to do this family work and REPRODUCTION.

    So the immediate thinking comes to our thinker, is why should I do all these work. I will resign and sit back and do nothing. As because, it is not profitable to anyone, why should anyone do anything about this REPRODUCTION, which involves large amount of work, which is not beneficial..............

    Now the question comes who gets benefit and who is forcing us to do all these REPRODUCTION? Who wants us to do all these things? It is probably the GOD or the Mother Nature. They created the ATTRACTION between boy and girl. Not only in humans, but in other animals also had these instincts. So the God and Mother Nature are FORCING even the Universe to REPRODUCE. They know perfectly well nothing is permanent in this Universe .....!!!!!!

    Best regards


    Dear Gupta . . .

    Your essay contains many interesting ideas, the main one being that the universe has the propensity to reproduce itself, in the form of galaxies. If your cosmological ideas are found to be consistent and can be demonstrated experimentally, I would go with them. I had previously not viewed the "Big Bang" explanation favorably. But I would ask you if you had any thoughts on how the universe came into being to begin with?

    In addressing the theme of the contest in your conclusion, you have said: "Here probably the 'a-biological world' learned from the Universe and subsequently the physical systems learnt to pursue the goal of reproduction and formed the "Biological world". Slowly these biological life forms acquired intelligence and now trying to understand Universe! That way probably the goal-oriented behavior is a physical or cosmological trend of the Universe........"

    Did you have any specific ideas on how this "trend" began? What initial cause set the whole thing in motion?

    Great work on an original approach to a cosmological model!


    Michael Z. Tyree

      Dear SNP Gupta,

      Nice essay rich in astrophysical facts. You may want to check this website ( for additional facts to improve your theory.

      I found your paper interesting and will rate it very well. The only thing I disagree is your statement that, "... we know now that Dark matter is not found experimentally,..."

      - Anytime outlying stars are found to be moving at high speeds yet not escaping it is because of dark matter.

      - Anytime you observe bending and slowing of light grazing the surface of large celestial objects like sun, it is due to the gravitationally enhanced density of dark matter around those objects.

      - Anytime you perform a Michelson-Morley experiment and obtain a null result, it is a result of an earth-bound matter-medium called dark matter.

      - Anytime you observe variation of light speed with altitude, it is a result of variation of dark matter density with altitude.

      So if researchers look where they should rather than gaze inside deep holes in the ground they would see abundant evidence for dark matter.

      Best regards,


        Dear Michael Zane Tyree,

        ............... Your words..........

        ......................... Your essay contains many interesting ideas, the main one being that the universe has the propensity to reproduce itself, in the form of galaxies. If your cosmological ideas are found to be consistent and can be demonstrated experimentally, I would go with them. I had previously not viewed the "Big Bang" explanation favorably. But I would ask you if you had any thoughts on how the universe came into being to begin with? ..............Reply...................

        Thank you for your nice complements nice encouraging words.

        The Universe are a whole there is no beginning or end. Galaxies will be taking birth and quench. They are all of different ages. Not bourn simultaneously. It is not necessary that the whole Universe was begin once some long time ago.

        ............... Your words..........

        ......................... In addressing the theme of the contest in your conclusion, you have said: "Here probably the 'a-biological world' learned from the Universe and subsequently the physical systems learnt to pursue the goal of reproduction and formed the "Biological world". Slowly these biological life forms acquired intelligence and now trying to understand Universe! That way probably the goal-oriented behavior is a physical or cosmological trend of the Universe........" ..............Reply...................

        Thank you for reading my essay thoroughly.

        ............... Your words..........

        .........................Did you have any specific ideas on how this "trend" began? ..............Reply...................

        The Universe had it. I am repeating the above example here.

        You take the attraction between a boy and girl in their youth in human society. They love each other, marry and give birth to children. The couple work for children, their upkeep, education and their health etc. Everybody does this. Enjoy the old age and go away, it is natural.......

        But if anyone (male or female) sits peacefully & silently and think a little, one understand that this whole thing is "MAYA" as said in Hindu philosophy. It is all nothing but some kind of magic that forces one to this work (MAYA). All these are ties and handcuffs making one as prisoner to do this family work and REPRODUCTION.

        So the immediate thinking comes to our thinker, is why should I do all these work. I will resign and sit back and do nothing. As because, it is not profitable to anyone, why should anyone do anything about this REPRODUCTION, which involves large amount of work, which is not beneficial..............

        Now the question comes who gets benefit and who is forcing us to do all these REPRODUCTION? Who wants us to do all these things? It is probably the GOD or the Mother Nature. They created the ATTRACTION between boy and girl. Not only in humans, but in other animals also had these instincts. So the God and Mother Nature are FORCING even the Universe to REPRODUCE. They know perfectly well nothing is permanent in this Universe .....!!!!!!

        ............... Your words..........

        ......................... What initial cause set the whole thing in motion? ..............Reply...................

        It is UGF the universal Gravitational Force. This UGF acts on each mass, which is the resultant vector of all the forces of attraction of other masses on that mass at that time. It is time and place varying force.

        In dynamic Universe Model simulations I found the Model will collapse into a point mass when Uniform DENSITY of matter was assumed. UGF is towards center only for all the masses.

        When the DENSITY is not uniform all the masses started rotating about each other.

        ............... Your words..........

        .........................Great work on an original approach to a cosmological model! ................ Reply .......

        Thank you for the Blessings, thank you for your nice words. All these are available freely on net. You may please download and advice others also about Dynamic Universe Model's use....

        Best Regards


        Dear Akinbo Ojo,

        ............... Your words..........

        ......................... Nice essay rich in astrophysical facts. You may want to check this website ( for additional facts to improve your theory. ..............Reply...................

        I will do, and tell you ASAP....

        ............... Your words..........

        .........................I found your paper interesting and will rate it very well. ..............Reply...................

        Thank you for the nice words and complements.

        ............... Your words..........

        ......................... The only thing I disagree is your statement that, "... we know now that Dark matter is not found experimentally,..." ..............Reply...................

        Yes we should go be experimental results.... If something fails on experiment then what is the use.

        ............... Your words..........

        .........................- Anytime outlying stars are found to be moving at high speeds yet not escaping it is because of dark matter. ..............Reply...................

        NO No no sir, See my no dark matter paper.

        There are three factors of star circular velocity calculations.

        1. Heavy Galaxy center densemass

        2. Other stars in the Galaxy ..... that is all the other stars except the one you are calculating the velocity

        3. Out-side Galaxies

        You have to calculate the simultaneous effect of all these together to calculate these velocities.

        Just taking Galaxy center as single huge mass will not be sufficient as in a TWO body problem solution.

        ............... Your words..........

        .........................- Anytime you observe bending and slowing of light grazing the surface of large celestial objects like sun, it is due to the gravitationally enhanced density of dark matter around those objects. ..............Reply...................

        No No No sir, It is the combined effect of all the forces on the Photon. Not only by just sun, but the other planets, other stars and outer Galaxies also.

        It is UGF the universal Gravitational Force. This UGF acts on each mass, which is the resultant vector of all the forces of attraction of other masses on that mass at that time. It is time and place varying force.

        It will happen at all the stars all the time, not just on a solar eclipse day...

        Please check my Paper on VLBI, the Very long Baseline Interferometry.

        ............... Your words..........

        ......................... - Anytime you perform a Michelson-Morley experiment and obtain a null result, it is a result of an earth-bound matter-medium called dark matter. ..............Reply...................

        Wrong inference please

        ............... Your words..........

        .........................- Anytime you observe variation of light speed with altitude, it is a result of variation of dark matter density with altitude. ..............Reply...................

        I never heard any such experiment, in which light speed varied with altitude. Please give some details. It is against Einstein's Special theory of relativity, which says velocity of light is constant.

        ............... Your words..........

        .........................So if researchers look where they should rather than gaze inside deep holes in the ground they would see abundant evidence for dark matter. ..............Reply...................

        You can device some other experiment and show the world about it....



        Have look at this part also just for your information please.....

        You take the attraction between a boy and girl in their youth in human society. They love each other, marry and give birth to children. The couple work for children, their upkeep, education and their health etc. Everybody does this. Enjoy the old age and go away, it is natural.......

        But if anyone (male or female) sits peacefully & silently and think a little, one understand that this whole thing is "MAYA" as said in Hindu philosophy. It is all nothing but some kind of magic that forces one to this work (MAYA). All these are ties and handcuffs making one as prisoner to do this family work and REPRODUCTION.

        So the immediate thinking comes to our thinker, is why should I do all these work. I will resign and sit back and do nothing. As because, it is not profitable to anyone, why should anyone do anything about this REPRODUCTION, which involves large amount of work, which is not beneficial..............

        Now the question comes who gets benefit and who is forcing us to do all these REPRODUCTION? Who wants us to do all these things? It is probably the GOD or the Mother Nature. They created the ATTRACTION between boy and girl. Not only in humans, but in other animals also had these instincts. So the God and Mother Nature are FORCING even the Universe to REPRODUCE. They know perfectly well nothing is permanent in this Universe .....!!!!!!

        Best regards,


        Dear Paul,

        In accordance with our discussions I prepared a paper which (Full paper)I will try to upload viXra also. I will give the link ASAP

        I am uploading the paper whose Abstract and title are given below.....

        Nucleosynthesis after frequency shifting in electromagnetic radiation near gravitating masses in Dynamic Universe Model

        Satyavarapu Naga Parameswara Gupta (SNP Gupta)

        Retired Assistant General Manager, Bhilai Steel Plant,

        Res 1B / Street 57 / Sector 8 / Bhilai 490008

        Abstract: This paper is further to Dynamic Universe Model studies of the "light rays and other electromagnetic radiation" passing grazingly near any gravitating mass changes its frequency .This change in frequency will depend on relative direction of movement between mass and radiation. All these particles like "neutrinos, positrons, electrons, protons and neutrons" behave like waves also. We should remember the wave particle duality. Hence frequency enhancing is applicable here also. So in other words change in frequency can go further to converting radiation into matter like micro particles as stated above. Here in this paper we will discuss further into different element formations. And we will see some possible electrochemical reactions that are possible at high temperature and pressure for formation of these different elements.

        Keywords: Dynamic Universe Model, Hubble Space telescope (HST), SITA simulations , singularity-free cosmology, Blue shifted Galaxies , Red shifted Galaxies, Grazing radiation frequency changes, Formation of Elements, NucleosynthesisAttachment #1: 1_VDUMOC7_ref_FQXi_Nucleosynthesis.doc

          Dear Paul

          I prepared and Uploaded this paper 6 days before the contest closing , I request you to please have critical look at this paper and give your esteemed opinion on this paper.

          I hope this will answer all the questions you rised....

          Best Regards

          Dear Paul,

          I uploaded the full paper with Dynamic Universe Model Math to viXra. Now I got the web link address

          Hope you will have look and give your esteemed comments...

          Best regards


          Dear Satyavarapu,

          I noticed that you did not notice my question on discussion of my thread. So, I ask you heare:

          What do you mean by before the big bang w

          Dear Daniel de França Diniz Rocha

          Thank you for reading my essay.

          That is a Good question.

          There is no Bigbang according to Dynamic Universe Model. When I say BEFORE or AFTER Bigbang, it is the time frame to denote a point of time 13.8 gega years back. This is generally believed by Bigbang based cosmologists at that time there was a big explosion and Universe was started from that time.

          Just to mention about that point of time I used those words "BEFORE or AFTER Bigbang".

          I hope this clears.



          Dear Satyavarapu,

          I looked at your paper and the biggest problems that I see are ones that I have already mentioned to you earlier in the comments.

          1. The first problem is that experimental observations show that when a photon is emitted from a source that is located in a gravitational field and received by a receiver that is located at a place closer to the center of the field where the field is stronger, the receiver will register the photon as being blue shifted (its frequency will appear to be increased), which goes along ok with your theory of photons' frequencies being blue shifted when approaching a large mass. The part that you are ignoring is that the opposite is also true. When a photon is emitted from a source that is located in a gravitational field and received by a receiver that is located in a place farther away from the center of the field where the field is weaker, the receiver will register the photon as being red shifted (its frequency will appear to be decreased), This means that as a photon would travel toward a large mass its frequency would be increased, but as it passed the large mass and began to travel away from it, its frequency would be decreased back down to where it originally was since observations show that the amount of frequency change experienced by the photon is the same in either direction, so that it would always be decreased by the same amount during the trip away from the large mass as it had been increased by its trip toward the large mass. This would mean that the idea that a photon's frequency could be increased by passing a cascade of stars would not work because the increase that it would receive when it was approaching each star would be taken back by the gravitational field of the star as it moved away from it. When it reached the gravitational field of next star in the cascade it would, therefore, be back to its original frequency before it had approached the previous star in the cascade. There would be no net increase in its frequency no matter how big the cascade was. After it left the gravitational field of last star in the cascade it would be back to the original frequency that it had when it was originally emitted.

          2. The second problem is that the middle range atoms that are produced in stars as byproducts of the fusion processes that take place in them cannot be broken down back into the hydrogen atoms that were used to form them. That process cannot be reversed by the stars or in any large enough quantity by any other process known to man without the input of more energy than was freed in their production. This is the case because they are in a state of greater entropy because they contain less total motion content than was contained in the separate hydrogen atoms that were used to produce them. To change them back into hydrogen atoms would, therefore, require the addition of all of the motion that had been removed from them and radiated away in the form of energy photons and would also require the addition of more motion to make up for the normal escape, dispersion, and, therefore, loss of use of some of the input motion as a part of the entropy process. This does not occur in nature and if it did it would ultimately run out of the extra motion needed to enable the continuation of the process. These elements would build up in the universe over time and would be taken into new stars when they are formed from the dust and gasses, etc. that contain them. This would result in new stars being larger and denser over time. The larger and denser stars consume much more energy than the smaller stars, thus using up their hydrogen and other fusion source materials much more quickly and, therefore, they burn out much sooner (in as little as 3 million years instead of the estimated 10 billion years for a star like the sun). They also tend to end in a supernova, which produces even heavier elements that would be taken up in the next generation of stars, thus continually increasing the effect until the mass would be too great to form functional stars.

          There are two things that are built into the most basic structure of our current universe that cause things to work in this way and they cannot be overcome or changed without completely changing the structure of the universe and that is something that man will never be able to do. They are:

          1. During an interaction that transfers motion amplitude (speed) from one entity to another one, the motion is generally transferred from the entity that possesses the greater motion content (speed) to the one that contains the lesser motion content. The result of this through many interactions over a long period of time is that the motions that contained larger amounts of motion give up some of their motion while those with only a small amount of motion receive motion from those that give it up. The end result is that the overall dynamic range of motions decreases with the motions of all entities slowly changing toward the middle of the range. This partly explains why the middle range atoms are the most stable, while the lightest atoms tend to give up their greater motion contents to form the middle range atoms. It is easy to see that trying to expand the range back to where it was before it was narrowed by normal entropy interactions will require the addition of all of the motion that has been transferred from the entities that originally contained the larger amount of motion back into them, but this transfer can only be accomplished through interactions with entities that still contain motion contents that are large enough to allow the transfer of the needed motion content back into the midrange atoms to allow them to be transferred back into the higher range hydrogen atoms. In addition to this, more motion must be applied because some of the applied motion will be dispersed and lost to productive use to convert the atoms back into hydrogen atoms. This brings us to the other thing that greatly contributes to entropy.

          2. Motion entities that exist in higher density areas tend to disperse into locations of lower density. This is largely due to the fact that any entity that travels toward the center of density is likely to enter into an interaction that will change its direction of travel, but one that travels away from the center of density is less likely to interact with another entity, so it will likely be able to continue in its path away from the high density area. This is why the motions that are freed up in the fusion process are radiated away from the star and don't just stay in it. Space is very large and if you dispersed al of the energy photons evenly throughout it, the energy density would be very low everywhere. Also, living creatures not only require energy, but require differences in energy to function and man requires these differences to power his machines, etc. We live by transferring motions (energy) from entities that possess greater motion amplitude (speed) to those with less motion amplitude and in the process we extract desirable work to function and to build the things that we build. No matter how much energy was available we could not survive if it was evenly distributed everywhere. That is why this part of entropy is so detrimental to man and all living creatures. As man transfers motion from entities that contain larger amounts of motions to those that have less motions in order to extract the desired work from those motions, he also contributes to entropy item number one above and because some of that motion always gets dissipated into space in the form of energy photons, etc. he also contributes to entropy item number two above also. The natural world works the same way. In order for it to do the work of reversing the fusion reactions of stars, all of the original motion content that was present in the hydrogen atoms would have to be added back in from some other higher energy source and in addition to that extra energy would need to be added from that source to allow for the amount that would go into the energy dispersion that would occur as part of the process. You have not given such a higher energy source in your theory. The gravity shifting that you mention in your theory would not work because of the equal down shifting that would occur when the photon traveled away from the gravity source and there is no other such source present in nature either. There are some other problems also, but I don't want to cover too much at a time because you seem to not be able to follow that many. There are, of course, also some good things in your theory, but it is not worth going into them until the above mentioned road blocks are removed.



          Dear Paul N Butler,

          Thank you very much for studying my new paper and giving some fast comments. You are confusing a bit. They are no problems at all...

          ............... Your words..........

          ......................... I looked at your paper and the biggest problems that I see are ones that I have already mentioned to you earlier in the comments.

          1. The first problem is that experimental observations show that when a photon is emitted from a source that is located in a gravitational field and received by a receiver that is located at a place closer to the center of the field where the field is stronger, the receiver will register the photon as being blue shifted (its frequency will appear to be increased), which goes along ok with your theory of photons' frequencies being blue shifted when approaching a large mass. The part that you are ignoring is that the opposite is also true. When a photon is emitted from a source that is located in a gravitational field and received by a receiver that is located in a place farther away from the center of the field where the field is weaker, the receiver will register the photon as being red shifted (its frequency will appear to be decreased), This means that as a photon would travel toward a large mass its frequency would be increased, but as it passed the large mass and began to travel away from it, its frequency would be decreased back down to where it originally was since observations show that the amount of frequency change experienced by the photon is the same in either direction, so that it would always be decreased by the same amount during the trip away from the large mass as it had been increased by its trip toward the large mass. This would mean that the idea that a photon's frequency could be increased by passing a cascade of stars would not work because the increase that it would receive when it was approaching each star would be taken back by the gravitational field of the star as it moved away from it. When it reached the gravitational field of next star in the cascade it would, therefore, be back to its original frequency before it had approached the previous star in the cascade. There would be no net increase in its frequency no matter how big the cascade was. After it left the gravitational field of last star in the cascade it would be back to the original frequency that it had when it was originally emitted. ..............Reply...................

          I will give an example. There was an old story. Some Greek philosopher argued a Greek Olympic runner who won gold can never overtake a tortoise which started a bit early and is ahead of him. He says by the time he moves half distance the tortoise will move some more distance. And by the time he covers half of the remaining distance, the tortoise will move some more ahead. And this argument continues.

          Here you are talking about the Gravitational redshift, this is a much smaller effect. What Dynamic Universe Model proposes happens on the light rays that goes GRAZINGLY near some gravitational mass. The equations of Gr Redshift are available in Wikipedia... You can see clearly they are dependent on distances only. General case for a photon of frequency ОЅ 2 emitted at distance R 2 to observer distance R 1 (measured as distances from the gravitational center of mass) the equation

          ОЅ 1 = ОЅ 2 SQRT ( R 1 ( R 2 в€' r s )/ R 2 ( R 1 в€' r s ) )

          as long as R 1 , R 2 > rs holds.

          For the Dynamic Universe Model case....

          See in page 31 of the recent paper "Nucleosynthesis after frequency shifting in electromagnetic radiation near gravitating masses in Dynamic Universe Model with Math" Case3. When the velocity of gravitational mass is not exactly opposite or exactly in the same direction to the incoming light ray:

          In this case the gravitational field will act as some brake or enhance the energy of the incoming light ray depending on (Cos П•) of the velocity of gravitational mass relative to incoming radiation, where (П•) is the angle between the light ray and velocity of gravitational mass .

          The gravitating mass is moving with a velocity Ој in the opposite direction and applies brake on the photon. This is something similar to the case where the gravitational mass is fixed in position and the photon of the rest mass E / c2 is moving with velocity Ој Cos П• +c

          Hence the initial velocity of photon = - Ој Cos П• -c. It's velocity is towards the gravitational mass. The photon is having a freefall. Its final velocity = - Ој -c - got [ where t is the time of flight of photon].

          Initial Energy = m (Ој Cos П• +c)2 /2 = E (Ој Cos П• +c)2 /2 c2 = E (Ој2 Cos2 П• +c2+2Ој Cos П• c )/2c2

          Final Energy = ВЅ (E / c2 )(- Ој Cos П• -c -got)2 = ВЅ (E / c2 )(Ој2 Cos2 П• +c2+go2t2+2Ој Cos П• got+2cgot+2Ој Cos П• c )

          Change in Energy = ВЅ (E / c2 ) (go2t2+2Ој Cos П• got+2cgot ), here E = h П' that means

          Change in Energy = ВЅ (h П' / c2 ) (go2t2+2Ој Cos П• got+2cgot )

          Hence change in Frequency = П' = 1/ {2 (h / c2 ) (go2t2+2Ој Cos П• got+2cgot )}

          If you want some numerical values for comparison sake you can do it...

          It should be noted here....

          a. The frequency change happens due to gravity of star mass, not due to relative direction of movement between grazing light ray and the star.

          b. Star velocity is much much smaller compared to velocity of light. You can have a look at the equations

          As the time is less I am making posts in different posts

          See the original equations in Paper as suscript and super scripts I did not edit.... I will re post after answering all your observations

          Best Regards



          Dear Paul N Butler,

          Thank you very much for studying my new paper and giving some fast comments. You are confusing a bit. They are no problems at all.................. Your words..........

          ......................... 2. The second problem is that the middle range atoms that are produced in stars as by products of the fusion processes that take place in them cannot be broken down back into the hydrogen atoms that were used to form them. That process cannot be reversed by the stars or in any large enough quantity by any other process known to man without the input of more energy than was freed in their production. This is the case because they are in a state of greater entropy because they contain less total motion content than was contained in the separate hydrogen atoms that were used to produce them. To change them back into hydrogen atoms would, therefore, require the addition of all of the motion that had been removed from them and radiated away in the form of energy photons and would also require the addition of more motion to make up for the normal escape, dispersion, and, therefore, loss of use of some of the input motion as a part of the entropy process. This does not occur in nature and if it did it would ultimately run out of the extra motion needed to enable the continuation of the process. These elements would build up in the universe over time and would be taken into new stars when they are formed from the dust and gasses, etc. that contain them. This would result in new stars being larger and denser over time. The larger and denser stars consume much more energy than the smaller stars, thus using up their hydrogen and other fusion source materials much more quickly and, therefore, they burn out much sooner (in as little as 3 million years instead of the estimated 10 billion years for a star like the sun). They also tend to end in a supernova, which produces even heavier elements that would be taken up in the next generation of stars, thus continually increasing the effect until the mass would be too great to form functional stars. ..............Reply...................

          Why extra motion is required. Hydrogen is supplied from photon to proton frequency conversion process. It can be done by cascading of stars. See my first reply. The frequency conversion happens due to gravitation not by relative motion.

          We don't require nuclear fission of mid range elements to make the Hydrogen back for continuation. By super novae explosions additional elements are formed and it is required...

          Best Regards



          Dear Paul N Butler,

          ............... Your words................................... There are two things that are built into the most basic structure of our current universe that cause things to work in this way and they cannot be overcome or changed without completely changing the structure of the universe and that is something that man will never be able to do. They are: . ..............Reply...................

          The changing of structure of universe is impossible for man, before that he has to do the first step first... he should be able to understand the working of Universe first, if he can?


          Dear Paul N Butler,

          ............... Your words................................... 1. During an interaction that transfers motion amplitude (speed) from one entity to another one, the motion is generally transferred from the entity that possesses the greater motion content (speed) to the one that contains the lesser motion content. The result of this through many interactions over a long period of time is that the motions that contained larger amounts of motion give up some of their motion while those with only a small amount of motion receive motion from those that give it up. The end result is that the overall dynamic range of motions decreases with the motions of all entities slowly changing toward the middle of the range. This partly explains why the middle range atoms are the most stable, while the lightest atoms tend to give up their greater motion contents to form the middle range atoms. ..............Reply...................

          This explains partly only, the middle range atoms are more stable because of their atomic structure also


          Dear Paul,

          ............... Your words.......... ......................... It is easy to see that trying to expand the range back to where it was before it was narrowed by normal entropy interactions will require the addition of all of the motion that has been transferred from the entities that originally contained the larger amount of motion back into them, but this transfer can only be accomplished through interactions with entities that still contain motion contents that are large enough to allow the transfer of the needed motion content back into the midrange atoms to allow them to be transferred back into the higher range hydrogen atoms. In addition to this, more motion must be applied because some of the applied motion will be dispersed and lost to productive use to convert the atoms back into hydrogen atoms. This brings us to the other thing that greatly contributes to entropy. ..............Reply...................

          Hydrogen need not be prepared this way. Hydrogen Balance will be done in another process, the frequency changing process.

          Best regards


          Dear Sir,

          You are right that the "resultant UGF vector force is varying according to ever varying dynamic movements and positions of all the masses in the Universe from time to time". It is not a two-body problem. The Model has to be singularity free and body-body collision-free n-body problem solution based on UGF acting on each and every body with some mass in the Universe. The nature of gravity is not attraction, but stabilization of bodies in the maximum permissible distance around their common barycenter determined based on their respective masses. Time has to move in one direction i.e. into future only.

          The big bang, as it is presented, is now a discredited and discarded model. As you have pointed out, "The Galaxy GN-z11, born only 400 million years after the Big Bang, exists at a distance of 32 billion light years". This is impossible to explain in the big-bang theory - particularly after adding inflation. But big bang, if explained properly, could explain everything. In that model, there is no place for inflation, but a gradual reduction of the speed of light over the years. If we consider that, the age of the universe could be different. You have tried to explain it in a different way based on your model.

          It is true that the distance changing has no effect on overall shape of the Universe. Thus, galaxies can be at any distance. You have given one explanation for it in your Dynamic Equilibrium of UGF in this model.

          Your conclusion: "Here probably the 'a-biological world' learned from the Universe and subsequently the physical systems learnt to pursue the goal of reproduction and formed the "Biological world". Slowly these biological life forms acquired intelligence and now trying to understand Universe!" is interesting and has the scope to develop it further.

          We enjoyed your essay thoroughly.



            Dear Paul,


            ............... Your words.......... ......................... 2. Motion entities that exist in higher density areas tend to disperse into locations of lower density. This is largely due to the fact that any entity that travels toward the center of density is likely to enter into an interaction that will change its direction of travel, but one that travels away from the center of density is less likely to interact with another entity, so it will likely be able to continue in its path away from the high density area. ..............Reply...................

            Non uniform density of masses (energy)is one of the fundamental axioms of Dynamic Universe Model


            ............... Your words................................... This is why the motions that are freed up in the fusion process are radiated away from the star and don't just stay in it. Space is very large and if you dispersed al of the energy photons evenly throughout it, the energy density would be very low everywhere. Also, living creatures not only require energy, but require differences in energy to function and man requires these differences to power his machines, etc. We live by transferring motions (energy) from entities that possess greater motion amplitude (speed) to those with less motion amplitude and in the process we extract desirable work to function and to build the things that we build. No matter how much energy was available we could not survive if it was evenly distributed everywhere. ..............Reply...................

            No Isotropy; No Homogeneity; No Space-time continuum; Non-uniform density of matter(Universe is lumpy); Non uniform density of energy etc are some of the fundamental axioms of Dynamic Universe Model




            Dear Paul,

            ............... Your words.......... .........................That is why this part of entropy is so detrimental to man and all living creatures. As man transfers motion from entities that contain larger amounts of motions to those that have less motions in order to extract the desired work from those motions, he also contributes to entropy item number one above and because some of that motion always gets dissipated into space in the form of energy photons, etc. he also contributes to entropy item number two above also. ..............Reply...................



            ............... Your words.......... .........................The natural world works the same way. In order for it to do the work of reversing the fusion reactions of stars, all of the original motion content that was present in the hydrogen atoms would have to be added back in from some other higher energy source and in addition to that extra energy would need to be added from that source to allow for the amount that would go into the energy dispersion that would occur as part of the process. You have not given such a higher energy source in your theory. ..............Reply...................

            All the stars are my energy sources. No single energy source is possible.




            Dear Paul

            ............... Your words..........

            .........................The gravity shifting that you mention in your theory would not work because of the equal down shifting that would occur when the photon traveled away from the gravity source and there is no other such source present in nature either. ..............Reply...................

            Thank you very much for giving so elaborate study on my new paper. The frequency change happens due to gravity of star mass, not due to relative direction of movement between grazing light ray and the star. You are confusing a bit. They are no problems at all...

            Here you are talking about the Gravitational redshift, this is a much smaller effect. What Dynamic Universe Model proposes happens on the light rays that goes GRAZINGLY near some gravitational mass. See my first reply for full details and equations.


            ............... Your words.......... .........................There are some other problems also, but I don't want to cover too much at a time because you seem to not be able to follow that many. There are, of course, also some good things in your theory, but it is not worth going into them until the above mentioned road blocks are removed. ..............Reply...................

            I repeat that the gravitational field will act as some brake on the energy of the incoming light ray. There will be a lot of difference between 'speed of star' and 'speed of light.'

            Please feel free to give any other problems also, we can discuss. I hope by now all the road blocks are removed.

            Best Regards
