
Your blog reference indicates that Laura Mersini-Houghton at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in the College of Arts and Sciences declares there are no black holes. What super-massive phenomenon is responsible for the orbit of solar systems around thus galactic mass and that of others throughout the universe?



Dear Satyavarapu,

Note: I entered this comment on my paper's page, but apparently forgot to enter it here on yours, so here it is for continuity. You don't need to respond to it because I saw your response to it on my paper's page:

It sounds good to discuss these things in the last week of the month, except that in about a week I need to start to work on another project and that will likely take up much of my time, so it might take me some time to get back to you each time.

I believe that some gravitational frequency shifting has been observed, but it works both ways, so when a photon approaches a large star the frequency would shift up, but when it later began to go away from the star it would be shifted down again and I believe that the up shift would not be enough to produce all of those matter particles.

I will wait for your contact then.

Does Hindu philosophy give any information about what God's purpose was for creating the universe and if that purpose includes man in any way?



Dear Mr. Gupta,

Thank you so much for your your very interesting post on my essay. I must confess that I haven't worked through your equations. But does the blue shift in galaxies relate to galactic filaments (I wonder). Best wishes to you in your on-going work. As far as blessings-- I know very little of your area of the world, but from my perspective here in the US, where rule of the jungle-- big fish eat little fish-- is breaking down civility and civilization, the blessings which you seek, I feel, are within you. Again, thank you for your post! I do enjoy seeing your equations. LGB

    Yes Dear Paul,

    I am busy a bit now, We will continue in the last week. Thank you for the post here



    Dear Jim,

    Thank you for your Nice question................

    Your blog reference indicates that Laura Mersini-Houghton at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in the College of Arts and Sciences declares there are no black holes. What super-massive phenomenon is responsible for the orbit of solar systems around thus galactic mass and that of others throughout the universe? .........................Reply...................

    There is no Super massive Blackhole at the center of any Galaxy. It is dense-mass without any infinite mass density. It is a cluster of large number massive stars in a close grid of half to one light year; or even less. This set of stars supports and balances whole Galaxy rotating about it.

    Best Regards,


    Dear Lee Bloomquist

    ............... Your words..........

    .........................Thank you so much for your your very interesting post on my essay. I must confess that I haven't worked through your equations. But does the blue shift in galaxies relate to galactic filaments (I wonder). ..............Reply...................

    No Galactic filaments sir. I will give an example ....

    When we watch a children's rotating giant-wheel, some buckets come near, some go away, when we watch it standing in the plane of rotation. When we are standing and observing it on the axis of rotation, nothing come near or go away. All are moving in an equidistant from us.

    Now imagine a situation where some 10 or 15 huge giant wheels are revoluting about their axis and additionally they are rotating about their common center. Suppose from one bucket, in one wheel ( say Milkyway) an observer is sitting and watching the other buckets in other wheels.

    Now suppose there are 10 more sets of giant-wheels are rotating about each other in space; within each set there are 10 to 15 giant wheels. Now for the observer there will be a complex picture. Some buckets go away in space, and some will come near in space.

    Now take each bucket as a Galaxy. So likewise some Galaxies come near and some will go away. Blue shifted ones are coming near and red shifted ones are going away. The ratio can never be 50:50%. If we are at center of universe, Blue shifted and red shifted Galaxies will be equal at the center of universe. We are not at the center of universe.

    ............... Your words..........

    .........................Best wishes to you in your on-going work. As far as blessings-- I know very little of your area of the world, but from my perspective here in the US, where rule of the jungle-- big fish eat little fish-- is breaking down civility and civilization, the blessings which you seek, I feel, are within you. Again, thank you for your post! I do enjoy seeing your equations. LGB ..............Reply...................

    No sir, blessings and good wishes are very much required always. They may not be financial, even mental good thinking will be ok and are required. That way your good feelings will be conveyed to some other people.

    In India by the way, corruption is creating havoc. We are all simple people...

    Please feel free to ask any other questions....

    Awaiting for your good wishes,

    Best Regards


    Dear Satyavarapu Naga Paramesvara Gupta,

    My humble intent to appeal on responsibility for the evolution of mankind forbids ignoring your rich work, although I have no knowledge in astrophysics and cosmology.

    I learned from you that the Big Bang is based on SR. Having dealt with oddities of Poincarè synchronization, I am not persuaded that relativity of time is correct.

    I merely accept what is evident from experiments with accelerators: electromagnetic mass increase.

    Kind regards,


      Dear Eckard Blumschein,

      Thank yoiu for nice comments and spending time on my essay......

      Your words..........

      .........................My humble intent to appeal on responsibility for the evolution of mankind forbids ignoring your rich work, although I have no knowledge in astrophysics and cosmology. ..............Reply...................

      Thank you for such nice words and Blessings

      ............... Your words..........

      .........................I learned from you that the Big Bang is based on SR. Having dealt with oddities of Poincarè synchronization, I am not persuaded that relativity of time is correct. ..............Reply...................

      Bigbang is from GR the General relativity. Dynamic Universe Model is a solution of N-body problem, which Poincare also tried long back. Thank you for saying about time, time has one direction only. Time will never go back....

      ............... Your words..........

      ......................... I merely accept what is evident from experiments with accelerators: electromagnetic mass increase. ..............Reply...................

      Sir, Mass increase is a proposal from Dynamic Universe Model, experiments were not done yet. Probably you may please initiate one such experiment....

      I work on theoretical side only....

      Kind regards,


      Satyavarapu Naga Parameswara Gupta's comment on my paper's page:

      Dear Paul,

      I forgot where you put your equations, can you please send me again....


      My comen to Satyavarapu:

      Dear Satyavarapu,

      I am not sure what you are asking for. Everything that I have sent to you is in both my and your paper's pages. You should be able to find it there.



      Dear Satyavarapu Naga Paramesvara Gupta

      I have gone over your fqxi as well as your website. I congratulate you for your perseverance and dedication to study and explain how the the Universe acts on the scale of galaxies. I cannot pretend to have understood everything, nor am I qualified to judge your work, but I like the sense of a dynamic Universe that is ever-evolving obeying laws that we humans can understand.

      With best wishes,


        Dear Vladimir F. Tamari,

        Thank you for your blessings given to this essay so kindly. You are definitely qualified sir for the judgement.Thank you once again for your such nice complements.

        Best Regards


        Satyavarapu Naga Parameswara Guptaji

        I appreciate your knowledge of cosmology.

        I agree, "The Universe also must have life or some form of intelligence of its own."

        From genetic science to Periodic Table of elements all certify that,


        Living or non living is just a matter of DESIGN of structure.

          Dear Shaikh Raisuddin sab,

          Thank you for kind appreciation. You are exactly correct about DESIGN of structure!

          Definitely correct sir, "The Universe also must have life or some form of intelligence of its own."

          I will give an example....

          You take the attraction between a boy and girl in their youth in human society. They love each other, marry and give birth to children. The couple work for children, their upkeep, education and their health etc. Everybody does this. Enjoy the old age and go away, it is natural.......

          But if anyone (male or female) sits peacefully & silently and think a little, one understand that this whole thing is "MAYA" as said in Hindu philosophy. It is all nothing but some kind of magic that forces one to this work (MAYA). All these are ties and handcuffs making one as prisoner to do this family work and REPRODUCTION.

          So the immediate thinking comes to our thinker, is why should I do all these work. I will resign and sit back and do nothing. As because, it is not profitable to anyone, why should anyone do anything about this REPRODUCTION, which involves large amount of work, which is not beneficial..............

          Now the question comes who gets benefit and who is forcing us to do all these REPRODUCTION? Who wants us to do all these things? It is probably the GOD or the Mother Nature. They created the ATTRACTION between boy and girl. Not only in humans, but in other animals also had these instincts. So the God and Mother Nature are FORCING even the Universe to REPRODUCE. They know perfectly well nothing is permanent in this Universe .....!!!!!!

          Best regards


          Dear Gupta . . .

          Your essay contains many interesting ideas, the main one being that the universe has the propensity to reproduce itself, in the form of galaxies. If your cosmological ideas are found to be consistent and can be demonstrated experimentally, I would go with them. I had previously not viewed the "Big Bang" explanation favorably. But I would ask you if you had any thoughts on how the universe came into being to begin with?

          In addressing the theme of the contest in your conclusion, you have said: "Here probably the 'a-biological world' learned from the Universe and subsequently the physical systems learnt to pursue the goal of reproduction and formed the "Biological world". Slowly these biological life forms acquired intelligence and now trying to understand Universe! That way probably the goal-oriented behavior is a physical or cosmological trend of the Universe........"

          Did you have any specific ideas on how this "trend" began? What initial cause set the whole thing in motion?

          Great work on an original approach to a cosmological model!


          Michael Z. Tyree

            Dear SNP Gupta,

            Nice essay rich in astrophysical facts. You may want to check this website ( for additional facts to improve your theory.

            I found your paper interesting and will rate it very well. The only thing I disagree is your statement that, "... we know now that Dark matter is not found experimentally,..."

            - Anytime outlying stars are found to be moving at high speeds yet not escaping it is because of dark matter.

            - Anytime you observe bending and slowing of light grazing the surface of large celestial objects like sun, it is due to the gravitationally enhanced density of dark matter around those objects.

            - Anytime you perform a Michelson-Morley experiment and obtain a null result, it is a result of an earth-bound matter-medium called dark matter.

            - Anytime you observe variation of light speed with altitude, it is a result of variation of dark matter density with altitude.

            So if researchers look where they should rather than gaze inside deep holes in the ground they would see abundant evidence for dark matter.

            Best regards,


              Dear Michael Zane Tyree,

              ............... Your words..........

              ......................... Your essay contains many interesting ideas, the main one being that the universe has the propensity to reproduce itself, in the form of galaxies. If your cosmological ideas are found to be consistent and can be demonstrated experimentally, I would go with them. I had previously not viewed the "Big Bang" explanation favorably. But I would ask you if you had any thoughts on how the universe came into being to begin with? ..............Reply...................

              Thank you for your nice complements nice encouraging words.

              The Universe are a whole there is no beginning or end. Galaxies will be taking birth and quench. They are all of different ages. Not bourn simultaneously. It is not necessary that the whole Universe was begin once some long time ago.

              ............... Your words..........

              ......................... In addressing the theme of the contest in your conclusion, you have said: "Here probably the 'a-biological world' learned from the Universe and subsequently the physical systems learnt to pursue the goal of reproduction and formed the "Biological world". Slowly these biological life forms acquired intelligence and now trying to understand Universe! That way probably the goal-oriented behavior is a physical or cosmological trend of the Universe........" ..............Reply...................

              Thank you for reading my essay thoroughly.

              ............... Your words..........

              .........................Did you have any specific ideas on how this "trend" began? ..............Reply...................

              The Universe had it. I am repeating the above example here.

              You take the attraction between a boy and girl in their youth in human society. They love each other, marry and give birth to children. The couple work for children, their upkeep, education and their health etc. Everybody does this. Enjoy the old age and go away, it is natural.......

              But if anyone (male or female) sits peacefully & silently and think a little, one understand that this whole thing is "MAYA" as said in Hindu philosophy. It is all nothing but some kind of magic that forces one to this work (MAYA). All these are ties and handcuffs making one as prisoner to do this family work and REPRODUCTION.

              So the immediate thinking comes to our thinker, is why should I do all these work. I will resign and sit back and do nothing. As because, it is not profitable to anyone, why should anyone do anything about this REPRODUCTION, which involves large amount of work, which is not beneficial..............

              Now the question comes who gets benefit and who is forcing us to do all these REPRODUCTION? Who wants us to do all these things? It is probably the GOD or the Mother Nature. They created the ATTRACTION between boy and girl. Not only in humans, but in other animals also had these instincts. So the God and Mother Nature are FORCING even the Universe to REPRODUCE. They know perfectly well nothing is permanent in this Universe .....!!!!!!

              ............... Your words..........

              ......................... What initial cause set the whole thing in motion? ..............Reply...................

              It is UGF the universal Gravitational Force. This UGF acts on each mass, which is the resultant vector of all the forces of attraction of other masses on that mass at that time. It is time and place varying force.

              In dynamic Universe Model simulations I found the Model will collapse into a point mass when Uniform DENSITY of matter was assumed. UGF is towards center only for all the masses.

              When the DENSITY is not uniform all the masses started rotating about each other.

              ............... Your words..........

              .........................Great work on an original approach to a cosmological model! ................ Reply .......

              Thank you for the Blessings, thank you for your nice words. All these are available freely on net. You may please download and advice others also about Dynamic Universe Model's use....

              Best Regards


              Dear Akinbo Ojo,

              ............... Your words..........

              ......................... Nice essay rich in astrophysical facts. You may want to check this website ( for additional facts to improve your theory. ..............Reply...................

              I will do, and tell you ASAP....

              ............... Your words..........

              .........................I found your paper interesting and will rate it very well. ..............Reply...................

              Thank you for the nice words and complements.

              ............... Your words..........

              ......................... The only thing I disagree is your statement that, "... we know now that Dark matter is not found experimentally,..." ..............Reply...................

              Yes we should go be experimental results.... If something fails on experiment then what is the use.

              ............... Your words..........

              .........................- Anytime outlying stars are found to be moving at high speeds yet not escaping it is because of dark matter. ..............Reply...................

              NO No no sir, See my no dark matter paper.

              There are three factors of star circular velocity calculations.

              1. Heavy Galaxy center densemass

              2. Other stars in the Galaxy ..... that is all the other stars except the one you are calculating the velocity

              3. Out-side Galaxies

              You have to calculate the simultaneous effect of all these together to calculate these velocities.

              Just taking Galaxy center as single huge mass will not be sufficient as in a TWO body problem solution.

              ............... Your words..........

              .........................- Anytime you observe bending and slowing of light grazing the surface of large celestial objects like sun, it is due to the gravitationally enhanced density of dark matter around those objects. ..............Reply...................

              No No No sir, It is the combined effect of all the forces on the Photon. Not only by just sun, but the other planets, other stars and outer Galaxies also.

              It is UGF the universal Gravitational Force. This UGF acts on each mass, which is the resultant vector of all the forces of attraction of other masses on that mass at that time. It is time and place varying force.

              It will happen at all the stars all the time, not just on a solar eclipse day...

              Please check my Paper on VLBI, the Very long Baseline Interferometry.

              ............... Your words..........

              ......................... - Anytime you perform a Michelson-Morley experiment and obtain a null result, it is a result of an earth-bound matter-medium called dark matter. ..............Reply...................

              Wrong inference please

              ............... Your words..........

              .........................- Anytime you observe variation of light speed with altitude, it is a result of variation of dark matter density with altitude. ..............Reply...................

              I never heard any such experiment, in which light speed varied with altitude. Please give some details. It is against Einstein's Special theory of relativity, which says velocity of light is constant.

              ............... Your words..........

              .........................So if researchers look where they should rather than gaze inside deep holes in the ground they would see abundant evidence for dark matter. ..............Reply...................

              You can device some other experiment and show the world about it....



              Have look at this part also just for your information please.....

              You take the attraction between a boy and girl in their youth in human society. They love each other, marry and give birth to children. The couple work for children, their upkeep, education and their health etc. Everybody does this. Enjoy the old age and go away, it is natural.......

              But if anyone (male or female) sits peacefully & silently and think a little, one understand that this whole thing is "MAYA" as said in Hindu philosophy. It is all nothing but some kind of magic that forces one to this work (MAYA). All these are ties and handcuffs making one as prisoner to do this family work and REPRODUCTION.

              So the immediate thinking comes to our thinker, is why should I do all these work. I will resign and sit back and do nothing. As because, it is not profitable to anyone, why should anyone do anything about this REPRODUCTION, which involves large amount of work, which is not beneficial..............

              Now the question comes who gets benefit and who is forcing us to do all these REPRODUCTION? Who wants us to do all these things? It is probably the GOD or the Mother Nature. They created the ATTRACTION between boy and girl. Not only in humans, but in other animals also had these instincts. So the God and Mother Nature are FORCING even the Universe to REPRODUCE. They know perfectly well nothing is permanent in this Universe .....!!!!!!

              Best regards,


              Dear Paul,

              In accordance with our discussions I prepared a paper which (Full paper)I will try to upload viXra also. I will give the link ASAP

              I am uploading the paper whose Abstract and title are given below.....

              Nucleosynthesis after frequency shifting in electromagnetic radiation near gravitating masses in Dynamic Universe Model

              Satyavarapu Naga Parameswara Gupta (SNP Gupta)

              Retired Assistant General Manager, Bhilai Steel Plant,

              Res 1B / Street 57 / Sector 8 / Bhilai 490008


              Abstract: This paper is further to Dynamic Universe Model studies of the "light rays and other electromagnetic radiation" passing grazingly near any gravitating mass changes its frequency .This change in frequency will depend on relative direction of movement between mass and radiation. All these particles like "neutrinos, positrons, electrons, protons and neutrons" behave like waves also. We should remember the wave particle duality. Hence frequency enhancing is applicable here also. So in other words change in frequency can go further to converting radiation into matter like micro particles as stated above. Here in this paper we will discuss further into different element formations. And we will see some possible electrochemical reactions that are possible at high temperature and pressure for formation of these different elements.

              Keywords: Dynamic Universe Model, Hubble Space telescope (HST), SITA simulations , singularity-free cosmology, Blue shifted Galaxies , Red shifted Galaxies, Grazing radiation frequency changes, Formation of Elements, NucleosynthesisAttachment #1: 1_VDUMOC7_ref_FQXi_Nucleosynthesis.doc

                Dear Paul

                I prepared and Uploaded this paper 6 days before the contest closing , I request you to please have critical look at this paper and give your esteemed opinion on this paper.

                I hope this will answer all the questions you rised....

                Best Regards