Dear Gupta!

Many thanks for your great opinion.

I am just happy to see that we are not alone in our views!

Maybe in any time people will be realized that the way of natural thinking is more preferable in science than any beautiful creativity! Now I am starting to study your work (with pleasure!) I will tell you about it after some time.

I suggest you to read M-r Andrew Scott's article where I find very costly remarks!

With best wishes!

    Dear Gupta!

    Your work is very interesting by informative and by analytical arguments, that shows the serious lacks of present representations in the cosmology. I welcome many your assertions, particularly, concerning to absence of dark energy-matter. I am also sure there are not such things, and questions should be solved by some other ways.

    I see yours interesting approach to problems of living - unliving forms of material, related to contest question.

    I have nothing against your serious arguments on the paradox of galaxies life and existence of our Universe; it looks you are right! However, this question also should be solved in other ways; in my view, the big bang (BB) is out of doubt. Moreover, the BB, Hubble's expansion and the gravity phenomenon become strongly interconnected each to others, as well as with the single primordial substance of all things that are the electromagnetic field. (It was Einstein's idea and I long working on this.) I have evaluated your work as high, and I only friendly asking you to check up your approach to BB; it maybe there was a few BB? Check for example work of R. Penrouse & V. Gurzadian:

    Best wishes

      Thank you very much for the nice words. Where to find this ... ' M-r Andrew Scott's article where you found very costly remarks'... please suggest me

      Dear George Kirakosyan!

      Thank you very much for evaluating my work high. I also evaluated your work very high. I downloaded the paper by V. G. Gurzadyan and R. Penrose you suggested...

      They wrote on CCC cosmology...

      There are some basic problems in WMAP satellites' instrumentation and software. WMAP cannot eliminate Microwave radiation from Stars, Galaxies and clusters. If you calculate CMB using Stephen-Boltzmann law there will be nothing left from BB generated CMB radiation...

      Please have a look at my essay on CMB in FQXi few years back

      Best Wishes

      Dear Mr. Satyavarapu Naga Parameswara Gupta

      Have you any value for UGF?

      I will briefly comment on your: Main foundational points of Dynamic Universe Model:

      No Isotropy; In fact we have an approximate uniformity in all orientations.

      No Homogeneity; I do not agry.

      No Space -time continuum; In fact Space and Time are phenomenon like others.

      Non-uniform density of matter(Universe is lumpy); I agry.

      No singularities; There is something wrong with diplomas of those who support the concept of singularity.

      No collisions between bodies; This is explained extensively by R. Bošković.

      No Blackholes; I agry.

      No warm holes; I do not know.

      No Bigbang; My Theory show that all structure coexist in one point of time.

      No repulsion between distant Galaxies; I agry.

      Non-empty Universe; I agry.

      No imaginary or negative time axis; I agry.

      No imaginary X, Y, Z axes; That is a mathematical tool, if it produces results, why not.

      No differential and Integral Equations mathematically; This is explained in Temur Kalanov brilliant papers.

      No General Relativity and Model does not reduce to General Relativity on any condition;

      For the time it was created, GR was very advanced. It is now outdated. It is the Mach principle, which is also promoted by Einstein, the solution to everything.

      No Creation of matter like Bigbang or steady-state models; I agry.

      No many mini Bigbangs; I agry.

      No Missing Mass; I agry.

      No Dark matter; As you can see in my formula (17), it is not necessary dark matter, dark energy, also supersymmetry to relate the fundamental constants of nature.

      No Dark energy; I agry.

      No Bigbang generated CMB detected; You can see my solution here.

      No Multi-verses etc. What is Multi-verses, part of the Whole? Then, Universe is enough. But if we do not understand the whole, we are inventing new terms.

      Of course, your article is outstanding.



        Dear Branko

        My English is poor, I am sorry for that...

        Thank you for your comments, and for trying to understand Dynamic Universe model. Thank you for well esteemed comments... I did not reply on what you already agreed.....

        1. About: Have you any value for UGF?

        -This UGF is not constant force acting in only one direction or having only one value.

        In our Dynamic Universe every mass is moving in a direction and goal determined universal gravitational force (UGF) as the indomitable resultant vector of gravitational forces acted by all the other bodies in the Universe. This resultant UGF vector force is varying according to ever varying dynamic movements and positions of all the masses in the Universe from time to time. In Dynamic Universe Model, this UGF is the fundamental concept; this model calculates this force "UGF" from moment to moment using its mathematical laws on each and every mass in the SITA simulations. In this way many present-day unsolved physics problems were solved. This method is different from conventional two body problem solution. This UGF sets the goals for every Galaxy or for every mass..

        2. About: No Isotropy; In fact we have an approximate uniformity in all orientations.

        -Large voids of the order almost 30 percent of observable universe are present were present in the Universe. Large scale mega Galactic structures exist in our Universe...

        3. About: No Homogeneity; I do not agry.

        -Densities of Earth, Moon and Sun etc., are different compared to vacuum in between. Inter Galactic spaces are so big compared to sizes of Galaxies. Observationally Universe is not having uniform density anywhere.

        4. About: No singularities; There is something wrong with diplomas of those who support the concept of singularity.

        - Hahaha !!!. You are correct, I also agree....

        5. About: No collisions between bodies; This is explained extensively by R. Bošković.

        - Please give some reference..

        6. About: No Bigbang; My Theory show that all structure coexist in one point of time.

        - You have to see Blue shifted Galaxies and Quasars etc, also; as red shifted Galaxies are only 40 percent in the Universe.

        7. About: No imaginary X, Y, Z axes; That is a mathematical tool, if it produces results, why not.

        - Mathematics produce square root of (-1) as i. But where is it. How will you represent it in reality? Physically nonexistent. In Dynamic Universe Model only Physically existing things, which are real and observable were taken. Why to use a non-existing and imaginary thing...?

        8. About: No differential and Integral Equations mathematically; This is explained in Temur Kalanov brilliant papers.

        - Please give some references... Differential and Integral equations give rise to Singularities like Blackholes and Bigbang...

        9. About: No General Relativity and Model does not reduce to General Relativity on any condition; For the time it was created, GR was very advanced. It is now outdated. It is the Mach principle, which is also promoted by Einstein, the solution to everything.

        - Bigbang is based on General Relativity, Please give some references.

        10. About: No Dark matter; As you can see in my formula (17), it is not necessary dark matter, dark energy, also supersymmetry to relate the fundamental constants of nature.

        - Very Good...!

        11. About: No Bigbang generated CMB detected; You can see my solution here.

        - Very Good...! Wonderful...!

        12. No Multi-verses etc. What is Multi-verses, part of the Whole? Then, Universe is enough. But if we do not understand the whole, we are inventing new terms.

        - Very Good...! You are exactly correct !

        13. About: Of course, your article is outstanding.

        - Thank you once again for the nice appreciation...!


        Dear Mr. Gupta

        About: Proton shift ... I did not understand...

        Newton's gravitational theory, it always works, although few people understand.

        You may not understand Proton shift based on one reading. The important thing is that it gives results. But I assure you that my Theory of Unity between the Whole and its Parts is much easier to understand than the theory of relativity, which for 100 years nobody understood. If you apply my theory to cosmology, little by little, you will increasingly understand and accept.

        I propose that we together do an article about cosmological structures. I'd based my theory simulate a hypothetical and artificial Cosmos and you make comments comparing the results obtained with the real Cosmos.

        About: Witticism.... And What is this unique structure that has the same orbital and rotation speed?... Compared with what? ...

        Good question. It's like in a police investigation. If they know that some people were in the same place and at the same time of the crime, and then analyze their possible involvement.

        For example: Define the following hypothetical rate:

        Rotational speed v = sq (Gm / r) and the orbital speed V = sq (GM / R)

        G-universal gravitational constant,

        r - the radius of the structure,

        M- mass of the structure,

        m - mass of the structure that has the same relationship to the whole universe as the square of the radius of m = (Mu / m = Ru2 / r2).

        Mu- mass of the universe

        Ru-radius of the universe

        R- radius which corresponds to the mass M, R = sq (M / m)

        Than in

        In formulas (7) and (8) we get two masses that satisfy the conditions set out in Theory. For these two masses is also v = V. Now we know that these two masses are unique in that it is v = V. Also, we conclude that such masses are limits, such as the limits are some inputs. It is not for me to say, but it is very indicative that the mass of Chandrasekhar limit has similar value as in (7).

        So we actually compared the speed of masses m and M. Note that m and M represent same object, as r and R and also Compton wavelength represent same object.

        More at my post.



          I fail to fully see how this paper relates a mindless universe to any of the phenomena of intent. Could you explain?

          John L

            You commented on my paper's page:

            Dear Buttler,

            Thank you for the good discussion and good essay. Your sub-heading and discussion ... 'Could the universe, as it is, have been created by chance happenings?' is good.

            I am also a firm believer of God. But I don't think he created this universe at one stroke like Bigbang.

            I request you to have a look at my essay and Dynamic Universe Model blog. It is singularity free universe model without dark matter and dark energy. And give your valuable comments...

            Best wishes...

            Dear Satyavarapu,

            I looked at your paper as you requested and the greatest problem that I found in it is the concept that the energy photons that are radiated from stars as a byproduct of the fusion of light elements such as hydrogen into helium would be changed back into more matter (presumably hydrogen) as it passes near large masses. It is possible for energy photons that possess a great enough fourth vector motion (i.e. has a high enough frequency) to change into matter particles when they come into contact with a large enough angular motion source, so a small amount of such photons could be converted back into matter, but a very large percentage of the photons that are emitted by stars is too low in frequency to change into matter particles because the photons just do not contain a large enough amount of motion to generate matter particles and would not pick up the additional motion needed to become matter particles from gravitational attraction. In fact, the increased density of sub-energy particles near large bodies of matter would increase the likelihood of interactions between them and any energy photons that were near the large bodies of matter, which would result in the transfer of some of the energy photons' fourth vector motion to the sub-energy particles involved in the interaction(s). This would lower the frequency of, or red shift, the photons, thus taking away some of their existing fourth vector motion. In addition to this, many of the photons that could be converted to matter particles will not come close enough to such an angular motion source and will be dissipated throughout space and not converted back into matter particles. Even if they all converted, the loss of all of the motion contained in the photons that were too low in motion content to convert would ultimately cause all of the lower elements up to about iron to be fused into higher elements then the existing stars would all burn out and no new stars could be formed. In my paper I explained how during an interaction that transfers motion amplitude from one entity to another the motion generally transfers from the entity with the greater motion amplitude to the one with the smaller amplitude. This is what is happening in the star as it converts the large amount of motion that is freed during the fusion process into energy photons most of which do not possess enough motion to convert back into matter particles. I also mentioned that motion concentrations naturally tend to disperse evenly throughout space. That is what is happening to the energy that is emitted by the stars, which would include most of the photons that do contain enough motion to be converted back into matter particles. These things are a large part of what man calls entropy and they are not reversible unless an even greater amount of motion is applied to cause it to reverse and then that greater amount of motion is lost to entropy, so the end result is always a loss of available useable motion. This universe is a temporary structure that was built by God to be used for the purpose of building a body for himself to live in. He made us to become parts of his body if we choose to join him in the way that he allows us to do so. Once his body members or parts are all made, he will have no more need for this world because his body members will live eternally and he knows all things, so he will not need to make a new body like a man might need to do in order for it to do some new thing that he just figured out how to do. He is also replacing this world with a new larger one that is not subject to entropy and will not end for his body and him to live in, which will be a much better life than can be possible in this world. He will then take all of the motion that he took out of himself to make this world back into himself. Since his motion is much greater than that contained in the stars, etc. of this world, this universe will effectively be burned up in the process along with everything in it. This end of the universe will occur long before the stars all burn out, etc. Only his body members will be saved from that and enter into the new world with him.

            When I work to give people in this world new information, I have found that if it goes too far beyond their currently accepted beliefs, it will be rejected. I, therefore, try to work within man's currently accepted framework of knowledge as much as possible so that there is some possibility that the new information will be accepted. If it is, it will then be possible to progress to the next level, etc. There are times, of course, when man is in a negative progression portion of the advancement cycle, such that very little new advancement growth can occur. The big bang theory is one of those areas that I cannot currently address in detail for this reason. In other cases to properly explain something that man does not currently understand correctly would require giving out information that man is not yet ready to receive because it would be used destructively, etc. That can also not allow me to completely explain the correct answer. Everything must be given out at the proper time that is according to God's will to fulfill his purposes.

            Comparing the continual formation of stars and galaxies to biological reproduction is a bit of a stretch. When living creatures reproduce, their offspring are either equal in complexity to the parent(s) or grow up to become as complex in structure, etc. If the galaxies were the offspring of the universe they should each grow into a new universe, but they don't. Stars do not generally divide or in some other way reproduce themselves. New stars just coalesce from clouds of gas by gravity until the pressure and temperature is increased by the compaction to the point that fusion begins, etc. The fusion reaction is a normal part of entropy that removes the lower elements by transforming them into higher elements because the atom of the higher element that is created contains less total motion content then the two atoms of the lower source element used to create it. The excess motion that is freed in the interaction is radiated away from the interaction point. This changes the lower elements up to about iron into midrange elements while on the other end the higher elements break down into midrange elements because the elements in the middle contain the least amount of motion for their size structure. Both of these entropy processes radiate the excess motion that is freed up by the motion transfers. On the other hand, living creatures must build the complex structures that make up their offspring through the use of protein building machine(s) that build a specific protein according to a plan that is delivered to it by a messenger RNA molecule. The RNA molecule first copies that plan from a specific part of a DNA molecule. The DNA molecule(s) contains the complete plan information to build a complete new same type living creature written within its structure. Many such protein machines and other structures must be built by the machines contained within the living creature's cell(s) including a complete new copy of the DNA molecule(s) in simple living creatures that reproduce by cell division. In more complex living creatures reproduction is even a much more complicated procedure. Although the living creatures free more motion than they trap into these highly complex molecular structures and, thus, generate an overall increase in entropy, they use much of that motion to build these complex structures and, therefore, operate against entropy in their local environment. The stars normal operation does not do this. If a living creature cannot find enough food to produce the motion that it needs to continue to operate and reproduce, it will move in an attempt to find its needed resources and it generally has sensors of some kind to help it find what it needs. Stars simply consume the available resources and then cease to operate in some way like a fire. When there are no more gas clouds in space that contain enough of the right materials in them to form a star, all star formation will cease.

            The real universe is not free of body-body collisions. Many collisions occur in a wide range of body-body size ranges from meteor collisions with planets to interactions between galaxies when they intersect that would surely cause many collisions even between stars.

            When you say that the central dense mass of a galaxy is getting dried up, where does that dense mass go? If it just moves out from the center of the galaxy what is the source of the motion that causes it to overcome the great gravity attraction that the central mass would possess that would greatly resist the pulling away of any of the matter contained in that mass?

            I do like that you have included information concerning specific real galaxies. I would have liked to have seen a more detailed discussion of the information that you presented about them that would make the information that you provided more intelligible to the average reader by describing how the given information was derived from the red shift values given, etc.

            The universal gravitational force is a good concept. The actual force experienced by any object would be determined by its present position compared with the positions and masses of all other objects in the universe. This force and its direction would be continually changing on any given object because of the changing positions of all objects in the universe. This opens up the concept of gravitational null locations where all gravitational forces cancel out leaving no net gravitational force applied to those places. Their locations would also be continually changing. So that is a good insight on your part because gravitational nulls can be useful in some advanced experiments.



              Dear Branko,

              Thank you for the fast reply.

              Thank you for your nice offer, we will definitely do some combined papers.. no problems!

              About your paper at...


              In equation (2) : 1-1 = 0, hence n^0 = 1,

              Equation (2) becomes...

              m = k*mq ( m with subscript q),

              Probably every other equations also change

              Probably there is some typographical error....

              May please look once again....

              Best Regards

              Dear John Edward LaMuth,

              Thank you for your interest on my essay and good question...

              Please See above... my reply to the question by...

              Al Schneider wrote on Jan. 27, 2017 @ 07:59 GMT

              and my reply to...

              Harry Hamlin Ricker III wrote on Jan. 31, 2017 @ 14:49 GMT

              I hope it will clarify your question, if not we can discuss again


              Dear Mr. Gupta

              Equation (2) m=mqk^1-1/k Is OK becouse: 1-1 = 0, hence n^0 = 1, is only for k=1, therefore m=1*mq, ie. mq=mq, What is expected.

              I propose to carry out a survey among the participants of contest. Questions are in attachment in Excel. There is also accompanying text. If you wish, we can together to propose this to everyone.


              BrankoAttachment #1: Survey.xlsx

                Dear Mr. Singh

                But Mr. Singh, think about that you say. "UGF can not correlate and explain the cosmological constant, dark energy, and the observed Hubble constant." It is not part of UGF, therefore it needs to explain the one who proposed it, not UGF.



                  • [deleted]

                  Thank you Branko,

                  Thank you for support,

                  You are correct. UGF is only vectorial addition of all the gravitational attraction forces all the masses in the Universe on that body at that instant of time. UGF can not correlate and explain the cosmological constant, dark energy, and the observed Hubble constant. It is Dynamic Universe model that takes care of these things.

                  I replied about UGF in detail to Mr. Singh.

                  So Thank you Branko, So that equation (2) is correct , hence no problem...

                  Good survey, the there should be details of persons name and email id, in that excel sheet...

                  What do you say...

                  Dear Paul

                  I will answer your views in small different posts...

                  Thank you Paul for nice thinking and elaborate discussion.

                  ..... concept that the energy photons that are radiated from stars as a by product of the fusion of light elements such as hydrogen into helium would be changed back into more matter (presumably hydrogen) as it passes near large masses. It is possible for energy photons that possess a great enough fourth vector motion (i.e. has a high enough frequency) to change into matter particles when they come into contact with a large enough angular motion source, so a small amount of such photons could be converted back into matter, but a very large percentage of the photons that are emitted by stars is too low in frequency to change into matter particles because the photons just do not contain a large enough amount of motion to generate matter particles and would not pick up the additional motion needed to become matter particles from gravitational attraction....

                  This concept in Dynamic Universe Model is different....

                  - No fourth vector motion (i.e. has a high enough frequency) is needed.

                  -The frequency of radiation is converted into higher or lower depending on the relative motion between the radiation and the gravitating mass.

                  -The frequency shifting happens due to Gravitation attraction between photon and gravitating mass.

                  -The velocity of radiation is comparable to that of the velocity of light.

                  -See the paper "Blue and Red Shifted Galaxies are resulted due to frequency shifting in electromagnetic radiation near gravitating masses in Dynamic Universe Model" There in that paper we will see that Dynamic Universe Model says this frequency shift happens on both the sides of spectrum. That means towards the frequency of a mass like electron or positron also. In other words Dynamic Universe Model predicts conversion of energy into mass.

                  This paper is available at the links




                  Dear Paul,

                  Your observation...

                  ......... In fact, the increased density of sub-energy particles near large bodies of matter would increase the likelihood of interactions between them and any energy photons that were near the large bodies of matter, which would result in the transfer of some of the energy photons' fourth vector motion to the sub-energy particles involved in the interaction(s). This would lower the frequency of, or red shift, the photons, thus taking away some of their existing fourth vector motion. In addition to this, many of the photons that could be converted to matter particles will not come close enough to such an angular motion source and will be dissipated throughout space and not converted back into matter particles. Even if they all converted, the loss of all of the motion contained in the photons that were too low in motion content to convert would ultimately cause all of the lower elements up to about iron to be fused into higher elements then the existing stars would all burn out and no new stars could be formed. In my paper I explained how during an interaction that transfers motion amplitude from one entity to another the motion generally transfers from the entity with the greater motion amplitude to the one with the smaller amplitude. This is what is happening in the star as it converts the large amount of motion that is freed during the fusion process into energy photons most of which do not possess enough motion to convert back into matter particles. I also mentioned that motion concentrations naturally tend to disperse evenly throughout space. That is what is happening to the energy that is emitted by the stars, which would include most of the photons that do contain enough motion to be converted back into matter particles. These things are a large part of what man calls entropy and they are not reversible unless an even greater amount of motion is applied to cause it to reverse and then that greater amount of motion is lost to entropy, so the end result is always a loss of available useable motion.............

                  This is not required in Dynamic Universe Model...

                  Dear Paul,

                  Your another part of observation,

                  ......... This universe is a temporary structure that was built by God to be used for the purpose of building a body for himself to live in. He made us to become parts of his body if we choose to join him in the way that he allows us to do so. Once his body members or parts are all made, he will have no more need for this world because his body members will live eternally and he knows all things, so he will not need to make a new body like a man might need to do in order for it to do some new thing that he just figured out how to do. He is also replacing this world with a new larger one that is not subject to entropy and will not end for his body and him to live in, which will be a much better life than can be possible in this world. He will then take all of the motion that he took out of himself to make this world back into himself. Since his motion is much greater than that contained in the stars, etc. of this world, this universe will effectively be burned up in the process along with everything in it. This end of the universe will occur long before the stars all burn out, etc. Only his body members will be saved from that and enter into the new world with him........

                  Here you brought the God into picture. It is general human tendency to put something as act of God, when the human understanding fails. Science will progress by searching more and more avenues of understanding....

                  Dear Paul,

                  Another part of your observation....

                  ......... When I work to give people in this world new information, I have found that if it goes too far beyond their currently accepted beliefs, it will be rejected. I, therefore, try to work within man's currently accepted framework of knowledge as much as possible so that there is some possibility that the new information will be accepted. If it is, it will then be possible to progress to the next level, etc. There are times, of course, when man is in a negative progression portion of the advancement cycle, such that very little new advancement growth can occur........

                  I disagree with you here... It is our duty to tell the people about what is right , of course as much as possible in simple words...