Dear Jeff Yee,

Thank you for your encouraging reply,

Thank you for your interest on my essay and good question...

Main problem was the length of the paper. I have to delete many related paragraphs to adjust for the acceptable length.

In this essay, the property of intent of the biological world and the property of reproduction are shown to be present as properties of the universe. These properties were deducted from UGF- the Universal gravitational force acting on any mass, and the fact that Galaxies originate and quench at different times and at different distances irrespective of Bigbang. The Universe behaves as though it is having its own mind.

.... Intent.....

'..... 1.1 About Dynamic Universe Model: In our Dynamic Universe every mass is moving in a direction and goal determined universal gravitational force (UGF) as the indomitable resultant vector of gravitational forces acted by all the other bodies in the Universe. This UGF is not constant force acting in only one direction. This resultant UGF vector force is varying according to ever varying dynamic movements and positions of all the masses in the Universe from time to time. In Dynamic Universe Model, this UGF is the fundamental concept; this model calculates this force "UGF" from moment to moment using its mathematical laws on each and every mass in the SITA simulations. In this way many present-day unsolved physics problems were solved. This method is different from conventional two body problem solution.[10]......'

This UGF sets the goals for every Galaxy or for every mass..

...... Reproduction......

Galaxies take birth in different times and quench (die) in different times in different directions. But the positioning of Galaxies is not random, they will come to a stable 'Dynamic Equilibrium' positions due to UGF is the main theme.

Universe is having Galaxies, which take birth and death is happening. In the Cosmos the biological world is also a part in which is reproduction is taking place. The same thing is happening in the Galaxies. In this essay this reproduction ability is emphasized.

Computer simulations were shown to support the paper.

Here Goals were created by the Mathematics of Dynamic Universe Model in the form of Universal Gravitational Force (UGF). This UGF is the total resultant force on any mass ( here in this case the individual Galaxy) which decides the path to be followed in the next instance. That is how the time is pulling every Galaxy..

Many papers and books were published on Dynamic universe Model by the author on unsolved problems of present day Physics, for example 'Absolute Rest frame of reference is not necessary' (1994) , 'Multiple bending of light ray can create many images for one Galaxy: in our dynamic universe', About "SITA" simulations, 'Missing mass in Galaxy is NOT required', "New mathematics tensors without Differential and Integral equations", "Information, Reality and Relics of Cosmic Microwave Background", "Dynamic Universe Model explains the Discrepancies of Very-Long-Baseline Interferometry Observations.", in 2015 'Explaining Formation of Astronomical Jets Using Dynamic Universe Model, 'Explaining Pioneer anomaly', 'Explaining Near luminal velocities in Astronomical jets', 'Observation of super luminal neutrinos', 'Process of quenching in Galaxies due to formation of hole at the center of Galaxy, as its central densemass dries up', "Dynamic Universe Model Predicts the Trajectory of New Horizons Satellite Going to Pluto" etc., are some more papers from the Dynamic Universe model. Four Books also were published. Book1 shows Dynamic Universe Model is singularity free and body to collision free, Book 2, and Book 3 are explanation of equations of Dynamic Universe model. Book 4 deals about prediction and finding of Blue shifted Galaxies in the universe

Additionally you please have a look at the CONCLUSION of the essay and please see above... my reply to the question by...

Al Schneider wrote on Jan. 27, 2017 @ 07:59 GMT

and my reply to...

Harry Hamlin Ricker III wrote on Jan. 31, 2017 @ 14:49 GMT

I hope it will clarify your question, if not we can discuss again

Best regards


Dear Mr. Satyavarapu Naga Parameswara Gupta,

Thank you very much for your kind comment and your encouragement. You definitely understand the point, and you clearly also see the problem.

In my article "Quantum Astronomy Part I" is described the model of the sun having a hollow core as introduced in. The model helps to explain a number of experimental facts of kinetics, energetics, and sun spectroscopy based on classic physics. The origin of the sun's energy is not the thermonuclear process taking place in its core, but the coherent, anisotropic gravitational compression of the atomic hydrogen in the solar shell at the temperature of 6298°K.

And article "Manifesto. The Manifesto. The Galactic Internet"

The temperature in Kelvin (2000 - 80000) Kelvin

I read your essay today, and find that we are in even more agreement than usual.

In 1998 we proposed the metagalaxy model as a hollow sphere with a shell of solid hydrogen at a temperature of about 3K and radius or 11.8535x10^9 lightyears. [Ilyanok A.M. Quantum Astronomy. Part II. arXiv: astro-ph / 0001059]. This size metagalaxy was confirmed by experiments with the WMAP satellite 2003. Jeffrey Weeks calculations have shown that the universe is finite and very compact, a radius of about 11 billion lightyears.

More details can be found in the work A. Ilyanok "Femtotechnologies. Step I Atom Hydrogen"

Best regards

    Hi Satyav,

    Thanks for reading and commenting on my essay. Cosmology is an interesting hobby. I have been following developments in the field and agree that there are many discrepancies. The argument for a cosmology with no big bang was argued vigorously for many years. Those that won the argument pointed to the uniform distribution of Helium4 and residual Deuterium, Li7, etc. Their measurements were consistent with a temperature of about 1e9K and a big bang. Hubble's work argued strongly for expansion. You mentioned the fruitless search for dark matter. You are right on and it concerns me too.

    As others have said, I didn't find much about the FQXi topic in your essay but cosmology is definitely wandering toward a goal and many seem lost at the present time.

    Gene Barbee


    I'm not sure 'Peter Pan' is appropriate for an ex rugby player! I don't look through telescopes either (most terrestrial telescopes can't see far), and as semi retired and not earning money in astronomy I'm not a 'professional' astronomer, but 'accredited' (still a fellow of the RAS, AAS, MRi, APS etc.), still help in AGN and galaxy classification programmes, but I'm more physicist/cosmologist.

    The data comes from the Hubble Space telescope, the dozen or so other probes we have up there looking at various things at various frequencies, and a similar number of specialist powerful terrestrial instruments and arrays. We now have so much data coming in we're years behind in correlation and analysis!

    Im also a member of the International Astrostatistics Association (IAA) and massive data sets are available at the ASAIP here; However studying analysis papers can be far more productive, as long as you don't do just a few (and know how to read between the lines). Some analysis is nonsense based on past errors but the papers referenced in my own papers are all top notch.

    On Blue shift - don't forget 'young' galaxies (from open spirals) are all far bluer (younger stars) than old discs, which are red. ('Ellipticals' is still a common misnomer, due almost solely to the orientation of the disc plane wrt us!). The other blue peak we find is from the quasar jet approaching us, which can have collimated components at up to 46c. (No, NOT a typo!) The opposing jet is therefore red and often then red shifted beyond detectable wavelength for the instrument (a fact barely recognized by most!).

    You also need to carefully study the dynamic 'whole universe' models showing the various 'flows' of clusters and filaments.

    Only once you've done that for some years, absorbed masses of evidence and removed all the flaws can you begin to form and present a coherent credible picture which most of our current 'gatekeepers' of theory (including editors) will study for longer than ~0.6-1.2 seconds before deciding to dismiss out of hand or ignore, if they look at all!

    You must remind me after the contest to look further at what you've done so far. I'll also post your score shortly.

    Very best of luck in the contest.


    Dear Alexander M. Ilyanok,

    Wonderful sir, probably some more details of the process, which you call... "anisotropic gravitational compression of the atomic hydrogen in the solar shell" are needed to understand it fully and to discuss it with you.....

    I will post in details on your essay

    Best regards


    Hi Gene Barbee,

    Thank you for the interest on my essay, thank you very much for taking time to comment on my essay. Hope you will discuss about this answer....

    ... Your words....Those that won the argument pointed to the uniform distribution of Helium4 and residual Deuterium, Li7, etc.

    ...... Reply..... That is not correct, they won't contribute to the mass; as they are parts of bigger masses. Vacuum (say ether) density is different to that of Earth or Sun or Galaxy. There is no Uniform density anywhere in the universe. Probably you don't accept.

    ... Your words....Their measurements were consistent with a temperature of about 1e9K and a big bang.

    ...... Reply..... There are some basic problems in WMAP satellites' instrumentation and software. WMAP cannot eliminate Microwave radiation from Stars, Galaxies and clusters. If you calculate CMB using Stephen-Boltzmann law there will be nothing left from BB generated CMB radiation...

    Please have a look at my essay on CMB in FQXi few years back

    ... Your words.... Hubble's work argued strongly for expansion.

    ...... Reply..... That time Known blue shifted Galaxies are handful. Quasars are unknown. Quasars are also blue shifted. At present these two constitute 40 percent, 20 percent don't show any shift. So the expanding universe got 40 percent votes.... !

    ... Your words....You mentioned the fruitless search for dark matter.

    ...... Reply..... Many papers and books were published on Dynamic universe Model by the author on unsolved problems (of Bigbang) of present day Physics, for example 'Absolute Rest frame of reference is not necessary' (1994) , 'Multiple bending of light ray can create many images for one Galaxy: in our dynamic universe', About "SITA" simulations, 'Missing mass in Galaxy is NOT required', "New mathematics tensors without Differential and Integral equations", "Information, Reality and Relics of Cosmic Microwave Background", "Dynamic Universe Model explains the Discrepancies of Very-Long-Baseline Interferometry Observations.", in 2015 'Explaining Formation of Astronomical Jets Using Dynamic Universe Model, 'Explaining Pioneer anomaly', 'Explaining Near luminal velocities in Astronomical jets', 'Observation of super luminal neutrinos', 'Process of quenching in Galaxies due to formation of hole at the center of Galaxy, as its central densemass dries up', "Dynamic Universe Model Predicts the Trajectory of New Horizons Satellite Going to Pluto" etc., are some more papers from the Dynamic Universe model. Four Books also were published. Book1 shows Dynamic Universe Model is singularity free and body to collision free, Book 2, and Book 3 are explanation of equations of Dynamic Universe model. Book 4 deals about prediction and finding of Blue shifted Galaxies in the universe

    Additionally you please have a look at the CONCLUSION of the essay and please see above... my reply to the question by...

    Al Schneider wrote on Jan. 27, 2017 @ 07:59 GMT

    and my reply to...

    Harry Hamlin Ricker III wrote on Jan. 31, 2017 @ 14:49 GMT

    ... Your words.... You are right on and it concerns me too.

    ...... Reply..... There are many aspects like that.

    ... Your words.... As others have said, I didn't find much about the FQXi topic in your essay but cosmology is definitely wandering toward a goal and many seem lost at the present time.

    ...... Reply..... Probably you like to read the question but you DON'T want to read the answer is it not? I hope you will read my reply here and discuss ....

    Main problem was the length of the paper. I have to delete many related paragraphs to adjust for the acceptable character length.

    In this essay, the property of intent of the biological world and the property of reproduction are shown to be present as properties of the universe. These properties were deducted from UGF- the Universal gravitational force acting on any mass, and the fact that Galaxies originate and quench at different times and at different distances irrespective of Bigbang. The Universe behaves as though it is having its own mind.

    .... Intent.....

    '..... 1.1 About Dynamic Universe Model: In our Dynamic Universe every mass is moving in a direction and goal determined universal gravitational force (UGF) as the indomitable resultant vector of gravitational forces acted by all the other bodies in the Universe. This UGF is not constant force acting in only one direction. This resultant UGF vector force is varying according to ever varying dynamic movements and positions of all the masses in the Universe from time to time. In Dynamic Universe Model, this UGF is the fundamental concept; this model calculates this force "UGF" from moment to moment using its mathematical laws on each and every mass in the SITA simulations. In this way many present-day unsolved physics problems were solved. This method is different from conventional two body problem solution.[10]......'

    This UGF sets the goals for every Galaxy or for every mass..

    ...... Reproduction......

    Galaxies take birth in different times and quench (die) in different times in different directions. But the positioning of Galaxies is not random, they will come to a stable 'Dynamic Equilibrium' positions due to UGF is the main theme.

    Universe is having Galaxies, which take birth and death is happening. In the Cosmos the biological world is also a part in which is reproduction is taking place. The same thing is happening in the Galaxies. In this essay this reproduction ability is emphasized.

    Dear Peter,

    So you are a Physically strong Peter Pan !

    Really Wonderful !

    I am a retired person worked in Bhilai steel plant... I retired at 60 in 2014, 2.5 years back. I am electrical engineer, worked in SAP, ERP software implementation. I never saw through a telescope lengthier than 12 inches. Astrophysics and cosmology are my hobbies. Papers are published for the last 25 years on Dynamic Universe model.

    You got an exciting carrier. You are doing wonderfully well. Let me ask few questions on what you just posted. Your words... "On Blue shift - don't forget 'young' galaxies (from open spirals) are all far bluer (younger stars) than old discs, which are red. ('Ellipticals' is still a common misnomer, due almost solely to the orientation of the disc plane wrt us!). The other blue peak we find is from the quasar jet approaching us, which can have collimated components at up to 46c. (No, NOT a typo!) The opposing jet is therefore red and often then red shifted beyond detectable wavelength for the instrument (a fact barely recognized by most!)....."

    I got some questions.................

    You mean both blue and redshifts are simultaneously present in a single Galaxy... If it is properly oriented.....???

    What is 46c ? 46 times velocity of light C?. I hope you will see work on Astronomical Jets. You take ray of light or flow of neutrinos, or alpha particles parallel to plane of the Galaxy. Allow it to travel towards center of Galaxy. When that reaches center....WOOOOSH !... suddenly it turns its direction perpendicular to Galaxy center. See this paper

    Explaining formation of Astronomical Jets using Dynamic Universe Model

    I actually observed super luminal velocities in astronomical jets. See these papers...

    Explaining near light velocities observed in Astronomical Jets using SITA simulations

    Dynamic Universe Model solves 'Faster than Light Neutrinos' riddle

    Dynamic Universe Model is really wonderful; you have to SEE yourself to believe it....

    See for an introduction...

    Best Regards


    Dear Mr Gupta,

    You would have had a better essay if you showed how the course of evolution of a galactic formation is very similar to the developmental course of a karyot. By addressing the issue of whether or not they experience the triple cycle of birth-life-death, common to all living. And whether in the course of their existence they experience one of the key events in karyotic life, sexuate reproduction. One can reservedly assume that the observed merging of galaxies point in that direction. That should have been the central theme of your essay. Instead you only made a brief mention of Reproduction but never fully address it in your essay.

    Nevertheless you have a new idea, which is much better than the vacuous "emergence" notion that too many other participating essays have evoked. Congrats on that.



      Dear Joseph,

      Thank you for reading my essay....

      Thank you very much for your words of kindly nature. I did not understand the word "karyot" or "karyotic life". Search in Google, Wikipedia and On line dictionary did not give any meaning. My English is poor.

      Hope you will explain me what is "karyot" and "Karotic life" is it same as prokaryote... I dont know........

      Taking it as single cell biological reproduction instead of sexuate reproduction, probably at universe level the sexuate reproduction not possible!

      Other problem I faced is length of the essay limitation.

      Thank you for the nice and encouraging suggestions...

      Best Regards


      4 days later

      Thank you for reading all my essay; I read your essay, and usually (each year) I read all the essays because there is always someone deserve to be read.

      If I understand your theory, is it a linearization of Einstein Field Equations like a parameterized post-Newtonian formalism?

      Ah, I am not a professor.


      Domenico Oricchio

      Dear SNP Gupta,

      Thank you very much for reading and commenting on my essay!

      I will try to read some of your papers on the Dynamic Universe Model, that I find interesting.

      Best wishes for your essay too!


      Sorry SNP Gupta,

      this post had to be placed in my thread, as a response to yours!


      Dear Domenico Oricchio,

      Thank you for reading my essay and trying to understand it...

      This Dynamic Universe Model never used any Special theory or General theory of Relativity. It is Independent of relativity... or ... is a linearization of Einstein Field Equations like a parameterized post-Newtonian formalism as you asked.

      It is a singularity free N-body problem solution for bodies more than 2 (any number of bodies ). See for an introduction...

      Dynamic Universe model is totally based on experimental results. Here in Dynamic Universe Model Space is Space and time is time in cosmology level or in any level. In the classical general relativity, space and time are convertible in to each other.

      Many papers and books on Dynamic Universe Model were published by the author on unsolved problems of present day Physics, for example 'Absolute Rest frame of reference is not necessary' (1994) , 'Multiple bending of light ray can create many images for one Galaxy: in our dynamic universe', About "SITA" simulations, 'Missing mass in Galaxy is NOT required', "New mathematics tensors without Differential and Integral equations", "Information, Reality and Relics of Cosmic Microwave Background", "Dynamic Universe Model explains the Discrepancies of Very-Long-Baseline Interferometry Observations.", in 2015 'Explaining Formation of Astronomical Jets Using Dynamic Universe Model, 'Explaining Pioneer anomaly', 'Explaining Near luminal velocities in Astronomical jets', 'Observation of super luminal neutrinos', 'Process of quenching in Galaxies due to formation of hole at the center of Galaxy, as its central densemass dries up', "Dynamic Universe Model Predicts the Trajectory of New Horizons Satellite Going to Pluto" etc., are some more papers from the Dynamic Universe model. Four Books also were published. Book1 shows Dynamic Universe Model is singularity free and body to collision free, Book 2, and Book 3 are explanation of equations of Dynamic Universe model. Book 4 deals about prediction and finding of Blue shifted Galaxies in the universe.

      With axioms like... No Isotropy; No Homogeneity; No Space-time continuum; Non-uniform density of matter(Universe is lumpy); No singularities; No collisions between bodies; No Blackholes; No warm holes; No Bigbang; No repulsion between distant Galaxies; Non-empty Universe; No imaginary or negative time axis; No imaginary X, Y, Z axes; No differential and Integral Equations mathematically; No General Relativity and Model does not reduce to General Relativity on any condition; No Creation of matter like Bigbang or steady-state models; No many mini Bigbangs; No Missing Mass; No Dark matter; No Dark energy; No Bigbang generated CMB detected; No Multi-verses etc.

      Many predictions of Dynamic Universe Model came true, like Blue shifted Galaxies and no dark matter. Dynamic Universe Model gave many results otherwise difficult to explain

      Have a look at my blog on Dynamic Universe Model where all my books and papers are available for free downloading...

      Best wishes to your essay.

      For your blessings please................

      =snp. gupta

      Dear Paul

      Thank you for all your elaborate replies. FQXi computer system did not show the replies. I was checking my essay every 12 hours, for the last many days. I was using the option in tab Order posts by: ... most recent first option only. It never showed your replies.

      Today I checked in normal way, but opened the link show all replies , and found all replies to my surprise. You even wrote them on 12 Feb 2017. I am sorry for this delay and mishap.

      Probably they (FQXi) have to check the software once.

      I will reply all your very nice and encouraging replies and well thought observations one by one , It may take few more days...

      Thank you very much for all your time and blessings...

      Best Regards


      Dear Paul

      Thank you for all your elaborate replies. I will be keeping portion of your reply with my answer, so that it will not be confusing..

      Your words..." Comment to Your first comment

      I read your paper. It contains some information that seems to me to be contrary to man's usual use of words. Such as:

      clearly see that the light from distant Galaxy when passes grazingly near a gravitating mass like Sun the incident frequency of the radiation will increase (Red shifted) when the relative movement of the gravitating body is in opposite direction to EM radiation and the frequency will reduce when the relative movement of the body is in same direction (Blue shifted).

      Since Blue light has a higher frequency than red light, an increase in frequency is usually called blue shifted and a decrease in frequency is called red shifted. In the above excerpt from your paper you use the opposite form. Is that an error in your paper or is there some reason for the form that you used? It is mentioned that way in several places in your paper.

      You are right that the frequency of an energy photon can be increased into the range of matter particles, but just increasing the frequency to that level does not cause the photon to change into a matter particle. Gamma rays are energy photons that contain enough motion to make a matter particle, but they don't all turn into matter particles. How does your theory explain how that transition from an energy photon to a matter particle works?"..................

      Basically It is the UGF (Universal Gravitation force) which is acting on every particle, which decides future movement of any particle or bigger body. UGF will be big near some gravitating body. In that paper the frequency shift is predicted. Thank you for telling me the small correction, which I will incorporate in the next version of the paper. The words blue and red shifts got inter changed...

      Dynamic Universe model is based on Virial theorem. So energy portion was automatically taken care of... No problem...

      These frequency changes will be visible in the spectrum. I am a theoretical person, never seen through telecope....

      The rest mass is only for only for the sake of measurement of mass value. There is no "Rest" as it is, every particle, or mass will be moving and changing dynamically due to UGF.

      Thank you very much for all your time and blessings...

      Best Regards


      Dear Paul

      Thank you for all your elaborate replies. I will be keeping portion of your reply with my answer, so that it will not be confusing..

      Your words..." Comment to your second comment

      I can understand why you might say that much of what I said in this section of my comment is not required in your theory, but it would seem to me that at least a couple of parts of it would have to be included in your theory in order for it to conform to reality, such as:

      during an interaction that transfers motion amplitude from one entity to another the motion generally transfers from the entity with the greater motion amplitude to the one with the smaller amplitude.

      And: .............. "

      You are taking every motion as some body-body collision result. In Dynamic Universe model these body-body collisions are not there. All the bodies travel according to the resultant vector of UGF.

      We will definitely workout some portions to include them. But as it is it is ok for now except the correction you suggested in the previous reply. This concept of frequency changes near a gravitating mass are to be experimentally verified.

      Your thinking is applicable to the inside portions of masses. They may answer some more questions, We have to check mathematically and verify them with some computer simulations. That will be next stage.

      Thank you very much for all your time and blessings...

      Best Regards


      Dear Paul

      Thank you for all your elaborate replies. I will be keeping portion of your reply with my answer, so that it will not be confusing..

      Your words..." Comment to your third and fourth comments

      I put these two comments together because they are connected in a way that you may not have noticed.

      In your third comment:

      First the idea that I brought in God to put something as his act when my understanding in some way failed is not applicable because, if you look closely, you will see that nothing in that comment is used in any way to explain the structure of the world. The only connection to the structure of the present world that we live in is that it is a temporary structure meaning that it would naturally effectively come to an end through the long term process of its actions. This would happen with or without God. The rest is some of what I have found in my research about God, which is one of the avenues of understanding that is also valid to advance the progression of science. "

      Super Galactic Structures are formed due to gravitation. Dynamic Universe model explains these without any problem, they don't collapse. They move around eath other.

      .........The understanding of the cause of the universe is the most basic and important scientific question to answer. Everything else expands from that point. It is obvious that there are really only two possible answers to that question. The first is that it was created by a very intelligent and powerful God and the second is that it came about from some natural chance occurrence........ "

      God will tell the answers if we meditate. The Universe was not created at one stroke.

      At this point enough is known about the extreme complexity of the structure of the universe and the living creatures within it to easily come to the reasonable conclusion that it is a very intelligently designed and built structure that is well beyond chance probabilities of occurrence. When I first began to research how the world works, I found that at that time science was not advanced enough to logically be able to make that decision and most religious people that tried to convince people about God's existence did not know much about the concepts of evolution, etc. The steady state theory of the universe also seemed to be contrary to the concept of God's creation of the universe, so I tended to lean toward the natural science viewpoint. As time went on and scientific advancement showed that the universe had a beginning and began to unravel the true complexity of the universe and especially of living creatures, it became apparent that it could not have been generated by natural chance occurrences. Today I find that many scientists, especially those who work in genetics and associated fields have come to the same conclusion based on the impossibility of generating all of the needed parts to create the first living creature by chance actions. I find now that the scientists that still desire to believe in the natural creation concept are more and more trying to bend very well-known and easily observed scientific facts that work against the natural generation of the endless world and living creatures in it to make them look like they actually work for production of living creatures and an endless universe, etc..... "

      I am also a firm believer of God, He will give reply. In this paper I showed three properties associated with Universe, Reproduction, Random formation and Random ages of Galaxies. In Quantum Mechanics particles have associated information bits.

      What do you say about these observations....

      Some even try to attribute intelligence to the world that does not actually exist, etc. The information that I gave you about God and his purpose for creating the universe and us is only about what I have found out from my research in that area and mainly applies to his current and future relationships with us and what he says that he will do concerning the universe in the future, etc. It is my answer to the second most important scientific question, which is: Is there a purpose for the creation of the universe and for us in it? From what I have found the answer to that question is of much more importance to us than the first question because, if I am right, the life that we live in this world is only a very small part of what we can have, if we make the right decision. Not only that, being joined to and becoming a part of the one who is able to make this universe, and us, in a loving relationship with him and all other members also in an endless world without entropy, etc. is something I would not want to miss and I also desire that all others learn of this and also not miss it.


      I don't know what the purpose of living, reproduction probably...... Why I don't know. It is a natural cause seen at the Universe level.

      In your fourth comment:

      You said that it is my duty to tell the people about what is right. I did that in the part covered by your third comment and you can see that the result is what I said it would be, if I go too far beyond currently accepted beliefs. Maybe I just didn't use simple enough words. I have found that I can desire to save peoples' lives as much as I can, but if they are determined to jump off of a cliff there is not much I can do for them in the long run, but I still try. Since you told me you are also a firm believer in God, I hope more of you than that. "

      Thank you once again for the blessings you are giving so kindly. I also work for the betterment of humanity. We have to find the way for the next generation ... so that they can go further where we leave...

      Thank you very much once again for all your time and blessings...

      Best Regards


      Dear Paul

      Thank you for all your elaborate replies. I will be keeping portion of your reply with my answer, so that it will not be confusing..

      Your words... .......Comment to your fifth, sixth, and seventh comments

      I put these three comments together because they each only require short answers.

      In your fifth comment:

      It is not yet the best time for me to go into the big bang theory, but if you are interested in how the universe was made you can look at the Christian Old and New Testament scriptures. There are many places that give some parts of the information about it, but you could just start at Genesis 1, 1. What we call the universe is called the earth there. It includes the part of the earth that we can observe and also the hidden part that we can't observe that generates the part that we can see.


      It would be very nice to study such Godly documents. I will surely take your guidance. Thank you for such nice offer. By the way I also read VEDAs. I suggest you search for ..... SRISTI SUKTAM from VEDAs. It starts with one want or desire, ICHHA . From that desire, the whole universe was created one by one.... I don't remember exact words... All these are available on internet.

      You don't have to start Bigbang for that. You can start with Dynamic Universe Model.

      .......In your sixth comment:

      Thank you.


      Good discussion with you sir, thank you.


      In your seventh comment:

      I did not know that you were only talking about the body to body collisions that are due to singularities.


      There is a small difference between "Body-Body collisions which are singularities" and "all the masses are allowed on their Gravitation only".

      First one tell us why we are staying on earth and second one when all the bodies collapse in to single lump of mass.

      In Dynamic Universe model all the bodies will collapse into single mass when there is a uniform density. But when all the bodies have different masses universe will not collapse, but all the bodies will be moving dynamically. They rotate.

      Thank you very much for all your time and blessings...

      Best Regards


      Dear Paul

      Thank you for all your elaborate replies. I will be keeping portion of your reply with my answer, so that it will not be confusing..

      Your words..."

      Comment to your eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh comments

      I put these four comments together because they each only require short answers.

      In your eighth comment:

      Normally even stars that were less than 1 light year away from each other would tend to hold each other from moving away from the effective center of their mass by gravity. The stars could rotate around that center and, therefore not all come together at that center of mass, but any star that would begin to move away from that center of mass would have more mass in the stars behind it that would pull it back toward the center than stars in front of it that would try to move it away from the center. Once in stable rotation around the center of mass, it would take an outside source of energy (motion) of adequate amplitude to overcome the gravity pull to allow it to escape the gravity pull of the stars in the center of the galaxy area. What kind of dynamical forces are you talking about? I tried to find your paper that you mentioned on vixra, but was unable to find it. I did find a paper of yours titled "Explaining Formation of Astronomical Jets Using Dynamic Universe Model and it gave more of an explanation of your theory, but seemed to be missing most of the actual data of the experiment. .............

      Thank you for such nice searching and time you spent on my papers in viXra. Whatever the data available on the internet, were put and shown. The same thing can be further done if there is more actual data was available. I hope you can help me. I sit here in the middle of India. I don't have any other resource except internet. I am not a rich person; I am retired person from a steel plant. I am living with my savings....


      You have many good understandings, such as the fact that there is no space/time continuum, etc. The biggest problem that I see is the attempt to make the universe an endless time structure by trying to reverse the entropy operation of fusion in stars. To actually accomplish that would not only require capture of all of the energy emitted from the fusion reaction and all of the heavier elements produced by the fusion reaction, it would also require the addition of the extra energy required to force the reverse reaction to occur, much like in chemical reactions. That extra energy source would then be lost for future use and would thus run out at some point in the future also. It is just the nature of entropy to make things run down, such that all interactions cease in the long run. .............

      Thank you for your blessings once again sir. You also have a good understanding...

      Time is endless, but unidirectional. There is no going back in time. All the chemical reactions are unidirectional.

      Once a star loses all its energy it will cool down, form some solid mass like Earth or Jupiter. The lost energy will be converted back into matter due to Gravitation and UGF. This converted matter will form lumps like we stay on earth, these lumps collect some more particles ... new stars will be this cycle goes on...


      In your ninth comment:

      You are welcome. .............

      ....... Ok sir.............


      In your tenth comment:

      The use for gravitational nulls will become apparent to those who need and are able to use them when that time comes. Feel free to speculate.


      It will good idea for a new Science Fiction novel...!!!


      In your eleventh comment:

      That is a general problem that I have also had and I believe that others have also had. If you do a paper that is not restricted in that way I suggest that you give some details as to how the data figures about those galaxies are generated. "

      Thank you very much for studying my paper so thoroughly and giving esteemed questions. I am just giving two reported cases of Galaxies / Clusters of Galaxies which are being generated after Bigbang

      [35] Rakos, Schombert, and Odell in their paper 'The Age of Cluster Galaxies from Continuum Colors' Astrophys.J., 677 , 1019, DOI: 10.1086/533513, e-Print: arXiv:0801.3665 [astro-ph] | PDF arXiv:0801.3665v1 [astro-ph] 23 Jan 2008


      See the CANDLES web pages also for simple language explanations.

      My abstract also gives real data...

      If you need further data , I will give you....

      Thank you very much for all your time and blessings...

      Best Regards


      Thank you Giovanni Prisinzano,

      Thank you for your kindly words, I am waiting for your esteemed opinion on this Dynamic Universe model and for your future discussion...

      Best Regards
