Dear Dizhechko,
I read your paper and find it very interesting. It is very appropriate to start your paper with the scripture quotes that you used, especially if you really understand their true meaning and significance. God describes his structure to us as: For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. He tells us that he is composed of three parts. About the Father the scriptures say: God is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. He is called: the invisible God. After Jesus had been resurrected and he appeared to his disciples they thought he was a spirit, but he said to them: a spirit hath not flesh and bones as you see me have. The scriptures also say that God created all things by Jesus Christ. The Father is invisible, not made of the matter that our bodies are made of, and is the one who created all things and he used Jesus Christ (his Word) to do it. When you speak, the words that you speak are your output to interact with that which is outside of you. God's Word is his output to interact with that which is external to him. Jesus (the Word) said: I am the way the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the father (God the Spirit) but by me. It also says: there is one mediator between God and man and that is Christ Jesus (the Word). Jesus also said: I am the light of the world. God is saying that he only interacts with the external world that he created through his Word. His Word is the mediator between him and that which is external to him (his creation). God says that he made us to be members or parts of his body. The Holy Ghost is the Holy image of God. People can be filled by the Holy Ghost and they then are moved by God to do his will as his body members. Jesus explained that relationship with God in this way: The Son (Jesus) can do nothing of himself, but as he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise. For the Father loveth the Son, and sheweth him all things that himself doeth: Those who receive and believe God's Word as their Lord and Savior become his body members and are adopted sons of God, so these things also apply to all of his sons, so the third part of God is his body. God also said: For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse. God says that the invisible things about him and even the things concerning his eternal power and God head can be clearly seen by looking at the things that are made by him. This means that we can expect to see images of God recorded in the things that he made. When we look at the most basic structure of the universe, we can see this pattern. At this level there are 3 most basic structures. These are fields, energy photons, and matter particles. The fields are invisible, but they hold everything else together. The energy photons are the mediators between the fields and the matter particles, and the matter particles are the body members that make up the structure of things, so knowing what God tells us about himself can also give us understanding about the creation that he made. Note that he said that the invisible things can be clearly seen by the things that are made. This tells us that even things that we can't observe can be understood because they work in similar ways to the things that we can see. This is a principle that has been observed at all size scales. The second example of an image of God's structure is in the hierarchical structure of the universe. The basic particles can't be seen by man, but the atoms can interact with both the basic level that they are directly composed of and also the large scale level because you can put a large number of atoms together to make a large scale object that can interact with the large scale structures, such as man and those large scale objects make up the main body of the universe. A third example is within the structure of living creatures. There are the very small living creatures that we can't see, such as bacteria. Next there are larger creatures that live off of the very small creatures, but are big enough for us to see, and then there are the large scale living creatures, such as man that make up the main visible body of living creatures. Another example of an image of God's structure in the world is in the structure of man, whom God even mentions in the scriptures is an image of him. Man has a spirit that generates his purposes and intents. These are communicated to his soul, which translates them into thoughts that the body can understand and then sends them to the body. The body then acts according to those thoughts to carry out the purposes and intents of the spirit. Our body is made of flesh and bones (matter). God said that he formed man out of the dust of the earth (matter) and then breathed the breath of life into his nostrils and man became a living soul. The soul, therefore, is part matter (the brain) so it can communicate with the body and part spirit so it can communicate with the spirit, which is not flesh (matter). God says that the body without the spirit is dead, so your body cannot survive without its connection to your spirit through your soul. God's Word is also part spirit, so he can communicate with God and part flesh, so he can communicate with his body members. That is why we cannot communicate directly with God because he says that his thoughts and his ways are higher than ours, so we cannot understand him directly, but must go through the translation by his Word. Now you can see that when Jesus said: I am the light of the world. He is giving information that tells us one of the images of him as the mediator that is in the world. Of course, 2000 years ago when the scriptures were made, people had very little understanding of the composition of light and could only understand what he was saying in terms of the fact that they knew that light allowed them to see other things in the world and thereby brought understanding to them, which is what the mediator does. He transfers information to us about the one who created the universe, but whom we can't directly communicate with.
It appears that you are still at the stage where you think that motions must have something else in existence as a substance to move in like the motion contained in a moving car, etc., so you visualize that space itself has or is some substance that can contain motions that rotate in it to make matter particles. In reality, the purpose of space is to provide positions that motions can be located in and can then move from their current position to the next one as they continually change from one position to the next in the direction that they are traveling in. Motions are existent entities of and in themselves and don't need any external source or support of their motion from outside sources, such as space. Their motion is built into their structure. One problem with the concept of rotation to create matter particles is that basic rotation like the earth on its axis does create a static mass effect due to its angular motion, but that effect is not equal in all directions. As an example if a force was applied to the earth straight down on its north or south axis point, it would be easier to move the earth than if the same force was applied to some point on the earth's surface where it would try to change the direction of the earth's axis of rotation. In order to get a uniform static mass that is the same in all directions you need to have a 3 dimensional cyclical motion pattern. After examining the structure of basic motions I have come to the conclusion that they are existent entities in themselves and only need empty space to be positioned in and move in. The only thing that is actually conserved in interactions is the total amount of motion. The total number of motions could also be conserved, but there is no way that man can currently make the observations that would determine that one way or the other at this time. The problem with motions is that cyclical motions like rotation, etc. require repetitive interactions because a cyclical motion must reverse its direction periodically in each dimension that it takes part in and a motion's direction information can only be changed by an interaction. Without an interaction a basic motion will continue to change its position in the same direction with the same motion amplitude (speed). It can read its current position information and can change it in accordance with its current motion amplitude and directional information, but it can't change its motion amplitude level or directional information. Motion amplitude and direction can only be changed by an interaction. Because energy photons and matter particles both require cyclical motions it takes some thought to come up with a way that they can be built out of simple motions and operate properly, but it can be done. I have given a model of how it can be done in my contest papers on this site. The model that I have given explains the fixed speed of light and both the wave and particle behaviors of energy photons and matter particles. It also explains how an energy photon can be changed into a matter particle and vice versa and how they both can be changed into basic motions and vice versa. The motion structure of fields is also explained. It also explains why an interaction between 2 particles can generate several different possible outcomes and what causes the different probabilities of the occurrence of each outcome. This can be done because it goes to the level of structure below what is currently observable by man in this world. It is the motion interactions that occur at this level that generate the multiple possible outcomes and it is the structure of the interactions that generates the occurrence probability of each outcome. This allows the use of the parts of quantum mechanics that are valid to model these things and at the same time gets rid of all of the useless quantum gibberish that is currently associated with and called a part of quantum mechanics, such as uncertainty principles, the idea that things don't happen until they are observed, quantum entanglement problems, and the lack of understanding of wave/particle duality, etc. I hope that this can help you.