Dear Paul N Butler!

Thank you for enlightening me about the Holy Trinity. You explained the concept of moving space-matter in the language of the Holy Scriptures. I'm not trying because of their sins, to preach the Word of God, as not worthy to do it. However, I wish to explore the moves of God that create our world. God has many ways and they are all infinite. They have no beginning and no end, so our world is endless.

You want to describe the world with words, but this is not enough to predict the path of God in the future - this requires mathematical formulas. New Cartesian Physic words and mathematical formulas. I hope you'll love my essay, as did I now for you.

The principle of Heisenberg in New Cartesian Physic indicates the strength of the space-matter in an infinitely small point and the softness of large areas, which allows them to take with them in our world.

All the best,

Dizhechko Boris

Dear Peter,

First let me say that I am not trying to discredit all of your concepts. It looks like you are at least very close to coming to the conclusion that it is really the motions that are the true existing most basic entities from which all things are made. That is an insight that very few people in this world have attained to. The next step after that is to come to the understanding that since energy photons and matter particles can be broken down into basic linear motions, you have to get an understanding of how they can be built up using only basic linear motions. Since linear motions always travel in a straight line in the absence of an interaction, you must find a way to generate the interactions necessary to generate curved motions, etc. It also looks like you understand that in order for a matter particle to have a static mass effect that is the same in all three dimensions, the angular motions that create this effect must be three dimensional instead of just a two dimensional rotation, as an example. All that you need now is to understand how a three dimensional composite cyclical angular motion can be generated from simple linear motions and you will understand most of the basic concepts needed to explain the structure of matter particles. Energy photons require a simpler back and forth non curved cyclical angular motion to create their frequency, wave length, and dynamic mass effects. Since a matter particle is just an energy photon that contains the additional curved angular motion mentioned above to cause it to travel in a repetitive cyclical enclosed curved path at the speed of light instead of traveling in a straight line at that speed, it also contains the frequency, wavelength, and dynamic mass effects similar to that of the energy photon that is contained within it. Field structures are also composed of simple motions that I call sub-energy particles. Once you understand all three of them you can then figure out how they are combined together to make atoms and how they operate or interact together, etc.

These things are much more important to understand than any attempt to try to justify an infinite universe when entropy precludes that possibility. Once you understand that the total amount of motion is the only thing that is truly conserved and, therefore, can't be increased or decreased in the universe, you will begin to see why it is impossible to use the energy that is produced by the fusion of light elements in stars to turn all of the heavier elements that are produced by that fusion back into the light elements that they originally were. That would require total 100 percent conversion efficiency. In actual fact since the fusion process is a normal entropy motion dispersion process, reversing it would not only require the use of all of the originally radiated energy, all of which could not be recovered, but would also require an additional amount of energy to cause the process to run in the direction that is opposite to the normal entropy dispersion process. To put it more directly, it takes more energy to break down the heavier elements that are produced by fusion reactions then the amount of energy that is freed from their atoms binding energy during the fusion process that creates them. Since matter particles are composed of motions you can't just create new ones from nothing because you can't create the motions that they contain from nothing. This would mean that if the galaxy mass were to continue to increase over time it would require the continual introduction of motion into it from outside of it. That would not be practical. That could possibly happen for some time if the matter between the galaxies was slowly taken into the galaxies, but that source of matter would eventually run out. Everybody wants a free lunch, but the universe doesn't serve it. You always have to pay more than you get back from the universe because it is slowly decreasing the motion content of entities that have more and transferring it to those that have less, thus decreasing the total range of motions, while at the same time dispersing all of the motions evenly throughout space. That is what entropy is all about. Because of this the most efficient way to store matter particles in atoms is in the middle of the range of atom sizes. That is why the lightest atoms can give up or free motion through fusion into heavier atoms. Once you get to iron it takes more energy to fuse them into heavier atoms than is freed in the process because you are too near the center most efficient energy storage part of the range. Of course the atoms at the high end of the size scale have the opposite problem because as you go away from the center of the range in that direction it takes more energy to store all of those particles in one atom than it does in the middle range atoms, so the natural entropy reaction for them is to break down into lighter atoms through fission. In either case if you go in the direction that is opposite to the natural energy flow, it requires the addition of all of the energy that had been freed from the fusion or fission reactions plus an additional amount because some of the applied energy is always dissipated and lost in one way or another in the process. I can understand your desire to believe that the universe is never ending because it makes it easier to believe that the tremendous complexity of living creatures could somehow have come about by some natural process if it can be over an infinite amount of time, etc., but entropy makes the world run down over time and that can't be stopped. That is one of the problems with man's current quantum mechanics is that over time many foolish concepts have been added to it that make it look possible to do such things. It is not until you get the understanding of the level of structure that generates the quantum effects that you can sort out the fact from the fiction. If you continue to work on understanding the basic structures of matter particles, energy photons, and sub-energy particles as mentioned above, you will come to understand these things and all of the indeterminate fog will be removed. Of course maybe I am just talking gibberish and you have it all figured out already.

To cover a few things in your response:

1. When you talk about requantizations, I am assuming that you are saying that energy photons interact with matter particles on the way from the emitting star to your eyes or other sensor and are thereby frequency up shifted every so often to restore their frequency to the higher level that we detect. I see a few problems with that concept.

a. During the individual interactions the amount of frequency up shift that a given photon would receive would be variable depending on the amount of energy that the matter particle brought to the interaction and other variables.

b. The interactions would be random so some photons would intersect and interact with many matter particles while others would go all the way from the star to your sensor without any interactions, since the matter particles would not just be sitting in one place, but would be moving around at various velocities.

c. Depending on the direction of interaction, etc. a photon could actually be down shifted instead of up shifted during an interaction.

The end result of all of these things and also other things would be a great variation in sensed frequency from the photons coming from any star, so that you would not see all of them red or blue shifted from normal, etc. as is usually observed.

2. It seems that you consider antimatter particles to just be matter particles that are turned upside down compared to each other. It has been demonstrated that when a matter particle interacts with an antimatter particle, such as an electron with a positron they both turn into energy photons. If one is just the other one upside down, it seems that it would be possible to pass two streams of electrons through opposite fields that would align all of the electrons in one stream in the same alignment with each other and opposite to those in the other stream and then bring the two streams together to cause them to all turn into photons and generate a lot of energy. Moreover, if they are just at opposite rotational directions, it would seem that free electrons would be at random rotational positions compared with other free electrons and we would, therefore, often see them aligned naturally, so that they would be converted into energy photons and there should then be a great shortage of electrons in the universe.

3. Fractal structuring generates similar structures at various size levels. You might be able to use such a system to generate RNA molecules, but the code patterns for the protein machines that would be contained in the RNA molecules can vary greatly for each code pattern of the 200 or so complete codes that would need to be stored in the molecule to allow it to be used to generate the needed protein machines to make the first living creature. It is, therefore, not subject to fractal duplication except that an RNA molecule could possibly be duplicated with the same code that happened to be randomly formed in the first RNA molecule that happened to come about in some way naturally, but since that first molecule would not likely get the valid code patterns in it randomly, duplicating it would not be of much practical use. Fractal duplication would not help much to produce the particular RNA molecule that contained the complete valid code pattern set for all of the machines. It takes intelligence to determine the jobs that each machine needs to do and then to design the machine to do that work and then to build the first Molecule that contains all of the right codes. There is no random short cut due to the extremely large number of possible proteins that could be made, most of which would not produce machines that would work. All indications are that at small scales things can be identical. The fewer parts that are contained in something the easier it is to assemble it in the same way each time. When it comes to matter particles and energy photons, etc. the built in dimensional structuring components generate duplicate entities due to the constants that are built into the dimensional system. There are various servo mechanisms that are built into the structure of entities such as atoms, etc. that control conformation of their parts to basic structural design requirements, thus limiting variability in their operation. It is much easier to have an atom or molecule missing in a crystal, etc. in large scale objects because they are not operationally bond to the degree that the smaller entities are and they contain so many more parts.

4. When looking at the accretions of galaxies what methods do they currently use to determine what the accretions are composed of and the level of their structure, such as plasma and if so what elements are included, whole atoms and if so what elements are included, molecules and if so what complexity level are included, large scale objects and if so what size scale range is included? I ask this because you mentioned that in the milky-way galaxy several whole stars have been accreted. On the other hand, it seems that the thrust of your argument would be that it is all broken down into protons and electrons.

5. My assumptions were based on the information that you supplied that indicated that the mass of the galaxy would increase with each cycle and that the cycle times have been increasing. It is only logical to assume that if the mass increases, it would take a longer time to complete the next accretion in order to accrete that extra mass. It would be reasonable to then extrapolate that increase in mass and cycle times into the future and see where that would lead us, especially since you propose it to be an infinite cycle. It looks like it would work ok until the cycle time became greater than the average life time of the stars in the galaxy. Then the fuel source for the accretion would be used up leaving more and more burned out remnants of stars not accreted at the end of each new cycle. This material would mostly be heavier atoms that could not be fused in the new cycle's stars. It would, however, be drawn into and become parts of those stars, thus adding to their mass. This would mean that the stars in the galaxy would become larger and larger with each new cycle. Large stars fuse more source material much quicker than smaller stars do because they need to be at higher temperatures to balance the pull of gravity on their greater masses. This would use up the available fuel quicker with each cycle. They also have much shorter lifetimes than smaller stars. Stars the size of the sun might last about 10 billion years, but stars about 60 times the size of the sun would burn out in as little as 3 million years. This would mean that the fuel source for the accretion would be depleted much faster as the cycles progressed. At the same time the larger stars usually end their lives in supernovas that generate much heavier elements even including lead and uranium, etc. This would add even more heavy elements to the stars in the next cycle making them burn out sooner. Over a long enough time the accretion process would completely die out because there would not be enough accretion to enable the production of functional stars for the next cycle. There are several assumptions used above, but they are all in line with man's current understanding of the ways that stars function. Supernova explosions don't generally break atoms down into lower elements. The temperatures and pressures created by the explosion tend to condense the matter into higher more heavy elements.

Since your model is based more on realistic structures of matter particles, etc. than the currently believed point object construction it is no wonder that you come out being able to explain things that can't be acceptably explained by the main accepted theory structure. The more that you learn about the detailed structure of the basic particles and how they work together to make larger scale structures the more your theory will be able to explain and the less likely it will be that you will get sidetracked into unworkable concepts. I would not worry too much about uniting relativity and SR, and quantum mechanics, etc. because they contain some truth and some false information. As you progress you will see the good parts of them and they will then fit together. At the same time you will also be able to see the false parts of them and be able to not get caught up in following their dead ends. It will come naturally as you gain in understanding of how things really work. Occam's razor or the concept that the simplest answer is usually right is good to remember, especially when you hear people talking about multiverses, 20 or 30 extra dimensions, or traveling forward or backward in time, etc. Sometimes a few things must be added to get things to work, but it is best to add only what is necessary to accomplish that. Continue the good work. Sorry I wasn't paying attention to how big this was getting. I hope it is not too much.



Dear Satyavarapu,

It sounds good to discuss these things in the last week of the month, except that in about a week I need to start to work on another project and that will likely take up much of my time, so it might take me some time to get back to you each time.

I believe that some gravitational frequency shifting has been observed, but it works both ways, so when a photon approaches a large star the frequency would shift up, but when it later began to go away from the star it would be shifted down again and I believe that the up shift would not be enough to produce all of those matter particles.

I will wait for your contact then.

Does Hindu philosophy give any information about what God's purpose was for creating the universe and if that purpose includes man in any way?



Hi Paul,

We will discuss later also after the contest....



Dear Dizhechko,

You are wise to understand that you are not worthy to preach the Word of God because you have also sinned. We are all in that condition, which is why God had his Son Jesus Christ (the Word of God) live a sinless life as a man in this world and then offer himself up to die for us, so that we could receive him as our Lord and Savior and ask God to forgive our sins in his name and have our sins forgiven. Once we then receive and understand his Word and love him, he promises to come into us and live in us, which converts our spirits to do his will. Then he promises that God the Father (God the Spirit) will also love us and come into us and raise up our mortal bodies to do his will. Once this is accomplished, God the Father shows his Son what he is doing and the Son tells us and we then do God's will, which includes preaching the Gospel to others, so they can also be saved and joined to him as his body members. It is then actually God preaching the Gospel through us, so our worthiness is no longer of any importance. Like everything else there are more details, but that is the general overall way it works. In my paper I covered one place in the scriptures where God talks about the creation of the world at the beginning of Genesis. I will repeat that part here: Although the heaven is mentioned here to show that the creation includes both it and the earth, the words that follow concern only the earth. At that time, even though the earth was already created in the past tense, it says that it was void and without form. This means that the earth had the function of containing things that have forms or shapes, but it was empty. This describes an empty spatial system. He then says that darkness was upon the face of the deep. This means that the earth contained something called the deep, which has a face or surface. Next God says that his Spirit moved upon the face of the waters. This makes it clear that the deep is composed of what God calls waters and that his Spirit moved upon its surface. This signifies his first addition of motion into the earth. This motion would generate sub-energy particles in the universe, which God refers to here as the earth. Next God says let there be light and there was light. This tells us that the first motion that was inputted into the world was not in the form of light because that still needed to be done later here. Most who read this part only look at the surface and are amazed that God could bring light into existence by just speaking the words, but if we look a little deeper we can see that he is giving us scientific information that would not have been understandable to those who first heard it over two thousand years ago, but should be clear to us now. When you speak, you output motion that is in the form of waves of air called sound waves. This is a perfect way to say that God added motion to some of the sub-energy particles, that he had previously created when he moved upon the face of the waters, to make them go faster than the speed of light so it would be transferred to their fourth dimensional motions to create the wave functions that made those sub-energy particles turn into light photons. Next God divided the light from the darkness. This is a good description of adding more motion to some of the light photons with the proper angular motion component to cause motion to be transferred to their fifth dimensional motion and change them into matter particles which become dark because their light photons are trapped in the cyclically closed curved paths of the matter particles. Much more information is given in both the Old and New Testaments, which all leads me to conclude that the universe was not created by chance, but by God. Notice that it was God the Father (The Spirit of God) who inputted the motion into the world that created the sub-energy field particles that are an image of him. It was God's word who inputted the motions that created the light (energy photons) that created the image of him. Then it says that God (all three parts of him) inputted the motion that created the matter particles that are an image of his body. This would signify the condition of his body members when they are filled with the Holy Ghost and have God the Son and God the Father living in them and are, therefore, complete members of his body. That is all that I had room to put into my paper, but it continues in the scriptures from there. God separates that first input of motions from the next part by the end of the first day. Next God (his Word) said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament, and it was so. And God called the firmament heaven. At this point the waters that he is talking about are the same ones that the motions for the basic particles had been inputted into. These waters are a hidden part of the earth's creation that we cannot see or observe. The motions that are put into these waters generate the basic particles as their outputs into the spatial system that we exist in. They make up us and everything else that exists in that spatial system. God divided those waters into two parts by placing the firmament in the middle so that there are waters beneath the firmament and other waters that are above it. The firmament is a part of the earth that God later in the fourth day places the sun, the moon the stars, etc. in and he calls it heaven. It is the earth's heaven. This is not the heaven that God mentioned that he created at the beginning of the chapter. It is a part of the earth, so all that we can see as the universe is actually just the earth. That is then the end of the second day. In the third time division or day God gathered the waters under the firmament together and made the solid land and the liquid seas. This looks like the time that the planets, such as the earth were made. He then made the plants. God does not tell us what he did with the waters above the firmament. I think I know, but I am not sure and if I am right it is something that it is not yet time for man to know about, so I won't go into that any more now. In the fourth day God puts the things in the firmament as I mentioned earlier. In the fifth day he made the water creatures and the birds. In the sixth day he made the other land creatures and then made man in his image. There are other places where God tells us about the behind the scenes structures that we cannot observe that generate the world that we live in as its output. One book that contains quite a lot of detail is the book of Ezekiel and another one is the book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ. There are many other places also that give some additional information. God made the world, so he knows how everything will happen in it. He tells us many things that will happen in the future in the scriptures. Since it was written about two thousand years ago some of those things have already happened now, but some still will happen in the future. God did not make this world to be endless because it is made as a place for him to use to make a body for him to live in. We can become parts of his body. Once he has made all of the parts of his body, he will take all of the motion that he originally took out of himself to use to make this world back into himself, which will destroy this world. He will then make a new larger and better permanent world without entropy, so it can exist without end for him and his body members to live in together without end. I think that will be much better than living in this world where things keep breaking down including our present bodies over time.

Mathematical formulas are another form of words. Everything that can be expressed in a formula can also be expressed in other words and vice versa. Both are parts of man's abstract language structure. I can write 1+1=2 or one plus one equals two and they both mean the same thing. God used his Word to create the whole universe. Anything that we put out of ourselves to interact with the world outside of us is a form of a word. If you are outside of your house and you see the mail man coming up to your house and you put out your open hand for him to place your mail into it, you are telling him to give you your mail directly instead of putting it in your mail box just as surely as if you spoke the words to tell him to do that. When the mail man approaches your house with your mail in his hand, he is telling you that he has your mail without even saying a spoken word. All actions are forms of words. It used to be that if you told a computer to print something for you it would come out in the form of words on paper, but now it could be in the form of some object printed on a 3D printer, which is just another form of a word or output from the computer. I read your essay and it is good that you see that motion is the basis of all things. You still believe that a motion must exist in something else, which is why you want to make space be a substance that motion can move in. The next step is to understand that motions can exist by themselves in empty space. They do not need to move in some other object. All of the other objects are themselves made up of motions. God took part of his motions to use to make this universe. God exists without end, so the motions that he is made of also exist without end or to say it in more scientific terms motions are always conserved. They are the only things in the universe that are truly conserved. All you need to make a universe is the empty spatial system with positions in it for the motions to be in and to continuously move from one position to the next in the direction that they are traveling in at the speed that they are going in and the actual motions that do those things. Space does not need to be a substance. It just needs to have a lot of empty positions in it to hold a lot of motions. The motions are the substance. It is good that you see that cyclical motions are needed to make things like matter particles and energy photons, etc. The problem is to figure out how to make them because basic motions always travel in straight lines. A cyclical motion generally requires periodic reversal of the direction of motion in all of the dimensions that participate in the cyclical motion. Motions can't change their direction of travel themselves, however. Their direction can only be changed by an interaction. This means that the key to generating the directional changes that are needed to generate the cyclical motions required by energy photons and matter particles, etc. is to find a way to generate periodic motion directional changes. I give examples of how this can be done in my contest papers on this site. The structural points of motions are not infinitely small, but they are very small. Each motion contains a certain strength or amount of motion that I call its motion amplitude. It is what causes one motion to move faster than another one. This motion amplitude can vary from zero to an amount that generates the amount of motion that is called the speed of light. The motion amplitude contained in a motion can be changed, but only during an interaction. I notice that you use a spatial pressure to cause the curved motion that produces the static mass effect of matter particles. It would seem to me that if that pressure is the same throughout space like air pressure is on earth, it would not cause the curved motion because it would be pressing equally on all sides of the motion, which would result a in net pressure of zero because the pressure on one side of the motion would be offset by the equal pressure on the opposite side. I may not be understanding how that pressure is applied, etc., however. What would cause that pressure and how would it work? If space is some kind of substance that transmits motions, then the next question would be what is that substance? That could add another undefined existent entity into the structure of the universe. In my theory, space is just space and motions are just motions. I only add a small fourth dimension to generate cyclical motion that generates the frequency, wavelength, and dynamic mass effects of energy photons and matter particles and a fifth dimension to generates the cyclical motion that generates the three dimensional curved motion of the matter particles. Note, the curved motion that generates the static mass effect of matter particles must be three dimensional instead of just a rotation, which is two dimensional, in order to produce a mass effect that is the same in all three dimensions. Both of those dimensions just provide spatial positions for motions to move and interact in. Everything can be defined in terms that are familiar and commonly understood. I may have just missed it, but I did not see much about how energy photons work in your theory. Please explain to me how they work in your theory in terms of the motions that they are composed of.




Sometimes I start to believe that space is the body of God, which contains the beginning of everything that is happening in the world. I agree with you that the person imagines that he is the smartest. In fact, he received from God through the Word only a little part from the fact that it is available. A man not given to understand all the words of God. Therefore, the description of creation in the Bible was written to trigger in his mind are images of the world that he was capable of then. Only now we understand that it was a child's view of the world peculiar to us in early life. Man did not invent himself, all thoughts he takes from nature by analogy. In the course of his life in his mind many images of the world and he begins to think about his creation differently than is written in the Bible.

The space, like God, exists in the movement. The movement makes him infinite, without boundary or end. The emptiness in space like a God, no, because it heals his education circular or oscillatory motion. The photon energy is locked inside the corpuscle in which it is moving in three dimensions the wave of Compton.

In New Cartesian Physic all defined in terms that are familiar and understandable.

Your essay I have already praised as excellent.

I wish you success!

Dizhechko Boris

Dear Dizhechko,

God says: No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, (Jesus Christ, the Word) which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. Just before Jesus died on the cross he told his disciples that he would not leave them alone, but would send them another comforter (the Holy Ghost) and he said to them: At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you. After God made Adam in his image, he took a rib out of him and made Eve who is the image of man. If doing this is part of the image of God making the universe and man in it, it looks like he may have taken his motions out of a place in his bosom and placed his son (the Word) in that place that he had evacuated his motions out of and then used the Word to make the universe in him including us, using some of those motions that he had taken out of that area to add back in to make the sub-energy, energy photons, and matter particles, etc. in our universe. I have not seen enough evidence in the scriptures yet to say that I am sure things happened that way, but what I have seen so far agrees with that possibility. If that is the case then that space is in God and the universe including us are in him and in his Word and we are made of motions that were part of him, but since he evacuated himself from that space in him and then used motions that were part of him, but had been removed from himself to make these things we cannot say that we are joined to him as parts of him at this time. That joining is to take place between him and his body members in the new world that comes after this one ends. God may be infinite, but if the universe was made in a fixed area within him, this universe would have to be finite. I have not seen anything one way or the other about how that will be in the world to come. I have come to the conclusion over a long period of time that all knowledge, wisdom, and understanding come from God, not from man or from nature. I have had too many times that I desired to know some specific thing or how something in the world actually works and have worked for many long hours trying to figure it out and not being able to do so and then have the answer just come into me when I am not even thinking about it. This tells me that it was not my work, but was given to me. Since God is the source of all knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, I believe that it is all given to me or to anyone else by God. God says that he gives gifts to men that differ according to his grace or favour. He will give one gift to one and a different gift to another according to his will. Even Jesus (the Word of God) said the Son can do nothing of himself. If he can't, then the rest of us who are much less than him certainly can't either. Beliefs, such as, that one man is smarter than another is just a device invented by men to make people believe that they are either better or worse than others, so that they can take advantage of others in some way and are of no real importance. You are right that we see in part. I don't claim to know everything. I mentioned one thing above that I don't have enough information about to say that I can consider it to be the way that it looks to be for sure. I do try to give people the answers that they need to the best of my knowledge, because God tells us that as we receive, we are expected to give, so I do as much as I can. It is true that when you read the scriptures the first time, you will only be able to understand that which your earthly mind can understand, but Jesus said: If you continue in my word, you are my disciples indeed and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. Each time you read it the knowledge that you have received in past readings allows you to understand more, so the key to getting understanding is to continue in the Word. You are right that God has placed information about him and the world that he made, in that world or nature to help us to come to and understand him and his works. God tells us that his Word is more sure and that anything that man might think or say that is contrary to his Word is not true. Yes that is a problem that man can have, which is to look at the world and see something and then misapply it to something that it does not actually apply to or to apply it in the wrong way because of lack of knowledge. A lot depends on a person's individual experiences or lack of them. As an example, I see many people who believe that the static mass effect of a matter particle is caused by rotation like the rotation of the earth on its axis. If that person had taken a bicycle wheel and mounted it on a shaft, so that he could hold onto the shaft on one side of the wheel with one hand and hold onto the shaft on the other side of the wheel with the other hand and then did that and had someone spin the wheel, he would experience that he could move the shaft and wheel up, down, forward, backward, left, or right and it would feel the same whether the wheel was spinning or not. If he tried to move it in any way that would change the direction of its axis of rotation, however, he would feel a greater resistance to that change when the wheel was spinning than when it was not spinning. After that experience he would not likely come to the conclusion that rotation would produce a static mass effect in matter particles that would be the same in interactions from all directions. He would come to understand that the motion would have to be three dimensional so that no matter what direction that the interaction came from it would try to change the three dimensional complex motion axis structure, thus giving the same static mass effect in all interactions. This is something that can be observed in nature, but not all people experience it directly. Of course, there is another way to get that understanding, which is to get that information from someone else who has done that, which is why we need to give to others those things that God has given us to see and understand.

To let me get a better understanding of your theory let me ask some questions. It seems to me that you equate space and matter as being the same thing. Is that true? If yes, is matter/space composed or made of motion in a vortex pattern like in a tornado, etc.? In addition to that does matter/space also consist of other motion that in some way exerts pressure on the vortex motion of the matter to cause it to continue to travel in that curved path rather than to just travel in a straight line like a motion would usually travel in? If it does, is that other motion that exerts the pressure also considered to be a part of that piece of matter/space or is it something else? What is the source of the power that continually causes that motion to continue to exert that pressure on the vortex motion? It would seem to me that if space does not exist except as matter, each matter particle would be of some size and if another particle also existed it would either have to be directly connected to the first particle or it would be completely separate from it with no space in between it and the other particle. As an example, If a large number of matter vortex particles were connected together to form a man and another group of particles were connected to form another man, if the two men had no direct contact with each other, they would be completely isolated from each other with no possible contact with each other because there would be no space between them to travel through to reach each other. Each one's space would be completely filled by the one man and would not extend beyond him. Is that true or is there some way around that? How can a man look around him and see what looks like empty space between him and some other object made of matter/space? The answers to some of these questions may be obvious depending on the answers to others, but I include them in case the answer is different than I expect it to be. What is the corpuscle that you mention made of and how does it work? I will stop there for now because I will need answers to those questions to understand what I should ask next.



Dear Satyavarapu,

I am not sure what you are asking for. Everything that I have sent to you is in both my and your paper's pages. You should be able to find it there.



Ok Thank you,

i was asking about the electrochemical reaction equations for formation of elements. But any way....

One part of the questions I already answered on the second day, for which I asked a little time.

I will try for the second set of questions (electrochemical reaction equations for formation of elements), which I am working out. I will send that for your perusal ASAP................

Kind regards


6 days later

Dizhechko Boris Semyonovich's comment to me on his paper's page:

Dear Paul!

I am an independent researcher. The existence of God is not the subject of my research. The subject of my research are the formulas derived on the basis of previously conducted experiments and finding links between them, thus to get a unified theory.

You correctly me have understood, "that you equate space and matter as being the same thing. Is that true? If yes, is matter/space of the composed or made of motion in a vortex pattern like in a tornado, etc.?"

This is the principle of identity of space and matter. It came up with not I, and Descartes 400 years ago together with the "is matter/space of the composed or made of motion in a vortex pattern like in a tornado, etc.?"

I added that movement in a straight line is curvilinear motion on a circle of infinitely large radius. Thus, all movements are circular or oscillatory, in General, periodic.

We have to think here not about geometrical space, and the physical space created by moving matter, which is initially completely transparent and we have not felt otherwise as a space. The question arises: - does the nature of rectangular bricks of matter, of which can be folded completely dense space? It is obvious that these bricks no in nature. Remains to think that in space there are holes that it tries to fill, to rule out their existence. However, the formation of new holes and the movement continues endlessly.

To avoid formation of holes, Descartes suggested the existence of an infinitely divisible medium - the ether, which fills all the gaps and makes the space without holes. I would argue that ether is not necessary. The space is continuously moving and continuously continuously fills the resulting hole. There is the eternal movement, based on the equivalence of emptiness and movement. Thus, there is a New Cartesian Physic, in which space is completely tight because it is in constant motion. However, the absolute density of space is one feature. According to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, which I changed to the principle of definiteness of points of space to allocate an infinitely small point it must exert an infinitely large momentum, i.e., it can no be done. If we take the point a little more, the magnitude of the impulse will decrease and it can be set in motion. Thanks to this feature the space of possible electromagnetic waves.

You say: "As an example, If a large number of vortex matter particles were connected together to form a man and another group of particles were connected to form another man, if the two men had no direct contact with each other, they would be completely isolated from each other with no possible contact with each other because there would be no space between them to travel through to reach each other."

That's just included in the theme of my essay. The visible surface of the human body are not its border. Related space go beyond this visible surface of the human body and affects both other people and objects.

Paul, you well understand, you have a good essay, so you ask good questions.

All the best, Dizhechko Boris

My comment to Dizhechko:

Dear Dizhechko,

I am also an independent researcher. The general subject of my research is how the world began and how it works, so God does enter into my area of research along with many other areas. I can understand that most people tend to work in more narrow research areas. The advantage of doing so is that one can gain more in depth understanding about that one smaller area. The disadvantage is that one loses the view of the overall picture that can allow more overall understanding of the whole system. It takes both types to gain the full in depth understandings in all of the local areas of research and to then join all of them together to make a complete in depth understanding of the whole structure. I tend to see patterns in things around me that most others miss and can then follow those patterns to new understandings of the systems that generate them. That ability works best when working on the larger structural scale of things instead of a narrow area because the patterns are richer there and often flow through and connect many of the narrow areas when fully understood. I mainly tried to answer your comments about God. I try to help others who express thoughts or questions about an area that I have worked in and understanding God is the most important area in existence, but I don't have to cover that area if you are not interested.

If space has a boundary(s), it cannot be infinite. This is the case whether it is a boundary that exists at the limit of its current expansion into the void or if it is just small bubbles of the void that exist somehow in or around matter particles, etc. To be completely infinite it would have to completely fill the void and the void would have to be infinite. If the universe is not truly infinite, it would not be likely that an infinite circle could be constructed except as a bounded infinity, which is different than an absolute infinity. If it is infinite, it would likely just extend out in all directions infinitely and have no geometric form or shape to it. This would mean that a motion could just continue on in a straight line without end and never need to have its motion curve. That is what motions do by themselves. They only curve as the result of interactions with something. The same thing applies to oscillatory motions. They need to have periodic interactions to change their direction of travel to generate the cycle. Most motions that man works with are not over long enough distances that any spatial curvature would exist. Especially the extremely small distances associated with the structure of matter particles. So far, all of man's observations that I have seen indicate a flat non curved space even at very large scales.

If emptiness equals movement, what is the form or pattern of the movement of empty space compared to the vortex motion of matter that exists within its space? The angular motion of the vortex would generate a static mass effect in an interaction between it and any other vortex that was rotating in the same direction, but if the top end of one vortex interacted with the bottom end of another one they would both be traveling in the same direction at the same speed and would, therefore, not experience the same angular motion against angular motion mass effect that a side to side interaction would produce. If the interaction was between the side of one vortex with the side of the other vortex, but one vortex was rotated one hundred and eighty degrees from the other one, so that what was the bottom of it was now at its top, when their surfaces met they would both be traveling in the same direction and that would also produce a different mass effect during the interaction. In interaction observations these variations are not observed, however. This is what led me to conclude that a matter particle's motion had to be in a three dimensional motion pattern in order to produce a three dimensional balanced static mass effect. If I look up into the sky and see a star that is four light years away, how much of that empty space is related to me and how much of it is related to the star?

Sorry it took so long for me to give a return comment, but I have now started on another project, so, much of my time is now applied to that. I will do my best to respond, however.



Dear Paul,

I am uploading a paper whose Abstract and title are given below.....

Nucleosynthesis after frequency shifting in electromagnetic radiation near gravitating masses in Dynamic Universe Model

Satyavarapu Naga Parameswara Gupta (SNP Gupta)

Retired Assistant General Manager, Bhilai Steel Plant,

Res 1B / Street 57 / Sector 8 / Bhilai 490008

Abstract: This paper is further to Dynamic Universe Model studies of the "light rays and other electromagnetic radiation" passing grazingly near any gravitating mass changes its frequency .This change in frequency will depend on relative direction of movement between mass and radiation. All these particles like "neutrinos, positrons, electrons, protons and neutrons" behave like waves also. We should remember the wave particle duality. Hence frequency enhancing is applicable here also. So in other words change in frequency can go further to converting radiation into matter like micro particles as stated above. Here in this paper we will discuss further into different element formations. And we will see some possible electrochemical reactions that are possible at high temperature and pressure for formation of these different elements.

Keywords: Dynamic Universe Model, Hubble Space telescope (HST), SITA simulations , singularity-free cosmology, Blue shifted Galaxies , Red shifted Galaxies, Grazing radiation frequency changes, Formation of Elements, NucleosynthesisAttachment #1: VDUMOC7_ref_FQXi_Nucleosynthesis.doc

Dear Paul

I prepared and Uploaded this paper 6 days before the contest closing , I request you to please have critical look at this paper and give your esteemed opinion on this paper.

I hope this will answer all the questions you rised....

Best Regards


Dear Paul,

I uploaded the full paper with Dynamic Universe Model Math to viXra. Now I got the web link address

Hope you will have look and give your esteemed comments...

Best regards


Dear Butler, you were surprised by my assertion that space is the body of God. Here's my statement: "our eyes and the eyes of all living creatures God looks at Himself". The unity of the world in the unity of God, say the theologians. The unity of the world in the unity of matter - say the materialists. New Cartesian Physic claims that the unity of the world in the identity space, as the body of the Lord God that doeth wonders, and matter. That space is the body of the Lord God, people guess for a long time and therefore the question "Where is God?" they say, "God is in heaven."

Nature abhors a vacuum - so said the ancient philosophers. The wall closes instantly, if we will allow God, says Descartes, somewhere in an extraordinary way to form the void. Descartes did not know that the greatest speed is the speed of light and so today we say that in this case the walls of the voids are closed at the speed of light. Therefore, the void where space is moving at the speed of light.

The vortex is an unstable structure. Make it sustainable it is necessary that his side was locked. For example, the tornado lower end is locked in the surface of the Earth. The vortex will be stable if his side pinched, and he will be Thor. Boca vortex locked, if it is, as you say, becomes a three-dimensional movement due to its rotation.

You are not ready to accept the identity of space and matter, but I will give you the highest rating for you to remember about the existence of a New Cartesian Physic.

All the best!

Dizhechko Boris

Dear Satyavarapu,

I looked at your paper and the biggest problems that I see are ones that I have already mentioned to you earlier in the comments.

1. The first problem is that experimental observations show that when a photon is emitted from a source that is located in a gravitational field and received by a receiver that is located at a place closer to the center of the field where the field is stronger, the receiver will register the photon as being blue shifted (its frequency will appear to be increased), which goes along ok with your theory of photons' frequencies being blue shifted when approaching a large mass. The part that you are ignoring is that the opposite is also true. When a photon is emitted from a source that is located in a gravitational field and received by a receiver that is located in a place farther away from the center of the field where the field is weaker, the receiver will register the photon as being red shifted (its frequency will appear to be decreased), This means that as a photon would travel toward a large mass its frequency would be increased, but as it passed the large mass and began to travel away from it, its frequency would be decreased back down to where it originally was since observations show that the amount of frequency change experienced by the photon is the same in either direction, so that it would always be decreased by the same amount during the trip away from the large mass as it had been increased by its trip toward the large mass. This would mean that the idea that a photon's frequency could be increased by passing a cascade of stars would not work because the increase that it would receive when it was approaching each star would be taken back by the gravitational field of the star as it moved away from it. When it reached the gravitational field of next star in the cascade it would, therefore, be back to its original frequency before it had approached the previous star in the cascade. There would be no net increase in its frequency no matter how big the cascade was. After it left the gravitational field of last star in the cascade it would be back to the original frequency that it had when it was originally emitted.

2. The second problem is that the middle range atoms that are produced in stars as byproducts of the fusion processes that take place in them cannot be broken down back into the hydrogen atoms that were used to form them. That process cannot be reversed by the stars or in any large enough quantity by any other process known to man without the input of more energy than was freed in their production. This is the case because they are in a state of greater entropy because they contain less total motion content than was contained in the separate hydrogen atoms that were used to produce them. To change them back into hydrogen atoms would, therefore, require the addition of all of the motion that had been removed from them and radiated away in the form of energy photons and would also require the addition of more motion to make up for the normal escape, dispersion, and, therefore, loss of use of some of the input motion as a part of the entropy process. This does not occur in nature and if it did it would ultimately run out of the extra motion needed to enable the continuation of the process. These elements would build up in the universe over time and would be taken into new stars when they are formed from the dust and gasses, etc. that contain them. This would result in new stars being larger and denser over time. The larger and denser stars consume much more energy than the smaller stars, thus using up their hydrogen and other fusion source materials much more quickly and, therefore, they burn out much sooner (in as little as 3 million years instead of the estimated 10 billion years for a star like the sun). They also tend to end in a supernova, which produces even heavier elements that would be taken up in the next generation of stars, thus continually increasing the effect until the mass would be too great to form functional stars.

There are two things that are built into the most basic structure of our current universe that cause things to work in this way and they cannot be overcome or changed without completely changing the structure of the universe and that is something that man will never be able to do. They are:

1. During an interaction that transfers motion amplitude (speed) from one entity to another one, the motion is generally transferred from the entity that possesses the greater motion content (speed) to the one that contains the lesser motion content. The result of this through many interactions over a long period of time is that the motions that contained larger amounts of motion give up some of their motion while those with only a small amount of motion receive motion from those that give it up. The end result is that the overall dynamic range of motions decreases with the motions of all entities slowly changing toward the middle of the range. This partly explains why the middle range atoms are the most stable, while the lightest atoms tend to give up their greater motion contents to form the middle range atoms. It is easy to see that trying to expand the range back to where it was before it was narrowed by normal entropy interactions will require the addition of all of the motion that has been transferred from the entities that originally contained the larger amount of motion back into them, but this transfer can only be accomplished through interactions with entities that still contain motion contents that are large enough to allow the transfer of the needed motion content back into the midrange atoms to allow them to be transferred back into the higher range hydrogen atoms. In addition to this, more motion must be applied because some of the applied motion will be dispersed and lost to productive use to convert the atoms back into hydrogen atoms. This brings us to the other thing that greatly contributes to entropy.

2. Motion entities that exist in higher density areas tend to disperse into locations of lower density. This is largely due to the fact that any entity that travels toward the center of density is likely to enter into an interaction that will change its direction of travel, but one that travels away from the center of density is less likely to interact with another entity, so it will likely be able to continue in its path away from the high density area. This is why the motions that are freed up in the fusion process are radiated away from the star and don't just stay in it. Space is very large and if you dispersed all of the energy photons evenly throughout it, the energy density would be very low everywhere. Also, living creatures not only require energy, but require differences in energy to function and man requires these differences to power his machines, etc. We live by transferring motions (energy) from entities that possess greater motion amplitude (speed) to those with less motion amplitude and in the process we extract desirable work to function and to build the things that we build. No matter how much energy was available we could not survive if it was evenly distributed everywhere. That is why this part of entropy is so detrimental to man and all living creatures. As man transfers motion from entities that contain larger amounts of motions to those that have less motions in order to extract the desired work from those motions, he also contributes to entropy item number one above and because some of that motion always gets dissipated into space in the form of energy photons, etc. he also contributes to entropy item number two above also. The natural world works the same way. In order for it to do the work of reversing the fusion reactions of stars, all of the original motion content that was present in the hydrogen atoms would have to be added back in from some other higher energy source and in addition to that extra energy would need to be added from that source to allow for the amount that would go into the energy dispersion that would occur as part of the process. You have not given such a higher energy source in your theory. The gravity shifting that you mention in your theory would not work because of the equal down shifting that would occur when the photon traveled away from the gravity source and there is no other such source present in nature either. There are some other problems also, but I don't want to cover too much at a time because you seem to not be able to follow that many. There are, of course, also some good things in your theory, but it is not worth going into them until the above mentioned road blocks are removed.



Dear Paul N Butler,

Thank you very much for studying my new paper and giving some fast comments. You are confusing a bit. They are no problems at all... I am repeating my first post here

............... Your words..........

......................... I looked at your paper and the biggest problems that I see are ones that I have already mentioned to you earlier in the comments.

1. The first problem is that experimental observations show that when a photon is emitted from a source that is located in a gravitational field and received by a receiver that is located at a place closer to the center of the field where the field is stronger, the receiver will register the photon as being blue shifted (its frequency will appear to be increased), which goes along ok with your theory of photons' frequencies being blue shifted when approaching a large mass. The part that you are ignoring is that the opposite is also true. When a photon is emitted from a source that is located in a gravitational field and received by a receiver that is located in a place farther away from the center of the field where the field is weaker, the receiver will register the photon as being red shifted (its frequency will appear to be decreased), This means that as a photon would travel toward a large mass its frequency would be increased, but as it passed the large mass and began to travel away from it, its frequency would be decreased back down to where it originally was since observations show that the amount of frequency change experienced by the photon is the same in either direction, so that it would always be decreased by the same amount during the trip away from the large mass as it had been increased by its trip toward the large mass. This would mean that the idea that a photon's frequency could be increased by passing a cascade of stars would not work because the increase that it would receive when it was approaching each star would be taken back by the gravitational field of the star as it moved away from it. When it reached the gravitational field of next star in the cascade it would, therefore, be back to its original frequency before it had approached the previous star in the cascade. There would be no net increase in its frequency no matter how big the cascade was. After it left the gravitational field of last star in the cascade it would be back to the original frequency that it had when it was originally emitted. ..............Reply...................

I will give an example. There was an old story. Some Greek philosopher argued a Greek Olympic runner who won gold can never overtake a tortoise which started a bit early and is ahead of him. He says by the time he moves half distance the tortoise will move some more distance. And by the time he covers half of the remaining distance, the tortoise will move some more ahead. And this argument continues.

Here you are talking about the Gravitational redshift, this is a much smaller effect. What Dynamic Universe Model proposes happens on the light rays that goes GRAZINGLY near some gravitational mass. The equations of Gr Redshift are available in Wikipedia... You can see clearly they are dependent on distances only. General case for a photon of frequency ОЅ 2 emitted at distance R 2 to observer distance R 1 (measured as distances from the gravitational center of mass) the equation

ОЅ 1 = ОЅ 2 SQRT ( R 1 ( R 2 в€' r s )/ R 2 ( R 1 в€' r s ) )

as long as R 1 , R 2 > rs holds.

For the Dynamic Universe Model case....

See in page 31 of the recent paper "Nucleosynthesis after frequency shifting in electromagnetic radiation near gravitating masses in Dynamic Universe Model with Math" Case3. When the velocity of gravitational mass is not exactly opposite or exactly in the same direction to the incoming light ray:

In this case the gravitational field will act as some brake or enhance the energy of the incoming light ray depending on (Cos П•) of the velocity of gravitational mass relative to incoming radiation, where (П•) is the angle between the light ray and velocity of gravitational mass .

The gravitating mass is moving with a velocity Ој in the opposite direction and applies brake on the photon. This is something similar to the case where the gravitational mass is fixed in position and the photon of the rest mass E / c2 is moving with velocity Ој Cos П• +c

Hence the initial velocity of photon = - Ој Cos П• -c. It's velocity is towards the gravitational mass. The photon is having a freefall. Its final velocity = - Ој -c - got [ where t is the time of flight of photon].

Initial Energy = m (Ој Cos П• +c)2 /2 = E (Ој Cos П• +c)2 /2 c2 = E (Ој2 Cos2 П• +c2+2Ој Cos П• c )/2c2

Final Energy = ВЅ (E / c2 )(- Ој Cos П• -c -got)2 = ВЅ (E / c2 )(Ој2 Cos2 П• +c2+go2t2+2Ој Cos П• got+2cgot+2Ој Cos П• c )

Change in Energy = ВЅ (E / c2 ) (go2t2+2Ој Cos П• got+2cgot ), here E = h П' that means

Change in Energy = ВЅ (h П' / c2 ) (go2t2+2Ој Cos П• got+2cgot )

Hence change in Frequency = П' = 1/ {2 (h / c2 ) (go2t2+2Ој Cos П• got+2cgot )}

If you want some numerical values for comparison sake you can do it...

It should be noted here....

a. The frequency change happens due to gravity of star mass, not due to relative direction of movement between grazing light ray and the star.

b. Star velocity is much much smaller compared to velocity of light. You can have a look at the equations

As the time is less I am making posts in different posts, Kindly note that I did not edit Subscripts and Superscripts. See the paper for original equations.

Best Regards



Dear Paul N Butler,

Thank you very much for studying my new paper and giving some fast comments. You are confusing a bit. They are no problems at all.................. Your words..........

......................... 2. The second problem is that the middle range atoms that are produced in stars as by products of the fusion processes that take place in them cannot be broken down back into the hydrogen atoms that were used to form them. That process cannot be reversed by the stars or in any large enough quantity by any other process known to man without the input of more energy than was freed in their production. This is the case because they are in a state of greater entropy because they contain less total motion content than was contained in the separate hydrogen atoms that were used to produce them. To change them back into hydrogen atoms would, therefore, require the addition of all of the motion that had been removed from them and radiated away in the form of energy photons and would also require the addition of more motion to make up for the normal escape, dispersion, and, therefore, loss of use of some of the input motion as a part of the entropy process. This does not occur in nature and if it did it would ultimately run out of the extra motion needed to enable the continuation of the process. These elements would build up in the universe over time and would be taken into new stars when they are formed from the dust and gasses, etc. that contain them. This would result in new stars being larger and denser over time. The larger and denser stars consume much more energy than the smaller stars, thus using up their hydrogen and other fusion source materials much more quickly and, therefore, they burn out much sooner (in as little as 3 million years instead of the estimated 10 billion years for a star like the sun). They also tend to end in a supernova, which produces even heavier elements that would be taken up in the next generation of stars, thus continually increasing the effect until the mass would be too great to form functional stars. ..............Reply...................

Why extra motion is required. Hydrogen is supplied from photon to proton frequency conversion process. It can be done by cascading of stars. See my first reply. The frequency conversion happens due to gravitation not by relative motion.

We don't require nuclear fission of mid range elements to make the Hydrogen back for continuation. By super novae explosions additional elements are formed and it is required...

Best Regards



Dear Paul N Butler,

............... Your words................................... There are two things that are built into the most basic structure of our current universe that cause things to work in this way and they cannot be overcome or changed without completely changing the structure of the universe and that is something that man will never be able to do. They are: . ..............Reply...................

The changing of structure of universe is impossible for man, before that he has to do the first step first... he should be able to understand the working of Universe first, if he can?


Dear Paul N Butler,

............... Your words................................... 1. During an interaction that transfers motion amplitude (speed) from one entity to another one, the motion is generally transferred from the entity that possesses the greater motion content (speed) to the one that contains the lesser motion content. The result of this through many interactions over a long period of time is that the motions that contained larger amounts of motion give up some of their motion while those with only a small amount of motion receive motion from those that give it up. The end result is that the overall dynamic range of motions decreases with the motions of all entities slowly changing toward the middle of the range. This partly explains why the middle range atoms are the most stable, while the lightest atoms tend to give up their greater motion contents to form the middle range atoms. ..............Reply...................

This explains partly only, the middle range atoms are more stable because of their atomic structure also


Dear Paul,

............... Your words.......... ......................... It is easy to see that trying to expand the range back to where it was before it was narrowed by normal entropy interactions will require the addition of all of the motion that has been transferred from the entities that originally contained the larger amount of motion back into them, but this transfer can only be accomplished through interactions with entities that still contain motion contents that are large enough to allow the transfer of the needed motion content back into the midrange atoms to allow them to be transferred back into the higher range hydrogen atoms. In addition to this, more motion must be applied because some of the applied motion will be dispersed and lost to productive use to convert the atoms back into hydrogen atoms. This brings us to the other thing that greatly contributes to entropy. ..............Reply...................

Hydrogen heed not be prepared this way. Hydrogen Balance will be done in another process, the frequency changing process.

Best regards



Dear Paul,

............... Your words.......... ......................... 2. Motion entities that exist in higher density areas tend to disperse into locations of lower density. This is largely due to the fact that any entity that travels toward the center of density is likely to enter into an interaction that will change its direction of travel, but one that travels away from the center of density is less likely to interact with another entity, so it will likely be able to continue in its path away from the high density area. ..............Reply...................

Non uniform density of masses (energy)is one of the fundamental axioms of Dynamic Universe Model


............... Your words................................... This is why the motions that are freed up in the fusion process are radiated away from the star and don't just stay in it. Space is very large and if you dispersed al of the energy photons evenly throughout it, the energy density would be very low everywhere. Also, living creatures not only require energy, but require differences in energy to function and man requires these differences to power his machines, etc. We live by transferring motions (energy) from entities that possess greater motion amplitude (speed) to those with less motion amplitude and in the process we extract desirable work to function and to build the things that we build. No matter how much energy was available we could not survive if it was evenly distributed everywhere. ..............Reply...................

No Isotropy; No Homogeneity; No Space-time continuum; Non-uniform density of matter(Universe is lumpy); Non uniform density of energy etc are some of the fundamental axioms of Dynamic Universe Model

