Hi Yehuda,

I found your essay very interesting! I would be interested in knowing your thoughts on my essay The Code-Theoretic Axiom as well as a rating...

I also wonder about any input on our new movie 'What Is Reality' which can be found on the Quantum Gravity Research youtube channel.

Warm Regards,

Klee Irwin

Hi Klee Irwin

Thanks for reading my essay and found it interesting. Yes, in my perception of reality , it is all in the attributes of a movement. the quality of our attributes are those that singular us as subjective and unique.

I will read your essay and see you YouTube "what is reality" and comment at your essay on them. looking forward and a greater exposure for all of us.

Thanks again


Dear Atai,

Time goes into one way only. it increases into future. it is not a vector, calculations of imaginary time will take us nowhare, but confusion only...

best Regards


Dear SNP Gupta

It seems you did not understand or read my essay.

Time is a Human perception of reality and it does not exists in reality. We slice the event to measure it. We assumes time, because the changes between day and night etc' and the way we perceive reality with Causality and Duality principles, which gives us order and control. Causality and Duality are special cases in the occurrence of phenomena.

All the best



What a magnificent essay you wrote. You certainly capture "I and Thou". You could leave off the 20 attributes of the schema; your insightful poetry is enough. The consciousness field is intended as the seamless seal of our shared concreteness. It is sensitive to momentum density, which is to say intensity of motion, and it spans the universe, but nowhere more spontaneously and more at home than here on earth.

I profoundly enjoyed your essay.

Edwin Eugene Klingman


    Thanks for your response and your profound enjoyment of the essay.

    The idea of unique consciousness field for each human resemble the idea of a unique "soul" out of a general ancient soul in Kabbalah (just a thought).

    Your essay indeed a challenging one.

    Hope we get large visibility and readers.

    yehuda atai


    Quite interesting essay, a different idea on ontology. Showing the movement from within the atom and how the concreteness of being relate to physical force, and movement, but even beyond momentum, vector, M/E, and time there are attributes going to aims.

    "I move, therefore I am" seems a new paradigm. Even moreso, "we are together, therefore I am"

    I assume you did not rate my essay. Often trolls strike when others comments and I've had countless trolls.


    Jim Hoover

    Dear Mr. Atai

    Thanks for the proton. Now I'm sure.

    If the two protons are identical, then it is also be identical their surroundings.

    Surroundings are not identical. So, two protons are not identical. Why ? Becouse, in the formula (17) are two transcendental mathematical constants. Thus, all our equations are approximations. Sometimes with immense accuracy, but they are not identity.

    Best regards,


      Dear Branko,

      Yes, they are NOT identical otherwise as you said:"If the two protons are identical, then it is also be identical their surroundings" which is impossible to be. Proton B cant be in the exact and identical position in space as proton A.

      Thanks, best


      Dear Yuda,

      some initial parts of your essay appeared to me as vaguely reminiscent, in style and spirit, of the work of Teilhard De Chardin ('The Human Phenomenon'), except that you seem to develop an even more complex picture, and to cover a more restricted field -- Teilhard addresses the whole cosmos in its origin and fate.

      As a consequence, I had a reaction somewhat similar to the one I felt when reading his work: my impression is that these pictures would greatly benefit from some formalisation, one that could lend itself to some form of verification. Ideally, mathematics. Otherwise, under what type of label would you prefer your visions to be classified? Too much specific and articulated to be pure philosophy, I believe. And, although you mention particles a few times, you seem to focus mostly on sentient 'existents'. Cognitive psychology? Even in this case, your work would benefit from a more direct connection with, and technical treatment of the phenomena observed in that field.

      A specific point: you put the possibility of choice at the very root of reality. This appears in contrast with the microscopic determinism of physical law, albeit possibly full of implications for the central theme of the Contest. I would have expected some explicit comments on this contrast, and on the (predominant?) role played by this 'choice' in your global picture.

      Best regards


        Hi Tommaso

        I am glad to remind you some ideas of Teilhard De Chardin which I don't know him well @ deeply. It seems, that he was both Dualist - body vs spirit and held to the principle of Causation, and the Cartesian belief in the total existence of perfect God.

        I am a philosopher that relate more to phenomenology of consciousness; Building a philosophical "floor" on the works of Husserl, Bergson, Ponti etc. My philosophical work is a positive cosmology, (not deconstructionist) a general work in all aspects from ontology through phenomenology to ethics. So I also address to the whole cosmos but in this restricted essay I limit myself to 25000 characters.(it seems I was not clear on that)

        My view is ontogenic and with it when I zoom into the nano level into the Movement-phenomenon itself (regardless whether it is a particle or a wave) I found that the subjectivity, the uniqueness of each movement whether its a grain of sand or a person or galaxie is in the quality of the movement in each of them. The movement (non movement is also an option of the system that consume energy) has attributes like "character", "memory", "structure", "material" etc, and the sum total qualities of the attributes are unique to each movement-phenomenon.

        In this essay I tried to show that reality is continuously being ratified to us internally and externally. Without this ratification we would not possess the assurance that we are unique though we change continuously.

        I showed how the ever changing preset continuous, hold us as self organization and explain the inner self what Ponti or Heidegger and others did not.

        What makes the ever changing present? or in other words of Bergson : what makes the Ever duration, Homogeneous Duration works that Bergson did not solve? He sensed and wrote that Causality does not give enough explanation and could not find the answer.

        Causality is a special case in the occurrence of Phenomenon and in reality phenomena are occurring based on the natural language of Movements. The language of the attributes of Movements.

        As to your last question, since It is all potential information of the possible actions in the relations of each "existent" in the relation, there is a choice of actions (conscious or unconscious) for each of them. This choice I define as "natural choice" bound by the environment. Since each Movement-Phenomenon is finite, the relationships always change the potential choices of action. Once a potential action is chosen the relation change again, and in this way you get a perpetuum mobile of the duration of the ever changing present.

        I think that the Mathematics of physics needs a modeling breakthrough. Its Time to philosophy to challenge science and open our horizon. Maybe string theory will be able to calculate the existents of attributes to a movement smaller than 1 in power of -34 to ratify its existent. We today, ratify the existence of quarks at a nano level of 1 in the power of -24. So, there is a way we have to go.

        I hope I explained some of your questions and our essay are exposed to large (relative) potential readers through this relationship with FQXi.

        Thanks again


        Dear Yehuda,

        Your essay is humane and poetic, with some elegiac taste, sometimes reminding me the book of Kohelet. Thanks. Of course, matching that sort of vision with the mathematical laws, plus being limited by 25Kch, is not an easy job. Well, I am just curious, how the "unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics" in physics (Wigner) could be matched with your picture? Are the two compatible at all?

        Your questions and additional comments to our essay would be highly appreciated.

        All the best,

        Alexey Burov.

        5 months later
        6 days later

        Dear hellen

        Thanks. You can simply download Essay PDF File up above.

        Have a nice weekend


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